Life is a mixture

By HazarAlaabed

682 39 44

Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, good and bad, success and failing, love and hatred, strength and... More

To be new
Friends and Honesty
School Friends
Hi my friend's friends
Relationships !
An expert from my story: "Desire first, then a will"
An expert from my story, " Desire first, then a will"
An expert from my story, "Desire first then a will"
An expert from my story, "Desire first then a will"
The IDEA of the NEW chapter
Be honest with your goals
Watch and learn
Helping others out
Skills (1)
Break OR Rest
AFFECTED ( Society' environment: traditions and culture )


9 1 1
By HazarAlaabed

      Now, now, I know that CONFIDENCE isn't a whole new thing that no one knows about, but it's still important and VITAL to SUCCEED specially, plus the fact that some people would rather not be confident because they believe that being different ( which they are ) can't get along with others or they feel embarrass from what they are or what they do, others would be show off or vain ( they aren't confident at all but rather liars , which will be explained latter in this article), so I want to explain the real meaning, importance, and actions that express that you hold it within from my point of view. All that will be mentioned and explained in theories:

T 1: CONFIDENCE starts with a feeling and continues ( be proved ) by actions. It begins with the feeling that you trust and believe in yourself in face of all the rumors or illogical unreal believes, but not only that but this feeling must be proved when you do what you trust yourself to do or , that means you shouldn't say that you are sure of yourself in something if you don't feel that, and to prove that you really feel it you must do that something or that you had done it in the past.

T 2: No one can be really CONFIDENT in something that isn't logical or that doesn't has a possibility to happen, or otherwise it will be called a believe. Since confidence ( in my opinion) must begin with a feeling and continues with an action that proves it, so illogical believes that you believe you can do, don't count as confidence, because that feeling ( that you are sure that you can do it) will vanish if the mind and logical insist that it can't happen, and of course they won't disagree with the feeling because it's hard physically or physiologically, it's because it's impossible ( be aware that there is a different between " I feel it's impossible " a feeling, " I believe it's impossible" an opinion , and " I think ( know) it's impossible" a fact). In other words you can't truly claim that you are confident that you can fly magically, turn into a monster ( physically), or to hold some kind of unnatural power, but rather it's called: " I believe ( as an opinion). In addition that if you somehow ignored that section of confidence, you can't even hold the other half which is " continuing the confidence ( proving it ) by actions", since you can't possibly do that illogical impossible thing you believe you could, so in the end you can't totally hold confidence in that thing or even half confidence. In the past when people stood up with the feeling of confidence to what most people believed that is not possible, they thought for sure in mind that it could happen in curtain way ( they figured it out or knew it's true ) and so they were able to prove that feeling by doing it or they failed because of a wrong step they haven't done or the lack of knowledge or sense of the whole thing while doing it, which doesn't mean it's impossible but it can't happen in the way they thought of. Sometimes people think something is illogical and in the end it turns out to be logical, not because of the lack of logic in their mind but because they didn't understand or have the knowledge of a part or the whole thing they thought is illogical, same thing applies to the opposite. In other word, all of our minds ( except for the insane ones) are capable of deciding what is logical or not, but in the circumstances of having the complete knowledge and understanding of what we will decide upon. So don't think that everything people think and say is logical, since not everyone depend on logic and sense, not everyone understand or even know exactly and totally of what they say, or not everyone speak the truth, so the best way to prove something is logical or not is either by the mind when it hold the complete knowledge and understanding or by right experiments ( if your mind couldn't truly decide because of the lack) without any mistakes in doing them.

T 3: CONFIDENCE is vital to success. When you are confident of something that means you can do it, so in the end all this is about trusting yourself of doing something you can do, and your motivation is to do something is within your feeling of it and your mind ( both of them), this combination is powerful to your goal because it will push you to do things that will improve your score in the field, and without confidence in what you are about to do you won't do it properly or freely, but if you hold bravery, you might do it ( the difference between bravery and confidence will be explained latter). Believing in yourself to do something is important: 1) because you are the one who has to do in order to succeed, so holding it while you are doing it will give you higher possibility to achieve it than doing it without confidence. 2) it's what will push you to succeed in anything no matter how hard, bad, or impossible people believed it is 3) it's needed when you face your opponents in the battle field of succeeding, especially after you realize that they are excellent and great at it and when you worries that you won't make it (succeed ), since confidence will help you keep up ,do your best ( what you are sure you can do), and reminds you that you can succeed and that you have what it takes 4) without confidence you won't bring out the best of you since you don't trust yourself specially in the moments that you must decide and act fast in unexpected situations which will lead you to be flexible or strict ( if it wasn't the first time you face these situations).

T 4: So much confidence isn't the reason for someone to become vain. Some people say : "Don't be too confident or else will you will be vain ", which I don't agree with and think that they should say: " Be too confident so you won't be vain". The reason is that being confident applies the feeling of trusting yourself of something logical you have done ( as a proof), so if you are too confident then you trust yourself too much to do things that must be logical in order to call it confidence and that you can do and have done, but when you are vain you trust yourself and believe in yourself too much but in illogical things that you can't do or be, so you haven't proved confidence, In conclusion a vain person doesn't hold confidence at that moment, plus what really made that person vain is lies he/she tried to believe and showed others people that they can or have only by words only , that is if you put him/her in the position of doing those things he/she will likely not do it.

T 5: Being brave isn't being confident. When you are a brave person and so you face your fears and stand up to evil no matter what are the consequences of such action, what actually motivates you to such things is the desire to be free from your fears or the love you hold to others that makes you fight and protect them from whoever. In fact brave people aren't called confident ones because they did what they did even though they weren't sure of themselves that they will do it right, or that they will defeat their fears, it's because of love to others and so they do the opposite of what their minds tell them because of the high possibility that they won't make it. As I said when someone is confident they believe in themselves and then act, but brave ones act out of love and desire (which will create a great motivation for it to happen ) without believing in themselves that they will succeed in it completely. However we shouldn't assume ( be certain ) that the confidence is more powerful than bravery because they both hold great magnificent motivation specially that both of them stand up against what seems impossible or not worthy , to succeed the goal.

PS: I totally know that I am late and I should have post this yesterday, and so I won't apologize but rather confess that because of that I added more ideas and wrote more than I wrote yesterday  (as a punishment), I don't mean to brag, it's just to not make a confusion specially after I wrote about being strict.

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