You will be mine [Park Jimin...

By HeloiseDBrightmore

33.1K 1.2K 241

Reader is a strong and independent girl in a foreign country. She is hard to resist and even harder to get ri... More

1. Something in him
2. Being myself
3. First impression
4. Awkward moment
5. Bulletproof plan
6. Unexpected change
7. Surprise message
8. The news
9. Dead serious
10. Last warning!
11. Insane reasons
12. Blossoming Romance
13. Straightforward confession
15. Painful secret
16. Change of behaviour
17. Denial
18. Sly moves
19. Just friends
20. Intense moment
21. Being careful
22. Unforeseen circumstances
23. Preparation for the play
24. Afraid of the unknown
25. Showdown
26. More than disappointment
27. Unexpected surprise
28. Just a scar
29. Final explanation - Final
Under Editing!
Finished editing!

14. No more chances

883 37 2
By HeloiseDBrightmore

Edited: 6 June, 2020

As I was walking to school, the following day, hundreds of different scenarios ran through my mind. I was trying to calculate every possible behaviour Jimin could have projected towards me, but in all honesty, they didn't make me enthusiastic.

I walked through the enormous wooden doors of the school building, heading towards the lockers. I started searching for his figure, but I was unable to find him. He was nowhere to be seen. I opened my locker, packing out the books I needed for the day. Although I heard a deep cough right about next to me, I didn't pay much attention to it and I kept shoving my books into my bag. As the sound kept going on repetitively with barely any pause in between, I looked behind the door of my locker curiously, to see a dark haired, rather handsome boy leaning against another locker, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. 

He had a certain dark aura to him. His eyes were almost black and they barely blinked, while he was looking at me. He had this dangerous gaze as if he was up to no good. I pushed the thought into the back of my mind, just about leaving it to linger on the border.

"Can I help you?" I asked raising a brow at his strange behaviour.

"Are you Y/N?" He asked and I nodded in reply, waiting curiously for what he wanted. "I'm Huncheol." He pulled my hand into a handshake, not even waiting for me to offer one. "I need to talk to you." He stated casually, making me frown.

"I don't even know you. What would I need to talk to you about?" You asked feeling tension rise in your body.

"I just introduced myself." He scoffed with an annoyed tone and I certainly didn't like the way he was behaving.

"Clearly. I didn't dispute that. Knowing your name has nothing to do with knowing you." I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, crossing my arms in front of my chest, feeling suspicious.

"Look, it's about your friend." He looked around as if he was looking for someone, before he leaned closer to me, speaking almost in a whisper. "Soomi is planning something. I can't talk to you about this here." He looked around again as he pulled back. I was debating what to do, but thinking about another stupid prank on Yojin, made my angry. I closed my locker and nodded to follow him, ignoring the alarming feeling shooting through my bones.

We walked behind the building where I confronted Soomi and her friends, upon their attack on Yojin. I didn't have the best feeling about the place and I certainly didn't like that he was taking me to such secluded area.

"Why did we come here?" I asked the boy walking in front of me, my tone showed clear suspicion. He turned back around with a dark, fearful grin across his boney face. I felt my heart-beat picking up a faster pace as I slowly realised that something didn't seem right. I heard footsteps coming from behind, but I didn't eve have time to fully turn, as a fist collided with my face, sending me down to the ground. My sight got blurry and my cheek was aching.

"Hello." Soomi smirked with a rather calm and collected stand. "We just love to run into each other, don't we?" She giggled happily, angering me. I tried to touch my cheeks, but the burning pain shooting through my nerves quickly stopped my movements. She was strong indeed.

"What do you want?" I asked, jaw clenched, hissing though my teeth.

"You to disappear." She laughed. I scoffed at her reply, which I immediately regretted. I felt my ribs cracking under my skin as Soomi's friend decided to kick me on the side. I fell back onto the ground, growling in pain. Not wanting to provide them the satisfaction of seeing me in pain, I tried to keep my tears in check. I was trying to organise my breathing, but a kick on my thigh forced the air to stuck in my lungs. I could feel the silent tears running down my cheeks as I tried to decide where the pain was coming from. Breathing seemed less of an important task as each and every movement caused excruciating pain to run through my entire body. 

As a couple of seconds have passed and girls just looked down on me with disgust on their face, I finally succeeded in reorganising my breathing. The pain, although barely, got bearable enough to sit up. I held onto my side as if that was helping me sooth the pain, but it didn't.

