The Skylark's Snowflake (Hiba...

By Bluemoon609

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This the continuation of the book The Snow Guardian (Hibari x Oc). I don't own KHR, only my characters. More

Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Ouran High School Host Club
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Kyokai In Wonderland
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180~
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190

Chapter 185

710 10 5
By Bluemoon609


Chapter 185


Months have passed ever since. Late at night, the well-known skylark has just arrived home. He sighed heavily at the long day he had and loosened his tie as he removed his shoes at the doorway, he went to the bedroom and found his future wife already asleep. He went to change and prepare before laying down in bed, his back turned to her.

He soon felt shifting behind him, Kyokai then placed her arm around his waist and her leg around his hips, her chest glued to his back "welcome home" she whispered drowsily and kissed the nape of his neck, he hummed and felt her fingers playing with the waistband of his sweatpants "tough day ?" She planted another kiss on his neck "hn" was his only reply, she then slipped her hand under his shirt as trailed her fingertips up and down his torso "are you trying to do something ?" He asked drowsily "as much as I want to do it, I'm really tired" she mumbled "and it seems your so not in the mood"

He sighed and turned to face her, she opened her sleepy eyes "I'm just tired" he rubbed her bare thigh that was around him "I know" she nuzzled his neck "we don't need to force ourselves you know" she stroked his back with her fingers, he hummed and closed his eyes "come here" he laid down on his back and shifted her to lay on top of him, both legs on each side of him "hmm~" they both hummed against the kiss they shared, her hips moved against his and his fingers splayed her backside to pull her closer.

He laid there lazily while she tilted her head and stroked her lips against his, she opened her mouth to his and they hummed as their tongues met. She then lowered her head to kiss his neck "Kyokai, not today" he mattered drowsily and stroked her hair "hm" she replied in agreement "either way, we're out of protection so we won't be doing it" she mumbled and his eyes snapped open "so what if we don't have any ?" He looked at her and she looked back in confusion "what ?"

He sighed and patted her head "nothing, never mind" he shook his head "no, what ?" She shifted and leaned on her elbow "I just don't see why do we need to use condoms if we're going to get married anyways" he explained "well, I don't want anything bad to happen before getting married" she said "are you saying getting you pregnant is a bad thing ?" He asked and she thought for a moment "well it's not bad, but both of us aren't ready to have a child now" she twirled the material of his shirt around her finger and he hugged her in agreement.

"Anyway, you are going to buy them before know..get excited again" she pointed and shifted comfortably, he muffled his groan in his hands "you think it's easy to buy them because I'm a guy ?" He glared and she shrugged "the last time I bought them, the old lady cashier told me to 'have a lovely night' and winked" he said "I don't see that's a bad thing, all cashiers say that" she said "she saw the size of the box and started laughing, saying 'your lover is a lucky one'" he glared and she blinked "well she's not wrong about that" she smirked and he sighed heavily "it's like you buying pads and the cashier is a man" he explained "I see your point now" she mumbled.

She leaned in and pecked his lips "I'm tired, let's go to sleep" she whispered "hn" he wrapped both of his arms around her, she smiled as he kissed her forehead then buried his face in her hair "hey Kyo" she whispered "shut up and go to sleep before I bite you to death" he growled, she chuckled and hugged his waist.

The next morning, he woke up finding the spot next to him was empty. As he walked in the hallway after washing and dressing up, he could hear the chirping of Hibird coming from the kitchen "Hibari ! Hibari !" He glanced inside the kitchen to see Kyokai pouring tea in the mugs while Hibird resting next to her on the counter "no, don't wake him up now" she told the bird "now ?" It chirped "no" she said "now ?" It repeated and she chuckled "no" she shook her head and smiled "here's a treat to quiet you down" she gave it a seed.

She blinked as it flew and landed on the shoulder of its owner, rubbing its head against his extended finger "your bird tricked me" she crossed her arms, he approached her and wrapped his arms around her waist "like pet, like owner" he smirked and kissed her forehead, she huffed and hugged his waist.

She pouted as he kissed her cheek "I sometimes wish I was your pet like Hibird" she mumbled "hn ?" He smirked "you already are, pet" he whispered in her ear and squeezed her backside, she blushed all shades of red "not like that !" She yelled and tried to push him, but he held her close. She squealed as he cupped her cheek to keep her still and nibbled on her neck "d-don't leave a mark !" She whispered and blushed "enough !" She pushed his collar and bit his shoulder hard, which took him by surprise and made Hibird fly away.

