Protect Me Always (inuyasha f...

By LadyRitsuka

102K 4.8K 510

Save me from the darkness Pull me into the light Give me some good memories Please help me survive O... More

Chapter 2 Powers unleashed
Chapter 3 Brother...s?
Chapter 4 Help me
Chapter 5 Koga the wolf and Kunai
Chapter 6 Koga the wolf and Kunai part 2
Chapter 7 Stone cold
Chapter 8 Alone plus Naraku
Chapter 9 Naraku's Castle
Chapter 10 New memories
Chapter 11 Memories back
Chapter 12 Staying with Koga and Family
Chapter 13 The white wolf
Chapter 14 Kero, be my friend
Chapter 15 Friend
Chapter 16 Heading Home
Chapter 17 Kero's story
Chapter 18 Enter Tomiko
Chapter 19 Leave me alone
Chapter 20 Naraku....Again
Chapter 21 Betrayal
Chapter 22 The final battle part 1
Chapter 23 The final battle part 2
Chapter 24 The final battle part 3
,Chapter 25 The final battle part 4
Chapter 26 I'll Miss You
Sequel !!!

Chapter 1 My life changes forever

7.4K 279 55
By LadyRitsuka

I woke up to the sound of the villagers chatting and the children playing, I smiled 'what a perfect life I live' I thought to myself, I got out of bed and started to get myself ready.

Seeing how it was my turn to collect wood for the evening bonfire, I decide put my long brown hair up into a scruffy side bun, wear long boots (sadly) and tuck my Kimono in.

Smiling at my new appearance, I walked out of the hut and started of down the road.

Unknown POV

"please M'lord wait for me" an annoying green toad demon yelled out, I sent him a death glare and he shut up immediately.

"Haha Lord Jaken's been left behind" Rin said

"Silence Rin"I said with my mono toned voice, and she also stayed quiet.

As we neared a village, Ah-Un (a dragon with two heads, that has no wings, I think) started to acted strangely towards it, so I decided to check it out.

As we walked down the road, a little girl (around Rin's age) walked past us with a closed mouth smile, closed eyes and was humming a familiar tune. I looked at her as she opened her eyes.

'She sounded so happy but her eyes show sadness and sorrow' I thought to myself.

Kai's POV

i slowly opened my eyes, I looked at the corner of my eye to see a big man's back facing my village. I just kept walking.

TIME SKIP (its around 5:00pm)

Unknown POV

I walked into the village, all of a sudden,a  massive bell rang through out the entire village, probably indicating that a demon was here.

in a matter of seconds all of the village's people (including the women) all ran up to me with meat knifes, pitch forks, flame torches and anything else they could find.

my inner demon smiled a deadly smile, pretty much saying kill kill kill', I smiled evilly and told Jaken to take Rin somewhere else,when I was sure that she was gone I started to fight the villagers.

blood went everywhere and most of the huts were on fire but frankly, I didn't care.

until I turned around and saw her!

Kai's POV

I walked around the forest floor, gathering pieces of wood, until I thought I had enough so I decided to head back home,I walked for awhile, when I smelt smoke, I looked up at the sky.

The village!

I ran and ran, until finally the village was in view 'please be wrong, please be wrong' I thought frantically to myself.

once I made it into the village, what I saw made me drop all the wood I had in my hands.

Blood, there was blood everywhere.

it gets worst, everywhere I looked I could see dead villagers, both men, women and children.

but what I saw might of scared me to death,I saw a pair of crimson red eyes staring at me, Tears ran down my face and my breath was all shaky,

"how could you" I whispered.


I ran at the monster, only to be slapped away,I landed on a broken house, I heard footsteps walk away, blood was running down my lip,nose and forehead but I still stood up.

"I'm not through with you yet" I said loud enough for him to hear.

 he sighed and turned around, he smirked and started to walk towards me,  he walked closer, I didn't flinch or run,he slapped me away again but I got up and stumbled over to him.

"Why don't you run, stubborn brat" I said in monotone.

" I rather DIE then run away in fear, and who you calling brat, your the BRAT, THINKING YOU CAN JUST WALTZ RIGHT OVER AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG, THEY WERE HARD WORKING VILLIGERS JUST TRYING TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE SEASONS, and you go and kill them" the tears made it hard to talk or yell.

he just mumbled somthing and walked away, "I'M NOT THROUGH WITH YOU" I shouted out, he stopped and sighed, making his way over with one of his swords.

I was angry now,my eyes held no mercy, my heart beat quickened and the tension in the air thickened, the monster must of noticed it to, because he stopped to see what was going to happen.

I smiled evilly,his eyes widened in shock but then went back to normal, my locket sprung open and a mysterious light surrounded me.

I was lifted into the air and I felt my body change, I wore different clothes and my blood changed, but what changed most of all was my memory.

I saw all different images pop into my head, I smiled a crimson smile, the tattoos around my wrist disappeared as did the locket's lock, I felt strange markings appear on my cheeks and forehead.

the marking on my forehead glowed and I looked up to see him staring at me in bewilderment but he wasn't alone, I could see a young child, a toad thing and a dragon next to him.

My powers were unleashed.

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