Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

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The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Chapter 3:
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 7

51 1 0
By Pastwitch98

Alexei's POV:

"AAHHHH!!!" Mara screamed in my ear, giving me a headache. "What is that!?"

"Those would be suits of armor that are after me, Kya, and Cam. If you'd be so kind as you release," I tried to pry her steel grip off. "you'll be very safe."

Instead of releasing me, Mara wrapped her arms around my waist. "Don't leave me with that!"

"We don't have time to aruge, Alexei." Cam said. "Just bring them with us." He dashed down a corrdoir, with Kya. 

"You and Ally follow me. And try not to scream." Mara appeared satusfied with that, as she grabbed my hand instead of my torse. Dragging her along, I head after Kya and Cam. Ally quickly followed, after throwing several old pieces of art work and pottery at the knights.

"Over here." Kya whishpered. She was hidden inside a small storage room with Cam. Ally and Mara entered first, with me entering last. Once the door was closed, Kya and I began piling anything we could move in front of the door. 

"Why are they chasing us?" Ally asked in a high pitch voice.

"Shh." Kya placed her hand over Ally's mouth. "Be quite or else they'll find us. We don't have anywhere to run in here."

Ally and Mara deicded hiding behind some bookshelves would protect them from the armors outside. At least we don't have to distract them, while Cam speaks to Emi.

"I've found the tower." Emi annouces, once Cam opens a connection. "It's in the forest sector. I can't get any closer, three Krabs are protecting it." At least managed to find the tower, that will take about twenty-five percent of the work away.

"Good, now all we have to do is figure out how to get to away from these knights." Cam typed something on his laptop. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"Well, those two are here." Kya pointed to Ally and Mara. "They might be able to help."

Cam shook his head. "The knights will solely be after us. They won't pay any attention to them."

Kya smiled, "That's the point. Ally and Mara can set up a bigger distraction for later, if the three of us can tempoary distract the knights now."

"Before we can do anything, we need to know the current locations of the knights." Alexei peeked over my shoulder to speak to Emi. "Can you pull up another serciuty feed?"

"Sure." Emi closed the connection for a moment, before reappearing and opening up a second screen on my laptop. "Currently there are four knight, one at each enterance. While two are roming this floor."

"Wait, four were chasing us. Where did the fifth one come from?" Kya asked. "We'll have to clear one of the doors in order to espace.

Flipping through the sericuty feed Emi proved, I tracked the roming knights' loaction. "That won't be nessacry." Closing the sercity feed, I brung up the blueprints of the museum. "There's a delivery enterance on the first floor. If I can hack into the sercity lock, we can leave through there."

"Guys? Hurry!" The connection with Emi suddenly closed.

"Emi?" Alexei pushed me aside in a panic, as he tried to reconnect. "The monsters must've found her. How fast can you unlock that door?"

Shoving Alexei away, I tried accessing the sercity lock. "The door's lock is on a spereate remote system from everything else. I'll have to hook my laptop directly into port into to access it." Checking the blueprints, I found a port hidden inside a supply closet. "This supply closet appears to be the only I can work without the knights finding me."

"I've got a plan." Kya annocued. "I'll take Cam to the supply close and inform Ally and Mara of my plan. Alexei, go out there and be the bate!"


Alexei's POV:

Kya lead the others out through an air vent in the ceiling. Once they were gonna, I opened the door we'd unblocked. Peeking out, I saw one of the knights pacing down the hall. "Hey! Tin can!" The knight glanced over to see me waving and dancing, before I sprinted towards the other end of the hall. Here, my luck ran out. The fifth knight, stood before me blocking the only other way out.

It raised it's sheild to knock me down. I jumped to dodge and scrambled to dash around it. My timing was off, as the shelid slammed into my ribs. Holding my side, I tried to get back up. The knight stood over me, the eye of X.A.N.A. glowing in it's empty gaze. The knight with the sword walked by, not paying us any attention. It must be looking for the others. "Next, your gonna be the distraction Kya." Mummbling to myself, I tried to think of how to get away.

The knight appeared unconcerned with no now that it had me pinned. Any move I make will be rewarded with some kind of pain. Well, I am known for my bone headed plans. I continued to get up, until the sheild rammed into my side again. This time, I was knocked across the room. This put some distance between me and the knight. Who released this, as it began racing towards me. Scrambling to get up, I ducked behind a staute to avoid the sheild. 

The knight rammed the staute, that currently had me pinned to the wall. "Alexei, run!" Kya's voice got the knight's attention, as she threw a bucket at it's head. The head fell off of the knight, distracting it long enough for me to get away. "I'll keep him busy, you play with the other one." Kya dashed off towards the knight, kicking it's head/helmet out of it's reach. Behind us, the other one with a sword came running down the hall. Silently cursing Kya for lovely playmate, I sprinted in the oppiside direction. 