She felt his arms drop and flinched as he glanced at the bloody bite she left on his shoulder "Eek !" She got startled when he pinched her cheeks and pulled her toward him "looks like my pet grew some fangs while I was gone" he popped a vein "Gomenasai~" she whimpered and he let go of her "ita~" she rubbed her red cheeks "well at least I bit somewhere less visible" she glared "your not allowed to bite me" he glared "and your not allowed to bite me either !!" She popped a vein "I can make you flushed in one second" he smirked "I think you can't" she crossed her arms "you wanna bet ?" He raised a brow "no ! Because I know you'll win" she huffed.

She covered her mouth when he stepped closer "no" she shook her head "your so cute" he kissed her forehead "nooo !" She covered her forehead with both hands "hn, I win" he smirked at her red cheeks and caught her lips, holding her hands so she won't push him "I should've made a bet" he thought.

"Beach ?" He repeated what she said as they sat across each other, eating breakfast "hm" she nodded and sipped her tea "it's been a really long time since we partied like wild" she smiled "so you'll come ?" She asked and he hummed "don't want to get involved with the crowd" he raised the mug to his lips and she pouted "it won't be fun without you" she said "I bet they think otherwise" he said "either way, I have a lot of work to do, so I'm not free these days" he added "hm" she rested her cheeks on her hands.

She sighed and picked up her plate to the sink "well, I'll go pack my things" she said "I hope I don't forget my new swimsuit Ryohei helped me pick out" she smirked when she sensed him tense behind her "you are not showing too much skin this time, you are going to be a married woman, my woman" he stood up and turned her to face him "you are not wearing something another man's pick, not to mention a swimsuit" he glared, she chuckled and cupped his cheeks "he didn't pick it for me, I'm just kidding"

She pecked his lips "you get jealous easily" she whispered and he growled "but I'm still wearing the swimsuit I picked" she lowered her hands and left the kitchen "not until I see it and give you my approval" he followed her.

=Time Skip=

They all went to the private beach on the day they were all free. Kotoya told Kyokai he won't come because he knew he will go to the hospital afterwards, recalling his last trip to the beach. There she was, sitting on the seat that was on the sheet under the umbrella. She was sitting in front of the ocean where the rest were swimming, she was wearing dark green two piece.

She looked up from her book and raised her sunglasses at the familiar presence "Yo Kai !" Ryohei jogged toward her, Kyokai handed him a towel to dry himself "aren't you going to swim ?" He asked "maybe later, I don't feel like it" she lowered her sunglasses "I see" he smiled and placed the towel on the other seat to sit on it next to her.

He glanced at her as she placed her book aside and fanned herself with a fan "atsui" she mumbled "so does he know about it ?" he looked at her side which she quickly covered her burned scar with the beach scarf, it was still there even after she covered it with make-up "only if you shut your mouth" she glared "he will notice either way" he shrugged "I know, I just don't want to tell him Xanxus was the cause of it" she mumbled "I'll tell him but not right now" he nodded in understanding.

He leaned back and sighed heavily "it's soooo hot" he grumbled "I think there's a cold drink here" she got up and opened the cooler box, he slightly blushed as she bent down to reach inside "ah your lucky" she straightened up "there's only one" she gave him a soda can, his eyes accidently landed on her breasts as she leaned forward a bit, her arms against their sides making him boost up a bit "y-you can have it to the Extreme !" He raised his hands "it's fine, you need it more right ?" She smiled.

He blushed and took it "t-thanks to the Extreme" he looked away and she blinked In confusion "Hahi ! We're out of drinks !?" Haru gaped as she opened the cooler "I was going to get some" Kyokai said "let's go together, since we are a lot" Kyoko smiled "I need to charge my camera from taking a lot pictures" Haru giggled "I forgot the fruit salad inside the fridge" Chrome said "we'll come too" Tsuna said "no need, you guys need to rest" Kyoko shook her head.

