
By prisoncells

4.5K 361 185

What they thought was a casual romance, turns out to be a much bigger scheme? Can the bands handle the outcom... More

Sorry Sixty
The End


16 2 0
By prisoncells

"This was maddening chaos."

Alexa's pov

The large paperback book residing in my hands was screaming at me to be read, but I just couldn't bring myself to read it. I blame Niall. His never ending pacing was driving me insane. He shuffled ackwardly and nervously back and forth on the deck, stopping and turning to me every couple minutes. He'd open his mouth to say something, then decided against it and return to pacing.

I let this go on for awhile, giving him time to spit out whatever he was going to say, but I couldn't wait any longer.

"Niall, what are you doing?"

I tossed the book aside and leaned back on the lounge chair.

"Nothing." He said all too fast.

I scrunched my face up.

"You've been pacing for a good fifteen minutes now, what's the issue?"

He shuffled his weight on his feet back and forth looking anywhere but me for a couple minutes untill he blurted out a speech.

"I have an idea, but it's so stupid and you're probably going to hate it but what the hell."

I shook my head.

"You are the biggest drama queen I've ever met, you know that? Name one idea, date, whatever you call it, you've taken me on that I've hated?"

He pondered for a moment before breaking out into a huge grin.

"Okay okay, you're right."

"Yeah I know." I beamed up at him.

"Yeah I know. I'm Alexa and I know everything." He mimicked me as he leaned over the chair to peck my lips.

"Hah hah, very funny." I whispered as his face rested right in front of mine.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered so cutely.

"You just kinda did." I smirked over at him.

His face tinted with specks of pink.

"Can I kiss you, again?" He batted his lashes playfully.


Warm lips wasted no time lingering as they pressed against mine.

His hand came to rest upon my cheek so gently.

"So, what's this idea?"

Niall took a small breath before sitting down next to me on the long lounge chair. The hand that once rested against my cheek was placed on my knee mindlessly. Giving him confidence to go on, I placed my hand over his and smiled up at him.

"So I was just thinking. I do that a lot. Well sometimes." He smiled, turning his face to mine breifly before facing it forward again.

"Alright." I mused. "So you were thinking."

"Yes. I was thinking." He continued. "That we could just type a random address in our phones on this beach vacation spot, and just you and me go to it and like, I guess check it out? Stupid?" I noticed his hand on my knee grew sweatier as he spoke. I couldn't comprehend why Niall got nervous like this sometimes. Everything he did I loved.

"Just show up to a random place and check it out?" I questioned.

"Yeah.." He mumbled blushing.

"That sounds like so much fun! Let's do it!" I quipped, pulling out my phone and going to the maps app.

"Seriously?" He quirked up.

"Yes, seriously. Niall, I have no clue why you think your ideas are stupid or why you never think I'll like them! I always do!"

I playfully pushed his shoulder.

"It's just becasue I want to impress you." He whispered.

I noticed the playful mood vanish instantly and turn to something more serious.

"Well you always impress me." I whispered back, leaning towards him.

"Can I kiss you again again?" His cute smile and speech caused me to break out in a full blown goofy grin.

"Of course."


Ela's pov

I sprayed one last spritz of perfume on before placing the glass bottle carefully on the large dresser.

I searched around a bit, rummaging through some of Harry's stuff on the dresser before finding the diamond studs I was looking for. As I finished, I glanced over myself once more in the mirror.

From the corner of my eye I saw the bedroom door open. In walked the curly haired boy-wonder.

"Hi." my wrist was taken into Harry's grasp as he tugged me into his chest.

"Hi." I breathlessly smiling up at him.

Warm lips were trailed up my arm untill they stopped their trail to linger around my bracelet, the bracelet Harry gave to me when we first started dating. His eyes locked with mine as he kissed the skin just below where the bracelet rested. I blushed under the intenisty of his gaze.

"You still like the bracelet then?"

Like it? Words couldn't describe what the small piece of jewelry meant to me. Without realizing it, the bracelet itself has been the thing I grab onto in times of discomfort.

