SOPE | Synced

By naniVkookie

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~Synced Yoonseok~
Chapter 1: Mistake
Chapted 2: Pain
Chapter 3: How
Chapter 4: Emotions
Chapter 5: Hobi
Chapter 7: NamJin
Chapter 8: Despair
Chapter 9: I get Beat
Chapter 10: Kiss
Chapter 11: Home
Chapter 12: New level
Chapter 13: Control
Chapter 14: Walk out
Chapter 15: Talk
Chapter 16: Meeting
Chapter 17: Unsynced
Chapter 18: Explain
Chapter 19: Natural
Chapter 20: round two
Chapter 21: Die to do it
Chapter 22: Last time
Chapter 23: Angel
Chapter 24: Find them
Chapter 25: Nicknames
BackStory-Sejun, and NamJin
Chapter 26: You look like Shit
Chapter 27: You didn't fucking think
Chapter 28: I'm so happy your okay baby
Chapter 29: Why are your eyes white?
Chapter 30: Taekook, what happened
Chapter 31: Ugly Face
Chapter 32: You need rest
Chapter 33: Wont be coming back
Chapter 34: All we have is each other
Chapter 35: Candy Factory
Chapter 36: I love you so so much
Chapter 37: Stay with me
Chapter 38: How is he?
Chapter 39: NO DONT
Different Ending : Bonus Chap
Remember Chapter 12? Details

Chapter 6: It affects me

27.1K 1.7K 344
By naniVkookie

Hoseok ran home as fast as his legs could possibly take him, he didn't care if the burning sensation in his bones increased with every step, or the way Yoongi looked as he left, or the odd stares he was getting from other people on the sidewalk. He just needed to get home.

Entering the place he called home, Hoseok ran to his sisters room, checking on her.  Dawon looked up at her brother as he opened the door to her room. Hoseok kept muttering apologies as he pulled her into his embrace.

"W-where were you?" Dawon cried into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Noona, I was at a friends house," He said into her hair, rubbing her back as he tried to console her.

Yes, Hoseok was younger then Dawon, by 2 years. Hoseok was a senior in high school, Dawon was in college as a freshman. She had to skip out on a year to help around the house and take care of her brother, but now she's back again. Hoseok doesn't want her back, he wants his sister safe in her dorm away from this wretched house and their evil step-father.

"Do you have your things ready?" Hoseok asked, Dawon nodded wiping her eyes.

"I don't want to leave you here Hoseok, alone especially! I don't have to leave I ca-"

"You're going to go to college and you're going to start that fashion line you've always dreamed of, I'm going to be fine," he assured, as they walked out the door, Hoseok placing her luggage in the car.

That's why Hoseok had to rush home, Dawon was going back to Seoul and Hoseok promised he would drive her to the airport.

"Remember, if anything happens call me, and keep me updated with that syncing thing," Dawon sternly stated once they arrived at the airport, a playful glare on her face.

"I will Noona, have a safe flight," Hoseok let go of his sister, watching as she disappeared with the hundreds of other people in the airport.

Now he had to go back home, alone, as per usual.


"Why were you so upset yesterday?" Yoongi asked once he caught up to Hoseok in the hall.

"Nothing," is all Hoseok replied with before walking to his seat.

"Rude." Yoongi muttered walking to his own seat in the back.

As class dragged on Yoongi felt extremely tired, even though he got enough sleep; he looked across the room to find Hoseok sleeping. Ah that's why he felt so tired.

Wanting to have the other half of him wake up Yoongi banged his funny bone against the desk, yes it hurt like hell for Yoongi, but it successfully woke Hoseok up. The younger shot up, holding his elbow in pain, then proceeding to glare at the older boy.

"Is there something wrong Mr. Jung?" their teacher annoyingly questioned.

Hoseok shook his head, apologizing for interrupting his lesson.

Yoongi merely smirked.


"I have a question," Yoongi announced, stopping Hoseok in the halls once again.

"You seem to be full of those today," Hoseok  replied in an annoyed tone.

"Why did you leave my house so abruptly?" Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing," Hoseok shrugged, and Yoongi became beyond annoyed.

Pulling him roughly by the arm he grit his teeth while saying, "I am sick of you saying 'Nothing' and blowing off my questions. I know there is something wrong with you, I can feel it!"

Hoseok gulped, feeling the anger coming off of his synced partner, but that still didn't stop his own defensive behavior.

"Look, you never gave two shits about me before, why cant you just do the same thing now?" Hoseok shot back to the blonde haired boy, who rolled his eyes.

"Because now you are a fucking part of me, I literally can't not care what's going on with you because it affects me!" Yoongi replied with a huff, his grip on the younger tightening.

Hoseok winced slightly, "I'm not fucking telling you and that's that!" he shouted back. 

Yoongi reached his limit, he pushed the younger away from him.

Hoseok caught his balance, glaring at Yoongi.

Yoongi breathed in and out repeatedly, trying to keep his composure, and keep from beating the youngers ass.

Hoseok took this as an opportunity to walk away from Yoongi, and pretend like nothing happened. And that is exactly what he did, when Yoongi looked back to where Hoseok was originally positioned he saw no one.

Just an empty space.

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