Code Lyoko: Lyoko Defenders

By Pastwitch98

2.9K 57 0

The Lyoko Warriors aren't the only ones protecting Lyoko and battling X.A.N.A. The Lyoko Defenders are anot... More

Chapter 1: Disagreement
Chapter 2: Disagreement Part 2
Trivia 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Trivia 3:
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Trivia 4
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Trivia 5
Trivia 6
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Trivia 7
Chapter 17
Trivia 8
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Trivia 9
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: Part 1
Chapter 25: Part 2
Chapter 25 Part 3
Chapter 25 Epliloge
Chapter 26 Part 1
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A message from the Lyoko Defenders
Season 2

Chapter 3:

185 1 0
By Pastwitch98

"Two attacks less than three days a part." Emi stated. "X.A.N.A.'s getting bold."

"Or despeate." Kya added. The group had gathered in Kya's dorm, before school. After the attacj, Cam called an emergery meeting. Alexei brought breakfast for everyone, since the meeting would last until classes began. "I think this attack is related to a Key."

Alexei paused mid-bite, "How? Nothing speical happened."

"Exectly. While the falling wires were dangerous, it wasn't aimed at us specificly." Kya explainrd. "More like a distraction."

"To keep us away from Lyoko at best adn away from the other sectors at least." Cam caught on. Grabbing his laptop, he opened a connection to the supercomputer. "Kya's right. It's been weeks seince a Key's been found."

"Have you noticed anything on Lyoko?" Alexei asked Emi. Unil the loactor program was finished, Emi would be the first to notice anything happening in Lyoko.

Emi shook her head, "No. I also haven't explored Lyoko for the keys. I've been working on the programs with Cam."

"And hanging out with this diwbi." Kya playfully mocked Alexei. "Lover-boy's been distracting Emi again."

"Quit it!" Alexei shoved Kya, who shoved him back. The two contiuned shoving each other, until they were on the ground wrestling."

"Will you two stop it!" Cam glared at them, for disturbing his work. "And Alexei, quit bugging Emi all the time. We have to much to do."

"That's a bit hasrh Cam." Emi crossed her arms. "Alexei has just as much right to spend time with me as you do."

"That's right! Mi' Lady." Alexei cheered.

Emi gave Alexei a look that said 'stop'. "Besides, we're not working on the program today." Cam began to protest, but Emi continued. "You need a break Cam. Plus, you need to attend all of you classes. I'll use the time to explore Lyoko." She logged off before anyone could talk her into changing her mind.


Kya's POV:

Emi just had to leave me alone with these two. Neither of them mentionsed their disagreement from the other day. Howeve, the tension in the air said they hadn't forgetten. "We have history first, let's go." I grabbed Cam's laptop and pulled it away. Cam has been known to tune everything and everyone out while using his laptop. He breifly glared at me, but got ready to leave without protest. "Since you have some free time today, could you look at my essay for bio?"

Cam gave a smirk. "Mara being a royal brat?" Unlike Alexei, Cam knew how annoying Mara can be. She often triese to hang out with Cam, in hopes of getting Alexei's attention. "We can work on it after school."

"Now who's flirting?" Alexei teased. "Better stop beign a distraction or else General Cam will be displeased."

Cam shoved pass Alexei, mummbling 'idoit' under his breath. "Stop Alexei, you not helping." I followed behind Cam, hoping to brighten his mood. The two of them fighting is not good for anyone. Espcially me!


Emi's POV:

I left the safety of the Way Tower, entering the forest sector. The virtual forest has some of the narrowest paths in Lyoko. Whenever a tower is activated here, there aren't places to hide. I usually avoid coming here alone. Which makes it the perfect place to begin my search. Normally, I'd seacrh on foot, running all over Lyoko. Today, I'll try something different. "Esole unem!" 'Close menu', I spoke these words, opening a virtual panel. This panel has direct access to the supercomputer itself. I can't do much or always use this panel, since most of the Lyoko Keys are still missing. Cam and Alexei don't want me doing this, since there's a chance the supercomputer may not reconzgine me. Theroically, this could make materializing me harder for Cam, if  the supercomputer doesn't reconzinge my programing.

"Loactor." Bring up the newest upgraded verison of the loactor program, I began running it. The program only loads up to seventy-five percent before crashing. Hopefully, that seventy-five percent will be enough to determine a loaction.

