
By RockofAges

361K 17.1K 4K

Eli isn't your typical girl and this isn't your typical love story. She just wants someone to love her and a... More

Nineteen 1/2
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine


9.1K 414 194
By RockofAges


I had been feeling a lot better as of late after my melt down two weeks back in front of Chance. The last thing I ever wanted anyone to do was to see me cry but there was nothing I could do about it now. Chance never mentioned what happened that day and I wasn't about to either. I was embarrassed either way and did my best to avoid him but that was almost impossible. Every time he saw me he was always going out of his way to talk to me and several times in the past two weeks even texted me wishing me good morning and to have a good day and to see how my day was going.

I was at Vanity and me, Bri, Lauren and Tiffany were about to head out to lunch while the other girls held down the shop. It was the lunch hour and things were slow anyway so I figured it was cool. Tiffany, me and Bri were standing around and were waiting on Lauren to put the finishing touches on her clients hair so we could head out.

Her client, a regular by the name of Brenda was on a journey to find the 'perfect men' and decided to become celibate. I told her time and time again that there wasn't no such thing but she was determined to find hers. Today she talked about how lonely she was and prayed that god would show her a sign.

The door chimed and all of us looked to see who was entering and in walked Chance.

"Jesus has answered my prayers. Hallelujah," Brenda said out loud looking at Chance like he was a three course meal. He was dressed in a long gray peacoat and black slacks and for the life of me I couldn't understand how he made that wack shit look good.

"He's taken," Tiffany responded to Brenda making me glance over at her so she could tell me what I missed. Since when?

"Good afternoon ladies," Chance greeted all the females in the shop. Again all conversation ceased and all eyes were on him. Why when a good looking man came around women started tripping.

"Hi Chance," Bri and Lauren sung, they were both in sync and they sounded like their response was rehearsed. Lauren told Brenda she was all done and took the smock from around Brenda. She didn't even bother looking in the mirror at her hair, her eyes remained on Chance as she approached him with her hand out.

"I don't think we met. I'm Brenda and you are?"
"Nice to meet you Brenda. I'm Chance," he shook her hand and took to long to let go.

"Did you need something in particular," I asked Chance cutting whatever was going on between them short, "Haircut, manicure, pedicure, a wax?"

Chance dropped his hand from Brenda's and turned to face me, "Funny. I did come here for something."

"And that is," I waited for him to tell me what that was but wasn't expecting his answer.


I frowned at his comment but all the ladies in the shop oohed and awed like he had just got down on one knee and proposed to me. One harsh look from me and they all shut up.

"I wanted to take you out to lunch," Chance said taking a few steps in my direction, "You ladies don't mind if I borrow your boss for an hour?"

"Not at all," Bri pushed me forward towards Chance.

"Actually," I looked at the girls hoping they would back me up, "Me and the girls had plans to go to lunch together."

"Plans that can be rescheduled," Tiffany waved her hand at what I said.

"Exactly. You two have fun," Lauren agreed patting me on my shoulder.

I looked back at the girls like they had lost their minds because it was obvious that they had. I didn't understand what made him even want to take me out to lunch. Plus I wondered how he even knew where I was anyway. Tiffany...

"I," I was about to make up some kind of excuse but Tiffany cut me off.
"She'll meet you in the car Chance," Tiffany told him.

"Great. I'll be outside. It was a pleasure meeting you Brenda and nice seeing you ladies."

"The pleasure was all mine," Brenda said and waved to him. Once he was gone I let them have it.

"Are ya'll crazy? We had plans and now ya'll are backing out on me."
"Were not crazy but you have to be. That man showed up here looking like a whole snack and entree and you would rather go out with us," Lauren shook her head like she didn't understand me.
"If you don't want him I'll take him off your hands," Brenda added, "Does he have an Instagram page?"

"Good question."
"I hope he does. I want to see an eggplant pic."

I couldn't believe these girls, "Ya'll need to stop."

"There you go boo. Eli said if anybody is going to be looking at her mans eggplant it's going to be her," Tiffany said making the situation worse. This couldn't be my life...

"He's not my man and he never will be and don't you have to get back to work Brenda," I asked her making her check her watch.

"Shit. Yes I do. Goodbye ladies. Next week I come in here I want to know all the details."

"There won't be any details," I called after her, "I'm not going."

"Girl if you don't shut up and go out with that fine ass man."

"Do it for me girl," Brenda bit her bottom lip and shivered, "Do it allll."