Kyokai picked up the cooler box and started walking toward the large beach house, she paused to glance behind her at Ryohei, who was staring at his soda can "do you need anything, Ryohei ?" She leaned over from behind, he got startled out of his skin "n-no !" He told her and she tilted her head "okay" she mumbled and walked away "are you coming Shitopi-chan !?" Adelheid called "hai !" Shitt.P said "I'll be coming back, Gokudera-kun" she whispered behind Gokudera before leaving, sending him the shivers down his spine.

"Now that they're gone, we need to talk about something important" Koyo said "hm hm" they nodded and they looked at Ryohei "hm what ?" Ryohei looked up "is something going on between you and Kai ?" Yamamoto said, Ryohei choked on his drink "w-what !? There's nothing going on to the Extreme !" He blushed "really suspicious" Enma said and the rest nodded.

"We thought about it and reached to a conclusion" Gokudera crossed his arms "c-conclusion ?" Ryohei blinked "yeah, we did" Julie said and Ryohei nervously sweated at their stares "you are in love with your best friend !" Gokudera pointed "WHAT !? I-IM-- HUH !?" Ryohei blushed red "it's pretty obvious with the way you stare at her, senpai" Yamamoto said "just confess to release your stress" Julie said "are you an idiot ? She would reject him right away" Gokudera said "she's also currently engaged to Hibari-san, he would end his life right away" Tsuna said "hey guys ! What are you talking about over there !?" They looked far to the right to see Ikuto buried in the ground beside the head, blindfolded and a watermelon next to him "oh we forgot about him" Julie sweat dropped.

"That's not the only reason to the Extreme.." They looked at Ryohei "that lesson that Reborn told us to do, when we confess our love to a girl.." He said "Kai looked...scared" he clenched on his knees "scared ? What do you mean, Onii-san ?" Tsuna said "when I confessed she looked like she was about to cry.." Ryohei explained "maybe because you confessed to a girl with a boyfriend" he glared "that's not the--" he paled at the voice

"Hibari !" He stood up and looked behind him. Kyoya smirked and remove his sunglasses, instead of wearing a suit, he wore a plain shirt with a white open shirt on it with shorts "oh Hibari came !" Yamamoto grinned "your still in love with my Kyokai, Sasagawa Ryohei ?" Kyoya said, they looked at Ryohei shocked "he knew too ?" Tsuna said "I already told you, she's mine" Kyoya said "so what if I still do, Hibari ?" Ryohei glared "ho ?" Kyoya smirked, they kept glancing between the two while nervously sweating.

They glared at each other, their eyes widen when Ryohei pulled Kyoya's collar and raised his fist while Kyoya pressed the tip of his tonfa under Ryohei's chin "wow hold on !/Onii-san !/don't do anything stupid !!" They tried to break them apart "what's going on here !?" They looked at Adelheid "just a little boxing match to the Extreme !" Ryohei laughed as they pulled back.

Kyokai just approached them and her eyes widen "Kyoya !?" She smiled and ran to hug Kyoya "why are you here ?" She smiled up at him "for you" he spoke honestly then shot Ryohei a look, who glared in return. Kyokai glanced between them "are you two fighting again over something silly ?" She gave him a concerned look "Kyoya, we talked about this" she glared "yeah yeah you talk a lot, let's go" Kyoya put his arm around her shoulders and led her away "where are we going ?" She looked at him "a walk"

Kyoya looked at her as he felt her staring "what ?" He said "is something wrong ?" She asked worriedly "nothing" he shook his head "I want to spend my time with you" he said, she smiled and put her arm around his waist. He pulled her closer to kiss her temple, he glanced at Ryohei from the corner of his eyes and smirked "Hibari-san became more scary" Tsuna nervously sweated and flinched at the dark area next to him "come back here and fight me, Hibari !!" Ryohei yelled, they paled and pulled him back, the girls only watched in confusion.

As it got darker, the gang went to the beach house, sitting in the living room in a circle as always, playing cards "I win" Kyokai lowered her cards "oh come on ! Again !?" The men yelled and tossed their cards "don't let her play again !" Koyo pointed "for once I agree !" Ikuto said "she still doesn't know what we're playing !" Gokudera popped a vein "ce jouons-nous encore? (What are we playing again ?)" Kyokai asked Kyoya in French "aller pêcher (go fish)" Kyoya lied "stop lying ! I know what you guys are saying !" Gokudera yelled.

