August Alsina's Maid (Editing)

By SpookyNicole

2.7M 76.4K 23.5K

Read The Book. The Title Tells Everything More

August Alsina's Maid
A New Friend; Losing A Friend
Abuse. Murder. Taken In.
Unwanted Guests and A New Girl
Not A Chapter
Killer Thoughts
Cast Call
Death. Long Talks. Mother.
Kancer. Kayla. Kaught.
New Schedule
Meet Them. Hear Them. Kiss Him.
Old and New Relationships
Devious Phone Calls
Cameron and Jayon are Back
All Weird
Party Until You Die
Funeral Then Hospital
Back Home To Leave Again
Thug For A Day
Birthday Wish Pt. 1
Birthday Wish Pt. 2
Time Of Need
Can't Survive
Familiar Faces
Lied To The Truth
Annoyances or Threats
Surprised In Too Many Ways
It Can't End This Way
Everyone's Hurt Babe
Fight Club or No Club
Let Go Of The Pain
Author's Note
Early Sequel?
You Confess
The Sequel

Avoided ; Rejoined

77.2K 2.3K 546
By SpookyNicole

After a lot of crying and confessions Chris was tired. He just wouldn't listen to me and go rest. I went to the kitchen and made some hot tea with milk and sugar in it. I sat on the couch with him and made him take the tea from me.

When his eyes started to close I had him go to his room. I went to my room and sat on my bed. I tried calling Taylor but there was no answer. When I tried calling again the rings were longer this time but it went to voicemail. Is she declining my calls?

I looked through my Instagram feed and followed everyone back. I took some pictures in the mirror then posted a collage. I have nothing to do. I went and got Jonah from his walker. I took him to his room and dressed him in a pair of dark wash jeans, a white crew neck, a dark wash jean jacket, and his Jordan's.

I took him to my room where I put a black see through cardigan on. Jonah and I walked outside and I held his hand while walking down the street. I heard a bark from across the street and turned to see the gray dog that bit me. I swooped Jonah up in my arms when the pit ran towards us. I ran into someones yard and locked the fence. The dog tried jumping into the yard but it was too small. Then some guy hit it in the face with a shovel!

That's when I noticed that there was a whole group of people on the porch hanging out. I got so embarrassed.

"Rayna what are you doing here?" Mike was on the porch.

"I-I was taking Jonah for a walk and well you know since that dog already bit the hell out of my leg I ran. I'm gonna go now"

"No! Rayna wait for animal control to get here I'll call them"

"Okay then" I thanked the guy for hitting the dog and went and sat next to Mike on the porch with Jonah on my lap.

"Why do you look so sad?" Mike asked quietly.

"Chris's dad killed his mom so now he's in prison"


"Yeah and Jonah keeps calling me mom" Mike looked like he didn't know what to say to that so I just got on my phone trying to contact Taylor. The girl I thought was becoming my friend. Animal control came and got the dog so I left.

I took Jonah to an ice cream parlor and waited in line. A woman about ten years older than me turned around smiling at Jonah.

"Oh your son is so cute!" She proclaimed. She turned back around to order before I could tell her he wasn't mine. I ordered a small cup of chocolate vanilla swirl and a medium cup of cookies and cream. I sat down at a table and put Jonah in a high chair.

I fed him his ice cream while eating mines when I got a phone call from August.


"Hey. Did you leave?"

"Yeah I went to get ice cream with Jonah"

"Do you know what's wrong with Chris?"

"Yeah. We had a really long talk about it. He cried a lot. Isn't that so horrible?"

"I don't know what happened"

"Oh. So he didn't tell you. Well he told me that his dad called him from prison because he killed his mom"

"Oh shit. Alright I'm gon call you back"


He hung up and I continued with the ice cream. When we finished I carried Jonah out of the almost crowded place. I looked at my phone seeing that Taylor read my messages but didn't reply. What is going on with her?

I took Jonah home and left him to play with toys. I went to my room calling Taylor for the third time.

"Hello" She answered this time finally

"Taylor is something wrong with me or what? You've obviously been avoiding me so what is it?"

"Nothing Rayna. I'm sorry I just don't feel good right now. I'll call you tomorrow or something"

".......Alright" I hung up still kind of mad because she was obviously lying. I laid back getting tired. I heard footsteps and turned over to see Jonah. I picked him up and put him on my bed where he started playing with my kitten.

