Special To Me ¦ Shokugeki No...

By GalaxyStars29

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"Don't you get it? I chose you. I fucking chose you over everything else because you're special to me. I chos... More

C1. Exams
C2. Dorm
C3. Welcome Party
C4. Shokugeki
C5. Meat Master
C6. Hellish Training Camp
C7. First Assignment
C8. Megumi's Expulsion
C9. Shokugeki with the Alumni
C10. Breakfast Buffet
C11. Car Ride
C12. Karaage Wars
C13. Competitors
C14. Announcement
C15. Difference
C16. Challengers
C17. Leave
C18. To Italy
C19. The Return
C20. A Long Night
C21. Surprising News
C22. Meeting the Brother
C23. Officially Dismissed
C24. Back Home
C25. Dinner Conversations and News
C26. Surprise Visit
C27. Escapes and Confessions
Christmas A/N MUST READ
S1. Surprises on Valentines Day
S2. Dinner on White Day
S3. Graduation Day
S4. Summer
S5. Her Birthday
S6. His Birthday
S8. New Years

S7. Christmas

986 27 3
By GalaxyStars29

A/N: yall should enjoy this 5.7K words. I went a little overboard hehe..


Planning in advance had been one of Ayano's best trait ever since she got a boyfriend. She planned out Valentine's Day, that surprise visit during Souma's Graduation day, and even making a plan for Souma's birthday a month before.

Yet after all this time, she's stuck. Ayano isn't sure what to do with her boyfriend to celebrate Christmas. 

"Why don't you bring him over?" Saito then suggests to his sister simply.

The brunette looks at him, pondering on the thought. It isn't such a bad idea, but she's not so sure how it'll be for Souma.

"It's worth a try," Saito says. "Meeting your boyfriend's dad would be cool, too."

Ayano shot him a annoyed look. She hated most of the time that Saito seemed much more experienced than her. They started dating almost at the same time, more or less, so how come he knows more than her?

Saito just sighs at her. "The reason why I have many ideas is because Krista and I talk a lot," he explained, "She and I have plans for the rest of the month beginning next week."

"And that is?" The sister lifts a brow in question at his so called plans.

"I know I'm young, but that means I have a whole lot of time in my hands. Krista and I will be going out a lot, but she'll finally have dinner with us. I'll meet her family, too. She wants to go sightseeing, so I agreed, and also--.."

"Stop," Ayano raises her hand to signal him. "You've seriously planned everything?"

Saito shrugs his shoulders, "Give or take, yeah? We know what we want to do, so we'll just stick to that."

The female between the two doesn't say anything in return. She blankly stares at the wall, thinking of how she should spend her Christmas.

"You know.." Saito began slowly, "You can just talk to Souma-nii about it. I'm sure he wants to spend more time with you, too."

"I know he does. We both do," Ayano says with a heavy sigh. 

"Have you ever asked him what he wants to do? Maybe he would like to do something you haven't thought about yet," this time, Saito's tone is polite and calm. He's genuinely giving advice to his sister.

She nods her head willingly. "Alright. I guess you're right. I'll go talk to him."

As Ayano stood up, Saito grins, "You can thank me later."

"Shut up."

Ayano picks up her phone from the coffee table, and then quickly went up to her room to make a phone call. She knows that Souma isn't as busy as he was when he was a first year. He only had paper work, classes and maybe a couple of Shokugekis to worry about.

There's a few moments of silence, awaiting for an answer. When the redhead picks up, Ayano almost releases a sigh.

".. Wassup, Aya?"

His greeting is so Souma it just makes her smile.

"Afternoon, Souma. I'm doing fine. How are you holding up this month?"

"Usual stuff. Classes are hard, but nothing I can't handle."

"It must be exhausting. I can tell you've been dozing off."

"Yeah? Tadokoro and the others tell me the same thing."

The name has her heart squeezing for a split second. Yes, they've discussed about it and everything, but she's a little bit uneasy sometimes.

"Anyway, the reason why I called.." She trails off, wanting to change topic. 

She doesn't know that Souma frowns at her words. He's not worried about what she has to say, it's more like he knew he said something to upset her. He began replaying the words he said, and finally found it after awhile-- the mention of his first ever friend in Tootsuki.

