Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

2.7K 56 0

The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 12

37 1 0
By Pastwitch98

Kya's POV:

"Theses are the corrations from yesturday." Cam brought up several programs on the lab's computer. Each program was labeled with a game icon. Normally, I'll only vierlaze and guide, when on lab duty. Only once have I ever had to hack. That nearly ended in disrtactor. "The extracted data should appear here." Cam gesturyed to the glowing bar. "Keep an eyes on Emi's life points. Should they go below twenty-five, activite the boostor program."

Cam's explaintaions lasted for another twenty minutes. Everything blurred together, confusing me. "Just tell me the three most important things." Being the only person other then Cam to know how to use the supercomputer is annoying. I'm responsible for getting everyone to Lyoko safely. Should esomething go wrong, I won't know what to do. This was another reason Cam stayed on earth. Honsetly, I wish I as goign instead.

"Corration's difection and way tower locations, Emi's life points and boostor program, and data collection bar." Hitting several buttons, these programs became highlighted in gold. "Keep an eye out for Xana." Cam left for the scanner room, allowing me to take over.

"Your off to the forset sector." Entering the corrations, the viration program began. "Transfer Cam, Scanner Cam, Virtalztion!" I held my breath, waiting for Cam to confirm he'd made it. His avatar appeared, along with his current location on Lyoko. "Cam?"

"I'm here." Cam's voice allowed me to relax. "You mangaed to viratze me in front of the tower." Cam began moving towards the tower. Upon him entering the tower, a new window opened revealing trillons of codes. Cam warned this might happen, since he wasn't Emi. The codes were the tower's way of trying to recongize Cam. Which is weird, because this never happened whenever the rest of us entered the tower. Cam's long explaintion was that the tower(s) might be protecting Emi's code. The tower(s) might see Cam as a prontous threat, because of his ability Override.

"I'm sending the data to you now." Cam's voice brought my attention back to the task. "It'll take about an hour to sought through the data." Which meant about four houyrs to find Emi. Good thing I brought school work.


Lynn's POV:

"Don't worry, the teachers think Cam is helping Ms. Tiya and your at an extra practice. I'll tell Alexei." Kya called after lunch to give an update. They've been working for about five hours and were only halfway done. This is taking longer then expected. Alexei's going to have a harder time with ihs afternoon teachers. It helped that Ms. Tiya often 'borrows' Cam or Alexei. Them missingc class for her isn't unusal. Finding an excuse for Kya took creativy. She's been excused from class sometimes for extra practices. Missing to many classes will affact her overall grade.

"Any word?" Alexei had spent lunch in the library. He wanted to get a had start on homework, before practice after school.

"Cam's finished the forest and mounation sector towers. He's heading for the desret sector now." Putting a coin in the machine, I got a soad. "It's taking longer then they thought. While Xana's left them alone, their having trouble gathering all of Emi's data from the towers."

Alexei checked his watch. "Will they make it beefore teh deadline?" Alexei is right to worry. By 5pm today, Emi's life points will reach zero. If that happened, we'll lose Emi forever.

"They should. Cam's been able to use Override without problems, so far." I didn't state the fact that Cam's side effects will be worst than usual. We don't know why, but using Override taxes Cam. Stranger, the effects stay once he's back on Earth. They haven't been to much of a problem once a return to the past is used. "Either way, there's nothing we can do. We'll head to the manion after school." Alexei reluckdly agreed, before heading to class.


Alexei's POV:

The day dragged on endlessly. I'd been pulled out of afternoon classes, along with Lynn, for a last minute soccer practice. Our next game is a week away, against Kadic Academy. Kadic Academy is the closest school to us and one of the best. We've played against them before, losing after going into double over time. Coach really once us to win this time. "Alright, let's begin!" Coach blew his whilse, signaling the beginning of practice.

Avery quickly took control of the ball and began racing towards my goal. Somehow, I was picked as goalie today, since our regluar goalie couldn't get out of a test. Needless to say, I don't like standing inside a giant net! "Alexei!" Lynn called, as the soccer ball zipped past my head. Lost in thought, I'd failed my team by allowing Blayne to make the first goal.

"Get your head out of the clouds Alexei." Coach appeared less then pleased by my mistake. Unlike Lynn, I usually enjoyed playing sports. Today just wasn't one of those days. I've been to worried about Emi to think about anything else. Without Emi, our group wouldn't have become friends. Sure Cam and I would still be friends, as would Kya and Lynn. But we wouldn't know each other. Cam wouldn't have a friends who loves video games as much as him. Kya would always have reminded suck on the same boss battle forever. I've finall got friends who will workout with me and sit through my movie selections. Who knows what would've happened to Emi had we not found her? Would another group be willing to risk Lyoko's dangers and Xana to help Emi.

"Take five Alexei." Coach groaned, annoyed with how badly I've been playing. "We'll never beat Kadic if we don't work as a team." He turned order someone else to replace me as goalie.