"Bye Brenda," I pointed to the front door and watched as she finally left, "Guys I-"
"Why are you tripping? You two are friends and it's just lunch. Would you trip like this is Geo or Luke showed up asking you to lunch," Tiffany asked making a point.

"Geo or Luke don't look like that," Bri said making an even more valid point. Furthermore Geo or Luke didn't make me feel the way Chance did when I was around him. In a way I couldn't explain or describe.

"I'm not going, I can't."

Ever since that afternoon in the kitchen when Chance let me cry on his chest, which I've never told anyone about, not even Tiffany I had been feeling some type of way towards him. Every time I saw him I think my ass got butterflies or some shit. I was too old to be getting butterflies, too much of a G to be having feelings for someone like Chance.

"Give us one good reason why you can't go out with him," Bri asked and all the girls crowded around waiting for my excuse, which it was.

"I'm all about my money right now and he's a distraction," I shrugged lamely knowing they were about to tear into me.

"A fine ass distraction."

"Look you say your all about you cash, well that man looks like dollars signs to me. You act like he's one of these bum niggas you see out here on the corner, driving they baby mama's car and looking busted and broke down. He dresses like a grown ass man, talks like one, drives a nice ass car-"

"He's fine as hell," Lauren added cutting Bri off.

"He owns his own club. Trell signed it over and it's his. Plus from what the boys told me he's been had money," Tiffany put her two scents in.

"I'm not thinking about his money. A man can't do shit for me. I pay all my own bills and don't need nothing from him or no other man."
"But you can't fuck yourself and I'm sorry girl but it's about time someone dusted those cobwebs and dust off your coochie," Tiffany said making the girls crack up laughing and they continued on with their conversation like I wasn't standing there.

"Did you see how big his shoes were? He must be a size twelve at least."

"Yeah and you know what they say about men with big feet."

The girls squealed like they were all back in high school laughing and giggling, they were tripping.

"On second thought maybe Eli can't handle all of that," Bri put her hand on her hip.

"Maybe your right."
"Chance needs a grown women who knows how to handle all he has to dish out."

"And I bet he has plenty to dish out."

The girls stated cackling like hens again. There was no way I was about to go out with him now, especially when they were putting perverted visions in my head.

"Maybe that's why your ass is so mean. You need some dick in your life. I wouldn't judge you if you let him slide up in it on the first date."
"Me either. I can bet you Chance has just the thing to set your mean ass straight."
"Have her ass walking around here baking cookies and singing love songs."

They all cracked up laughing but I didn't see nothing funny.

"Nobody is sliding up in nothing," I set them straight on that first, "And I don't need ya'll trying to pimp me out to him or anyone else. I know what I like and me and him would never work out. I'm not going and that's that."

"Oh yes you are."

"What are you guys going to do? You guys can't force me to go."

"Go to door and look at him. Do you see how fine he is," Bri asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"I see him all the time. Were friends and I work with him remember?"

"No I think you need to get a better look," Lauren told me, "And I mean really look at him."
I rolled my eyes and played their little game and walked to the door to peer out at Chance. He was standing next to his passenger side door despite it being cold as hell outside waiting on me. He was looking down at his phone but I didn't need to get a closer look to know how good looking he was. He was one of a kind good looking, the type of man you glanced at and had to do a double take to see if your eyes were playing tricks on you.

All of a sudden I was being pushed from behind making me go out the door and almost making me bust my ass but I caught myself. Before I could turn around to go back inside the girls closed the door and locked it behind me. I yanked on the door in vain while they all laughed and high fived each other. My keys were still inside and the only thing I had on me besides my coat was my phone.

"I'm firing all of your asses," I threatened pointing at each one of them. They called my bluff and waved goodbye to me all the while still laughing. I couldn't believe them.

"Everything alright," Chance asked making me tense up. I turned around slowly to face him, his phone was away and his eyes were on me. He probably saw what they did, as a matter of fact I knew he did because he looked like he wanted to laugh at me.

"Fine," I looked back inside and the girls were still watching. Turning away from them I walked over to Chance's car and he opened the door for me allowing me to get in.

"Guess chivalry ain't dead. Take care of my girl Chance," Tiffany yelled out. Now their asses wanted to open the door to scream out shit embarrassing me even further.

"Have fun you two," Bri joined her with her own message.
"And do everything you shouldn't do," Lauren shouted out making me shake my head knowing she meant exactly what she said.

