Annabella The Sidekick (Sequa...

By Liv_the_llama

60.3K 2.2K 670

Sequel to Defiance .................... Annabella Black, daughter of Regulus and Sky Black. Her parents were... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Short Bonus)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Siriusly McKinnon?
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Read This!
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Thank You!
Last thing before the chapter
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
George's Spell
Chapter 61
Author's Note
Its up!

Chapter 42

453 17 3
By Liv_the_llama

Upon arrival at wherever we are, I'm flung onto a floor. Oh Merlin, I know exactly where I am. I've spent many days here, playing chess, reading, or just talking. This is Malfoy Manor.
I reach for my wand, but it's ripped from my hand. "Don't even think about trying to get away. I'll hit you with a killing curse before you can scream," the death eater says.
"Yaxley! You brought a gift!" Bellatrix laughs, bounding into the room. "It's my ickle cousin too!" She claps her hands together. Pulling out her wand, she points it at me. "So this is my cousin. I've heard so much about you," Bellatrix says.
"We're both Bellas too!" She exclaims. "So I'll tell you what. You join us, and not a hair on your head will be harmed," she says. "Never," I spit, glaring at her. She tuts, dragging her wand across my face. "It's such a shame to torture someone who looks so much like me. Crucio!" She exclaims.
I can think of nothing but the pain. It feels like I'm being burned over and over. To me a burn is the worst type of pain. It's inside your head. It's not real. I tell myself. However, it doesn't work. The pain keeps going.
I cry out over and over, feeling fire eat my flesh. It doesn't take long to begin screaming. "Please!" I beg. "Stop!" The only answer is more laughter from Bellatrix. I don't know how long it's been going on when she stops.
I gasp for air, my throat hoarse. "You didn't think it was over, did you?" Bellatrix cackles, pulling out something that glints in the light. My shirt is torn from my body and I'm shoved onto my back. Bellatrix sits on my stomach, ensuring I don't move away.
"This is your last chance, ickle Black," she giggles. "I will never join you," I say to her. Bellatrix laughs again, and I feel something. It's digging into my stomach, spreading pain form the place she started to everywhere.
"I love making new masterpieces," she says, humming to herself. I'm not sure she can hear herself over my screaming. Believe me, I am screaming. Tears are blinding my vision, and my throat is on fire. I don't stop though. Maybe somebody will hear me.
"Bellatrix," a cold draw interrupts. "The house elves have pre-" he stops short, seeing me lying on the floor. "Annabella?" He asks. "Isn't it great Lucius? What do you think of my new work of art?" She asks him.
She continues carving into me with what I assume is a knife. "I'm almost done. Don't begin dinner without me," she tells him. "As you wish," he replies, leaving. Lucius did not just leave. He left me here to get tortured. I hate him so much.
"Dolohov!" Bellatrix yells. I hear footsteps. "Go and show our guest her new decorations and then take her to a cell downstairs." I'm roughly picked up, and taken to a mirror on the wall. Carved deeply into my stomach is "Weak traitor." The lines are jagged, and blood is running down my stomach.
The sight of the blood makes me gag, but I'm dragged away from the mirror. Dolohov laughs and drags me downstairs, where I'm thrown into a cold cell without a shirt. Shivering, I hug my knees. My stomach feels like it's being ripped apart, but I'm too cold to not curl up.
I'm sitting there for quite a bit when I hear footsteps. I shrink back against the wall, desperately hoping whoever it is won't see me. A light flickers on. "Alright you lot, dinner time!" A voice says. Into the room walks Dolohov.
He goes around and gives each person a piece of bread. There's about four of us. Prisoners.
When Dolohov gets to me, he tosses a piece of bread in my general direction, not looking at me. I don't eat it though. I'm not hungry now, so I'll save it for later when I know I'll be.
It's not that long later when I'm dragged upstairs again by Yaxley. "Bellatrix is excited to see you again. You're going to have an audience this time," he grins. I immediately feel sick to my stomach.
I'm thrown onto the floor again, but this time I just lay still. A small crowd of death eaters are in the room. Yaxley, Dolohov, and Lucius. There's another that I don't know.
"Welcome back," Bellatrix laughs. "Did you miss me?" She asks. I choose to stay silent. "Answer me!" She shouts, kicking me in the side. A moan escapees my throat, and some of the death eater's laugh. "You wish," I tell her. Bellatrix's face contorts into one of fury.
"What did you just sat to me?" She growls. "I said you wished I miss you," I say. Very angry, Bellatrix kicks me several times in the stomach, opening up my wounds. The ones she gave me.
Bellatrix draws out her knife and runs the cold blade down my face, over my neck, and stops over my chest. "I'm trying to decide whether to use Crucio on you or cut you more. You seem so fondly of both," she cackles. She thinks for a moment before slicing my arm open, emitting a scream from me.
"That's what I like to hear," Bellatrix giggles. She does some more things I don't care to divulge. Finally though, she sends me back to my cell. My body is exhausted and so am I. My throat is hoarse and I'm bleeding all over.
I lay down on the cold ground, still without a shirt. "Hey girl," a gruff voice says. I turn my head to see a shadow of a man next to me. "You alive? We heard you screaming. It must have been hours," he says. "I'm fine," I croak out. "Did you eat earlier? You need to keep your strength up," the man says.
I pick up my bread and nibble on it a bit. "Listen here girl, this place won't be near as bad if you forget everything else," the man tells me. Nodding, I close my eyes. I allow myself to think of Mum, Dad, Harry, Fred, and George. Oh George. For not the first time in my life, I think that I will never see them again. Although they will never hear it, I tell them each goodbye inside my head.

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