Kya continued to distract her knight by playing keep-away with it's head. Eventually, she grabbed the head and chucked it into an elevator going to the fifth floor. "Have fun." Smirking, she went to check on Ally and Mara.

"Are we ready?" Kya asked. The two girls were in the dinosuar wing, untieing the ropes that held an several full scale dino skeletions to the ceiling. The plan was to lead the knights into the dinosaur wing and trap the knights (or some of them) within the skeletions, that would fall from the ceiling.

"Almost." Ally called from the upper level. 

Mara was on the other side, using a knife to cut the ropes by her. "Do we have to do this?" This was the only time Kya ever understood Mara. The girl was scared and didn't know what was happening. Suprisingly, Mara didn't complain when Kya explained the plan and asked for their help. Mara even offered to help bring the knights to their trap. "I'm having second thought about this."

"Mara, don't make me reget completing you." Kya said. "I was going to tell Alexei of your bravey."

This got Mara's attention. "Leave everything to me. Ally, just make sure you time everything perfectly." Ally had the most differcult part. She had to cut the final rope to trap the knights.

"We're ready." Ally informed Kya, who left to check on Cam.

Meanwhile, Alexei  headed back towards the medeivel wing, with the knight following him.  He wondered how much longer this would last. He was injuried and running out of breath. "Who's idea was it to go to the museum!?" Alexei grabbed a vase, using it to take the sword that came at him. "General! A little!" Ducking down, Alexei crawled under a table. The knight, circled the room looking for him.

"I'm trying Alexei." Cam's voice echoed on the loud speaker. "It's not easy, hacking this sercuity system."

Alexei held his breath, waiting for the knight to find him. Several moments passed before the armor left. Safe, Alexei left his hiding spot to find the others.

"We're ready Cam." Kya stood outsdie the supply closest Cam hide inside of. "Ally just needs a signal."

"Cover your ears." Cam pushed a button on his laptop. Alarams went off throughout the mususm, before thespinkers came on. "That was the signal. Evenything else is up to Ally."


Kya's POV: 

Inside the supply closet, we watched from Cam's laptop, as the five knights left their areas to search for the source of the alarms. The first one encountered Mara on first floor, as Mara screamed for Alexei to save her. The next two knights came from the art wing, after Mara screamed. By the time Mara reached the third floor, all of the knight were chasing here. Mara just made it to the other side of the dinosuar wing, when Ally cut the final rope. "Let's go."

Cam packed his laptop up, then lead the way to the devlivery enterance.

***********************************************************************************************Emi's POV:

"Diuqil egdirb!" 'Liquid bridge' A soild path formed before me, as I raced across it to avoid the krabs chasing me. This is why I hate the forest sector, there's never a place to hide. "Oh, no." Two horents appeared before me, blocking my path. Krabs behind me and hornets in front. Looking around, I saw another path several feet to the left.

The horents fired acid, to stop me from moving forward. The krabs were to big to fit on this narrow path and I was to far away for their lasers to hit me. Backing up, I got a running start before jumping off. "Ooff!" Landing on the path, I struggled to pull myself up. Two lasers hit my legs, dragging me down. Still, I managed to get myself completely onto the path. 

"Ynit llaw!" 'Tiny wall' Using the last of my strength, I created a rock wall to cage myself inside off. The wall will hopefully protect me until the others arrive.


Alexei's POV:

"Get to the scanners." Cam ordered, as he got off the elevator.

Kya and I got off the elevator and entered the scanners. "Transfer Kya, Transfer Alexei. Scanner Kya, Scanner Alexei. Vitualztion!" Cam quickly went through the vitualztion, sending us to Lyoko. We arrived somewhere in the forest sector. "Emi is north of your current location."

"Race you." Kya clicked her hills together, activing the blades inside her boots. She glanced across the ground, as if it were ice. The ice skates allowed Kya to reach Emi's locations faster then me. "Ready to crash a party?" She asked me, before dashing off to destroy the Krabs.

Tipcial, Kya leaves the hornets to me. The pesky little things for me to deal with. She hates fighting hornets, since they can fly, putting her at a disadvenage. Hornets are the one monster that has deviutzied Kya the most. "Shadow." Activing my ability, my digital body faded into the background, allowing my to sneak up on the hornets. Two hornets hovered over the rock wall that protected Emi, firing lasers at it. "Mi'Lady doesn't like bugs." Deactiving Shadow, I thew one shuirken, clipping the wings off one hornet. The other dodged my sais, when I louged at it. It swooped acid on my, draining my life points. "Shadow." Disappearing again, I when behind the hornet.