She smiled as they gathered the cards to shuffle them again "I won five times in a row" she told Kyoya next to her "that's my girl" he put his arm around her shoulders, she smiled and looked at the cards in her hands. He rested his chin on her head and smirked at Ryohei, who was sitting next to Kyokai. They had an electrical line between them and above her head "so deadly" they sweat dropped at the atmosphere.

Haru pouted and rested her head on Gokudera's shoulder "they're so cute desu" she sighed "Hayato-san, I wanna get married" she whined "shut up, stupid woman ! I'm busy !" He popped a vein and glared at his cards "I won again" Kyokai lowered her cards "come on !/stupid game !" They threw their cards in frustration "I like this game" she said "you don't know what game you are playing !" Gokudera yelled.

Kyoya looked at her as she smiled at him, she blushed as he kissed her cheek "Kyoya" she whispered and held her cheek "for winning" he smirking, sensing the deadly area next to her "he's doing it on purpose" the guys thought "that's not fair ! Stop showing affection to make me jealous !" Ikuto pointed "can't you read the atmosphere !" Koyo and Julie punched his head.

Some time later, they prepared BBQ party outside on the wooden surface of the beach porch. The guys set up the lights, the speakers, and so on, while the girls were preparing inside, one by one coming out to help. Meanwhile in Kyokai and Kyoya's room, he entered the room and found her applying lipstick in front of the body mirror, in her red off-shoulders dress that reached her knees.

She glanced at him and smiled "so what do you think ?" She gave him a gentle twirl then fixed her long hair in the mirror. He came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, they swayed gently and he kissed her exposed shoulder. She smiled at their reflection and laughed as he pulled up her collar to cover her cleavage.

His thumbs rubbed circles on her waist "have you been exercising ?" He mumbled against her neck and left a kiss "I have actually" she turned to face him "I could ask you the same" she trailed her fingers from his shoulders to his arms then placed her hands on his chest "oh" she jumped when he grabbed her backside and pressed her against him, she placed her hands on his arms as he kissed the sweet spot on her neck.

He made her step back and rest against the wall "K-Kyoya" she felt his hands slip under dress "I'm serious, love" she cupped his cheeks to make him look at her "as much as I want to do it, we can't" she rested his forehead on hers "why not ?" He mattered against her lips "you know exactly why not" she sighed "I promise, when we get home" she walked passed him "you coming ?" She asked over her shoulder "no" he laid down on the bed with his arms under his head "okay" she exited and closed the door behind her.

They were already started dancing or eating when she got out, she smiled as they cheered when she approached them "Hibari isn't coming ?" Adelheid asked, Kyokai sighed and shook her head "he still hates crowd as usual" she shrugged.

Kyoya opened his eyes at their loud singing of someone's birthday, he got up to the balcony and put his hands in his pockets. He raised a brow at what he was seeing, They all circled Ryohei while singing, Kyokai in front of him holding a candled cake. Kyoya recalled Kyokai mentioning about celebrating Ryohei's birthday way early as it's after two months, since the rest of the gang will be busy the following months.

Kyoya glared as Ryohei nervously rubbed his neck and laughed, his cheeks slightly pink "blow the candles and make a wish !" Kyoko said, they clapped and cheered as Ryohei blew the candles. They screamed as the guys started spraying him with water guns, the girls ran away to avoid the water while Ryohei desperately tried to shield his face from the water.

While Ryohei was changing his clothes, Kyoya continued watching the group dancing "Hibari ! Hibari !" Hibird landed on his shoulder. Kyoya frowned as Yamamoto held his hand toward Kyokai, which she took after placing her drink aside. She almost tripped as he pulled her for a dance, she only got close to whisper in his ear that she doesn't know what to do, he simply laughed and took both of her hands as they moved their feet.

She almost tripped back, but he caught her by placing his hand on her back. She straightened up and bowed her head as an apology, he only waved his hands and laughed. She stood on the side and continued her drink, not realizing she took the wrong glass "Kai" she looked next to her at Ryohei "can I talk to you for a moment ?" He said and she blinked "sure" she placed down an empty glass.

