My Best Frienemy(Exo-Baekhyun...

By wehotweyangyang

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Supreme Student Council President and the Genius Stubborn girl.. The SCC president who's being strict and a... More

Author's note
♪Chapter 1♪- The Beginning
♪Chapter 2♪- Meeting Sehun and the star ranking
♪Chapter 4♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge part 1
♪Chapter 5♪- Jang Geurim's Revenge Part 2
♪Chapter 6♪- Meeting Kai and the Miss Good-For-Nothing
♪Chapter 7♪- He stole my first Kiss!!
♪Chapter 8♪- Rules and Regulations?i don't think so.
♪Chapter 9♪- I'm Baekhyun's slave
♪Chapter 10♪- My Knight and Shining Shimmering Armor
♪Chapter 11♪- Sehun is InLove
♪Chapter 12♪- Double or trouble Date
♪Chapter 13♪- The Terror Sister
♪Chapter 14♪- What a day!
♪Chapter 15♪- Mystery Guy
♪Chapter 16♪- Kidnapping Baekhyun
♪Chapter 17♪- Give Baekhyun Back!!
♪Chapter 18♪- The Sleeping Snow white and the Prince
♪Chapter 19♪-The Section 1's Tea Club
♪Chapter 20♪- The two of us in the dark
♪Chapter 21♪- Home visit
♪Chapter 22♪- Save the last dance for me
♪Chapter 23♪- Fiancè?!
♪Chapter 24♪- Promised of Each other
♪Chapter 25♪- Avoiding Him.
♪Chapter 26♪- Baekhyun's revealation
♪Chapter 27♪ - Acceptance or Rejection?
♪Chapter 28♪- Her Realization
♪Chapter 29♪- Geurim's Decision
♪Chapter 30♪- The Past.
♪Chapter 31♪- First date
♪Chapter 32♪- Meeting his Father
♪Chapter 33♪- Betrayal
♪Chapter 34♪- His real Identity.
♪Chapter 35♪- Christmas preparation.
♪Chapter 36♪- Christmas day
♪Chapter 37♪- She's Back
♪Chapter 38♪- The Cursed of Jealousy.
♪Chapter 39♪- Lovers Quarrel
♪Chapter 40♪- Into the dark: I Put My Life in Your Hands
♪Chapter 41♪- Reawakening Memories
♪Chapter 42♪- A bid of farewell
♪Chapter 43♪- Missing Baekhyun
♪Chapter 44♪ - First heartbreak.
♪Chapter 45♪ - I found her at last.
♪Chapter 46♪- To Lose Is To Win
♪Chapter 47♪ - Common lies
♪Chapter 48♪- The Pain of Broken Heart
♪Chapter 49♪- His Reason
♪Chapter 50♪- Bittersweet
♪Chapter 51♪- Long Lost brother
♪Chapter 52♪- Irreturnable Relationship
♪Chapter 53 ♪- Her precious friend
♪Chapter 54 ♪- The night of the Fireworks [Part 1]
♪Chapter 55♪- The night of the fireworks [Part 2]
♪Chapter 56♪- Wish upon the Lantern
♪Chapter 57♪- Operation:Saving Geurim
♪Chapter 58♪- The real war begins
♪Chapter 59♪- Prefinal
♪Chapter 60♪- Final

♪Chapter 3♪- The Life of No Star

2.1K 68 1
By wehotweyangyang

".... you will labeled one with "

oh no .. he will decide now ...

"NO STAR!!!!!"

no star?!!!!!no waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!

"Ahahahahahahahaha"- Cielo

"ehh ?this must be the first time someone in our school has ever had a no star rank!"

"i think there was another no star in higher level"

"i can't believe it!"

"in a way ,that's kind of amazing transfer student!!"

i heard them gossiping .. and oh yeah you idiot !!what is so amazing of being a No star rank ..what should i do now? Π_Π..Ani i need to be strong just like what mama said ..but still Π_Π

"Jino Sensei ..are you really sure about this?Deciding her star ranking as easily as that?"

ehh? its Sehun ..what is he doing here?is he in this class to0?..he stand and object the teacher.. omona

"Do you have any complaints about my Judgement?"-Jino Sensei

he gave sehun a death glare ..he's not a teacher...he's a monster!!!!


huhuhu even Sehun can't do anything!!!The teacher look at me and i frozed as he said

"New student,i shall report your status to everyone during the next staff meeting."

*Frozed *Frozed* frozed*

its the end of

my world!!!

"and this is where we will end today's class!" Jino sensei went out already but still i'm frozed but came back to my sense after a few seconds

"why?i didn't even do it.." i muttered talking to myself


"for her to be no star!!"-Dhalia

oh here's the three idiot again and the tall guy with a big eyebag like a monkey panda whose swinging in the tree who i fought with from my first day here

"who would have thought that our little trick would go this well ..hahaha!"-the ugly eyebag king

"i'm Sure our oppa will give as award hahahaha!!"-Casey

-_-* what did he said?

"that...that means that you four did that?"

i gave them a death glare and shouted ..this idiots how dare they do this to me

"oh my ..i would be careful not to make any false you have any proof..isn't that right guys?"-Cielo


"well then ..lets go !!"-Casey

"try to do your best while you're still here Jang jorim the Miss No star!!hahaha" -Ugly eyebag king

they leave the room laughing

"aaaaahrg don't you ever call Miss No star and Jang Jorim too!! i'm Jang Geurim heard that? G-E-U-R-I-M geurim and not Jorim!!!"

aishhhh!!!i will never let them get away with this ..i need to findout who did it ..and if ever i knew who did it .. he or she will pay for this!!!!

"Geurim i'm sorry about that!!"