"Stop playing around Alexei, you've already lost thirty life points." Cam nagged. Not like I don't know the side effects of using Shadow. Shadow allows my body to blend into any background on Lyoko for as long as I want. Down side is that it quickly drains my life points for every second of use. "The wall won't hold much longer."


Kya skated circles around the Krabs, dodging lasers and their legs trying to stomp down on her. She was glad Alexei was around to take care of the hornets, not that she would've let him battle the Krabs instead. "Freeze." Kya ran her hand along the legs of one Krab, stopping it mid-laser charge. She than skated away from the Krabs, "Lightening Dash!" Activing her second ability, lightening built up in the soles of her skates, as she turned back towards the Krabs. A light blue streak trailed behind her as she gaine speed from her ability. Using the speed, she leapt off the ground, lightly landing on top of a Krab's eye. Lightening trailed down from her skates into the Krab, destroying it quickly as the blades touched it's eye. Keeping the momute, Kya leapt off the first Krab to land on a second one. This time, she kicked the eye twice before boucing off. 

"That was a shockingly good idea." Kya landed, arms rasied as if she'd just finished a skating routine. "OWW!!" Forgetting about the third frozen Krab, Kya was hit was with two lasers.

"Kya you only have sixty life points left." Cam informed Kya. "I've begun the hack, you guys have five mintues to get Emi to the tower." 

Recovering from the attack, Kya skated over to the Krabs slicing through two of it's legs. Once the monster lay helplessly on the ground, Kya kicked the eye. "Kya there's a megatank coming up behind you." The Krab had just explosed, when a megatank fired at Kya. Cam's warning came to late, as Kya was devirtaulized.


Kya's POV:

Arriving back on earth from Lyoko is never fun, the trip and fighting were exshuating. After getting deviutralized, I arrived back on earth. My body was curled into a ball on the scanner floor as the doors opened. Taking a moment to get use to a phyiscal body again, I slowely got out of the scanner. Getting in the elevtaor, I went up a floor to find Cam. 

"Welcome back." He fiecrely typed on the keyboard, probably still working on the hack. "Alexei, the megatank just broke through Emi's wall. She's in trouble, one hit and it's all over." How Cam managed to muit-task is amazing. Hacking alone takes alot of contrson.

"Stuipd megatank." I grumbled, as I glanced at Cam's screen. Most of the numbers and symbols made no sense to me. But for genius Cam, it was like reading a book. "Want me to take over?" Twice before, I've completed the hacking while Cam went to Lyoko. Because X.A.N.A.'s firewalls require a password combination to destroy them, a hack is requried to figure out what to imput. There are hudreds of possblie combinations, but not nearly enough time to try them all. Cam consistly runs two sub-hacking programs that collect data each time X.A.N.A attacks. This data is then run by the programs to help narrow down different combinaions. Usually, the programs get four of the five digit passcode correct. The last number needs to be found by a human working the supercomputer. I've had to try just about every number from zero to nine each time to complete the passcode. 

"No, Alexei will have to manage alone. I need you to block the door to the library, our knights have found us." Cam pointed to one of the camaras on the edge of the manison's property. A knight with a sword was making it's way towards us. "I'll stay here to finish the hack. Once you've blocked the door, return here so I can shut off the eveloator."

The knight was quickly getting closer to the manison. So I dashed into the eveloator and hit the button for the library. We usaully keep several large objects inside the mansion for times like these. Blocking the door won't do much, but it will slow the knight down. Shutting off the elevtaor usually is our best defense, however that only lasts for five to seven mintues. After which, we can't shut it off again for twenty minutes. This doesn't always work, since there's a small hatch that leads from the scanner room to the supercomputer. Sometimes things get trapped in the scanner and can still make it's way to use in the computer room.


Alexei's POV: 

"Come on Mi'Lady." Having destoryed the megatank, I went to help Emi up. "Head for the tower." I turned to face the next batch of Krabs coming towards us firing lasers. "How's that hack coming Cam? Things are getting crabby."

"Alexei." Cam drew out the ending of my name, sounding annoyed. "Do you know how complacted and differcult this is? You try hacking into a virtal reality, with suits of armor banging on the wall."

"What?" Dodging a laser, I threw three shuriken at the krabs' legs. Ice exploded, freezing them in place. "Forget about the knights and worry about hacking. Things are getting differcult." Catching up with Emi, I found her cornered. The four way path was blocked from every direction by either hornets or krabs. This wasn't including the two frozen ones behind us. 

"Cam, we're trapped." Emi moved closer to me. "I don't think we'll be able to get through quickly."