"Oh my god," I sunk down in my seat just as Chance closed my door and walked over to the drivers side of the car. I couldn't believe those hoes had really locked me out my own shop. I never buckled up but since I didn't know this nigga I was today. He wasn't about to kill me.

"You ready to go?"

"Depends on where were going," I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at him.

"I'm taking to someplace you've been to before. Just sit back and relax."
He pulled off and I pulled out my phone when it vibrated I my pocket. I checked it and saw I had a message from Tiffany. 

T: Don't be mad at us. We love you.

I wasn't about to text back just to make them sweat but I had a question for her.

E: How did he even know where I was?

She texted me right back.

T: No clue

E: Liar

T: Does it really matter? Have fun and try to be nice.

E: I'm always nice.

T: Liar

I put my phone away and relaxed back in my seat. Chance was playing Miles Davis and I hated him for playing him because it only made me like him even more. No one appreciated Jazz or the classics these days and Miles Davis was one of my favorites.

I gazed out the window for the rest of the ride until we pulled up to Missy's soul food restaurant in the Bronx called Blackberry's.

He parked his car and before I could even get out he was on my side of the car opening the door for me. I frowned but thanked him anyway and he let me walk in before him inside the restaurant. We got a table for two and our server Andre who've I known since he started working here three years ago greeted me with a hug. Chance surprised the fuck out of me when he started helping me take off my coat and going a step further to pull out my chair for me.

Andre looked between the two of us once we were seated and I could see the wheels turning. It was then I wished I had gotten another server. His ass was almost as worse as the girls. I could only hope he acted professional. I had been embarrassed enough today already.

"What have you been up to," I asked him.

"Working. School. What about you, I see you finally getting your groove back and the think I thought your ass really was playing for your home team this whole time."

"Oh my god," I mumbled under my breath, here we go...

"I'm Andre and you are," Andre addressed Chance.


"Nice to meet you Chance. I'm Andre and I'll be your server today."
"This is Missy's nephew," I told Andre before he could go back to the kitchen and start gossiping to any and everybody. I was well acquainted with everyone that worked here and didn't need them getting the wrong idea about what this was.

"Where has Missy been hiding you," Andre eyed him not bothering to hold back his obvious attraction.

Chance chuckled, "Nowhere I actually moved up here from Georgia a few months back."
"Down south huh? Maybe I should move down south if they making them like you," Andre flirted making Chance chuckle.

"Can you give us our menu's please," I asked already fed up with him.

"Don't be rude," he sat my menu down any kind of way on the table but handed Chance his menu politely, "What do want to drink handsome?"

"I'll take a sweet tea."

"Good choice."

"And I'll take a water thanks for asking."

Andre rolled his eyes at me playfully, "I'll be back with your drinks."

He sashayed off and I shook my head while Chance laughed softly.

"He's a character."

"Yes he is," I agreed. After that things got quiet, too quiet so I occupied myself with my menu even though I already knew what I was going to order. Andre came back and sat our drinks down and still had the nerve to send subliminal passes Chance's way. He took our orders and once he was gone things got quiet again. I couldn't hide behind my menu anymore so I just looked out he window watching the cars and the people go by.

"You've never been on one of these have you?"

"Been on one what?"

"A date."

I almost choked on the air at his question.

"First off this ain't a date."
"I asked you out to lunch and you said yes. I opened the door for you, walked you inside, helped you take off your coat and pulled out your chair."

"All things I didn't ask you to do and I didn't say yes. You asked me out to lunch and Tiffany and the girls forced me to go out with you."

I saw something in his eyes after that, did I hurt his feelings? I recalled back to what me and Tiffany texted about. Have fun and be nice and I was already fucking up and we hadn't even gotten our food yet.
"Damn. So you didn't even want to come?"
I instantly felt bad, something that I rarely ever happened. I sighed and decided to enjoy myself as best as I could.

"If I didn't want to come I wouldn't be here," I confessed, "But this still isn't a date."

He smiled at me, "Anyways I'm glad your here."

"Yeah," I nodded not knowing what else to say. He stared at me and I felt my nerves getting the best of me. I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans. Ever since my breakdown in front of him every time he looked at me I felt like he was studying me. I had never met anyone like him before and could admit they we had a connection but I wasn't about to go there with him.

I had enough when a whole minute passed and he was still just staring at me.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that."

"I can't stare?"

"No didn't your mama ever teach you that staring is rude?"

"Am I making you uncomfortable."

"Yes you are."

"Fine then let's talk."