Sehun went to me and apologized for them even though he didn't do it..the one who should apologized to me is the person who did that stupid prank and trick..i will sure that person will say sorry to me forcely


the bell already rang and i'm walking on my way to the guardhouse to get my things with Sehun ..i sigh and just walking with full of frustration and depression ..i still can'tbelieve a genius like me has a no star rank

"Don't be so depressed Geurim ^_^"-Sehun .. aigoo he's trying to cheer me up

"yeah ...thanks!..and i don't think this no star rank thing will be too bad..the thing should be find if i just increase my rank one by one..right ^_^ "

i just fake a smile and sigh again ...

0_0 ..Someone is grabbing me back to school ..who is it? i turned around and it was Cielo

"hey what are doing? let me go..."

i said trying to pull away her hand while grabbing me upstair

"Are you trying to go home already ..miss no star? you have cleaned-up duty"-Cielo

"Cleaned-up duty?"

"yeah!!! here you go!!!!"-CIelo

"ehhhhhhh O_o!!why will i clean it? it so dirty and messy!!"

i complain

"that's a duty of no star goodluck bye!!!hihi"-Cielo

"hey don't leave me!!!"

gosh ..should i have to clean this room ? its so messy like a room of trash and the room is so huge ..its really so unfair arghhhh!!..but ..

"i won't lose because of something like this!!"

i tie my hair into messy bun and use some mask to protect my pretty face from the dust and went to the cabinet to get the broom

"This is it Geurim ..fighting!!" as i form the fighting sign

then i start to clean the room with music background effect kekeke while cleaning..i throw the useless thing i saw inside the room.gosh its really hard toclean but i can manage it!!!


ep!Sweep!Clean!clean!Clean! Sweep !Sweep!Sweep!"

after 123456789 years at last its clean and i'm done so i'm going back to get my things..i wonder if Sehun is still waiting for me there .★---★

Oh he's still waiting ...


i wave my hand as i run towards him

"Oh.. come on..its almost dark i need to take you to Nami eomma"-Sehun

"Nami eomma? who is she?"-i asked

"She's our dorm mother "-he answered

"Dorm mother?"

"yeah come on!!!"-Sehun


Sehun grabbed me and we both runaway while carrying my things


"WE're here!!"

Sehun shouted as we enter our dorm

"Oh Sehun you're here .wait this the girl?the girl whose 18 years old and has a no star rank?"

she's pointing at me..geez is it really required to said that completely? .oh wait maybe she is Nami eomma ..the Dorm mother ..she's so pretty like Sunny of SNSD.but she's too pretty too to be called eomma

"Yes..Nami Eomma please lead Jang Geurim to her room.."-Sehun

"Sure thing ..follow me !!"

and we followed her to my new room..aigoo i'm sure my room will be big compare to my room in my evil aunt house..i'm so excited

"Were here ..mianhe but right now this is the only single room we have"-nami eomma

0_0 ..are you kidding me!!!oh my god ..this ..this room will be my room? but its like a storage room and more worst than the room i cleaned this earlier Π_Π ..i slowy walk and the floor break

"Ahhhrg i won't give in to this!!"


"hay hay!!!i'm done preparing dinner so wash your hands and get ready!!"-Nami eomma shouted

we went to our own sink to wash our hand according to our star rank

3 star-Faucet with huge hand dryer

2 star- Faucet with mini hand dryer

1 star- Faucet with soap

no star- deffective faucet with free spider house

"argggggh i won't lose!!!"

our dinner is based on our star rank too

3 star- Soup ,,Beefstake,Rice,Bulgogi,Sushi with fruits,Juice and wine

2 star- Soup,Beefstake,Rice,Vegetables with tea

1 star- Rice and beefstake with juice

No star- Vento( Japanese rice) plus dried fish and water in small glass with bonus empty cup

"i...i won't lose!!"

washing our clothes is also based in our rank

3 star- have a cloth washer

2 star- huge washing machine with clothes dryer

1 star- ordinary washing machine

No star- washing board plus basin with bonus overnight washing

" still i won't give in..."

in bathing

3 star- hotspring plus free massage

2 star- Bath tub

1 star- Shower

No star- faucet plus pail of limited water

"i wont......i won't give in!!!aaaaaargh !"

Π_Π its too weird to be forced to live like this just because i have no star rank!!this is just wrong!!!

"i won't give iiiiiiiiiiiiiin!!!"


i can't take this anymore .. this school is hell!!! its so unfair..i didn't done anything wrong anyway ..and now i'm going school late because i washed plate first ..

"*Sigh* i won't give in!! . "i said to myself

("Great job girls..i'm sure that girl is living like hell here now ")

wait a minute ....i stop from walking and peek inside i think the SSC room because i think they are talking about me..hmmp ..

My oh my !!! its The ugly Baekhyun ..and the Baekhyun fanclub i mean the 3 idiots.. i have a bad feeling a about this

"Haha ..i'm sure oppa . we just followed what you said .."Dhalia

"we made some tricks for her and it all came perfect"- Casey

"That's what he get for hurting you"- Cielo

"Yeah ..thanks to you guys !!"

omo the 3 idiots is comming out..i need to hide ..i look around and i hide in the side of the locker .. they stop infront of the door

"kyaaaah its the best day ever ....for almost 1 year of chasing him..its the first time we able to talk to him losely!!"-Casey

"yes ..and now the baekhyun Fanclub is improving ..!!!"-Dhalia

"and thanks to that stupid miss no start for falling in our little trick"-Cielo

"but lets thank Tao too ..he sure a big helped to us"-Casey

"ohohohoho!" All

damn this girls .. that ugly panda and specially their master ... i never really let them get away with this jang Geurim is really mad ..since they already ranked me as No star there's no reason to be good now ...and

I'll have to get my Revenge

"Just wait and you seeee!!!!"


To be continued

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