".. Hello? Souma, you still there?" Her voice brings him back to reality.

"Uh, yeah. So why did you call?" He acts as if he didn't figure it all out.

"You know that Christmas isn't that far, right? I was thinking if you wanted to do anything for the occasion?" There. She finally asks him the question.

There's a pause from the other line.

Ayano listens to his breathing, letting it calm her. 

"I've been thinkin' 'bout it, to be honest."

"I'm listening."

So they talked, discussed and said all their opinions. They jotted down notes and marked their calendars for all their plans.

It took them a few hours, in actuality. They got sidetracked most of the time, but they got what they wanted: a plan during the holidays.

"Okay, we're done."

His sigh tells Ayano that he's so done.

"Took us long, but it's worth it."

"Yeah, especially if I get to see you in a really nice getup."

"I always dress nicely, of course."

"Just admit you wanna impress me."

"I-Impressing you isn't that hard! Plus, I don't need to try so hard to look nice." That's a lie.

"Huh, guess you're right." He didn't know a thing.

There's yelling from what Ayano can tell, and she knows that Souma is needed for something.

".. Aya.."

"Just go," she smiles as she imagines him pouting.

"I wish we had more time.."

"We arranged twelve days together, Souma. We have less than two weeks left.""

"Aight. I'll see you?"

"Do you not want to?"

"Okay, okay, sorry. I'll hang up already. Love you."

She almost melts at the last two words.

"Love you, too, Souma."

Ayano hears the line beep, and she knew the call was over. Though her smile doesn't falter. She loved the plan they had discussed. 

What they were going to do?

Spend twelve days together during the holidays. Christmas day will be their last, so they'll have to make it last.

Day 1

Saito has been wondering what would his sister and her boyfriend would do for the winter holidays. He couldn't get an answer from her for so long.

However, Ayano had revealed that Souma would be joining them for dinner. Saito was pleased to hear this, at least.

So when night time had came, Souma is welcomed inside their humble home.

"Nice to see you again, Souma-nii," the younger Hirashima greeted the redhead with a small smile on his face.

"Back right at you, kid," Souma nodded as well. He simply smiled thinly to hide his nervousness, even though there's really nothing to worry about.

Up front, Koutarou stood there firmly with no expression on his face. Souma stares at the man, and puts on a charming smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Hirashima!" He takes out his hand for a shake, which the older man accepted.

"Likewise, Yukihira," Koutarou nodded.

"You can call me Souma, Mr. Hirashima," Souma offers kindly, still having that boyish grin on his face.

Koutarou nodded again, not saying anything at all. It was awkward, but good thing Ayano came in the scene.

"Dinner is ready, everyone!" She calls to them happily.

"You'll love the food, Souma-nii!" Suddenly, Saito has this sparkly aura around him at the mention of food. He grabs Souma's by the sleeve of his top, and pulls him to the dining area.

Ayano then nudges her father's side. "You don't need to be so hard on him, dad," she tells him.

Koutarou shook his head, "Nonsense. I have every right to."

"You'll be friends in no time, don't worry," his eldest reassures him. "Now let's go eat!"

Dinner did go by smoothly. Souma had gotten to know Ayano's family more. He did, in fact, warmed up to Koutarou. Both men were nice and respectful to one another, it was something to be happy about.

Day 2

The next day, Ayano and Souma had went out to the city.

They strolled around, hand in hand. The gloves didn't help them much from the cold, but Souma was sure to give Ayano as much warmth as he could. 

"It's not everyday we get to go out like this, yeah?" Souma questions leisurely, glancing at the brunette.

Ayano nods her head, a small smile on her face. "The new scenery is refreshing," she agreed with him.

"Was thinking about that, too," Souma says. "But I wanted to bring you here because I wanna show 'ya somethin' amazing."

The female lifts a brow at the redhead. "Really now? I'm looking forward to it."

Souma led the way to wherever it is he wanted to go. As they walked forward, Souma brought their joined hands forward to point at a bridge.

"See that? That's the place," Souma grins excitedly to himself.

Ayano became even more confused. "I'm.. Not sure if that clears anything up at all, Souma."

Souma shot her a look as if she was crazy. "You've got to be kidding me, Aya!" He exclaims, surprised. "You dunno what it is?!"