"Harry, that bracelet means everything to me. I don't think I've ever taken it off."

His eyes light up immediately.


I playfully chuckled, prying my wrist from his hold to gently grace his cheek.

"Of course."

"Good." A smile was deeply carved into his face. Ever so slightly he shifted his weight to the front of his feet, moving his face closer to mine.

His warm breath fanned across my face.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?"

I closed my eyes in pure happiness. Hearing him say those things to me calmed me. It felt amazing. I noticed in the short span of time we've been on this vacation, the word love has been said more times than one could count. I was on cloud nine.

I nodded slowly. "I think it's the other way around though." I said referring to my love for him.

"You guys ready to go? Security is here?" Liam interrupted us by yelling through the bedroom door.

Harry and I stayed in our positive. So close, just relaxed within each other.

Truth my told I was beyond ready to go. I had been waiting for everyone else to get ready. A group of us were heading out to do some shopping and check out the small beach town near to us. But standing here with Harry threw every other thought of leaving out the door.

"Hey you guys coming? I'm ready to go shop! " Liam took to just opening the door.

"Coming." I spoke for us, seeing how Harry was to engrossed in thought.

I took in the initiative of pulling his shirt. Luckily from him leaning forward, it was easy to tug him along.

I tugged Harry along untill we mangled our way into the car.

In comfortable silence we sat together with Liam and Lauren in the front.

"Just us?" I questioned noticing the lack of people.

"Maura and Zayn were still checking out the beach. Louis and Erin didn't feel like coming, and Alexa and Niall were off on some adventure as Niall put it."

I nodded my head, taking in the information.

"Before we go sightsee I have to drop off the rest of the bill for renting out the house. Can we make a pit stop at Reven Hotel?" Harry asked.

"Course. It's just down the road right?" Liam asked looking back at Harry though the rear view mirror.

"Yep." Harry smiled back before he engrossed himself with me by playing a round of footsies.

"Were here. We might as well all go in." Liam spoke as he parked the sleek black car and started to unbuckle.

It was a given that I was going with Harry regardless. He was already waiting for me as he hopped out of the car and held back his hand for me to grasp.

Within minutes we made our way into the hotel and managed to pay the bill on the house we were renting for the time we stayed here.

"Nice lady." Liam remarked, referring to the older realtor who talked our ears off for a good twenty minutes, chatting about her love for baking.

"She was just too cute!" Lauren giggled as we all got on the elevator.

I smiled as my hand was grasped in Harry's. I turned to look at him. His gaze stayed straight ahead but his smile gave him away.

He looked so attractive in his simple attire; shorts , a black tshirt and a SnapBack accompanied with sunglasses.

I smiled back over at him before returning my gaze straight ahead to the doors. As soon as my head was done turning, I gasped as warm lips were quickly pressed to my cheek.

I turned again to Harry, only to see him staring straight ahead, grin plastered.

Just as I was about to respond back, the elevator doors dinged and started to slowly open. As the sleek silver pried opened, nerves immediately got the best of me. People. Everywhere.

"Fucking shit. How'd they find us?" Liam cursed under his breath.

I could side with Liam easily. How did they find us? We left super early this morning and avoided paps the whole way here. I thought for sure no one knew we were here, yet.

I slinked back further into the elevator as screams of my name accompanied with the others were heard. Normally, I wouldn't be nervous. But this crowd was wild. Almost an angry wild. I didn't understand. The only barrier that separated us was the thin glass wall of the lobby from outside, where the crowd roared on.

"Ela you fucker! Harry is mine!" I heard a piercing scream resound through the lobby.

Instinct: shrink back. That's what I would always do in tense situations. But this was totally different. Uncontroable crowds never happened with us. We had more security than we ever needed. Not today though.

I pulled my calmly hands away from Harry's as my back came in contact with the elevator walls.

"Hey hey it's ok." Frazzled whispers coaxed in my ear.

"I've got you baby. I have you right here." His warm hands rubbed my arms soothingly.