"Not really much of a talker."
"Me either."

I scoffed at that, he could have fooled me, "Yeah but you love to get up in my business. You telling me you don't have any questions for me today?"
"One actually. What's your full name?"
Here he goes, I wasn't about to tell him that. Nope.

"Mine's Chancellor Powell."
I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't and cracked a smile, "Chancellor?"

"Yes. It's where the nickname Chance comes from."

"I thought that Chance was your real name. Chancellor," I said his name again before chuckling.

"Since you find it so funny tell me your name or do I have to guess?"

"It's not that hard of a guess. Eli, E.L.I. are the first three letters in my real name," I gave him a hint and couldn't wait to hear what he came up with.


I wasn't expecting him to get it right on the first try.

"You guessed right."

"Like you said it wasn't that hard to figure out. Plus I already knew what it was, I do sign your checks remember," he flashed me a mischievous grin

"Whatever, cheater. Just stick to calling me Eli or else were going to have a problem."
I hated my name, hated it because I didn't think it fit me and I hated it even more because it was the first and last thing my mom ever gave to me before she abandoned me in the hospital when I was just a day old.

"Same goes to you. What I really want to know is what your middle name is. Mine's Kofi. Chancellor Kofi Powell."
"So your middle name is coffee?"
"That's how it's pronounced except it's spelled K.O.F.I."

His name was interesting compared to what I've seen. Growing up in the hood you I've heard all types of names but his was different from what I was used to hearing.

"Interesting," I commented.
"What's so interesting about it?"

"Nothing," I deflected his question and looked over when the door chimed. A female walked in who looked familiar followed by a guy, not just any guy but my ex. Of all the times and the places in the fucking city.

"Well since I told you my middle name you have to tell me yours."

I took my eyes off the couple entering and focused back on him.

"I didn't ask you for your middle name, you volunteered that information willingly."

"You have a smart mouth, you know that?"

"It's what I've been told."

He smiled just as Andre came back and sat our plates down. He was still acting like I didn't exist and flirting with Chance. Chance just smiled and took his compliments like they were nothing. It made me give him the side eye.

"That doesn't make you feel weird. A man openly flirting with you," I asked.
"Why would it?"
"Because he's gay and other people could get the wrong idea."

"I'm far from gay I'm just comfortable with my sexuality so I don't take it the wrong way. It's no different when women openly flirt with me because I know nothing is going to come from it and nothing will."

Everywhere he went someone was flirting with him, that's how you knew he was too damn fine for his own good. Andre was picky and all the years I've known him I've never seen him openly flirt with anyone else. As maybe times as me and the boys have been here kicking back never has he flirted with one of them like he was Chance.

"How do you feel when females flirt with you? Do you get offended?"

"A little because I'm not gay but then again not really."

He had a point, I never really cared because it's not like anything was going to come from it. Plus I wasn't interested at all so it never bothered me. Sometimes it just frustrated me because unlike Chance I rarely got attention from men because they thought I was gay.

"So why should I be?"

"I don't know. This one time this gay guy hit on Geo and Geo being Geo had a fit. He caused a big scene and embarrassed the guy and threatened to beat his ass."

"That was how he handled it. I don't see the point in doing all of that. I just smile politely at the compliments, say thanks and if they get the wrong idea I politely set them straight."
I nodded taking a bite of my food dropping the subject.

"So your still not going to tell me your middle name?"
I finished chewing the food in my mouth before I decided to stop being so difficult and tell him, "It's Rose."

I waited for him to laugh, tell a joke, say something smart but he never did.
"So Elizabeth Rose Washington. It's a beautiful name, it fits you perfectly."

I scoffed at that, he was full of shit, "No it's doesn't."

"It does," he stuck by his comment.


I didn't look like an Elizabeth and sure as hell didn't look like no Rose. I hated my name ever since I was a little girl and part of me didn't know if it was because I just hated the name or because my name was the last thing my mom ever gave me before she skipped out of the hospital and abandoned me never to be seen or heard from again.

"For the beauty of the rose we also water the thorns."

I was confused at what he just said and it's meaning,"What?"

"It's an African proverb. I never understood it but all of a suddenly I do. You can't have a beautiful flower like the rose develop without dealing with some thorns along the way. You can be thorny, difficult but still not even thorns can take away from the beauty you possess."

I let his words sink in and the longer I did the more effect they had over me. I felt like someone had literally taken a blow torch to my icey cold heart. He was always saying and doing shit that he shouldn't be. I felt lightheaded and my throat suddenly felt dry so I reached for my glass of water but immediately noticed how shaky my hands were so I dropped them to my lap.