Glancing around, I took count of how many enemies there were. "Sorry, Emi." Emi looked at me confused, as I pushed 'her' in front of the  krabs. 


Emi opened her eyes, wondering why the krabs hadn't attacked her, after Alexei pushed her. Looking around, she saw 'herself' being hit repeatedly with lasers, as Alexei went after one group of krabs. On the other three paths, three other Emis were being hit with lasers. Confused, she began to open her mouth, when Cam spoke. "Don't speak." His stern command, shocked her. "Alexei used an unstable abilty known as 'Shadow Swap'. It's another version of Shadow that allows him to pass Shadow's ability onto another, without that person losing life points. Alexei also gave up fifty life points to create those clones of you. Quickly, head for the tower while Alexei distacts them. He only has twenty life points. When he runs out, his abiltiy will disappear and the monsters will find you. You have less then a mintue to get to the tower."

Emi silently thanked Alexei, before sprinting to the tower. While two horents chased her clone, Emi snuck past them. The tower was seveal feet away from the the divided path. 

Back in the manison, Kya returned from blocking the library door, allowing Cam to lock the elevorater between floors. "How are things on Lyoko?"

Cam shook his head, "Alexei used Shadow Swap. We haven't run enough test, he could've bugged up his programing."

Kya glanced on the screen to see Alexei engaging in battle alone, while four Emi  clones distracted most of the monsters. "I'm sure Alexei knows what his doing."

Cam gave a look that questioned Kya's IQ. "Hurry guys, the knight's about to break through." They'd forgotten one of the knights had a sword, a sword that was chopping down the library doors.

"I'm in front of the tower." Emi annouced.

"Alexei just got devirtalized!" Cam watched as Alexei's avatar disappeared off the screen. 

Emi glanced behind her, at the sound of something stomping. Three krabs had found her. "Cam, can I enter the tower?" She backed up to the tower, putting some distance between her and the krabs.

"Done, go!" Cam entered the final number for the code, allowing save enterance into the tower.

Emi waved to the krabs, before dashing into the tower. Walking into the center of the first platform, she was lifted into the air onto the second platform. There she walked in to the middle of the platform, causing a small screen to appear. Placing her hand on the screen, the word Emi came up, then 'Code' appeared afterwards. Seconds later, 'Lyoko' came up.

As the data on the walls fell off, Emi said. "Tower deactiavted."

"Return to the Past Now." Following the tower's deactiation, Cam began a return to the past. A bright light came from the supercomputer, spreading out and engulfing everything.


"Your not going to try sneaking away this time are you?" Kya asked Alexei, arms crossed as she glared. "I'd like to avoid a repeat."

Once again standing outside the school gates, the group had gathered for their class trip. The group watched as Mrs. Reed worked to get the classes' attention. The three covered their ears, as Mrs. Reed blew her whistle. 

"Now that I know the correct date, I'll happily accompany you two on this boring trip." Alexei smirked, making Kya groan.

"The point is Alexei, don't drag us into anymore of your crazy plans." Cam warned.

"Shall we leave?" Mrs. Reed suggested, allowing several students to protest. "Great! Everyone's right." 

"You still owe me for keeping Mara away from you." Cam reminded Alexei.

Alexei sighed, "Do I have to? Techonally, we didn't make any agreement since it didn't happen 'today.'"

"Alexei!" Mara waved, alarming Alexei. "Alexei!" She conintued calling.

Alexei gripped Cam's arm. "On second thought, do we still have a deal?"

Cam shared an amused look with Kya, "I'll think about it."

Mara quickly made her way over to the three, wrapping Alexei into a hug. "Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"Umm..." Alexei looked to Cam for help, but Cam only shrugged.

"Sorry Mara, Alexei couldn't hear you. He's planning a movie marathon and was inviting us. Do you wanna go?" Kya sweetly asked Mara.

"Umm...not thanks. I have plans that day." Mara quickly answered.

"We never told you what day it was." Kya replied.

"I'm busy all week. Besides, Ally needs me. Bye Alexei!" Mara dashed away towards her best friend.

Alexei looked at his friend confused. "Why did she run away?"

Cam and Kya blust out laughing. "She knows all to well about you and your strange movie choses sometimes." Cam explained.

"Yup," Kya agreed. "And now you owe me for getting her to leave you alone for today. A month's allownce should do it." She left the boys to catch up with the rest of the class. 

Alexei groaned, trying to think of a way to keep his money and repay Kya. Cam looked at his two friends, and laughed. While they often fought and disagreed, they were still close friends who trusted and relied on each other. Cam value their friendship and couldn't wait to include Emi into their everyday lives.

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