The Tutor || S.M.

By shawns_illuminater

1.5M 31.7K 14.4K

Book #1 in "The Tutor" trilogy. - "Helaina, you're failing physics." Mrs. Hernandez says to me. Suddenly, the... More

Chapter 1 || "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"
Chapter 2 || "Something That I'll Never Forget"
Chapter 3 || "Helaina and Shawn- Table 5"
Chapter 4 || "Begging My Name"
Chapter 5 || "Red Solo Cup In His Hand"
Chapter 6 || "Does Anyone Want To Play Beer Pong?"
Chapter 7 || "Helaina! Truth or Dare?"
Chapter 8 || "Shawn Mendes Is What's Gotten Into Me."
Chapter 9 || "Crazy Hot Hook-Ups"
Chapter 10 || "Helaina Jefferson Is Too Easy"
Chapter 11 || "What About Your House?"
Chapter 12 || "Let's Play A Game"
Chapter 13 || "Under His Spell"
Chapter 14 || "Get Funky With It"
Chapter 15 || "Helaina Jefferson: Shawn Mendes' New Obsession"
Chapter 16 || "Face-To-Face"
Chapter 17 || "Can't Keep It In Your Pants"
Chapter 18 || "Pull On Your Hair And Call You Baby Girl"
Chapter 19 || "A Giant Mess Of Stupidity"
Chapter 20 || "So, Where's The Party At?"
Chapter 21 || "I Can't Believe Your Brother Knows I Call You Baby Girl"
Chapter 22 || "You And Julia Made Out Today?"
Chapter 23 || "Daddy. He Wants Me To Call Him Daddy"
Chapter 24 || "Are You Mad At Me Or Not?"
Chapter 25 || "He's Not My Boyfriend"
Chapter 26 || "You Down?"
Chapter 27 || "Skipped Class To Hook Up With Shawn Mendes"
Chapter 28 || "What Just Happened?"
Chapter 29 || "Are You Mad At Me?"
Chapter 30 || "Don't Touch Her"
Chapter 31 || "That's Not The TV Remote"
Chapter 32 || "Shawnmendes1"
Chapter 33 || "Send Me More Babygirl"
Chapter 34 || "More Than Just Hook-Up Buddies"
Chapter 35 || "Helaina's A Child Of God"
Chapter 36 || "Stress You Out"
Chapter 37 || "Never Have I Ever"
Chapter 38 || "Drink Up, Baby Girl"
Chapter 39 || "Get Naked With Me"
Chapter 40 || "Are You Guys Getting High?"
Chapter 41 || "You're So Faded"
Chapter 42|| "So Many Questions"
Chapter 43 || "Say My Name"
Chapter 44 || "Get In The Closet"
Chapter 45 || "We Need To Talk"
Chapter 46 || "Not To Be Dramatic"
Chapter 47 || "We're Done."
Chapter 48 || "No Time Like The Present"
Chapter 49 || "This Is My Girlfriend Helaina Jefferson"
Chapter 50 || "Hungry For You"
Chapter 51 || "Can't You Just Sneak Out?"
Chapter 53 || "Sorry Mendes, Helaina's Mine Now"
Chapter 54 || "It's Yours, Baby Girl"
Chapter 55 || "She Needs To Know The Truth"
Chapter 56 || "No One's Home"
Chapter 57 || "Let Daddy Take Care Of You"
Chapter 58 || "Not Today, Satan"
Chapter 59 || "Too Good For Me"
Chapter 60 || "Platonic Friendship"
Chapter 61 || "First Love"
Chapter 62 || "Ben, Stop."
Chapter 63 || "Silence."
The End
The Sequel

Chapter 52 || "What's That Supposed To Mean?"

19.6K 401 187
By shawns_illuminater

AN: the picture is what Helaina's wearing

Time passes too quickly, my nerves growing with each minute as it ticks away. By the time 10:35 rolls around- only a mere ten minutes before Shawn's supposed to come get me-, Mom is still up, walking around the house. Dad is already fast-asleep, the sound of him snoring piercing through the wall since his bedroom is right next to mine.

The door opens, and in walks Mom. Her hair is up in a ponytail and her glasses are on, decked out in her pajamas. I pull the covers up to my chin higher, not wanting her to see any of my clothes poking out underneath. I look away from the TV and over at her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I'm sorry we had to be so tough with you earlier, but it's the only way. We were scared to see you acting out so suddenly and without any warning." Mom says.

"I know, and I really am sorry. I promise that it will never happen again, and if it does, you can take away my phone for a whole two months." I say.

"Two months? Helaina, we both know that you'd steal it back by then." Mom jokes. "Here, you can take your phone back for the night. I know you're probably not going to bed any time soon, so you can go on it for tonight, and tonight only. Just don't tell you dad."

Mom pulls my phone out of her robe pocket, handing it to me. I smile and thank her, my hand barely reaching out from under the covers.

"Goodnight Mom. I love you." I say.

"Goodnight Helaina, love you too." she says, leaning in and kissing me on top of my head.

"Can you turn my lights off on the way out?" I ask, and she nods.

Mom turns on her heel and walks out of my room, flipping the light switch down as she does so. The room goes dark, the only source of light now being the TV across from me. I wait a few seconds before grabbing my phone and turning it back on. It takes a minute to fully reboot, and I immediately type my passcode in. I open my messages with Shawn and begin to text him.

