Chapter 8 Alone plus Naraku

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Kai's POV

i felt so alone, i turned my head but saw no one coming after me.

i sighed and kept moving, it started to rain, and in a matter of seconds it started to rain heavily.

i was soaked,cold and felt light headed.

i heard a wicked laugh so i looked up.

Inuyasha's POV

i paced back and forth through the village, where is she, where'd she go.

my eyes slanted over to a moving tornado, i growled for i new what that meant.

as the tornado cleared a 13 year old wolf demon boy, Koga and a distraught looking Kagome but no Kai.

i ran over, Kagome threw her arms on me and started to cry, i gulped "w...where's Kai"

she cried louder and the wolf boy looked down with a guilty face, i let go of Kagome and ran faster then i thought possible over to the boy, his face looked shocked.

"where's Kia, boy" i asked dangerously, " i..may of said something to make her sad/mad so she ran away and hasn't returned" he said guiltily.

i saw red and grabbed him by his hair, he cried in pain and tried to struggle. "Inuyasha..SIT" i heard Kagome cry out.

i fell to the ground but bought the wolf boy with me.

i could feel tears prick my eyes " where's Kai" i asked again but i sounded more desperate, he shrugged.

i ran to get my sword, grabbed Kagome and ran through the forest at top speed.

Kunai's POV

as i saw the mutt run with the girl, i felt the pain of guilt shock my body, so i asked my father if i could go with them, he nodded yes, so i ran after them. my father soon followed with more then half our pack following.

Sesshomaru's POV

Jaken followed me with 3 large bumps on his head, Rin constantly poked them.

my eyes tensed as i smelt an evil aura, Naraku.

i also smelt Kai, 'if that bastard even lays a finger on Kai, ill kill him right there' i thought.

i started to run faster with Jaken yelling after me.

Kai's POV

i listened to the voice continue to laugh evily,

"who are you" i asked but then collapsed from dizziness.

Naraku's POV

i used my tentacles to pick up the girl, she was really skinny, to skinny, she was also very light.

i cursed under my breath 'damn these human emotions' i thought.

i felt like i had a connection to this girl, not by love but wanting to protect her.

i took her to my castle

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