They walked on the side, away from the loud music "did you like my gift ?" She asked "a boxing gloves signed by my favorite boxer ! How did you do it !?" He asked and she shrugged. He watched her as she stepped into the water until it reached her ankles, not caring that she was still wearing her heels, she leaned her head back a bit and sighed as the wind blew her hair.

He only stood near and gulped at that sight "so what did you want to talk about ?" He flinched when she suddenly spoke. She looked down when he grabbed her hand, holding it tightly in his "there is something I have wanted to tell you for a long time" he looked at her and his eyes widen at her flushed face "hm" his heart beat got fast and loud as she rested her head on his shoulder, her hot breath hitting neck "wait, are you drunk !?" He paled "hmmm" he caught her with both arms as she almost slipped from his grip.

He nervously sweated as she wrapped her arms around his neck "how rude, saying I'm drunk when my drink didn't have a drop of alcohol in it" she mumbled "Oi get a hold of yourself" he wrapped his arms tighter around her to prevent her from slipping "shut up, I'm a bit dizzy" she growled and nuzzled his neck.

He got startled when someone cleared their throat, he looked to his left to see an angry Kyoya with his arms crossed "I don't want to hear an explanation, since she is the stupid one here" Kyoya growled "hand over my woman" he extended his arm, which Ryohei didn't argue and let Kyoya take Kyokai from his arms "hey, what are you doing ? I'm not done talking" Kyokai mumbled "shut up" he told her.

He easily avoided everyone and entered the beach house. He sighed heavily as he laid her down on the bed in their room, her legs dangling off the edge. He went to close the door and she sat up to remove her heels, he glanced at her and blinked at her pout. She stood up and approached him, placing her hands lightly on his chest. She looked down with a blushing face "what are you doing ?" He said "I thought, maybe we could..." She mumbled, he cupped her cheek and made her look up "are you drunk ?" He asked "not much" she chuckled "but conscious enough to know what I'm doing" she played with his collar "good enough for me" he held her hips.

He pulled her for a passionate kiss, she moaned and clenched on his chest as they walked farther into the room. He reached behind her and pulled down the zipper of her dress, she lowered her arms for the dress to reach the floor. She roughly pulled off his jacket. He left kisses on her neck while his hands squeezed her thighs and up her backside, she sighed in pleasure and unbuttoned his shirt that he tossed aside after she was done.

Her underwear landed on the floor by him, he sat on a small couch and pulled her to stand between his legs. He turned her around and kissed the end of her back, he sat back and pull her on his lap "I want to get you ready first" he whispered in her ear and spread her legs, he massaged her inner thighs. He trailed up and she shuddered at the feeling of his nails running gently across her skin, he squeezed her breasts gently and folded them together. He hasn't done anything yet and she was already a panting mess.

She jumped when he rubbed between her folds while kissing the sensitive spot on her neck, she closed her eyes in pleasure and whispered his name. Her breathing became uneven as he trailed his fingers down her throat to between her breasts, then back up to move her head and get more access of her neck. She slowly opened her eyes at the knock of the door, she tried to get up but he held her still "Onee-san" she quietly groaned at Kyoko's voice "we're going to the hot spring, do you want to join us ?"

Kyokai bit her lip to seal her moan when Kyoya entered two fingers at once, she covered her mouth and placed her hand over his to make him stop "answer her, or she'll come here and see how lewd you look" he whispered darkly in her ear before sucking on her earlobe "n-no, I'm fine !" She tried to steady her voice as she spoke "oh I'm so fine~" she breathed out quietly and leaned back fully against him, he chuckled after he heard the footsteps fade and turned her chin toward him for a rough kiss.

He pulled out his fingers as she was about to come, she broke the kiss whimpering and he kissed her forehead "I think that your more than ready for me" he smirked and made her straddle on his lap "you got protection ?" She whispered against his lips "all prepared" he smirked "I knew I had to teach you who you belong to from those herbivores staring at what's mine" he glared and trailed his hands down her sides "then don't waste anymore time" she breathed out and unbuckled his belt as he pulled protection from his pocket to put it.

He held her hips and her arms got under his to wrap around his shoulders, hugging him tightly "just relax" he whispered in her ear, her cheeks flushed and her fingers pressed against his shoulders "ah !!" She gasped as he entered her suddenly "nnnngh~" she moaned as he moved her hips on him "Kyokai" he sat up and started thrusting hard, she gasped and dug her nails in his back and wrapped her legs around him tightly. He paused as she sat up shaking her head and whimpered "i-it hurts, too deep" she mumbled and he kissed her cheek "just relax and I'll hold you like the first time" he whispered and she nodded.

