Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

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The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 5

90 2 0
By Pastwitch98

Kya walked into biology class, surpised to see Cam sitting alone. "Hey, general." Taking advangate of Alexei's absents, Kya took the seat beside Cam. "Up late, again?"

Rubbing his eyes, Cam yawned. "Since we had to repeat yesturday, thanks to a certain virus, I used the extra time to work Emi's materailzation program." Cam had been spending more time solely working on the materizalion program. In a few weeks, it will have a year since the group met Emiand began their fight against X.A.N.A.. A year of no process on the locator program and only slightly closer to materialzting Emi. "The program's halfway complete. I just need to run some tests before continuing."

"In other words, we're going to the manison during lunch?" Kya smiled, letting Cam known she was going with him to the mansion.

"Hey nerds." Mara strolled over, hands on hips she snared at Kya and Cam. "Where's Alexei. Did you scare him off again?"

Cam held Kya's arm, stopping her from trackling Mara. "Look in the mirror Mara, your clown face could scare the dead back into their grave."

Mara's face went tomtao red, as she stomped off towards her seat. Snirkers and giggles could be heard from the students who failed to muffle their laughs. "Good morning class."  Mr. Z's arrival silenced everyone, as a chours o f 'good mornings' echoed. "Today, we'll be watching this dockmnetary on the kingdoms and domains." Booes and groans filled the room, as students voicalzied their disappointment. "Since no one wants an easy class. Everyone take out a pencil, we'll be having a pop quiz."

"That's not fair to those of us who wanted to watch the video." Mara gave a princess smile.

Mr. Z rolled his eyes. "Ms. Mara, you were one of the loudest. Now, you'll have the entire class period to work on the quiz." He began passing out papers to each table. "You'll want to use the entire time." His warning earned more groans, as students began to work.

"Where's Alexei?" Kya whisphered to Cam, as Mr. Z walked towards them.

Cam shook his head, "When I checked his room this morning, it didn't appear like anyone had slept in his bed last night." Cam wasn't to worried, Alexei randomly spends the night at friends' house or dorms all the time. "He could've spent the night at a friend's. I wouldn't worry to much about it."

Kya knew this as well, but Alexei rarely skipped class without letting one of them know. "I'll feel better once we've contacted him." Kya planned to call Alexei right after class, then lecture him if he didn't have a good enough reason for skipping class.


Cam's POV:

"I'm sure the quiz wasn't that bad." Emi giggled at my overdramaticize. "Biology's one of your easiest subject. Kya has more of a reason to worry." She was right, Kya couldn't afford to have a single bad grade. She had to keep a 3.5 gpa, just to retain her scholarship.

"I've managed to finish fifty percent of the materizlaion program. Once we run some tests, we'll be  able to continue." Nearly a year had passed since I reactiveated supercomputer and recently, I was beginning to get depressed. Almost no progess had been made on the materizlaion program. After we deactiacted the tower yesturday, I was able to download some data from the tower. It wasn't much,  but it allowed me to debug several codes. "Hopefully, we'll be able to materiazle you before the end of the year."

Emi cheers were so loud, several people paused to stare at me. This is why I perfer not to talk to Emi in public. If people see Emi, they'll begin asking questions. Which will lead to information about the supercomputer. Those are questions I'd rather not answer. "That's wonderful newe Cam. When can we run the tests?"

"Calm down Emi, I'm currently outside and people are beginning to stare." I gave a shy wave to the group of students staring at me. "I'm going to the mansion during lunch." I whisphered, hoping not to attact to much attention.  "If everything goes well, we should be able to proceed onto the next part by tonight." I checked the program three times before going to bed last night. I'm convenced the results will be positive.

"Cam." Ms. Tiya came over, causing me to close my laptop. She only seeks me out at school, if she needs an errand done. "Have you seen Alexei? I can't find him."

Shaking my head, I answered. "No, he wasn't in class this morning. Maybe he's in the imfrarmy."

Tiya thought for a moment, know Alexei often went to the imfarmy whenever he had migranes. "I'll checkthere, but let him know I'm looking for him if you find him first."

Once she left, I reopened my laptop. "Alexei hasn't contacted you has he?"

Emi shook her head, "No, which is strange. We talk every morning."

Talking out my cell, I tried calling him. "You've reached my cell, leave a message." Alexei's voice mail came up, not rining once.

"This is weird. Alexei was on Lyoko yesturday when I activated the 'Return to the Past'." I tried connecting to the supercomputer. Using the connection, I activated the locator program.

"I couldn't find Alexei anywhere." Kya ran over, out of breath. "None of his friends or teammates have senn him."