"You okay?"
"Yeah," I mumbled avoiding eye contact with him trying my best to get my feelings under control. I was tripping. Never in my life have I had anyone have this big an effect on me. Guys said corny shit all the time, I never paid it no mind so why was it different with him? Because coming from him stupid shit like that didn't sound so corny.

For the remainder of lunch we talked casually about this and that. I was having a good time despite the mishap earlier but couldn't fully enjoy myself knowing that we were being watched.

Key gawking at me and he had no shame in doing so as if he wasn't sitting across from his girl. The same girl he dumped me for all those years back. I hated a flashy nigga and wondered what I ever saw in his ass because I was drawing a blank. He was overly flashy and it looked like he was rocking every piece of jewelry he owned. I locked eyes with him once only for him to nod his head at me as if to say wassup like we were cool. I ignored his gesture and ignored him for the remainder of the time.

Chance paid for the meal which was something else I wasn't used to and wouldn't hear otherwise like the first time me and him ran into each other and ended up having lunch. I didn't care this time around because after his comment earlier I didn't an appetite. Once the bill was taking care of he got out of his chair and grabbed my hand to help me out of mine before helping me slide into my coat. This guy was really doing the most. Most women would feel flattered and shit but I was confused and didn't know how to feel.

We said our goodbyes to Andre with Andre telling me we needed to hang out some time and catch up. I knew the only reason he was saying that was so he could get in my business about Chance. Chance opened the restaurant door for me and then again opened the door for me while I got in his car.

I couldn't pinpoint what he saw in me or his reason for getting close to me. Even if Miss and Trell told him to keep and eye on me then that was fine but he was going above and beyond.
The ride was quiet at first until he cut down the radio and spoke, "Who was he?"

"Who's who," I was genuinely confused.

"The guy that walked in with a girl on his arm back at the restaurant but couldn't take his eyes off you?"

Damn, how did he see Key gawking at me when his back was turned to him?
"He's nobody, just my ex."

"So he's one of the people I have to blame for this wall you have up?"

Damn. I was surprised by his question even though guys came to me with that shit all the time.

Why am I so mean, so cold, who hurt me? I never cared about the questions before but what he just said made me evaluate my whole damn life. Truth was I was the way I am because of me, it had nothing to do with Key or anyone else.

"He's irrelevant and as you can see he moved on."

"What about you?"

"Once you fuck me over, it's over. He's the least of my worries and has been for a long time."

"Good. Keep it that way."

With that he turned the radio back up and focused on the road while I stared at him like he had lost his mind. He was something else..


"What's up with him?"

I decided to hang out with the boys today. I thought we were going to smoke and talk shit and kick back but Geo looked like he was in his feelings about something. I sat down next to Matt and waited for someone to tell me what was up with Geo.

"Mia decided to stop putting up with this nigga's shit," Luke answered.

"About time," I said out loud.
"What you mean about time," Geo legit looked upset but I he wasn't upset when he was dogging her and sleeping around with random bitches.

"Exactly what I said. She was a dummy to even be still messing with you after you got her cousin pregnant."

"Man we moved passed that."

"Do you really think she's cool with that fact that you got her cousin pregnant. Imagine if you slept and got pregnant by your cousin," Matt asked.

"Fuck no."
"You would drop her ass and wouldn't have shit to do with her again, any nigga would so why is it different. When we cheat were all types of hoes and bitches and you cut us off but were supposed to forgive and forget when ya'll cheat on us?"

It was something I had never understood. I wasn't about to be no dumb bitch and stick with you when you cheated on me. The sad part about it is these dudes have good girls and cheat on them with the nastiest types of hoes. If a nigga cheats on me he better hope I never run into his ass ever again.

"It is different," Geo claimed sounding dumb as fuck.


"Cause I can't get pregnant."
"This nigga," Luke shook his head. Sometimes I couldn't didn't understand Geo. He thought the world revolved around him.

"Why do you care that she moved on? Is it cause you have feelings for her or you just don't want her to be with nobody else?"

"Both," he confessed.

I rolled my eyes at that, "Mia is the one you should have been with in the first place. You had a good girl and you fucked it up. Don't start stunting her now that she finally decided to move on and leave your nasty ass."
"You supposed to be my homie E."
"I am your homie and as your homie I'm keeping it real with you and telling you that you played that girl. You got her cousin pregnant at the same time she was pregnant and even after that you've been using her and dogging her. She put up with your shit for long enough so leave her be."

