Death Manifest

By KingSkyFyre

158K 5.4K 975

Izuku Midoriya is a boy who has been bullied since a young age. In a world where quirks can cause being quirk... More

Chapter 1: Discovery
Chapter 2: Exam
Chapter 3: Class
Chapter 4: Revenge
Chapter 5: Escape
Chapter 6: Festivities Commence
Chapter 7: A Battle of Heart
Chapter 8: Brothers
Chapter 9: Internships
Chapter 10: Examining
Chapter 11: Manifestation
Chapter 12: Hunter
Chapter 13: Time
Chapter 14: Pumped up
Chapter 15: Rematch
Chapter 16: Mentality
Chapter 18: Day 2 Rank 1
Chapter 19: The Council
Chapter 20: New Lessons
Chapter 21: Realizations
Chapter 22: The Past
Chapter 23: Decay
Authors notes
Chapter 24: Preparation
Chapter 25: Lets Get Ready To Rumble
Chapter 26: Final Fifty
Chapter 27: Tournament Preparation
Chapter 28: Round 1
Chapter 29: A Serious Undertaking
Chapter 30: 2 Years Later
Chapter 31: Brackets
Chapter 32: Paralysis, Fire, Strength, and Death
Chapter 33: Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Chapter 34: The Return
Chapter 35: Where It Begins
Chapter 36: Disarming The Nuke
Chapter 37: The Final Fight
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter #2

Chapter 17: Transfer

2.6K 82 40
By KingSkyFyre

The next day the class began talking about which school Izuku should go to and it was a seemingly even split between the American school and the Canadian school. Izuku was undecided and began realizing his classmates were going to pressure him so he would have to choose quickly. During class that day the principal had come into class. "So Midoriya have you decided which school you want to go to you don't have long as the flight is in a few days and you have to decide whether you are ending up in the States or in Canada?" Izuku smiled and nodded. "I decided that I will go to the school in Canada." The class looked to Izuku as many exchanged glances a few smiling and Izuku saw Kaminari hand Kirishima 2500 yen which was then pocketed. Prinicipal Nedzu smiled before opening his phone and sending a text. "The flight will be in a few days to give you time to finish packing your things. I suggest you say your goodbyes because who knows when you will be back." The class looked to him and knew that he had very few true connections, the only ones seem to be Bakugo and Todoroki and maybe Iida. Izuku went to his room after class and began packing his stuff. He only had Bakugo come to his room to help, and a few of his classmates looked into his room. "Bakugo you have been my only family since the death of my mother and I appreciate that. I am sorry for the harsh shit I have said to you over the past few weeks." Bakugo hit his arm. "Dude no problem, I understand what was happening. I am sorry for flipping out on you." Izuku laughed. "Dude you have been like that since you were a kid. Anger is part of your personality, but on a serious note. I need you to promise me something." Bakugo looked towards Izuku. "Of course man, anything after all this is the first time you have asked me for something in a long time." Izuku looked down. "I need you to look after everyone you and Todoroki together should be able to protect the others." Bakugo looked down. "Will do Deku." With that Bakugo left the room having helped Izuku to the best he could. The next few days passed with any significant events transpiring. The day for his flight was approaching fast and Izuku had decided that he should visit Mei to thank her one last time for the arm. He went to the room she was always in but for once she wasn't there. He decided he would wait for her, as he waited he saw a case that was labelled with his last name on it. Izuku decided to open it and inside he saw an arm that was seemingly the same as his right arm. Just as he was about to touch it Mei walked in. "Hello Izuku, I guess you have seen the MK II model of your arm. I made it specifically to enhance your abilities and managed to boost your powers by about 25%. Also Izuku if you are able to hurry back from Canada." Izuku nodded. "I will try my best and thanks for everything." With that done Izuku went to his room to sleep in his bed one last time before leaving the country.

