Annabella The Sidekick (Sequa...

By Liv_the_llama

60.1K 2.2K 670

Sequel to Defiance .................... Annabella Black, daughter of Regulus and Sky Black. Her parents were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Short Bonus)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Siriusly McKinnon?
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Read This!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Thank You!
Last thing before the chapter
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
George's Spell
Chapter 61
Author's Note
Its up!

Chapter 48

457 20 42
By Liv_the_llama

George must be pretty annoyed. He doesn't send a letter, and he hardly looks at me when he pops by to visit. He and Fred eat dinner with us one night and when he leaves, he barely pecks me on the lips. He then whispers into my ear. "Wouldn't want you to feel pressured." Just like every fight we have, we're both very stubborn.
The day comes when it's time to return to Hogwarts, and George didn't even come to say goodbye. I'm terribly upset as we floo to King's Cross, although I try not to let it show. I twist my necklace as my parents and I say goodbye. "Bye Mum! By Dad! I love you both," I tell them, hugging them tightly. They say that they love me too and tell me to behave.
I say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who hug me too. Lastly, I walk over to Remus. "I get emotional every time you leave," he tells me. "I'm all alone when you're not around." I hug him tightest of all, because he needs it most. "Rem, please promise me that you'll try to be happy," I say. Smiling, Remus hugs me again. "I promise."
Everyone had already gotten onto the train to find a compartment. I'm struggling to push my trunk onto the train when a pair of hands pushes it for me. When I turn around George stands behind me. "Surely you didn't think I wouldn't come to say goodbye," he says to me. I shrug a bit. "I wasn't sure for a while," I say. Rolling his eyes, George tugs me away from the train. "C'mon. You still have fifteen minutes before it leaves."
I lean against the wall of the station, making sure to keep away from our parents. Instead of kissing me, George hugs me tightly and nuzzles his head into the crook of my neck. "All this time without seeing you will drive me crazy," he whispers, his warm breath against my neck. "You'll be at Hogsmede right?" I ask. George chuckles quietly. "Every single time."
Then he does kiss me. "Three months without you will drive me crazy," He says after a moment. "There's always Hogsmede," I remind him. "Yeah but who will I have to wrap my arms around all the time? Who am I going to protect from the nightmares?" I kiss him again, wrapping my arms around him tightly. "Just make sure you make up for it at Christmas," I whisper, heading towards the train. "You don't have to tell me twice," he replies. "So did you feel pressured?" He asks with a smirk. "Nope. Maybe a little tempted, but not pressured." With a wink and a kiss on the cheek, I'm on the train.
After the sorting that night, it's announced that Sev is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I know he's wanted this job for a very long time. I haven't talked to him in quite a while, and I know why. He's a death eater. So is my father, but he ignores the mark when it burns. I know it burns because some days the agony on his face is too much for me to watch.
Classes go by every day, homework is assigned, and tests are given. Quidditch tryouts are in October, and I get seeker. Draco didn't even try out. He's been quiet lately, and disappears for hours at a time without explanation. He and I aren't really talking a lot but we do sometimes.
The first Hogsmede weekend is in early December. I haven't gotten a letter on whether or not George is coming so I head to the Three Broomsticks with Ginny. I stick my hands into my coat pockets as I forgot my gloves. I grumble about it all the way to town, with Ginny laughing the whole way.
Once were inside Dean grabs Ginny's hand and pulls her to a booth. She looks at me apologetically, but I wave her off and order a butterbeer anyway. When I go to pay, someone steps up beside me. "I got it," Draco says, throwing some money onto the counter. We take our butterbeers and go over to an empty table.
"I thought you said Weasley was coming," Draco sneers. "I thought he was. I sent him an owl as soon as the date was posted. He probably got busy at the store," I respond, wrapping my fingers around the butterbeer to warm them. "Where are your gloves?" Draco demands, slipping off his own and throwing them at me. "I left them at home. Thank you by the way, for the drink and gloves."
Draco goes to say something, but gets up abruptly. "I have to use the restroom," he says. Before he leaves however, I notice something. "Draco Lucius Malfoy you stop right where you are!" I exclaim. He doesn't move. "I'm going to let you go to the bathroom, but I want an explanation!" I say, pointing at his left arm. "I know what I saw."
Draco leaves, and I can no longer deal with the stuffiness of the pub. I finish my drink and walk outside in the snow. Everyone is hurrying to get inside but I just meander around. I come upon the shrieking shack and sit on a stump. It's not long before I hear footsteps coming up behind me.
"Annabella Marie Black! I have been looking for you everywhere!" George says. He doesn't get in anything else however, because I'm kissing him before he can. It isn't a gentle kiss either. It's my lips against his, trying to make up for three months. He pulls away after a moment, smiling mischievously. "When do you have to be back?" He asks me. "About five," I reply. Smiling George grabs my arm. "Three hours is perfect," he says before apperating me.