My laptop began beeping, showing the mountain sector. "That's because he's still on Lyoko. I modelzied the locator program to search for Alexei's digital signature."

Kya glanced over my shoulder. "Is he currently in the moutain sector or is that is last known location?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I'll need to go to the manison and run another search."

"You can't go now. Mrs. Reed will flip if you skip art class again." Kya has a good point. Art is the one class I eish we didn't have to take. Which is why it's the one I skip the most. Mrs. Reed promised me twelve hours of detenion if I skipped her class again.

"We have to find Alexei, that's more important than a dumb art class." While finding Alexei is important, skipping art is just a fun bouns.

"You two go to class. I'll check the montain sector for Alexei." Emi voluteered.

"Perfect, thank's Emi!" Kya closed my laptop, than packed it up. "We'll check Lyoko futing lunch." She dragged me to art, our last class before lunch.


Emi's POV:

Stepping out of the Way Tower, I arrived in the mountain sector. The mountain sector held the only changing land. Several areas were surrounded by moving rocks. This often made getting to activated towers differcult. "Esolc snuem." 'Close meuns'. The digital menus opened, allowing me to check the locator. It still showed Alexei being in the mountain sector. Closing the menu, I began my search.


Cam's POV:

"Cam, can I speak with you for a moment?" Mrs. Reed stopped me from leaving.

"Sorry, Mrs. Reed I can't. Kya's waiting for me." I tried walking pass, only for her to block me.

"We need to discuss your attention." Mrs. Reed crossed her arms. "In the last month, you've only attended five classes. Since this class only meets twice a week, you've missed forty percent of classes. One more absentence and you'll fail art for this quarter."

Art is the least of my concerns. But I can't afford to fail, my sister will make attend school overseas with her. Sis' consision for me to continue living with Alexei is to keep my grades up and to never fail or repeat a class.

"Ok, Mrs. Reed. Am I free to leave now?" She stepped to the side, allowing me to leave. 

Kya was waiting for me outside, with her laptop open. "I think X.A.N.A.'s attacking." Shes showed me the news report she'd been reading. "Some of the teachers were discussing this earlier." The article's title read 'Mstile Testing Hacker'. "Appranly an unknown hacker has taken control of a test mistle."

"Great, just what we needed." After glancing through the artilce, I agreed with Kya. "We could be wrong, but let's get to the manison. You can search for Alexei with Emi, while I check on this possblie attack."

We headed for the edge of campus, towards the hidden access tunnel. The hatch blended into the ground, concealing it from view. I opened the hatch, allowing Kya to go down first, followed by me. After closing the hatch, I caught up to Kya, who was already skate boarding down the tunnel. The trip took several mintues, before we reached the shred. Exiting the shred, we dashed through the overgrown yard towards the manison's enterance. We arrived on the second floor of the manison. Kya valuted over the railing first, grabbed the hanging rope and swung to the first floor. Following her, we entered the library, then the elevator.

"Emi?" Getting into the chair, I put on the headphone and connected to Lyoko. "We may have another problem. X.A.N.A. may have hacked into a test mistel. I'm going to look into it, while Kya helps to you."


Emi's POV:

After running all over the mountain sector, I finally found Alexei. Some kind of pinkish bubble held in trapped inside. "Alexei?" Curious, I circled the bubble. Alexei appeared to flowing inside asleep. 

"Emi, we may have another problem. X.A.N.A. may have hacked into a mistel testing. I'm ging to look into, while Kya helps you." Cam's voice suddenlly appearing made me jump.

"I've found Alexei, he's trapped within a Guradian." I explained, "It's one of X.A.N.A.'s monsters, speifically made to be a digital prison."

"Virtualztion." Cam said, allowing me to know Kya would soon arrive on Lyoko. "How do we free him?"

Touching the guradian, a shock of energy knocked me down. "Guradians aren't like the other monsters, this one created to imprison Alexei speifically. I'll have to trick it some how."

"You might want to hurry. A herd of seven kranklets is heading your way. I'll have Kya distract them, but she wouldn't be able to do it for long." Cam cut of commucation.

Circling the Guradian, I looked for any possblie opening. Nope, the thing is a soild pink bubble. But how did it get Alexei inside? No, now's not the time to be worrying about this. "Part iexelA." 'Trap Alexei' Closing my eyes, I spoke these words as I held my hands out in front of me. A digital cope of Alexei appeared beside the guardian. The guradian began to wiggle and split as it tried to also abosrb the copy Alexei. This contiuned for several seconds before it explosed, dropping Alexei.