She held his shoulders and moved slowly on him "that's it" he stroked her hair "your doing well" he patted her head as she panted and stared into his eyes "good girl" he smirked and she blushed "ah !" She moaned and he placed his finger on her lips "a good girl needs to be quiet" he whispered and smirked as she nodded with a red face "I-I'm sorry" she whispered and bit her lip to seal her moans.

She placed her hand on his knee and on his neck to control her slow pace and grinding, she sighed in pleasure then bit her lower lip. She moaned as he held her waist and thrusted deeper and more deeper inside of her "ah ! Agh ! K-Kyoya !" She moaned, he placed his thumb on her lips "hm~" she bit her lip and hugged his shoulders really tight as he pressed her against his chest, he kissed her neck and she sighed in pleasure "your tight" he groaned.

He trailed his fingers down her spine and she shivered, he embraced her tightly "K-Kyoya~" she whispered "ah !" She moaned "Kyokai, your really loud" he glared "I-I can't help it, it's your fault" she covered her mouth "hmm !" She muffled loudly as he ground her on him "Kyoya..." She buried her face in his neck, he did the same as he leaned back against the couch with both of his arms around her hips and torso "please.." She whispered "harder" she breathed out in his ear, he smirked and moved up his hips "Kyoya ! Ah ! Ahh !" She moaned "shush, I told you to be quiet, someone might come" he held her chin "I-I can't" she whispered, he kissed her roughly and she blushed. She clenched on his back as he pushed her hips against him even harder while kissing her roughly.

She cupped his cheeks pulling him closer, he wrapped his arms around her hips and shoulders. She moaned softly against his lips as she wrapped her arms around his head and neck "K-Kyoya.." She sighed in pleasure "Kyokai.." He whispered against her cheek, then trailed kisses on her neck. She threw her head back and sighed in pleasure as he sucked on her nipple. She whispered his name and tugged on his hair with her hand, he trailed his tongue under her chin then stroked it with his lips, which caused her to melt and lose her mind as he kept doing that.

He kissed her neck and she sighed in pleasure "Kyokai-nee, Hibari-san, we're go-" Tsuna gently knocked on the door and paused when he heard loud moaning "heh !?" His face turned red. He rubbed his ears and shook his head but he wasn't imagining, which made Tsuna pale and rush back to the living room.

"Judaime !" Gokudera smiled as Tsuna entered the room, the girls already left to the hot spring "what's wrong ?" Gokudera frowned "yeah, your face is red" Yamamoto said "are you sick ?" Enma said "t-that's not it" Tsuna shook his head "I went to Hibari-san and Kyokai-nee's room to tell them we're going out, so" he explained "so ?" Koyo said "ahhhh !!" Julie smirked "did you peek in ?" He said "no.." Tsuna scratched his cheek "t-they were a bit too loud" he blushed red and their eyes widen.

"What !?" Ryohei and Ikuto stood up after Tsuna told them what happened "I'm gonna go talk to them right now !" Ryohei ran out of the room before Ikuto did. Ryohei clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he made his way in the halls. He was so angry that he didn't hear the noises as he got closer to the door "wait !" He got tackled on the floor by the guys "how could I wait !?" Ryohei yelled "a-ah !" They paused and looked up.

She moaned at the ceiling as she came, he squeezed her backside and kissed her head as he followed. She stayed there for a moment on him, panting against his neck as he thrusted slowly. He kissed her temple before glancing at the door, thinking that he heard something "Kyoya ?" she breathed out and glanced at him "how does it feel being on top ?" He smirked and stroked her head "i-it feels good" she panted "b-b-but I like it better when your on top" she whispered and frowned when he pulled out.

He suddenly picked her up and laid her down gently on the bed, tossing the used protection in the trash can. She clenched on the pillow under her head and bit her lower lip at the feeling of his hands wandering her figure. He trailed downwards then back up to fold her breasts together, she arched her back and whispered his name. He reached the drawer and placed a box on the nightstand, she blushed red as he held the condom wrapper between his teeth and tossed his trousers aside, which was the last piece of clothing.