When we land, I'm a bit angry. I could get in so much trouble! I forget that though when George open the door, calls out "Fred I'm back!" And kisses me. So we're in George's room. "I missed you," he whispers against my neck. I try to reply that I feel the same, but trip and end up falling on his bed. "No shoes on the bed!" George immediately exclaims. I kick them off and he smiles.
"Comfortable?" He laughs. I think for a moment. "Well I'd be more comfortable if you were beside me," I tell him. He doesn't hesitate before jumping beside me. "Talk now and kiss later?" He asks me. "Or kiss now and talk later?" I don't reply, I just kiss him. "Option two it is," Georgie replies when we're catching our breath a minute later.
I kiss him again, wasting no time. His lips move against mine quickly, frantically even. I slip my hands under his shirt and slide it up his torso. After sliding his shirt over his head, I throw it off somewhere into the room. Feeling very awkward in the way that we're laying, I roll over so I'm straddling his waist. "Not feeling shy?" George asks. I shake my head as I trace my fingers up and down his chest. He shivers. "Cold hands like always."
I laugh and bend down to kiss my boyfriend again. I don't stay at his lips this time though. I kiss his neck for a moment before biting him lightly. He makes a small noise in the back of his throat and turns his head to give me better access to his neck. I apply pressure with my teeth, not really biting him. "Bells," he whispers.
I bring my lips back up to his lips and kiss him lightly. "You're such a tease," he tells me. I smirk and bring my mouth down to the place where his neck meets his shoulder. I brush my lips against his skin, making him squirm under my touch. Finally, I bite down on the skin of his shoulder and he moans. When I pull away a moment later, there's a small mark forming. "Am I a tease now?" I ask him.
Instead of responding with words, George slips my fuzzy sweater off of my body, leaving me in a form fitting tank top. Suddenly cold, I shiver. George places his hands on my waist before slowly flipping us so he's leaning over me, resting on his forearms. "You know what Bells?" He asks. "What?" I reply, our breaths mingling in the air. "Fair is fair."
I have never felt a feeling so intense in my life. It's not love I feel as George kisses my neck. Its greater than that. It's anxious and nervous and desire mixed with adoration. Despite all this, I'm terrified. I shiver as George's mouth moves against my neck. My bare arms are wrapped around George, my hands grasping his shirtless form.
Slowly, George moves his lips. My breathing is heavy, and I gasp every so often as he lets his teeth touch my skin, but never really applying pressure. "Who's the tease now?" I ask him. He laughs quietly, and I feel his breath against my already warm skin. "Bells, I could keep this up for hours and there's nothing you can do about it," He warns me.
He continues the routine, kissing my neck and letting me feel his teeth every so often. After another few tortuous moments, George stops completely. "Stop," I complain. His face hovers above mine, our breaths mingling. "Say my name," he whispers. "Georgie, please?" I ask. George kisses me on the lips and snags my bottom lip between his teeth. When he pulls away from me, I'm breathing frantically, trying to catch my breath. "Say it again," he says quietly. "Please George?"
Almost instantly, his lips are back on my neck. It doesn't take long before he applies a bit of pressure with his teeth. "Is this okay?" He asks. I nod in reply, afraid my voice will be shaky. Lightly, George bites my neck. A small noise comes from my throat. "That wasn't good enough for me. Maybe I should try again." I say nothing but turn my head so he has better access to me.
George bites me again, a bit harder this time. A quiet moan escapes my lips and I feel my face flush. I feel George grin against my neck. "Maybe one more time." In reality, I want him to do it forever. I feel his teeth on my neck, biting down harder than last time. "George!" His name flies from my lips.
Immediately, his concerned face is above mine. "Did I hurt you? Do you want to stop, Love?" He asks me. I shake my head. "No Georgie," I tell him as I blush. "No I didn't hurt you?" He asks me. "No to both," I reply. "Are you sure?" He asks. "I'm sure," I reply to him. "I like you calling out my name like that," he smirks. "Well it can't happen again like this," I inform him. Laughing, George brings his head back down to my neck.
"So we like the biting, do we?" He asks. "Yes." I feel George's teeth as he bites down lightly. All over my neck he bites me, never hard. However, it doesn't last long. A few moans escape me when he applies a bit more pressure, causing George to cast a silencing charm on the room.
Finally, George bites me as hard as he did when I called out his name. I moan loudly, encouraging him. He finds the little places that are my weak spots. "Is it okay for me to leave a mark on you?" He asks me. Slowly, I nod. At the same place where I left his mark, George kisses me. When he bites down slowly, my eyes flutter close. He sucks lightly at the place on my neck, and it's no coincidence that it's one of my weak spots.
When he's finished, George brings his lips back to mine. "Is this too much for you?" He asks me. I shake my head. "I'll let you know." George kisses the tip of my nose, and I look up at him. "I'm going to memorize every inch of your face with my lips," he tells me. I close my eyes, content to feel his lips against my face.
True to his word, George leaves no inch of my face untouched by his lips. After so much intensity, it's nice to feel the feeling of love rather than lust. Of course there was love before, but neither of us are dumb enough to think there was no desire involved.