"You're making me look like a bigger fool," Ayano deadpans, her smile now in a thin line.

"Nah," Souma reassures her, the grin back on his face. "This just means that I'm the first to show it to you. That makes it all the more special, 'ya know?"

It turns out that Souma had brought Ayano to a lock bridge. The place where couples attach a lock to the bridge and throw the key unto the water to symbolize their undying love for each other.

Upom realizing what it is, Ayano turns to her boyfriend. "Souma, I'm so sorry for not realizing sooner.."

She gets a kiss on her gloved hand as a response in action. "Don't worry 'bout anything, Aya!"

"I must have discouraged you awhile back," she then frowns in remembrance.

"I'm the first to show you a place like this, that alone makes me happy, okay?" Souma sincerely reassures her.

Ayano doesn't say anything, just squeezing his hand. Her heart races at his words and she's afraid that she would skittishly stammer in front of him and reveal that she's really touched by his words.

They bought a lock and key, then picking a spot attach it.

".. Okay," Souma held out his hand that had the key on top of it. "We'll throw it together."

"That's just how it goes?" Ayano curiously asks him.

Souma shrugs his shoulders. "I know in traditions or whatever they just lock it and throw the key away."

"Why don't we do something different than the others? Something that makes this all the more special?" Ayano then suggests to him.

"Like what?" His head tilt is so adorable that Ayano had to bite back a laugh.

".. We could make a wish, or maybe some sort of promise," she suggests after a few moments of waiting.

"That ain't bad," Souma admits, in awe.

"Of course it isn't," Ayano grins, taking his hand that held the key.

"I'll go first. You ready?" Souma looks at the water below the bridge, already having something to say despite the time he had to think of it.

She hums, and the redhead squeezes her hand as he looks back into her eyes.

There's love and admiration in his golden orbs. Any signs of mischief were gone for a moment, and Ayano thinks that she loves him a little bit more after that.

".. All of my firsts, Ayano, from now on," Souma began slowly, face serious, "All of them will be yours. It's a promise."

He has a way with words that just pulls Ayano's heart strings. It's a way that's so him. So honest and determined to keep his words. 

Ayano takes a deep breath, trying to calm her beating heart. She knows her cheeks are red, but she hopes that Souma thinks it's just because of the cold. 

Without further ado, Ayano opens her mouth to speak. "My promise to you, Souma, is to love and accept you for who you are. I will love you no matter what."

Then, they both raise their hands, swung it and threw the key into the water.

Day 3

Ayano finds herself on Souma's rooftop the following evening.

Their next activity is to stargaze. It seemed so fun and romantic, so Ayano had went with that idea. It was Souma's idea to have it venue at his place, knowing it was the perfect spot away from the city lights and everything.

"You know I don't really know any constellations, right?" Souma turns to his girlfriend as he informs her.

She let's out a laugh. "Me, too, Souma. But the stars are beautiful," she says as she looks at the sky.

She looks at the sky, not knowing that Souma still had his eyes on her. "Yeah, really beautiful."

Ayano was about to say something to Souma. But when she looks at him, and finds that he's staring at her with those loving eyes, she shies away in embarrassment.

Souma chuckles at her oh so adorable reaction. He uses his free hand to have her face him, and grins. "You're beautiful, princess."

The blush on her cheeks is more than enough to boost his ego, Ayano knows that. ".. Thanks."

The male chefs finds himself inching closer to her, so close that his breath is already fanning her face. The minty and somehow sweet smell has Ayano dizzy, and she unknowingly holds her breath.

Both of their hearts are beating, racing as if it ran a marathon. They both remembered that night months ago in this same rooftop; the events that took place, the kiss that Ayano knew Souma was more than willing to give to her.

And so, she gives in to her desires and tilts sideawards, connecting her lips to his in a kiss.

In the end, they weren't able to look at the stars as much as they thought.

Day 4

"Stop panicking."

"I can't help it!"

"You're overdoing it."

".. Am I?"

Souma and Ayano are both still in the former's place.

For the fourth day, the plan is to have Ayano meet Souma's friends from the shopping district. Ayano can't help but feel skittish about meeting them. 

"You look fine, aight?" Souma reassures with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.

The female stood in front of the mirror on the wall, fixing her hair and her face with a light touch of make up.

