Chances are....

By CandidKeeks

231K 7.2K 991

In this story we'll be following the lives of Justine Halloway and Bradley Jameston. Justine, a suburban brow... More

1. Meet Justine
2. Meet Bradley
3. Saying Hello
4. Bad News
5. He's hot
6. As Always
7. Nothing new to me
8. Not so bad
9. Go hard or go home
10. What are the odds?
11. If you don't mind...
12. Pool party...??
13. I'm an idiot
14. Trust me will ya?
15. Firsts for everything
16. Bittersweet Farewell
17. Home Sweet Home
18. Emotional Meadows
19. But wait there's more
21. Can I kidnap your stuffed monkey?
22. Moving In
23. Mini Golfing?
24. What do YOU want?
25. Mind Games
26. Talk to him.
27. Fuck you
28. Too fancy
29. Resolved Issues?
30. Something Changed
31. Monster

20. Well that was....eventful.

4.3K 288 100
By CandidKeeks

*****A/N Well guys, here we are back in Justine's POV. Idk, I kinda dig getting into Brad's head. I feel like these chapters are too short, how about you guys?*****

I was rudely pulled from my Jesse McCartney jam session by Brad's dumb stupid car saying Incoming call from......Father.

"Can I help you? If so, rethink your options and dial again when they run out." Bradley spoke aloud.

I just scoffed at him, I was literally in the middle of She's No You.

"Hey kiddo" he paused. "Brad, hey I wanted to have a talk with you when you got home." his dad responded.

"Can it wait? I'm having a guest for dinner and I'd rather you not piss me off the night before I head up to college."

"In fact, no it cannot wait, I'll see you in my office in an hour." and with that the line went dead.

"Fucking asshole!" Brad hissed and brought his fist to the dashboard.

"Ok, I'm sensing an abundance of tension and anger, so can we just go back to the happy land of Jesse McCartney? We can deal with reality later?

He didn't respond, I watched as he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes.

"Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?" I asked innocently.

"What?" He asked.

"Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grins?"

"Justine what are you asking me?" he signed seemingly annoyed.

I plugged my phone into the usb port and began to blast Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas. A small smile appeared across his face and I knew in that instant, I win life.

"You've got to be one of the weirdest people I've ever met, you know that?" He chuckled.

"It's what I'm good at." I shrugged and began lip syncing.

We pulled into his driveway as I sang 'Make a Man Out of You' into his ear, he was in hysterics whenever I sung the chorus.

"Mr I'll make a maaaaan out of yooooooou!!" I dramatically shut the car door and bowed as he laughed.

"Let's go you doofus." he threw his arm around my shoulder's and we walked in sync towards his front door.

"Did I mention that I want to molest your front lawn?" I asked with a completely straight face.

"What the hell?" he asked just as the door opened. "Heeeeey mom!"

She didn't resoned to Brad immediately, she just stared at me.

"Mom, it isn't polite to stare." Brad spoke.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry. How was your day?" she glanced over at me and then turned her attention back to Brad.

"Great!" He grabbed my hand and began walking into the house. "How was yours mom?"

"Oh! It was fantastic, I got some gardening done and the dining room is all cleaned!" She clasped her hands together and kissed Brad on the cheek before turning and walking away. Bradley once again grabbed my hand and headed for the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?" I whispered.

"To my room." he whispered back.

I was about to say something when someone cleared their throat behind us. Bradley and I froze and turned around slowly.

"I want to speak with you son. Now." The man whom I assume is Bradley's father spoke with authority.

"Give me a few minutes jeez! I just walked in the front door. Patience is your friend dad." Brad spoke before turning around and continued ascending the stairs. His father didn't seem so pleased with my presence.

We got into Brad's bedroom and I just stood dead int the center of the room.

"Why are you standing like that?"

"Like what" I asked.

He gestured at where I was standing. "Sit or something, you're making me uncomfortable."

I'm making him uncomfortable? I just got eye raped by both of his parents. EYE RAPED!

"Please just sit down?"

"Fine." I walked over and plopped down onto his bed.

"Ok, I'll be back in like an hour, I'm going to have a chat with my dad. Stay here, don't touch anything-" I grabbed his tv remote, "or do..." I watched as his retreating figure left me stranded in his eye raping home.

I sighed and flipped through some channels before turning the tv back off and sitting up.

"What the hell is there to do in here?" I looked towards his closet. "Ooooh clothes."

I hopped off of his bed and walked towards the open entrance of his closet. There were clothes everywhere, on the floor, in wads stuffed in shelves. So I decided that I would spend an hour half putting away clothes and the other half playing crossdresser.

I noticed he had empty boxes spewed across on side of the room. He haden't even started packing yet. I found a suitcase under a pile of clothes. "Score!"

I was halfway done, I let my hair down and was wearing a Phillies hat and a huge polo when Brad cam storming in. I had an internal argument on whether to move or not. Maybe he'll think I'm dead and I won't have to face him? I sat on the floor of his closet, frozen in place.

"Justine, where'd you go?" He spoke, I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Uuuum I- she left, said she'd call you later."

"He came bounding into his closet and just stared at me. "What the hell are you doing on the floor?" He burst into a fit of laughter.

"I was- it was kind- I needed something to do."

"So you played dress up and packed almost all of my clothes away."

"Within good reason, yes."

"Come here crazy." he grabbed my hand a led me back out of the closet. "Sit." he pointed to his desk.

So me being, well, me I sat on the actual desk, totally disregarding the chair. He shook his head and laughed again before sitting on his bed before he spoke.

"Well, my dad's running for Mayor soooo that's the reason for all of the cameras...."

"And you had no idea?"

"Nope not a goddamn clue."

"Sooo now what?"

"Well, now I have to decide on being this fake collegiate asshole ie. a carbon copy of my dad, or just stick to being me and hang out with you."

"Are you saying your dad doesn't want you hanging out with me?"

"Not necessarily, more like he demanded that I thought about my future and my public image" he was using air quotes.

"Well have quite the decision to make huh?" I asked matter of factly.

"Nope." I stared at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean NOPE?" I nearly shouted.

"I mean, screw my future and my image, I like you and that's that. I'm got going to go find some stick up the ass materialistic blonde bimbo to look good for my father. I'd look like a damned fool with you and be happy."

I had no words for what was just said to- about me. All I could think was how the hell am I that important to someone like him? Hell, If I was him I'd be running off to find the nearest bimbo, wear matching tshirts and go golfing.

"The chatty Justine has no words?" he finally spoke again walking over to where I sat, I assume because he realized I had nothing to say.

"Not a single one, Yakno-" I was cut off by his lips on mine.

Here I was kissing Bradley Jameston for the, what is it? Third time? In his bedroom.... sounds a little risque but, I was definitely not going to be the one to stop this.

No less than 15 seconds into the kiss his father knocked on the door before just competely walking in. Bradley quickley backed away from me and faced the door.

"Oh sure, yeah dad come on in!" he exclaimed sarcastically.

Here I was sitting on Brad's desk wearing his polo and hat with his father staring directly into my soul.

"I just wanted to let you know that dinner is ready in 10, feel free to come down.....whenever you're through here." he spoke accusingly before walking out.

"Ooooo-kay?" I hopped down off of the desk and took off the hat allowing my hair to flow freely in all of it's curly glory and slid the polo over my head placin it on the desk behind me.

"Well, dinner should be interesting. Shall we?" I let out a nervous laugh before we trudged out the door and down to the dining room.

The universe hate meeeee.

**A/N I did not proof read, sorry if I made your brain dumb with my misspellings!**

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