Kya mangaed to destroy three krankets before ducked into a hidden cave and let the other four wonder pass. Once it was save, she head for the coodoritate Cam had given her. She arrived, just as Alexei fell out of some large pink bubble. "How is he?"

"He's still unconsisous, but okay." Emi knelt Alexei, checking for injuries.

"Any up date on that mistle?" Kya called aloud.

Back in the lab, Cam only had bad news. "Want the bad new or worst news first?"

Kya rolled her eyes, "Suprise us."

Cam closed two windows on the screen, before opening another. "X.A.N.A. didn't hack a mistle."

Emi smiled, "That's not bad news Cam."

"It is when he's actually hacked two." Cam explained. "The worst new is that one of the mistels hit a power station. The mistle wasn't big enough to do any real damage, expect that it hit a powerplant, one that supplies power to the supercomputer." Clicking through several pages, Cam brung up a chart. "No one was hurt, but the supercomputer has lost a considerable amout of power. I can't lanuch a Return to the Past, unless I route more power to the supercomputer. Which, were going to need since the second mistel is about fifteen minutes away."

"WHAT!!!" Both girls shouted.

"Can't a guy get some sleep without all the shouting." Alexei rubbed his head, confused as to what was happening. "Did I miss something? Why do you both look so serious."

Kya crossed her arms, "Well sleepign beatuy, in addition to rescuing you. There's a tower to deactivate before a mistel hits the manison. Even if we do deactivate the tower, the msitel will still hit if Cam can't lanuch a Return to the Past."

"Which he can't do, because anothe mistle hit a powerplant and the supercomputer doesn't have enough power now." Emi added.

Alexei got off the ground yawned. "Is that all? There's several back up geneators stored within the manison. All the General's gotta do is hook them up."

Cam rolled his eyes, "Nevermind how you know all of this. I can't leave the lab, someone has to perform the hack. Besides, I'm not an elecrtion."

"Cam, you literally have a supercomputer in front of you. Look everything you need up online." Alexei suggested.

"One of us will have to go back to help Cam." Kya said. "I'll go."

Alexei shook his head, "Nope, I'll go. I lost to many life points during the last mission. Besides, your fancy foot work can entertain our kranlet friends." He pointed to the small herd of four kankrets making their way to the group.


Alexei's POV:

"Hurry up and devituralize me Kya." I held my arms open to the side of me, allowing Kya easy acess to my torse. "I know you've been wanting to smack me for a while now."

Kya rolled her eyes, "And just how am I suppose to devirtaule you?"

"You've got two weapons on those detaity litte feet of your's" I joked, making Kya anrgy. It got the desired result. Kya roundhouse kicked me twice, before my life points drained to zero. Blue pixels of my body drifted off of me, as my digital body broke down. 

"Home sweet home." Waking up in the scanner, I was kneeling on the ground and laining against the wall. Slowly getting up, I made my way to the elevtaor. Cam's 'smiling' face greeted me as I walked over. "Did you look up those directions?"

Cam rolled his eyes, "Girls, Alexei and I are going to get the genentors." He told the girls. "Can you get to the tower and fight off the kankrelats for now?"

"Not like we have a choice." Kya's avatar lite up, indiciating she was speaking. 
We'll be fine just hurry."

Cam jumped out of the chair. "Lead the way."

The genetaros were in the attics of the manison. The manison has five floors (not including the ones for under the library) and three wings. The attic's enterance is on the other side of the manisno. We rarely travel to the west wing, since most it is blocked with debrie. Occsically, I've explored the manison, looking for any cluse about Lyyoko and it's creator. "The quickest way to get to the attics is to climb into the window from outside." Cam frowned at this plan, yet continued to follow me.

Outside, we arrvied begind the manison at the west wing. "I'll go up first." Use to climbing rope ingym, I easily climbed the tree branches and through the open window. Cam quickly followed adn dropped down beside me. "Our next problem is how do we get them to the power source?"

"We've got rope ad there's a cart in the kitchen." Cam began working on a pulley system to lower the geneators out the window. Luckily, everything we needed was in the attic. Ten mintues later, the first genetor was hooked up. Lowering it was harder than I thought it'd be. How I wish I'd let Kya do this when she'd voluteered. Wonder how their doing on Lyoko.

***********************************************************************************************Kya's POV:

"Sheild!" Summoing my sheild, I protected Emi and myself from ther lasers. "Emi?"

"Taolf kocr!" 'Float rock'Digital rocks materzialed about the kankrelats. Emi dropped her hand, making the rocks crush three kankrelats. "Why can't we lose them?"