Walking to the sidelines, I noticed Avery ordering some of the younger members around. Annoyed, I went over to confront him. "What's your problem, Blayne? Can't you stop being a jerk for three seconds?"

Blayne gritted his teeth, unamused by my statement. "Shouldn't you worry about yourself? The way you've been playing, we might as well hand Kadic the win."

This jerk thinks he can boss everyone around just because his the team's star player and Coach's favorite. Okay, so me and Lynn are also among the Coach's favorites. But we don't let the attention swell our heads. Why does Mara hang out with this jerk? Does she have a crush on him? She could do so much better. How Lynn can stand living with him is beyond me. I'd have been expelled on the first night sharing a room with him. "Could you deflate your ego long enough to remember we're a team? Maybe if you'd stop harassing younger teammates long enough to help them, we'd have beaten Kadic last time."

Avery's face became red with anger. "What was that Lexi?" He shouted the dregged nickname Mara gave me. I'd have taken Alexis over Lexi. It's to close to my sister, Lexa's name. "Just because Coach pities you to let you remain on the team doesn't give you the right to speak out of turn."

Rolling my eyes, I grinned. "Oh, I'm sorry Avery. I forgot you've got a fraigle ego and need praise every five seconds." Was it wise to poke the bear? No. Did I care? Nope. Someone had to put Avery in his place. Everyone's either to scare, sucking-up, or doesn't care enough to stand up to Avery. Lynn would do it, if his scholarship wouldn't be at risk. Lynn needs to remain on varies sports teams throughout the school year, while staying out of trouble. While I on the other hand, am free to do just about whatever I want. As long as mom doesn't find out. She does work at my school, which has some benefits. Benefits I try not to use. "What's wrong? Baby Avery need someone to stroke his wittle eg-"

Avery fist connected with my jaw, knocking me to the ground. Before I could recover, Avery was on top of me. My arms came up to cover my face from Avery's blows. How could I forget, Avery boxes. Each punch isn't a normal hit. Avery's strikes were made to deliver the maxiume amout of pain possblie within a short amount of time. I'm not completely defenseless. My time on Lyoko has honed many skills that can be translated into the real world. Like Kya, I also do parkour and have trained in hand-to-hand combat. My parents were the type who wanted their child to be well rounded and able to defend himself and others.

Blocking Avery's next attack, I pulled his arm down voilently. The palm of my hand struck upwards, towards Avery's chin. His head knocked back, his body followed, falling backwards off of me. I hastenessed his fall, by helpfully ramming my foot into his stomache. Strammbling up, I trackled Avery to the ground. Recovered from my attack, Avery tried to slam my head into the ground. My elbow slammed into his stomache once to weaken him and again to throw him off balance. Before I could go in for another attack, Lynn pulled me back. "Let me go! He started it!"

"Don't but in Lynn. You can't save Lexi this time." Avery moved to attack, but Coach yanked his arms behind his back.

"What is the meaning of this!" Coach growled. "This isn't a bar. If you two wanna bawl do it outside of school and my practice time. Both of you, to the princapla office."

"He started it Coach." Lynn stated, trying to help. "Avery threw the first punch, Alexei was only defending himself."

Coach's glare made everyone immedaitly shut up. "Unless you want to be kicked off the team, I suggest you be quiet Lynn." Still holding Avery, Coach used his free hand to yank me away from Lynn. "When I get back, everyone had better be practicing. Unless you want five hours of detenion in addition to running laps."

Everyone strammbled to the feild, knowing Coach would make good on his promise. Lynn gave a sad smile, that didn't reasure me, as Avery and I were lead to the princpal's office.


Lynn's POV:

Two hours after Alexei's bawl, pracitce was wincing down. Everyone was exshuated from the drills Coach made us run. He must've really been in bad mood after the fight. Practice ended before school did, which meant we all had to return to our last classes of the day.

I'd just gotten left the locker room, when my cell buzzed. An icon of Xana appeared once the text message opened. "SOS" It said in bold letters undernearth. Seconds later, Kya called. "Hello?"

"Thank goodness someone finally answered." Kya sounded worried. "We've gotten the data from every tower but the ice sector. Cam's there now, but Xana's sent a welcoming party."

Should've known things were going to well. Xana wouldn't miss a chance like this to get rid of the only person able to deactivte his towers. "How big a welcoming party?"

"Remember the attack on the roof?" I cringed at the reminder of that attack. Not a fun one. "About that many and more will be arriving any moment now. Cam's got eightly life points left, luckliy. But someone has to get to Lyoko and help him. I've been calling you guys for twenty mintues, what happened?"

"Calm down and take a deep breath." I took a moment to quickly fill her in on Alexei's situations. At the same time, I headed for the princpal's office "I'm almost there. I can't guratee I'll be able to get him out, but I'll try."

Kya sighed, "If you can't get Alexei, head for the manison alone. I don't know how much longer Cam can last alone."

She hung up, as I arrived outside the office.

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