Many persuasions later, Souma finally got Ayano out of his home. He took her out into town as if they were strolling around the park. 

Souma first took Ayano to meet the chairman again. But this time, he introduced her as his girlfriend. The chairman was overjoyed, and he went out into the street to yell in celebration. 

People who were passing by that were close or know Souma had went in to see what all the commotion is all about. 

Ayano met many people, even seeing Souma's childhood friend Kurase. She was accepted by the townspeople with great enthusiasm and excitement.

And, she also met Souma's beloved Ba-chan. The old woman had greeted her with a wide smile, talking to her like any other normal person.

Basically, everything went smoothly. She didn't really need to panic about anything. She felt really at home there in the Sumire Shopping District.

Day 5

They had dinner at Polar Star the next evening. Of course, they wanted to celebrate the holiday with their close friends as well. 

Some like Megumi had even given them a gift. 

"Even though Ayano-chan doesn't go to Tootsuki with us anymore, I still think of you as a friend," Megumi had spoke as she gave the perfectly gift wrapped box. She held herself from crying right there.

Ayano smiles widely, taking the gift and pulling the giver into a hug. She squeezes her in happiness, "Thank you, Megumi."

Surprisingly, the new student named Kenji had also given Ayano a gift.

".. So, uh, this is my gift for you. Please also accept it as a apology for not knowing that you and Yukihira-senpai are.." He gulps, averting his gaze, "You know, together.."

The brunette first looks at the gift, then at Kenji. She smiles, taking the box. "Thank you very much, Ando."

Souma suddenly appears, taking Ayano by her hand. "Yo, wassup. You guys done? Imma still this cutie for a bit," he said innocently, grinning.

Kenji shyly nodded his head. "I-It's fine, Yukihira-senpai! We're done talking."

"Thanks," Souma curtly nods. "Oh, and Yoshino is calling you. Something about your secret stash of cookies in the cupboard?"

His eyes grow wide, and he dashes to the kitchen without another word.

".. Are you seriously doing all this on purpose?" Ayano goes straight to the point with her question, brows together.

"Doing what?" The redhead innocently tilts his head to the side.

"Nevermind," the female shook her head, dragging him to the dining area.

It still felt like home in the Polar Star Dorm.

Day 6

"I've got Christmas lights, this small Christmas tree, even several ornaments. What do you think?"

"You're overdoing it."

Next on the list, they're going to decorate Souma's room. Since they couldn't decorate Ayano's room, or even her restaurant, his room is the only option left.

Ayano brought more than enough decorations for his room. She became a bit too excited for it, but Souma thought it was adorable.

"I'm not.. Am I?" Ayano hesitantly asks, looking at all the decorations she brought with her. 

Souma softly smiles at her actions. He takes a step towards her and pats her head unexpectedly, grinning ever so boyishly. "Keep going. I'll just follow your lead."

Souma assisted Ayano on decorating his room. He carried her on his shoulders to hang the lights, placed the small Christmas tree on his desk, and they made cards for each other to read on Christmas Day.

When all of that was over, they laid on Souma's bed, exhausted but happy. 

"You know, it's my first time to spend Christmas away from my family," Ayano quietly began only to the two of them.

Souma sends her a frown, filled with sorrow and pity.

She looks up to the redhead, a forced smile on her face. "Saito is spending time with his girlfriend, and dad is taking over the restaurant. On the final day, I'm very sure he'll be visiting mom's grave.."

"Do you want to visit your mom?" Souma brought up the question head on.

".. I'm not ready yet," Ayano answers with a sad tone that Souma obviously picked up.

"But today was fun, right?" Souma changes topics afterwards. He knew it was a sensitive topic, so he won't force it.

Her frown changes into a large smile. "I'm glad I got to spend time with you."

His lips connects with her forehead. "Me, too, Ayano."

Day 7

"I'm never going to get sick of your face."

Ayano playfully rolls her eyes at Souma's immediate comment once he opened his door. 

"For seven days straight, Souma," Ayano mentions to the male.

"We've got five days more, Aya. I'm making this all worth it," he says as he let's her inside his room, carrying her bags to one place.

For the evening, the plan is to have a movie night. Souma and Ayano are both looking forward to it, but the former was looking forward to what will be happening during the movie.