He stepped in front of me, shielding my view of the crowd from my eyes.

My instinctive nature took over, causing me to stay as far away from Harry as I could and just rely on myself.

"Remember what we talked about? Let me in Ela. Don't close yourself off. I'm here for you."

Thoughts of the night I told Harry about my past surfaced to my mind. I remember word for word our conversation with him coaxing me to let him in, and not shut him out.

My bracelet was nervously twirled as I scanned the growing crowd.

Hearing Harry's words gave me the reassurance I needed. I had Harry now. I could rely on him. I wasn't alone.

I nodded shakily and stepped closer to him. He smiled proudly down at me.

"Liam's getting hotel security now, look." I followed eye contact with Harry's hand as he pointed to the main desk.

I shook my head again signaling I understood, uttering no words.

Moments later two puny looking guards appeared dressed in hotel attire.

I watched as the escorted Laim and Lauren out into the mangling crowd.

A little later one gaurd returned, already looking worn out.

"You okay? Ready?" Harry's head dipped down to meet eye contact. I only nodded in response.

He shook his head and in one swift moment his SnapBack was taken off of his head and onto mine. I knew instantly what he was doing.

The hat provided protection. I pulled the flap down to cover my face and rested my chin against my neck. You couldn't even see my face now.

My hand was taken as he tugged me out of the elevator and into the swarming groups of people.

Thankfully I found it easy to avoid paying attention to the crowd. Instead I focused on Harry's thumb brushing over my knuckles and the warmth of his torso as kept me close to his side.

Flashes pervaded the scene as the mob pressed closer to us.

I found it harder and harder to focus on Harry as the crowd demanded more attention. The screams were piercing. This mob was different than an adoring one. It almost seemed..angry. I didn't like it. If fact, the whole thing kind of scared me.

I desperately clung on to Harry's hand but, as the crowd thickened it was harder to hang on. The hotel security guard was trying his best, but he could only do so much.

My thoughts were disrupted as my shoulder and side were knocked against a body. Hard.

God damnit that hurt. It almost felt like someone straight punched me with a iron fist. The force caused me to stumble back losing contact with Harry's hand.

"Harry!" I screeched pleaing for him to turn around and save me from the disary.

This was maddening chaos. So many people crowded around me, spinning me back and forth as if I was a piñata or something. Tears streamed down my face as another push, knocked me into a stranger. Seconds later I was pulled into another one. All of them clawing to get to me, only to be ripped away from another "fan".

"Ouch!" I screeched as a section on my hair was gripped hastily. As

"Get off of her!"

I somehow heard his voice through the muck of people.

"Harry." I cried out reaching for his outstretched hand when he came into view. He payed no mind to anyone as he carelessly shoved them aside.

My body was collected into his grasp, face buried in the crook of his neck, as we quickly scurried away. I stumbled blindly with my footing, holding on to Harry and letting him be the guide. His colonge calmed me slighty, so I breathed in deeply, nudging myself further into his hold.

I heard a car door open.

"Get in baby." He gently turned me around to climb into the backseat.

I jumped in as quick as I could. Harry followed exactly behind me. He slammed the car door and within seconds Liam had taken off. I turned my head around, sighing as the crowd disappeared out of my view.

Minutes passed as I collected myself.

Harry grabbed the buckle to the side of my head. He reached over me skimming past my sides to secure the small buckle, making sure it clicked. He didn't even bother buckling himself in as he wrapped an arm around me, scooting as close as he could get to me.

"That crowd is bat shit insane."

I turned my head around again, looking back at the scene. It was already long out of sight.

I shifted my gaze to Harry.

I never even thought to check if he was okay. I was too engrossed in my own thoughts.

"Are you alright?" I whispered quietly.

His fingers grazed my shoulder over and over again before he replied.

"I'm fine. Just pissed. No worries though." A soft kiss was left on my temple.

I nodded my head. Checking back once again to make sure no angry mob was following us. No people were in sight.

"Yeah, no worries."

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