The Last War : Floukru Hainof...

By Dystopian_fanfics

37K 1.1K 398

A sea mechanic fanfic and re write of the 100. Includes *Clexa mentions. The last war. A final battle for th... More

Abbys choice
Nightblood part 2
Hurt me?
What is done is done
Time standing still
The end
The future
Long time
A new threat
My love
Continue or not?
Trust me
reunions and regrets
from the ashes they rise
The anomaly
War has begun
The protector
The queen of the ashes
The sacred place
A reunion to remember
It was fate

Seperate ways

499 18 23
By Dystopian_fanfics

Emori , Murphy and his son and Madi marched on through the dried up wasteland .
"Clarke told me stories about you guys"Madi muttered .
"She told me of how you all destroyed the bad people , I grew up wanting to meet my hero's , to be like them .."
Madi looked up at Emori smiling.
Murphy was struggling with his son trying to attempt to keep him close by to his chest.
"Were no heroes , we did terri..." Murphy began whilst taking his jacket off and putting it around his son.
"What Murphy means to say is we did terrific things , we weren't all good but we got there in the end didn't we "emori smiled.
Madi smiles back.
Murphy shook his head even though he was in denial .
"And on that note , our sons hungry" Murphy added .
"So am I" Madi groaned .
Madi stopped walking while the others went ahead but they quickly noticed her stop and turn.
"I mean the area is quiet but I'm pretty sure I could find and scavenge around .... maybe even hunt ?" Marie added thinking while scowling the area .
Emori laughed , she couldn't remember the last time she had been scavenging the area .. how she missed life here and yet now she was back on the ground it never felt the same .
"As much as that would be helpful little one , Murphy jr does not eat that stuff " Murphy smirked towards emori .

"That's not his name " emori quickly added pushing him slightly and then laughing to herself ."such a typical you move " she said .

Clarke , Luna , Monty and Harper continued there walk through the land.
"We will need to cross around the garden of Eden because that's where the ship is , once we are close we can wait for Cassie to come out "
The others had stopped for a second to rest , since leaving it was a non stop walk because Luna had urged them to keep moving and even now she was still ready to walk .
"And what if that doesn't work Clarke " Harper asked alongside monty .
Clarke sighed and looked to Luna .
"We can't go and leave raven , if all else fails we will take matters into our own hands ,... "
Luna turns .
"I will take matters into my own hands , I will slay everyone in the  way of My love , I will tear down every last bit of that ship  and I will make them known they aren't welcome .." Luna said aggressively .
"Wait " Monty added .Luna stoped her rage.
"Some of them on that ship are nice people , if we could just reason with them ... with Cassie we could get them to help us take down the bunker and free everyone"
Clarke sighed . She had hoped the bunker was still ok but she had lost hope after they had failed to clear them out .
"If there still alive ..., if ....I hope " Clarke replied lost in thought .
Luna stared them all down .
"Well are we going ...?" She said persistently .
She walked ahead to leave the others trailing .
Luna had planned what her next moves would be .. she knew somehow there had to be more survivors , like Clarke she questioned why one bit of land was not destroyed , after all Raven had taught her what she needed to know about radiation and science as she called it .
But she missed Raven , it was like a pain that would never go away.
That's when Luna realised she really truly loved Raven .
Luna never thought she would fall in love , back when floukru was in existence she had created the perfect environment , everyone looked up to Luna as a leader, a queen you could say .. but Luna never saw herself like that , she was trying to work to something big just like lexa and her goal for peace , Lunas goal was for Life , calmness and happiness and even before she had started to fall for Raven she had planned to share that with Raven and take her to her clan.
If she still had a clan to lead , a place to live , Luna would of made Raven her queen , and both of them could rule in peace and be joined together in peace .
But she couldn't , that was not her culture anymore , Luna realised the idea of courting someone was very different to Ravens and so in her own wishes after hearing about marriage and relationships from Raven decided to Reframe from this for some time .