"What'cha want? Horror? Comedy? Romance?" Souma began pulling out CDs from a box, showing it all to her.

Ayano shrugs her shoulders lazily. "I'm not much into movies. What do you want?"

Souma evilly smirks, "Horror."

The residents of the dorm were filled with high pitched, frightened screams almost the whole night.

Souma tells himself to never watch a horror movie with his girlfriend again.

Day 8

This time, the couple finds themselves inside a empty restaurant building. Chairs and tables were pulled to the side, boxes filled with decorations at the middle of the room.

"'Kay, what kind of decorating will we do here?" The male between the two asks, his arms crossed above his torso. 

Ayano cheerfully smiles at the question that leaves his lips. It was like a trigger. "Not too quotidian, or too grotesque," she informs him, approaching the boxes.

"Quo--what? Gross?" Souma knits his brows in complete confusion at her words. He never knew she even has words like that in her vocabulary!

Ayano let's out a amused laugh at him. She looks at the redhead over her shoulder, thinly smiling. "Not too plain or classy. I want my guests to feel at home and welcomed here; nothing that will make them too uncomfortable," she thoroughly explains to him.

"Oh!" Souma nodded slowly, now catching on to what she's saying.

"Do you have any ideas?" Ayano returns the question to the male, back turned to him as she looked through the contents of the boxes.

Hands behind his head, he began to ponder. "Uh.. I'm not sure about all this. I'll just be helping you out," he says in his ever so casual voice.

In the end, Ayano had taken charge of decorating her restaurant. Souma had helped out with setting the tables and chairs, uttering his opinions sometimes when he thinks something is out of place.

Souma was really proud of his girlfriend. She had really put all her effort into decorating the place correctly. 

"Sometimes I think you're way older than me," Souma had spoken after awhile of silence. He glances behind his shoulder to peek at the female tidying up the counter place, letting himself smile at her fussy actions.

"I technically am older than you," Ayano points out blankly to Souma. She looks up, only to lock with his bright colored eyes. She felt her stomach tingle, and her heart flutter. 

"I know," Souma chuckles, "But you act more mature than me, 'ya know? Sure you can be shy but only with me and your family."

Ayano laughs at his blabbering. "What are you really trying to say, Souma?"

"I mean, you seem to know lots of stuff. What to do and what not to do," he explains again, hoping she would understand his words this time.

"Well, I do think a lot. I think of what I want to do, and just go for it." This time, Ayano is the one giving the explanation. 

Souma walks up to her with swift steps. He kept a close eye on Ayano, watching as she arranges menus and papers and other tools on the counter.

At first, Ayano doesn't notice anything out of the ordinary. And when she looks up, not hearing a response from Souma, she's taken aback to see him just staring at her.

The shade of red on her cheeks give Souma a sense of satisfaction. "Even though you seem mature, you still turn red around me," he commented with a silly grin on his face.

Ayano pouts and harshly places a stack of menus down, face still red from humiliation. "Don't do it purposely!" She exclaims loudly.

Souma shrugs his shoulders, acting all innocent. "I'm just sayin'.."

"Go back to work, Souma!"

Day 9

There were two types of first timers. One, the person who gets it on the first try. Two, the one who fails after numerous times of failing.

In Souma and Ayano's case, the former is the first and the latter is the second type. 

"Yukihira Souma, I swear on these roller skates that I will--!" Ayano didn't get to finish her threat as she falls on her bottom again. It's the fifth time, at least, that she's seen failing.

Souma grins at her state. He cups his ear, leaning towards her, body bent sidewards, "Wha'ddya say?"

Pouting, Ayano flails her arms like a child not getting the toy he wanted. "I never even agreed to this day! Change of plans, Souma!" She demands from him.

"No can do, princess," Souma chuckles at her yells. "We already paid for everything. Plus it's fun to see you in this state."

Ayano stands up shakily, attempting to not fall again. However, she is unsuccessful. She falls again, and she cries in pain.

Souma laughs at the scene unfold. In all honesty, it's amusing to see her so uncomposed. She isn't usually like this, so it'll be nice to see this side of her all to himself. Yet when he doesn't hear a retort from her, he stops laughing and looks at the brunette curiously.