Later the next day

Izuku arrived in Canada and saw a man in a suit holding a sign with his name on it. Izuku walked over to the man. "I am Izuku Midoriya. I take it you are from the scho..." just then a punch was swung at him but Izuku dodged and activated his death manifest form. The guy in the suit smiled. "I am sorry for the sucker punch I just had to make sure you were who you said you were." Izuku smiled "I guess that is something we need to be prepared for." A few hours later Izuku arrived at the school and saw some students who were seemingly waiting for him. "Before you come in I am going to warn you that some of those students are going to try and fight you. Rankings here are important it determines your class and who participates in the continental tournament. As you are new your ranking is currently going to be unknown but after defeating another student your ranking will be one higher than the person defeated. This system has caused there to be many class switches as a person could be ranked high one day then lose to a lower ranked student and be demoted." Izuku smiled. "Well I guess It will be hectic from the start." As Izuku walked into the school grounds three students immediately showed their students cards to Izuku and he noticed they were electronic and had their current ranking under their names. The three students who had displayed their cards were immediately shooed away by the man in the suit and he informed him he was being challenged but seeing as he didn't have his student card yet he couldn't accept challenges. After about ten minutes Izuku was brought into a room that looked similar to Prinicipal Nedzu's office. He saw a man turn around in his chair. "Izuku Midoriya you have been recommended by Nedzu who is an old friend but I will need to explain a few things about how we work here. First of all your academics will be self taught, this means that any subject that interests you can be learned. Second only those with a ranking of 10 or higher will be permitted to join the continental tournament. The day these ranks will be confirmed for the tournament will be in June of this year and each year in succession. To graduate from this school you need to either win two continental tournaments in a row or successfully hold your ranking above the bottom for more than 3 years. Thirdly you can not deny a challenge of another student unless under certain circumstances you are given a pass of denial by the nurse. As it is your first day you will be be given a pass of denial after 5 pm tonight and as it is only 1pm now you will more than likely have 4 hours of fighting starting when I give this student card to you. With that explanation Izuku was handed a student card and as soon as he exited the room he saw the three students from before holding out their student cards to signify a challenge. Izuku smiled knowing he would be fighting all three in succession. "So who is first?" The boy in a purple hoody walked up and the other two backed away putting away their student cards for now. "The name is Stephen, but I am known as.." He all of sudden had to katanas at his side. "Jack the ripper, rank 42. I wish to challenge you as a new student to see if you have what it takes to make the top 50." Izuku smiled. "Is there fields where battles take place or is it just anywhere?" Stephen laughed. "Well we have fields but they are usually full, so as an unwritten rule we can fight anywhere as the school has been made nearly indestructible by one of our teachers abilities." Izuku got into a fighting stance and put his stuff down and took off his jacket. Stephen charged Izuku with one katana going for a stab and the other behind him seemingly ready to go for a slice. Izuku jumped into the air using his Dark Manifest form then shadow stepped into the roof and went below Stephen and punched him in the chest sending him into the roof. Izuku heard a crack and knew that was his ribs cracking against the roof. "I guess tha..." Izuku was then sent flying down the hall. Stephen was walking towards him with one arm dislocated. "You are about to see why I am known as JACK THE RIPPER." As soon as he finished he was in front of Izuku and began slicing the air in front of Izuku. Izuku tried to block but none of the attacks were actually hitting him. "WHAT THE HELL?! You are mis..." once again interrupted his organic arm began bleeding along with several cuts opening all over his body. Izuku smiled as Stephen stopped swinging. "I take it your done now?" Stephen breathing heavily smiled. "I guess that wasn't enough but no I am far from done." Izuku threw a punch at his left knee blood dripping from all his cuts. Stephen dodged and tripped due to his fatigue leading to him taking a punch in the waist instead of the knee. Stephen hit a wall again this time knocking him out. Izuku stood up and smiled blood still dripping. "Guess that means I am rank 42 now right now. The other two students backed up, before walking away they said. "We retract our challenge we are easily outranked during this fight." Izuku smiled knowing that this would be a challenging school. Izuku walked over to Stephen and picked him up and carried him to the nurses office. When he arrived he saw a lady working on another student, he laid Stephen on one of the beds. "Mrs, Stephen here has lost consciousness." The nurse laughed. "Did he challenge Elly again. when will he learn he shouldn't challenge the top 25 while he is only ranked 42?" Izuku smiled. "Actually he is 43rd now, I am 42nd and I did this." The nurse was shocked when she looked at Izuku. "How did you beat him? He has never lost to a lower ranked student before! What was your rank before this fight?" Izuku scratched the back of his head. "Well I broke a few of his ribs then when he was fatigued from using his quirk I landed a punch that threw him into a wall knocking him unconscious. My rank was unknown as I am a new student." The nurse looked at Izuku. "You should stay here to then. If he used his quirk you will probably pass out any minute now and wouldn't want you to pass out during another challenge by a lower ranking student." Izuku smiled as he sat down. "So if you don't mind me asking. Is your quirk a healing quirk?" The nurse smiled. "Well in a way I use light from the sun to heal so on days like today I heal students a lot quicker than on days that are cloudy. It is also able to be discharged as a beam so I do have combat ability." Izuku looked out the window. "Can you heal me quick I need to keep accepting challenges until 5pm when I will get my pass of denial?" The nurse laughed. "You are just like Stephen. No matter how badly you are injured you have to keep fighting." She proceeded to heal Izuku who thanked her and left to accept more challenges. To his disappointment Izuku only received one challenge after leaving the nurse's office by a student who thought he would be able to defeat Izuku after his previous fight with Stephen but was easily defeated after Izuku used his scythe to immobilize him in a few seconds. The day passed and 5pm came when the principal showed up. "Here is your pass of denial I suggest you use it for tonight if you have been fighting too much." Izuku laughed. "I only had 2 fights all day." The principal's eyes widened. "B-but they have always challenged new students for hours before. Who were your fights with?" Izuku thought. "Well I fought a guy named Michael he was rank 121. Oh and I also fought a guy who was named Stephen but he said he was known as "Jack The Ripper" he put up a good fight but I won in the end." The principal laughed. "That makes sense, out of the 800 students we have here Jack is one of the few to never lose to a lower ranked student because he has refused to challenge anyone higher rank than him except his childhood friend Elly. Though if he had challenged anyone else below her rank he would more than likely win. Well I have called down your roommate to escort you to your room and I hope you don't mind but we are a co-ed school so some students share rooms with the opposite gender." As if on cue a girl with a light blue hair going to her shoulder blades, an eye that was purple and one that was blue, and seemingly short. "Hello Principal, I am here at your request." Izuku was standing there with his mouth nearly open. "Alice, right on time as usual. I would like to introduce you to your new roommate Izuku Midoriya he is our new transfer student. He needs to be escorted to his room as he doesn't know the area. Also if you would like to you can show him around the area so he doesn't feel like he is locked up in the school." Alice looked towards Izuku. "Okay Principal. Izuku, follow me." Izuku smiled and proceeded to follow the girl who had managed to capture his attention just by looking at her. As they were walking towards their room Izuku saw that the other students were mumbling as they watched them walk, this was making Izuku really curious. "Any idea what's going on?" Alice continued to walk as he saw her begin to look down. When they finally made it to their room they entered. "Izuku I know I was cold to you in the hall but I know what they were talking about. I just didn't want them to think I was trying to cause a fight. I am what is known as a bad luck charm in this school the past 3 students to flunk out have been my roommates. The part that makes them think it is me being bad luck is they always start out by making the top 50 within their first few days at school. but slowly they get defeated by those at lower ranks and eventually end up in a match that brings their rank to the lowest rank and unable to win a match to bring them selves back out of the rank. they get expelled." Izuku looks at the girl who had turned away from him during her explanation. "Well trust me I do not plan on losing anytime soon and as your roommate I'll prove you aren't bad luck." Alice smiled at this although she wasn't facing Izuku so he didn't see it. Izuku hoped onto what he assumed was his bed as there was nothing on that side of the room. "So if you don't mind me asking what is your rank?" Alice held out her student card and Izuku saw her ranking was 257. "That's not bad. I bet with enough training you could easily make top 50." Izuku gave a smile that would remind Bakugo of when they were children if he had been there, Alice looked at him and let out a small chuckle. With that Izuku's first day of school in Canada ended but he couldn't help but wonder what would be in store for him for the future.