"Lunas been acting strange since we left " Monty asked while Luna was ahead.
"She's upset , angry ...what do you expect when the love of your life is taken from ...." Clarke stopped Herself . It felt like a rush of memories all in one for Clarke .
How she wished she was alive and well .
"So tell me about The commander of the 13 clans again Clarke" Madi flicked the note book and pointed to a picture drawn of the commander , bold war paint stood out and piercing eyes .
"You mean Lexa" Clarke added trying to smile , it felt like every-time she said that name a piece of her sadness re appeared .
"You told me the other night the story of how you met her again and said that no one called her by her name " Madi questioned.
Clarke laughed .
"Except for me.. and the people closest to her, Lexa hated it at first but in a way I'm glad I didn't address her as her role , she was still a person , a very hurt and just as scared person as I was"
Madi smiled looking down at the picture .
"So Lexa is a hero"
Clarke nodded .
"She was to me , she made me realise a lot of things , she had sacrificed herself for so much ..she made me fall for her " Clarke added .
Madi looked confused .
"I remember you saying Lexa and you were very close , did you love each other ?" Madi asked .
Clarke took a brief moment to relax , she couldn't cry in front of Madi .

"Yes , and even after death she saved me ..."
said Clarke .
Madi smiles looking back up .
She turned to another page .
"Because of Allie and the chip " she said pointing to the picture of a chip .
"Yes"Clarke said as she watched Madi flick the page back to Lexa.
"That's true love , like eternal love .. one dies for another and keeps dying so the other person can be safe ". Madi says comforting Clarke .
Clarke was confused to how Madi could day a sweet but truthful thing .
"I remember you saying it once " she said continuing " when you told me stories about all the people you loved , you said that's how you would know if you was really in love with them .." Madi added .

"I wish I met Lexa"  Madi said .
"I wish she could be back here because then you would be happy Clarke , then we could all be happy together " Madi said looking into Clarke's eyes comfortingly .
"I wish you met her as well " Clarke agreed " she would of loved to have met you"
Madi wrapped her arms around Clarke and hugged her.

"She would be proud of you Clarke .. she was a hero but hero's leave there legacy's and you was hers .. you just have to keep going and it's ok because I may not be big but I can help "
Madi said still hugging Clarke .
Clarke tried not to cry out loud as a few tears streamed down her face .
"I love you you know that " Clarke said .
"As I love you too" Madi repeated .

"I'm sorry " Monty said.
" we should probably catch up with Luna" Harper pointed towards Lunas direction.
"Actually we may have company " Monty said raising a gun .
Clarke looked towards the nearest direction and saw what seemed like faint people coming towards the group .
"Maybe" Clarke said also getting ready .
"Should we run ?" Harper asked trying to come up with a plan.
"They have definitely seen us , and if it is the ships prisoners it's better now than never " Clarke added .

"No one will be fighting or running " Luna said .
Luna could see in the distance recognisable features .
"They are no prisoners"
"There not enemies "

Clarke looked at her Confused .
"We are the only ones with the prisoners on the ground " Clarke added .
"It's not emori or Murphy because we would notice Madi , they went off in the opposite direction " Monty said .
"So it's got to be the ship prisoners " Clarke said to Luna .
Luna shook her head
"Clarke ..."
"Luna there is no one else it could be ,the bunkers still locked , unless people have risen from the dead then it's them , the ship prisoners and we are going to wait for them , I need to face them "
Luna was taken back by this but she knew Clarke was going through an emotional stage since reminding herself of her past .

"Listen to her Clarke " Harper said unnerved "I think ..I think we should , I mean now that there closer to us I don't think they are prisoners "
Clarke looked ahead as they continued walking .
"Look at what they seem to be wearing , nothing compared to armour " Luna pointed to them .
"Could be a trap " Clarke said .
"There not carrying weapons , and if they did we would already of been captured or shot at " Monty backed up Luna .
"Guys do you not realise they could of been setting this up as a trap" Clarke said .
All three of them stopped and looked towards Clarke .
"Why would Athena send about 10 people out in a deserted place knowing she needs them right now .. " added Luna " and before you say because she gets them on patrol , no other times has she sent her prisoners out at early days and this far , it's always in the garden of Eden that you call the land  and so on " added Monty .
"Plus one of them looks injured ... " added Harper pointing the one of them in the near distance on the floor .
"Only one way to see who they are " Clarke said marching in headstrong .

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