Our Happy Ever After

By xoskth

3.9K 221 1.8K

One whole year has passed since the events in Las Vegas. The girls now dating the members of CNCO happy as ev... More

Characters :
New Characters:
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four

Thirty One

42 3 3
By xoskth


I saw the way he was looking at her. The way his eyes sparkled when they were set on her. The way he looked at her like she was the only girl in the world. Christopher's words were replaying on my mind "Are you guys blind? Don't you guys see the way they look at them?" "If you don't believe me just watch the way Namjoon looks at Cristal"

I thought he was crazy for saying things like that, I thought it was all on his head, but after watching him look at her like that I knew... I knew he had feelings for her. I've never been the jealous type. I never cared that she has guy friends. I trust her. But there's this feeling I'm getting now that I realized that chris can possibly be right and I didn't like that feeling not one bit.

Richi: Hey babe?

Cristal: Mmm?

Richi: Can I ask you something?

Cristal: Yeah what is it?

Richi: What did you think about the concert yesterday?

Cristal: It was great. It was the first time I heard them sing live and they're amazing... why'd you ask?

Richi: Just curious... I just never realized how close you girls got to the guys..

Cristal: Well you guys were gone for 3 months and sometimes it gets boring with just us girls so we didn't really mind the company

Richi: Right... so did you all hang out alot?

Cristal: Some what.

Richi: What do you think about namjoon?

Cristal: What? Why are you asking all these questions? Is there something going on?

Richi: No like I said I'm just curious

Cristal: A little too curious...

Richi: Is that bad?

Cristal: That's not what I said

Richi: Then why don't you answer my question

Cristal: Fine... I think he's funny and nice.

Richi: Funny and nice?

Cristal: Yeah..

Richi: Okay..

Cristal: You're ac-

*Knock on the door*

Cristal: I'll get it *opens door* Hey what are you doing here?


Vanessa: So what happened?

Bianca: Ugh! He's still pushing me away

Sofia: I don't get it how did you manage to get to him in Miami?

Bianca: He was drunk it was easier

Camila: So what now?

Bianca: *smirks* Apparently he's been having relationship problems I saw them arguing yesterday at the concert

Vanessa: So that's why you three disappeared

Kendall: Why were they arguing?

Bianca: I couldn't really hear, but I think it was over a guy

Sofia: *chuckles* Did she cheat too?

Bianca: *laughs* She doesn't look like the type... but I'll find out soon enough

Vanessa: And you thought this was going to be easier

Bianca: I don't see you doing anything

Vanessa: That's because none of them caught my attention...at first *smirks*

Camila: Ooooo I know that face

Sofia: Who's the lucky guy?

Vanessa: Just wait and see.. *smiles*


I feel horrible. I shouldn't be feeling like this. But I can't help it. I love Erick I do... atleast I think I still do I'm so confused I don't know what to do. I'm starting to realize I have feelings for someone else... for Namjoon... how did it happen? I don't know it just did.

At first I thought I just found him attractive but then I found myself thinking about him all the time and always wanting to be with him again and yesterday when I saw the way he looked at Cristal I was jealous. I was jealous because I wanted him to look at me like that. Why is this happening to me? Why now?

Erick: Princesa?

Karen: Huh? Que?

Erick: Estas bien? Te he estado hablando

Karen: Um si nomas me duele la cabeza

Erick: Quieres descansar?

Karen: *nods*

Erick: Ok c'mon I'll lay down with you

Karen: Thank you

Erick: I love you *kisses her cheek*

Karen: Yeah... me too...


Zabdi: Le tienes que decir la verdad

Chris: No puedo

Zabdi: Si puedes nomas no quieres

Chris: No la quiero perder zabdiel

Zabdi: Entonces no te vieras acostado con esa modelo

Chris: Lo se ya lo se fui un estupido

Zabdi: Bueno por lo menos lo reconoces

Chris: No se que hacer dime que hago

Zabdi: *sighs* Christopher si no le cuentas la verdad y Bianca le cuenta entonces si la vas a perder

Chris: Cres que me perdone?

Zabdi: No se hermano.. pero tienes que arreglar este problema antes que empeore

Chris: Y si Bianca no le cuenta?

Zabdi: Te va a seguir chantajeando Christopher y lo unico que eso va a provocar es mas mentiras..

Chris: Tienes razon..


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