H: i got my phone back for tonight

H: park a street away from my house and keep your headlights OFF

H: let me know when you're there

I get a text back a minute later.

S: Snap me

H: why

S: just do it

I open my Snapchat and send Shawn a selfie with the words "i snapped you". I press send and he opens it seconds later. He replied back with a selfie and a new text.

S: I wanted to make sure that you weren't your mom

H: wtf

S: I'm leaving now

H: okay, lmk when you're here

I shut my screen off and put my phone down, quietly climbing out of bed. I turn on my fan's light, which lights the room but not enough for mom or dad to see if one of them happens to walk by my room. I walk over to my full-length mirror, studying reflection. I adjust my black skinny jeans, pulling them up a little higher since they lowered while laying down on my bed. I take my red, oversized flannel off of my waist and instead put it on over my gray crop-top, leaving a stretch of my stomach exposed. I grab the black Vans I have next to my closet and slip my feet into them.

I head over to my bed and sit down, taking my shoes and tying them up one by one. I stand back up and grab my brush, combing through my hair one more time before Shawn arrives. I set my brush down back down, and at that exact moment, I hear my phone buzz quietly on my bed. I grab it and see a new text from Shawn.

S: I'm at the end of your street parked at the stop sign

H: at corner of Oak or Washington?

S: Washington

H: okay, give me a few minutes to sneak out and make it to your car

I put my phone in my pocket and turn off the light in my room. I grab my purse and sling it on my shoulder, checking that my keys are inside before beginning to head for the door. I slowly pull my door open and peek my head down the hallway to make sure it's clear, before tiptoeing out into the hall. I head for the stairs and creep down them, cringing every time they creek slightly. When I make it to the bottom of the stairs, I pause again and look around before proceeding ahead.

I make it into the hallway and walk slightly quicker and heavier now, knowing it will be harder for someone to hear me from down here. I get to the door and slowly unlock it, opening it and the glass door. I take a step outside and lock the door, shutting it gently. I look behind me before sprinting down the grass. I don't stop running until I'm sure that I'm out of sight of the house.
By that point, I see Shawn's car parked at the stop sign. He must see me too, because the car starts moving towards me.

"Hey stranger." Shawn says, pulling up beside me. He has the window down and is leaning out of it, smiling at me. "You seem lost. Need a ride?"

"Shut up and let me in the car before someone hears or sees us." I laugh, walking around to the passengers door. I open the door and climb inside, shutting the door behind me. "So, where's the party at?"

"My friend Liam's house." Shawn says, putting his headlights on and beginning to drive. I put my seatbelt on and place my purse on the floor.

"Liam Daniels?" I ask, and he nods.

"Yeah, do you know him?"

"Yeah, we used to be friends in like sixth and seventh grade. We have classes together like every year. I have gym with him right now." I explain. "How do you know him?"

"We're both on the varsity football team at school." Shawn tells me.

"You do football?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Yeah, I'm on offense."

"I'm surprised I've never noticed you before."

"You go to football games?" Shawn asks.

"Doesn't everyone? To be fair, I went for the social aspect and not the actual game." I say, and Shawn laughs.

"Of course you did." he says, and I blink.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, looking down at my fingers.

"Nothing, I was just making a joke." Shawn says.

"Mhmm." I hum quietly. Beside me, Shawn sighs.

"Helaina baby, please. I didn't mean to be rude, so please don't take it that way." Shawn says.

I look up and nod, not saying anything. I turn and look out the window, watching the other cars pass. We arrive at Liam's house after eight minutes of driving, and the entire two surrounding streets are filled with cars.

"Shit, we're going to have to walk." Shawn curses, pulling up behind a black car next to the sidewalk. Shawn turns off the car and looks at me. "Ready?"

I nod, opening the car door. I step out and grab my purse off the ground, putting it back on my shoulder. I shut the door and turn around, Shawn now right at my side. He grabs my hand and we begin to walk, heading down the street to Liam's house.

"You look really hot, by the way." he says, and I roll my eyes.

"Really? It's pretty cold out." I say sarcastically, and Shawn sighs.

"You're not really still mad about what I said, are you?" he asks.

"I'll get over it once I start drinking." I tell him. "Are you going to drink too, because I don't want to get in a car accident."

"No, I won't drink if you want to." Shawn says, shaking his head.

"Good." I respond.

We're right in front of Liam's house now, standing in front of his driveway. Close to the house now, I can already hear the music blasting inside and the sound of voices mixing with it. We walk up to the house, and the unmistakable stench of weed fills my nose. I cough, my nose scrunching up at the smell.

"God, I don't know how I got high last night. It smells so bad." I say, and Shawn laughs.

"That's because it was a bong, not a joint. Bong's usually don't smell." Shawn informs me.


Shawn turns the knob to the front door and pushes it open, stepping inside. He pulls me inside behind him, holding onto my hand tightly. The second I step inside, the sound of music and voices amplifies and increases by a million, making my head buzz in a good way. I smile slightly to myself, finally glad to enjoy myself and be free.


AN: next chapter is up! sorry it took kinda long, it's been a crazy week with school so i haven't had the time.

anyways, i wanted to say that i actually have no idea if they have football in canada bc im american so yeah idk! basically even though Shawn's from canada obviously i imagine this story taking place in the USA since that's where I'm from but like tbh it doesn't really matter where it occurs, it can be wherever you want it to be as long as it makes sense lmao.

as always, don't forget to comment/vote/follow me! hope you enjoyed!

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