"If you don't love her or want to be with her and only her then let her do her thing. Mia wouldn't have no nigga around your kid like that," Luke assured Geo.

"I know and I ain't even worried about that."

"Then what you worried about," Luke asked.

Shit, I was happy for her because for the longest I thought she was going to let Geo keep stringing her along for the rest of her life. It wasn't something that their daughter needed to see. I knew first hand that kids learned from example.

"He's worried about who he's going to run to when he needs a hot meal and in house pussy," Matt answered for Geo.

"Man I know I fucked up but damn. I ain't expect her to move on this quick," Geo fussed.

"This quick? Nigga your daughter is about to start kindergarten next year."
"What happened to the bitches that get mad and cry and swear off men? These hoes today get mad and start fucking around with other niggas," Geo said sounding dumb as fuck I just had to laugh at him.

"Nigga you sound stupid as hell," Matt took the words right out of my mouth. Pussy was going to be his downfall. Maybe now that he lost Mia he would finally start to get his act together but then again I doubted it.

"And she be all on Youtube with the nigga doing challenges and all kinds of goofy as shit," Geo complained making me laugh.
"You be under then comments huh nigga," I joked. Now I knew why he was in his feelings. Mia did hair and makeup tutorials and youtube and had a nice little following. I bet you those comments with her new nigga in the video had him all in his feelings. I could imagine him at home reading the comments looking like he was about to cry and laughed even harder.

"I'm glad you think this shit is funny," Geo mugged me, "She got these hoes in the comment section thinking that that nigga is Cassie's dad."
"They jumped to conclusions. Mia would never violate you like that no matter if she moved on or no matter how mad she is at you."

"Amber wanted me to do that corny ass youtube shit. Pranks and shit."
"Why don't you," Matt asked.
"What the fuck I look like doing that corny shit when I don't even have a fucking Facebook page? The less motherfuckas know about me the better," Luke answered. I felt the same way and barely updated my social media unless it was about a show I was doing and of course promoting Vanity but Tiffany and the girls were always on top of that.

"Let's change the subject so this nigga can get out his feelings," Matt joked.

"Yeah lets," Geo agreed.

"What I want to know is what's up with you Chance," Luke asked looking at me.


I was thrown off guard and all of a sudden had a coughing fit making the guys burst out laughing at me. I took a swig of my sprite and called myself down after a while but still the boys didn't let up. 

"Let me find out you cheating on me," Geo spoke up pretending to look hurt.

"Negro please."

"So are ya'll messing arou-"

"No, never. I'm not interested."

"Damn you said that shit quick," Luke joked.

"Too quick," Geo agreed. 

"I think it's safe to say that his ass is stuck on you," Matt said making me curious. 

"Why do you say that?"

"Thought you weren't interested," Luke called me out making me give him the finger while Matt filled me in. 

"Cause every time we hang out he bringing you up. Wanting to know if you showing up, asking questions about you?"

"I hope ya'll aren't telling him my business."

"Not at all but still it's obvious he's feeling you." 

"Why I don't know cause I seen the bitches that be on him and no offense but they some bad bitches," Geo smirked, Luke agreed and they dapped each other up.

"That's why Mia left yo ass," I shot at him. 

"I think we should give lil sis the birds and the bees talk," Luke suggested.

"Get the fuck outta here with that shit," I waved him off.

"We could give you some tips on how to keep a man," Geo's stupid ass said.

"You know what, fuck all ya'll."

"I didn't say shit so don't go getting mad at me," Matt held his hands up, "Chance is a good dude. He's been trying to shoot his shot but I heard you be playing. As your brother I approve."

Matt caught me off guard because it wasn't everyday that he let a nigga get to close to me let alone approve of someone. Tiffany must have been pillow talking to him about me and Chance or maybe Chance has been telling the boys that he was interested in me.

As much as it felt good to get his approval I didn't need it because I stuck to the fact that me and Chance getting together wasn't good for business. At this point there were to many cons than pros and we were better off being friends.  

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No matter how much one person wants the other. No matter how "perfect" they may seem. They can still be perfectly wrong for each other. Spin off to i...
Boogie Down By Sunflower

General Fiction

369K 17.4K 49
Tristen's life is driven, spoken, and drilled into his head by a code. But will Zadie destroy that code?
12.1K 639 8
This is not a typical love story.