Protect Me Always (inuyasha f...

By LadyRitsuka

102K 4.8K 510

Save me from the darkness Pull me into the light Give me some good memories Please help me survive O... More

Chapter 1 My life changes forever
Chapter 2 Powers unleashed
Chapter 3 Brother...s?
Chapter 4 Help me
Chapter 5 Koga the wolf and Kunai
Chapter 6 Koga the wolf and Kunai part 2
Chapter 7 Stone cold
Chapter 8 Alone plus Naraku
Chapter 9 Naraku's Castle
Chapter 10 New memories
Chapter 11 Memories back
Chapter 12 Staying with Koga and Family
Chapter 13 The white wolf
Chapter 14 Kero, be my friend
Chapter 15 Friend
Chapter 17 Kero's story
Chapter 18 Enter Tomiko
Chapter 19 Leave me alone
Chapter 20 Naraku....Again
Chapter 21 Betrayal
Chapter 22 The final battle part 1
Chapter 23 The final battle part 2
Chapter 24 The final battle part 3
,Chapter 25 The final battle part 4
Chapter 26 I'll Miss You
Sequel !!!

Chapter 16 Heading Home

2.9K 157 11
By LadyRitsuka

Kai's POV

i smiled happily, 'I'm going home' i thought to myself, I could tell everyone was really happy, by the way they where all talking and laughing, i couldn't of asked for a better life, even if the Naraku guy, stole my memories and used me for his own evil plan.

Naraku's POV

I was left gasping for air in my dark cave, Kagura and Kana had left to find me another body for me to take so now i was left to fend for myself, i couldn't feel my body at all, it was like i was paralyzed.

'damn that Inuyasha' i cursed to myself, i will get Kai back no matter what.

Kai's POV

you know how i acted as though this will be a walk on the park, i was so wrong, i have fought many demons during my trip and i was exhausted, luckily i had Kero or else i think i would of died with tiredness.


it was around midnight, Shippo was curled up with the demon cat Kirara, Rin was with Ah-Un and i was with Kero, i could feel his stomach rise and fall with each breath. i smiled 'this is the life' i thought to myself. "i need to pee' i thought again, with  a frown i got off the ground and started to head towards a bush, it was very cold out here and aslo very creepy.

i heard a rustle in a bush, i could feel sweat drip from my forehead, "w..who's t.there" i said trying to sound confident. i heard a chuckle, and i sweatdropped "rin is that you", the thing bursted out laughing before she finally revealed herself "it IS you Rin" i yelled out, she nodded, and i just stared at her. "i saw a hotspring near by, maybe we could check it out" she asked with her anything but innocent voice, but i smiled "ok show me the way".

TIME SKIP~ (im lazy)

"ahh" i breathed out as i entered the perfect hotspring, "this is the life" I breathed, Rin nodded with agreement before closing her eyes and sinking further in the spring.

I did the same,

"hey Rin"


" why do you follow my brother Sesshomaru" I asked with curiosity,

"he bought me back to life" she answered.

"ohhh OK wait WHAT, HOW DID YOU DIE" I yelled,

Rin laughed while my mouth just hung open.

"my village was attacked by wolves and well I got caught to, the worst part of it is that the wolf pack that attacked my village was in fact, Koga's pack" she said sadly.

my eyes widened with shock, then anger, "that bastard, who does he think he is, I'll kill him" I shouted out.

her eyes widened, "no Kai, its ok, i kinda forgave him" she told me with a happy look in her eye, i looked at her, unsure of what to say ".......ok" i awnsered.

my eyes twitched at what happened next.

Rin and I were just relaxing when a naked Inuyasha and Miroku, just apeared out of nowhere and were about to enter the hotspring, they stopped and stared at me with wide eyes, i did the same, " l..look here...." Inuyasha and Miroku started but it was to late, i screamed with all my might.

i then wacked them both on the head (leaving VERY big bumps) grabbed Rin, two towels and ran away.


i was walking along the dusty road, followed by Kagome, Rin, Sesshomaru, Shippo (who sat on my shoulder), Kero (who i am sitting on), Sango, Kirara, Master Jaken, Ah-Un and a very sore looking Miroku and Inuyasha.

"perverts" i breathed with a humph, i then looked over my shoulders, only to see them staring at me with apologetic looks on their faces.

i turned away and stuck my nose up in the air.

Sesshomaru"s POV

i followed behind Kai and the rest of the group, very soon i would have to leave and continue on my journey, killing Naraku.

"perverts" i heard Kai say, i looked over to her and saw a very sorry looking Inuyasha and Monk, i rushed over to them and held my sword to them "whats she talking about" i asked dangeriously, "w...well umm, we might of kinda..." Miroku started but Inuyasha clamped his mouth shut, "we have no idea why" he awnsered, i stared at himwith a death glare, "what did you do to Kai" i hissed, "they saw me naked in the hotspring" Kai piped up, I nodded at her, then i turned to the now scared looking perverts, "thank you Kai" Inuyasha said sarcasticly, "ohh thats ok brother" she replied with a smile.

Kai's POV

After watching Inuyasha and Miroku get beaten up by Sesshomaru, i smiled, and hugged Sesshomaru, who (like usal) only patted my head.

i decided to jump back onto Kero and watch the clouds go by, "im sooo bored" i breathed out, i felt Kero chuckle underneath me, i smiled, i then sat on Kero's Massive head, " what did you use to do back in Koga's pack" i asked curiously, "why do you want to know" he asked, "because im bored and not to mention but im your new sister so you can tell me anything" i said , he smiled, (and im sure that i saw tears in his eyes), "do you really want to know", i nodded, and so he began.

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