***********************************************************************************************Math, the groups second class of the day, had ended. Waiting outside the science lab, everyone wondered where Mr. Z was. It was unusal for him not to be inside the lab this time of day. "Where is he?" Mara sheirked. "This heat is making my hair frezy!" Several students groaned, as she went on a rant.

"Nice to see you worrying about my where abouts, Mara." Mr. Z stood behind Mara, holding a bookbag. "You'll be execited to know today's class is outside. For the next two days, we'll be exploring the nearby ponds, observing the different environments and life forms."

Everyone else cheered, while Mara rasied her hand, wanting to protest. "I'm allergic to walking for long periods of time."

"More like to lazy to walk." Kya loudly whisphered, causing the class to laugh. Mara's face became bright red. Mr. Z clapped his hands, then ordered everyone to line up with their partners. Mara begrudingly got next to Kya. The two ingored each other until they got to the pond.

"Today, each pair is free to explore the area. Remember to take notes and observetions. Stay together at all times. Meet back here in thirty mintues." Mr. Z clapped his hands to dismiss everyone.

Mara took off towards the benches in the shade, alone. Kya shook her head, wondering what Mara was thinking. The girl clearly didn't care about anything, but her own wants. "Not today, Mara." Kya stood in front of her partner, arms crossed. "I'm not getting in trouble for you nor doing the assignment alone, again."

"Than stay here with me and get a zero. Or do the assignment alone and risk getting in trobule." Mara suggested, with a smirk. 'Either way, I'm not moving."

Kya stopmed her foot in frustation. "I'm sick of doing everything, you selfish brat! I should tell Alexei."

That wiped the smirk off of Mara's face. "Don't drag Alexei into your problems."

The two girls stared at each other, neither waning to lose. "Cam's waiting for you Kya." Alexei patted Kya on the shoulder. "You'll switch with me, won't you? I can't deal with him today."

Surpised, Kya nodded. "Sure." She left Alexei to deal with Mara, as she found Cam by the pond. 'What just happened?"

Cam took Kya's hand and lead the way. "We put our anger aside for the greater good."

"Saving Mara's life?" Kya joked.

"Helping you>" Cam's statemtn caused Kya to blush. "Alexei stopped me from going over. That wouldn't have been good." They stopped by some ducks swimming to take notes. "His iead to switch partners was pretty smart." A small smile crossed his lips.

"There's a reason your best friends." Kya wanted to capture Cam's smile Rarely, did Cam smile this open or sincere. The two spent the rest of class wondering the area, recording the different animals.


Emi's POV:

The program worked! Halfway, it narrowed the possblie key loactions to the mountain or desert sector. Currently, I've been searching the desert sector. "Llaw!" 'Wall' A hole opened undernearth the bloks chasing me. The first ome fell through, but the others went around. A laser hit my arm, decreasing my life points.  "Cam!" I shouted, hoping he'd hear me. Around this time of day, Cam or Alexei usually check in with me. "Alexei!"

If X.A.N.A.'s monsters are around, a key must be near. There aren't any pulsations, which means a tower hasn't been activated. "Eloh!" 'Hole' A wall materialzed in front of the bloks, stopping them. However, a swarm of hornets greeted me. Backing away, I dashed to the left. The hornets fired lasers, which I dodged. Before they got to me, I ran into the Way Tower I'd found earlier. Safe for now, I have to contact the others fast.


Kya's POV:

"Why is Mara sitting at our table?" I asked, Cam as we grabbed our lunch. We hadn't seen Alexei since switching with me. We assumed he'd ditch Mara once we got back to campus. Yet there she was, cuddled next to him. Alexei appeared... scared? He nodded to whatever Mara said, while despearaly looking around the cafeteria. "It's a lovely day, wanna eat in the quad?"

"Yup." Cam lead the way, only to stop when Alexei began loudly calling our names. Cam appeared to debate going over. Even if he's mad at Alexei, surely he wouldn't subject Alexei deal with Mara alone, now that we've been found?

"Remember, it's for the greater good." Joking, I took Cam by the arm and led him to our table. "Find anything interesting at the lake?"

"We had more important things to do, unlike you nerds." Mara answered, smugly. "Why'd you invite them? We were having fun."

Alexei's eyebrow twitched a bit. "Their my friends Mara."

"Right." Mara dragged the word out, then checked her cell.

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Cam. "We still on for after school?"

"Seeing as how Emi banned me from working on the programs. Yes." Cam winked, then began eating.