I took a picture of them and sent it to August. He asked where the kitten was from. I told him that she was stray and needed help. I was lying though . An hour later August walked in the room with food, a bed, and stuff for the kitten.

"August does this mean I can keep her?" I asked getting up from my bed.

"Yeah. Can't say no to you" I laughed and ran to give him a hug. He tensed up when I did though. What's up with that? He looked nervous as he poured cat food into a cat bowl causing the kitten to run to it.

"Thank you so much August. You're the best. Now I'm going to get ready to work out so...."

"Oh okay" he left my room closing the door behind him. I changed into some yoga shorts and a sports bra. I got on my treadmill running for a while with my music playing and Jonah sleeping on my bed. There was a knock at the door so I paused the song with my remote.

"Come in" I was surprised when Chris walked in the room with a box wrapped in silver paper with a purple bow on it. "Hey Chris. Are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah a little. I got you something, you know for being a good friend"

"Really? Chris that was so unnecessary! What is it?" He laughed at me and sat the box on my desk.

"Open it" He left my room and I turned my music back on. My phone rang with an unknown number but I still answered.


"Hi is this Rayna? Kye's older sister?" A male voice sounded quiet on the other end.

"Yes this is her"

"Kye needs you. You're all she talks about. Can you come visit her?" He sounded like he wad hesitating to even continue this call.

"I can't come all the way to Uganda"

"She's not in Uganda. She's still in New Orleans. She lost her baby and she's constantly crying and saying your name over and over. I have to go but the address is 2763 Marrow Drive" He hung up and I got off the treadmill feeling like crying. That's what I did too. August came in the room confused.


"I have to go somewhere August. She needs me!"

"Alright just calm down and put on some clothes. Then we can talk about it" I nodded my head as he left the room. I put on some random jeans and a t shirt then put a beanie on my hair. I slid my feet into some Nikes that matched my shirt. I picked Jonah up and took him to Mike.

"Now tell me what's wrong" August said walking up to me.

"My friend Kye from the home needs me. She was pregnant and I guess she lost the baby. She was getting abused and raped at the clients house and she just need me a lot"

"Okay where does she live?"

"I think it was 2763 Marrow Drive"

"That isn't far from here. Let's go" We got in his car and he drove to the house. It looked nice but I can't tell from the outside. I ran up on the porch and knocked on the door. A woman opened it looking horrible.

Her gray hair was up in a ratty bun and she was wearing a pink sleeping gown with brown stains all over it.

"What do you want?" I smelled her breath through the damn screen door! I swear I almost threw up.

"Is Kye here?" When I said that a guy who looked 17 opened the screen door. He pulled me in with August following.

"She's up in her room crying right now"

"Ok can you take me to her room?"

"Yeah" While walking upstairs I seen how disgusting this house was. There was dirt on the walls, broken toys on the steps, sticky stuff on the railing, and bugs in the corners. We got to Kye's room and August stayed in the hallway with the boy. I walked in the room and sat next to her on her bed. She was crying hard into her pillow.

"Jax go away!" She yelled thinking I was him.

"Kye" She lifted her head up looking at me. She basically tackled me with a hug. I held her tightly as she clutched my shirt.

"I missed you so much Ray. I can't take it here!" I kissed her forehead then noticed August waving me over.

"Hold on babe" I got up and August pulled me aside in the hallway.

"Rayna she had to come live with us. I can't let her stay here"

"Are you serious?"


I hugged him tightly probably thanking him a thousand times. I ran back to Kye's room.

"Kye pack your bags. You're coming to live with me in August's house" Her whole face lit up. I helped her pack her stuff as fast a possible. August took the bags she had and carried them downstairs. Kye said her goodbyes to everyone and ran out because the old lady tried to make her stay.

We took Kye home and up to a guest room. She got settled in then took a well needed shower. She put on some pajamas and I did her long hair.

"I'll be in the basement if you need me okay"


I went to my room and showered. I put on some sweatpants and a soft and loose crop top. I put my hair in a ponytail happy it didn't get wet. I brushed my teeth and washed my face then laid in bed. Kye walked in so invited her to come lay with me.

She slept so peaceful that night.

A/N: Contact Info: SpookyNicole__ on Twitter and Instagram.
Spooky-Nicole on Tumblr.
SpookyNicole on Snapchat.
LaurenP1316 on kik.

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331K 7.9K 51
- COMPLETED august alsina imagines for the alsina nation :)
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Just read the book
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Ummm it's an august alsina story.. Actually pretty good , so read it
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