"Aya? You okay?" He bends a little again, checking up on her. "Here, take my hand this time. I'll help you," his words were sincere and full of concern.

And as Ayano grabs his hand, he gasps in shock when he finds himself on the ice beside Ayano. He turns his head quickly towards her, and deadpans at her shaking figure. She's shaking, because of laughter.

"I really got you there! I didn't think you would fall for it!" Ayano says between her laughs and giggles.

"Haha, very funny," Souma laughs in an unamused manner, face blank.

Minutes of laughing, Ayano had finally stopped. She squeezes the hand she held, tugging on his arm. "Souma, you've got to help me out. For real, this time."

"You're sure I should believe you?" Souma curiously asks her, a brow lifted.

The female nods her head. "My foot actually hurts. This isn't a joke."

Souma stands up, pulling her with him. But she ends back on the ice, not able to stand with one foot and leg only. 

"You weren't kidding," Souma sighs, looking at the injured foot.

"You'll help me, right??" Ayano bats her eyelashes at him innocently.

Souma tangles his hand through his hair. He groans, but then a grin is plastered on his face when he thinks of something for payback.

"Okay, I'll pull you up and grab unto me," Souma instructs her, ready to pull.


Before she knew it, she finds herself being carried around place. She hides her face with her hands, screaming and telling Souma to put her down.

It was all worth the payback 

Day 10

"Shoot, Sakaki!"

"Are you out of your mind?!"

"Dodge, dodge!"

"Get out of the way, four eyes!"

What a lovely afternoon to have a snow fight outside the dorm.

Souma's targer is his girlfriend. He stealthily stalked a few feet behind her, a snowball in hand. 

His plan fails when he accidentally steps on something solid that reached Ayano's ears. The said female looks behind her, and Souma didn't have a choice but to throw snow at her or else she'll run away.

The snowball hits her square on the face, and she dramatically falls on her back.

When she doesn't get up, Souma approaches her cautiously.

Ayano doesn't move, and Souma sees this as a sign that he hit her a bit too hard.

Yet again, he's taken in surprise when his arm gets pulled and he feels the freezing snow under his body. 

Ayano had tricked him, again.

"Get off me, you're heavy," Souma whines, not liking the feeling of snow under his head. 

"And you hit me with a snowball," Ayano retorts back.

Souma chuckles at her childishness. He's seeing more of her fun side during this holiday. He loves that she's acting like a kid, and not some woman in her twenties already.

He lands a kiss on her forehead, then on her cheek, her nose, and also a light peck on her lips. "There. Happy now?"

"I want a hot drink," Ayano demands not so playfully anymore.

"You can drink m--!" Before Souma could finish his sentence, a snowball makes contact with his face. He shivers at the feeling, wiping the snow off of his face.

"Not you, hot chocolate or coffee. I want tea," Ayano resumes to say her request, more like demand, from earlier.

Sighing, Souma gives in. "Fine. Lemongrass?"

"You know me so well."

Day 11

The end is nearing, and Ayano is not looking forward to what is to come after that.

"Say, what will happen after all this?" Souma had asked her as they walked around the city.

They came to the city during night time to view the best lights. Many people were there, couples and singles and families alike.

"New Years will be dull without you," Ayano sighs as she answers.

Souma beams a grin towards her. "Don't worry now, Aya. There's always next year," he says to cheer her up. But deep inside, he's upset, too.

"That will be a long time. You'll be a third year, then," Ayano tells him, slightly cheering up at the fact that's he's come a really long way.

"Hard to believe I'm graduating soon," Souma smiles in a nostalgic manner.

"It felt not too long ago when we met during the day of the exam," a soft laugh leaves her as she reminisces of that day. The day where they met.

They engaged in a conversation about that time, and their adventures that follow. It wasn't much, but it held so much meaning behind it all.

By the time there were in front of the huge and extravagant looking Christmas tree in the middle of the city, they had stopped talking. Instead, they soaked in each other's presense and enjoyed the warmth the other had radiated.

Souma looks at the tree for a good three to five minutes, then he diverts his attention to the female beside him. He smiles a smile that held so much softness and love and appreciation. He looks at her as if she placed the stars in the sky, as if she was the only girl in the world.

"The lights are really bright from this angle, right?" Ayano asks as she stares the tree in front of them, amazed. When she doesn't hear a response, she turns to her right to check on him, and she's looking deeply into his eyes.