"It's easy to pick on someone when the ratio is three to one, isn't it?" I scoffed with as much hate as I could manage. Soomi crouched down in front of me, grabbing my jaw, pulling me closer to her face.

"We wouldn't be here, if you did as you were told. It's all your fault, honey." She spoke.

"You can't own the boys. They are capable of making decisions on their own." I tried to reason with her, but she just stood up, looking down with a devilish grin on her face.

"Oh, but I can." She started walking around me in a slow pace as if she was ready to pounce on me. "Danah tried to get close to the boys and look what happened. She disappeared. We didn't even need to get involved. This time, we plan on making the pace faster." She chuckled. I wanted to ask her about Danah. Her name seemed to appear more and more often. But before I could have asked anything, I felt a kick on my stomach, sending me back to the floor. The feel of a warm liquid coming up my throat made me painfully roll to the side as I coughed it up, clearing my lungs, covering the ground in blood. "Are you stupid? I was talking." I heard Soomi's voice, arguing with her friend, but my eyes didn't open anymore. I felt the darkness calling me and in that moment I wished nothing but to join that calm sensation. But as if my body fought against it, I was unable to let go.

"Tch..." I reacted to her last comment of her rather enormous self-importance. I could feel her presence right next to me as her perfume found its way into my nostrils.

"Oh, you are still here?" I could hear the smile across her face, even though I couldn't see it. I heard her shuffling as I assumed, making herself comfortable. "You see, I consider ourselves very generous people. We warned you on numerous occasions to leave the boys alone, still you just kept crawling back." She huffed, annoyed. "Did you really think that we wouldn't get to know about your little rendezvous with Jimin yesterday?" She chuckled in a devilish tone. I was trying to gather enough strength to get myself up into a seated position, forcing my eyes to open up. I growled through the process, before successfully getting myself up, putting my weight on one of my arms. She crouched next to me with a smirk across her face. "I thought you would be smarter than that. I guess I was wrong. I seem to give more credit to people than necessary. My bad." She stood up.

"You make me sick." I hissed through my painfully clenched jaw, looking up at her. I felt the dried blood stick to my face when it was pulling against my skin as I spoke.

"Why are you trying to make your situation worse?" She raised her hands in the air, before letting them drop on their own. I wanted to stand up, I wanted to prove her that I could stand up against her harassment, and sick thoughts, but I hardly had energy even to breath.

"Fuck off." I spoke weakly. She stood above me, shaking her head, disapproving, before an evil grin plastered itself onto her face. She looked at her friend as if they could communicate without words. I followed her gaze, but I didn't have time to react as I got another kick on the same side as before. I fell back on to the ground, groaning, tears escaping my closed eyelids, pain shooting through my whole body.

"You just don't listen." She tch'ed before I heard their steps sounding more and more farther away.

I had no physical, nor mental energy to get myself even to a seated position. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I needed help. I felt very close to losing consciousness, but I kept forcing my eyes to open up, after they closed at each blink. I frowned at the pain I felt, running through my whole body, as I tried to reach for my phone. I repeated the attempt a couple of times, moaning and groaning, before I finally got hold of it, pulling it out of my pocket. I opened my contacts to see my speed dial, but Yojin was not an option. She would have had a breakdown upon seeing me and that was not viable. I scrolled down my contacts, seeing Jimin's name pop up, but I didn't dare to call him after our encounter the previous day. I kept scrolling desperately to find someone, when my exhausted eyes fixated on Yoongi's name. I wasn't as close to him as I was with the others, but he had that aura that made me feel safe around him. As if he was a tad bit more reliable than any of the other boys. I opened his profile and clicked on the voice call button. After a couple of rings, I could hear his whispering voice coming through.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"Yoongi..." I started, but talking seemed even harder than trying to move. "It's Y/N." My voice more hoarse than I have ever heard it.

"Is everything okay?" His voice changed to a seemingly worried one.

"I need... help." I tried to speak without breaking, but I was unable to do it. The pain in my chest stopped my attempt of breathing normally.

"Where are you? What's happening, Y/N?" His voice was now laced with concern.

"Back of... the building." I heaved a painful sigh, groaning into the line. My voice was more than desperate.

"I'll be there in a second. Stay on the line." He instructed me, but that was not a decision I could have made. As soon as my brain realised that help was on the way, it started giving in. "Y/N?" I heard his voice farther away, but I didn't have the will to reply. My hand fell on my chest, holding on to the phone as I shifted into the darkness. 

Notes: If you enjoyed it, don't forget to like the chapter. Thank you :)

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