Author's Notes: I am surprised by the length of this chapter and even more surprised that I was able to do it all in one sitting. SO first some background on some of these new characters I have introduced.

Stephen/Jack The Ripper: Quirk: Aerotoxin what this does is allows him to use his katanas that manifest similar to Izuku's scythe while not being a separate quirk to slice through the air leaving them suspended that when activated sends the slashes towards the target and the proceeding cuts are infected with a varying degree of poison. The degree of the poison is dependent on the amount of acidity in the food he has eaten that day, this means should he eat a lot of citrus fruit his poison will take root faster. His poison is more of a neurotoxin that causes his targets to fall into a coma for a few days.

His personality is somewhat similar to Bakugo in the original anime as he is cocky and sees himself as an unstoppable force heading to the top but obsessed with his childhood friend. The difference between them is Stephen will be nice to others around him consistently and is actually very polite but when in a fight he becomes more savage and bloodthirsty this lead to him being known originally as the butcher due to the bloody mess that signified most of his early victories but unknown to others the opponent falling asleep wasn't due to blood loss which is what it was previously accounted to but when it became common knowledge that he had a neurotoxin in his attacks people began calling him Jack the Ripper as he often had to take his opponents to the nurse where they wouldn't be seen from again for a few days.

His appearance would be described as a tall medium built boy, with orange hair, blue eyes and a surprising lack of freckles. He commonly wears a white t-shirt under his favourite hoody which is purple and has a pair of knives on the back.

Alice: Quirk: Crystal this allows her to create crystal out of stones and other minerals and control it allowing her to send shards of crystal of differing material flying at her opponents. She can also use it like Todoroki uses his ice powers.

Her personality is that of someone who tries not to open up to people to much but will explain situations with a cold and emotionless precision. People also believe this to be ironic as with her quirk she creates beautifully emotional sculptures of crystal managing to evoke emotion in most people while she seemingly is emotionless.

Her appearance is slightly described in the chapter with hair down to her shoulder blades that is a light blue (think aqua from konosuba for a colour shade) on eye is purple and the other is blue. She is 5' 4" and often wears converse shoes so she isn't much taller.

Elly: currently I have only decided that she is childhood friends with Stephen and have not put much thought into the character as a whole as i thought to get readers more involved that I would take suggestions on what you guys would like her quirk to be and her appearance, possibly even personality but that is only if I dont already come up with a personality for her based on the quirk and appearance.

I would like to thank those of you who have continued reading and those of you who have made me feel like part of a community on this site. I also am thinking of doing a special soon for the first time as all my stories that have more than 3 chapters have reached more than 10k reads and I have managed to get 108 followers at the time of writing this.

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