Normally, kankrelats are easily fooled. But these seem smarter then the advance kankrelat. "When I drop my sheild, run." Emi stepped back, ready to escape.

'LighteningDash!" Dropping my sheild, I actived my second ability. Lightening, built up in my boots, then discharged inside the blades. Using this energy, I dashed towards the kankrelats. A light blue streak trailed behind me, as I moved. The kankrelats constrated all of their lasers on me. As I  skated, I kicked an arc of lightening towards the kankrelats. The lightening hit two of them, leaving two left. I took them out with two swift kicks to their eye.

"Let get to the tower." Emi came out of her hiding place and lead the way to the tower.


"That's the last one Cam." Alexei told Cam over the phone. "Want me to turn them on?"

"No, wait until I tell you." Cam opened his hacking program, as he spoke to Alexei. "Those genetoars have just enough energy for a return to the past. We can't turn them on until the last moment."

"How are the girls?" Alexei leaned against the wall.

"Alexei, let me constrate. I've still gotta hack into the tower." Cam muted Alexei's call and addressed the girls. "The tower isn't to far. You'll have three mintues to get to the tower. I've began the hack."

"Thanks for the warning Cam." Kya said, as she yanked Emi behind a rock. "We've got a mega problem." A lone mega-tank blocked the only path to the tower. A path that wasn' straight. Five spereate rocks lead to the tower. However, they move up and down like an evelator. Perfect timing is required to jump from one rock to the next, to safely aviod falling into the digital sea. 

"I'll distract the mega-tank, you head for the tower." Kya skated towards the mega-tank, drawing it's attention away from Emi.

Emi waited until the mega-tank charged it's laser. Once the laser began to fire at Kya, Emi ran for the tower. She stopped at  the edge of the platform, waitign for the first rock to come back down. Jumping onto it, she quickly jumped onto the sescond one.

"Lightening Dash!" Kya's attack hit the mega tank's armor. She wasn't trying to destory the mega tank, only keep it distract. "Emi's almost to the tower." She jumped to the side, avioding a beam.

"Kya be careful, your almost to the edge." Cam warned, watching the screen a Kya's white dot moved closer to the edge of the platform. "Just let the tank desvitraze you." Emi's purple dot landed on the fourth rock.

"Not yet." Kya refused to just give up. She needed to stay on Lyoko until Emi entered the tower.

As the mega tank began to attack, Emi hopped off the last rock and ran into the tower seconds after Cam confirmed the hack was complete. Kya was knock the platform, as the mega tank slammed into her. "Cam, what happens if I fall?" Kya tried pulling herself up, as she'd grabed the edge of a lower platform as she fell.

"How about you don't fall." Cam began setting up the temporal resveral, watching the count down quickly draw closer to zero. The mistele would soon hit the manison if Emi didn't deactive the tower soon.

"Tower Deactived." Emi confirmed, as the light went out inside the tower.

"Alexei, turn them on." Cam order, watching from the camara as Alexei completed the task. "Return to the Past Now." 


"How did you end up inside the guardian?" Kya asked Alexei, as they walked to art. They hadn't seen Cam since he disappeared right after their first class ended. They had a small break between classes, not enough time for Cam to leave campus and return.

Alexei scratched his head, "All I remember is watchign Emi enter the tower during that misson. You'd alredy been deviraltezed before then."

They arrvied in front of art, pasuing as a crowd blocked the door. "What's everyone staring at?" Kya ask Ally.

"Your friend." Ally stepped aside for them to see.

Standing in the center of the classroom, was Cam holding a painting. Mrs. Reed stood before him smiling. "So, this is why you've been skipping class?"

Cam blushed, "Yes, Mrs. Reed. It's a gift for my sister. We use to attend art classes together. I wanted to know your thoughts before mailing this to her."

"You certianly have talent. Why haven't you shown any interest in class?" Mrs. Reed asked.

Cam sighed, "Art is my sister's thing. She forced me to attend art classes with her as 'sibling bonding time'. This both took all the fun out of art and causes me to miss her more."

Mrs. Reed nodded, 'We'll speak later, but you've shown your paying attention when you are in class, juding by the techquinces and detail of this painting." She then went to greet the rest of the students arriving.

"Was any of that true?" Kya asked, as they took their seats.

"Yes, all of it." Cam put the painting away.

Kya smirked, "You showed that to aviod getting in trouble?"

Cam blushed again, "Can we forget about the painting? I still hate art class."

Alexei threw his arm around Cam, "Nope! We're never going to let you forget this, Picasco!"

Alexei and Kya laughed, while Cam groaned. Art class began, and they enjoyed a normal X.A.N.A. free class.

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