He put on the protection and hovered above her "you prefer if I'm top, hn ?" He whispered against her lips "then I'll be getting on top again" he smirked. He flipped and pinned her against the mattress, her face and hips pressed down "raise up your hips" he told her, she panted heavily but shifted and wiggled her hips into a certain angel "good girl" he whispered in her ear "hm~" she clenched on the bedsheets as he entered again "ah !" She gasped as he pulled her hair gently to lift up her head and kiss her neck "K-Kyoya !" The guys outside in the hall had red blushing faces as they pressed their ears against the door, they flinched when they heard another loud moan "it's like free porn" Julie whispered.

Her eyes widen when he hit her spot "K-Kyo, your there !" she moaned "I know" he flipped her on her back and placed his arms under her legs "Kyoya !" She moaned again, he bent down for her to hug him. His forearms on each side on her head and their foreheads pressed together, she cupped his cheeks while her eyes never left his "ahh !!" She threw her head back and came with him after her, she wrapped her arms around his head and he buried his face in her neck.

They panted and he collapsed on top of her, she turned her head to leave small kisses on his jaw and cheek "oh my" she smiled weakly and ran her fingers through his hair "that was amazing" she breathed out, he chuckled and kissed her cheek. He pulled out and sat up to toss the condom in the trash, then they both laid down under the sheets "your not going to the hot spring with your female friends ?" He leaned against his elbow.

"Yeah" she mumbled against the pillow as she laid down on her stomach "I need a shower" "let's sleep first" he yawned "alright" she sighed and sat on the edge of the bed "something wrong ?" He asked and sat up to kiss her shoulder "well.." She shifted a bit to look at him "Ryohei started to act strange lately" she said, he stared at her for a while "how strange ?" He said "he was thirsty and I offered him a drink, then he got embarrassed and told me to take it" she explained "he's been acting weird ever since we came back from France, didn't you notice ?" She said "no" he shook his head "hm" she held her chin "maybe it's my imagination then" she mumbled "ugh I feel like having a bath, join me if you want" she got up to the bathroom after cleaning around "in a minute" he yawned and laid down. Even though he was tired and wanted a nap, he got up to wear his clothes, then stepped out in the balcony, sliding the door behind him.

Meanwhile outside, the fire alarm might go off by the steam of embarrassment coming out of them "o-out of all places, they do it here ?" Gokudera's eye twitched "oho~ this is interesting. Who would have known Kyokai-chan would be like that in bed ?" Julie smirked "I guess even Hibari can turn a good girl to a bad one" he said. They blinked and looked down, they paled as Ryohei was about to explode "that's it !" He stood up "shhhh !" They paled "Hibari !" He opened the door and burst into the dark room "he's done for it !" They thought and followed him "we should leave, o-or else we'll g-get killed !" Tsuna whispered "no way !" Ryohei said "Hibari !" He opened a door and their eyes widen.

Kyokai was just relaxing in the bathtub and blinked when she heard the door open "what ? You finally decided to join me ?" She smirked over her shoulder and paled when she saw them "ah !!" She covered herself "unbelievable" she mumbled as her face turned red "a-ah ! It's not what you think !" Ryohei waved his hand and Kyokai's started to form tears from anger "Kyoya !!" She screamed "you called ?" They paled when Kyoya suddenly popped behind them.

Kyoya walked passed them calmly toward her with a bathrobe in his arm, he opened it, as to block their view, to cover her so she can get out and wear it "wait for me, alright ?" He cupped her cheek and she pouted "hurry up" she mumbled, Kyoya suddenly got surrounded by a dark area and pulled out his tonfa "Kamikorosu" his tonfa pulled out spikes "HEEEEEEH !!!" They ran out of the room.

After a few hours of chasing and beating up, they all ended their day and went home. Kyokai was leaning against her elbow with her head on her hand as she was reading a book. She glanced over her shoulder to find Kyoya finally slept, both of his arms around her waist. She returned back to her book and continued reading, then took one of his hand that was on her waist to make it grab her breast. She smiled as he folded it and left a kiss on her neck before going to sleep, not wanting to bother her reading "you know me" he mattered and she felt his smirk "your welcome" she smiled

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