"I think I've got it," George tells me. "Well give me a turn then," I whisper. We go back to the position where I straddle him, and I watch as his eyes close. I start with his lips, even though I already know them so well. He kisses me back, but I pull away. "This is an examination Georgie, no kissing back," I inform him.
He groans but doesn't kiss back when I place my lips on his again. "This must be really difficult for you," I laugh before kissing him. "Bells, stop it," he whines. "Or what?" I ask, placing another kiss to his lips. His eyes open and he flips us over yet again. "I let you kiss back," he tells me. "So?"
George doesn't reply, just kisses me. I kiss him back and he grins. "For every time you kiss back I get to give you another love bite," he tells me. "How am I losing?" I ask him. "I get to pick where it goes," he responds. I frown but I have to agree.
When George first kisses me, I resist and don't kiss him back. The second time however, he licks his lips slowly and bends down to my mouth. He kisses me and I don't kiss back, but he runs his tongue against my bottom lip and my mouth opens to him. "That counts," he says. Groaning, I relax onto the pillow. "I'll be nice this time," George says and presses his lips at the top of my shoulder on the opposite side of the other mark.
"If you don't moan then you win the game," George says mischievously. I believe I can do it no problem, but George makes it difficult. He goes slowly, and he holds me still when I start to squirm under him. It doesn't help that he's adding little flicks of the tongue here and there. Finally, I moan loudly. "You win!" I exclaim.
George laughs and brings his face to hover above mine. "I just want to put one more mark," George tells me. "Right here." He touches the spot right below my ear. "Georgie no! People will see it," I whisper. Georgie nods his head. "Okay I won't because you asked me to," He says.
He goes back to kissing my neck. He starts off with little flicks of the tongue and teeth, but he has me writhing under him in a matter of minutes. "I just want to put marks everywhere on your pretty little neck," he tells me. I moan as George bites a sensitive spot on my neck. "I want this off," George says, fingering the hem of my shirt. I immediately stop and push on his chest.
"I can't," I tell him. "You can't what?" He asks. "I want to be with you Georgie. I want to in every sense of the word. I just can't let anybody see what they did to me." I whisper. "Hey it's okay Bells," he says. "I'll stop any time you want me to." I see the love he has for me in his eyes. I know that he doesn't want to hurt me. I take his hands in mine slowly.
"Georgie, I can't go all the way with you tonight," I tell him. He nods at me and smiles. "I'm completely okay with that." I guide his hands to the hem of my tank top and he looks at me confusingly. "This one thing is okay. I trust you George. I love you." My boyfriend smiles at me and kisses me lightly. "I love you too."
He pulls my tank top over my head, taking me in. I blush at how exposed I feel and wish I could cover myself. George reads the words engraved into my stomach and chest. The words that never leave my head. Slowly, he leans down to the scars across my stomach. He kisses the first one and traces it with his lips. He does the same for each one. All eleven letters.
"You are so beautiful," he whispers. "You're everything I want." I know he wants me in a way that I'm not ready for. He knows I'm not ready though and he respects it. We continue what we were doing earlier. He teases me at first, running his mouth over my stomach, just nicking me with his teeth. When he does bite down, it's not easy. I moan very loud and I feel George smile.
After we're both quite tired and covered in love bites, he pulls me close to him under the blankets. "There are no words for that," I say to him. "It was intense," George tells me. "Did I ever make you uncomfortable?" He asks me. "No. I just felt embarrassed at first." George laughs as he strokes my hair. "Your face was so red."
We talk about nothing for a bit until there's a knock at the door. George takes off the silencing charm. "Go away Fred!" He shouts. "Where is the toothpaste?" Fred yells. I giggle a bit and the boy on the other side of the door goes silent. "Watch this," George whispers to me.
"George, I know I didn't hear a girl's laugh," Fred says. George hands me his shirt, which I put on. "Look Fred, it's hard to explain," George responds. "You're with Bells!" Fred explodes. He bursts through the door, but stops short when he sees me. "Bells?" He asks. "I was kidnapped!" I yell. "Get decent and come in here. I brought back takeout."
For the next hour I sit in the twins' kitchen, just talking about nothing. "It's time for me to go back," I say sadly. Fred hugs me tightly and George leads me back to his room to get my clothes. As I'm stripping George's shirt off to change, he tugs at the back of my bra. "George!" I yell, laughing.
When I'm dressed, George apperates us back to Hogsmede. "Can we do this again?" George jokes. I pull down the collar of his shirt to reveal the first love bite I gave him. "If you're lucky you'll see me before all these fade," I tell him. "Three weeks until Christmas holiday," he whispers. "Until then." With a kiss, he apperates into thin air.
That night as I'm changing in the dormitory, I strip down to my tank top since it's Ginny and I. She grabs my arm and spins me around to face her. "Are those hickeys?" She asks me. "I saw your brother in Hogsmede today," I say sheepishly. "We may have apperated to his apartment."

(A/N) I started to write to get my mind off of things and ended up with this. If this is too steamy let me know. If you'd like more scenes like this one, let me know.

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