It felt like an eternity, but it was only a few minutes when Ayano broke the silence. "Why are you staring?" She asks with a smile.

Instead of answering, Souma pulls her by the back of her head, locking her lips with his own.

People around them were counting down, but they didn't care.

"Five! Four! Three! Two... One!! Merry Christmas!!"

Souma then pulls away from her, grinning as he breathed heavily. "Merry Christmas, Aya. I love you "

"I love you, too, Souma."

Day 12

The last day. The day they dreaded the most.

Despite the heavy feeling in their hearts, they still acted happy around each other.

For the last day, they had the restaurant all for themselves.

What they were doing? What they do best, that something that brought them both together: cooking.

"I told you, I have no favorites," Souma says for the sixth time that day to Ayano. "Anything you cook will be fine."

"You have to have a favorite. You need to," Ayano responded back from the other side of the kitchen. 

"If I have to choose, then your cooking is my favorite," Souma honestly says, with no sign of mischief in his tone of voice.

Hiding a blush, Ayano nodded. "I guess I'll have to go with that.."

They cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for each other. It may seem boring, but for the two of them, it was a very special.

When night time came, and they laid on the makeshift bed somewhere at the back room, Ayano is somehow quiet. Souma realizes this when Ayano doesn't say anything about his finger drawing random strokes on her back.

"Aya.." Souma whispers, earning a hum as a response. "What are you thinking about? You're quiet."

Ayano flips to be able to face the redhead. There's a sad smile on her face, and she opens her mouth to say something, but no words sounded. 

A sigh leaves Souma at her sudden silence and reluctance. He places a hand on her cheek, thumb sliding left and right repeatedly. "You okay?" He softly asks in a whisper.

"There's something I haven't told you yet," Ayano breathes out, closing her eyes for a moment. Her hand settles on top of his calloused but warm hand, calming herself.

"Good news or bad news?" Trying to light up the mood, Souma then asks. The sudden uneasiness he feels isn't going away, and he doesn't like it.

"It's suppose to be good, but it's bad news for us.." The tone in her voice is no joke.

Souma prepares himself for the worse.

"I have to go, Souma. I have to leave for an entire year to go to another country.."

Souma, meanwhile, seems to be holding himself well. He doesn't look as surprised as Ayano thought he would be. 

"Aren't you mad?" Ayano questions him curiously. She began to think he didn't care, but that isn't the case at all.

".. Well, I kinda understand that. My pops suddenly left to cook around the world, so I'm used to it," he responds with a forced smile.

"But I won't see you," Ayano says in a low, sad toned voice. "It'll be hard with the different time zones, and also because you'll be busier with school."

Souma shakes his head at all of her words. "What are you tryna say anyway? I'll wait for you, that's all there is to it."

A tear rolls down her cheek, which Souma wipes away with his thumb.

"What if.. What if I change. Or if you change, and then you wouldn't want to be with me anymore..." Saying her deepest thoughts, Ayano bashfully looks away.

Her worrying has Souma fully taking her in his arms. He lays his chin on the top of her head, sighing. "Nah, don't sweat it."

Ayano is sniffling by now, tears falling one by one on Souma's shirt. "I don't want to lose you, Souma.."

"I don't wanna lose you, too," Souma replies sadly, "But I'm willing to wait, you're worth it, Aya."

His sincere words makes her cry more.

".. H-Hey," Souma isn't sure if he should stop her from crying or to just have her let it all out. "It's Christmas! You shouldn't cry."

She slightly pulls away and wipes her tears away. "I know.. I'm just, so touched by your words."

He calms down, knowing that she's slowly calming down as well. 

"You know, I'm not that much of a patient person when it comes to you," Souma informs her with a chuckle. "But if it takes a year to have you with me again, I'll wait. You're worth it, Ayano."

The brunette bites her lips to muffle a whimper, blinking her tears away. "Souma, I.."

"Shh," Souma lowers his forehead down to hers, silencing her with his eyes. 

She complies, not saying a word as she moves forward to meet with his lips.

They pull away a minute later. Souma grins at Ayano's red face and swollen lips. "Merry Christmas, Ayano."

"Merry Christmas, Souma."

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