Checking my watch, I saw that it was noon. "Strange, has Emi tried to contact you?" Around this time of day, one of the boy has checked on Emi. While alone on Lyoko, we're always worrying if X.A.N.A. will send monsters after her. Emi isn't known for being cautious. The only reasons she's been spending more time inside the towers, is to work on the programs.

Alexei scrolled through his cell, looking for missed calls or texts. "Nothing." He looked at Cam, who shook his head after checking his laptop. "Sorry Mara, I'll have to reschudle." Grabbing his bag, Alexei dashed out of the cafeteria, leaving us with Mara. Not wanting to be near Mara longer then nessacry, Cam and I followed after Alexei.

We found Alexei outside of my dorm, which wasn't a surpise. While on campus, my dorm is our unoffical headquaters. Cam sometimes works from my dorm when he can't sneak back home or to the mansion. He's even upgraded my computer to connect to the supercomupter for his work. "Emi?" Cam quickly pulled up the connection to contact Emi. "Emi?"

"Finally!" Emi's face popped onto the screen. She appeared tried, but execited. "I've been trying to call you and Alexei for a while. Why didn't you pick up?"

Alexei and Cam looked at each other, before Alexei answered. "We never recieved any commoucation from you. My cell phone didn't have a missed call or text from you, Cam's laptop didn't show a notication either."

"I'll fix it later." Emi quickyly changed topics. "The loactor program determined the desert sector to have a key! X.A.N.A.'s monsters also = attacked me while I searched the desert sector."

"Whoa, what?" Cam intruppted. "Let's go back to the loactor program. It's still incomplete. Also you shouldn't have been able to run the program alone. Unless..." Cam paused, then sighed. "You opened a direct connection to the supercomputer, again."

"Emi!" Alexei shouted worriedly. "Why? You know how dangerous that is. What if the supercomputer doesn't reconzige you? Cam will have to restart work on the materialzation program."

"Can we worry about that later?" Emi asked. "We know the loaction of a key. You guys need to get to Lyoko."

Cam shook his head. "No." We all looked at him in shock. "The loactor program isn't complete, something could've gone wrong or X.A.N.A. could've interfered somehow. For all we know, the monsters attacking you could've been a trap. It's not unusal for you to explore Lyoko alone and X.A.N.A. knows this." Cam had a good point, X.A.N.A. has sabogated our programs before. "Besides, I'm more worried that you can't contact us. It might have something to do with directly accessing the supercomputer alone. Until I can determine the cause, your not to leave the tower."

Emi huffed, "No. I'm going to check out the desert sector somemore."

"Don't be reckless." Alexei stepped closer to the computer. "We'll check out the loaction, but later. Cam's right, we need to make sure it isn't a trap."

"Besides, Cam can't miss anymore school right now." I added. "We'll go after school tomorrow. Even if X.A.N.A. has found the loaction, he can't get the Key until it fully reveals itself."

Emi thought for a moment, before nodding. "Your right, we can't afford to act recklessly. I'm sorry for using the supercomputer."

"Don't be sorry Emi. You wouldn't be Emi if your weren't sturnbornly taking risks." Cam said playfully, before opening up several sub-programs. "I'll have to begin working right after school, if we're to search the desert sector tomorrow." Cam turned me, looking disappoined. "Sorry, Kya. We'll have to reschudle."

Can't say I'm happy about this, I was looking forward to spending time with Cam. Since he's been working with Emi everyday, I haven't been able to spend anytime with him. He's my video game playing buddy. "Your not forgiven that easily." I said angerly. "You'll have to share you ulta-serect cheat codes for level five of Blaster." Smiling, I told him the terms for my forgiveness.

Cam smirked. "You'll have to prove your ready for them by defeating the level four main boss alone." The level four main boss is the only one I haven't been able to defeat alone. Cam's suppose to advice me while I batttle the monster. I've tried eighty-five times to defeat this thing alone! He really must think I can do it, if he's willing to give me his beloved cheat codes. "Now everyone hush. We stil have ten minutes of lunch left. I'm going to start a debugging program."

Alexei and I quietly sat on my bed playing cards, while Cam worked. I'm surpised he hasn't suggested skipping class to work on this lastest issue. Then again, he knows Alexei and I will hide his laptop from him if he tries. Cam maybe a straight A, honor student, but even he'll get detetion for skipping to many classes.

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