The Tutor || S.M.

By shawns_illuminater

1.5M 31.7K 14.4K

Book #1 in "The Tutor" trilogy. - "Helaina, you're failing physics." Mrs. Hernandez says to me. Suddenly, the... More

Chapter 1 || "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"
Chapter 2 || "Something That I'll Never Forget"
Chapter 3 || "Helaina and Shawn- Table 5"
Chapter 4 || "Begging My Name"
Chapter 5 || "Red Solo Cup In His Hand"
Chapter 6 || "Does Anyone Want To Play Beer Pong?"
Chapter 7 || "Helaina! Truth or Dare?"
Chapter 8 || "Shawn Mendes Is What's Gotten Into Me."
Chapter 9 || "Crazy Hot Hook-Ups"
Chapter 10 || "Helaina Jefferson Is Too Easy"
Chapter 11 || "What About Your House?"
Chapter 12 || "Let's Play A Game"
Chapter 13 || "Under His Spell"
Chapter 14 || "Get Funky With It"
Chapter 15 || "Helaina Jefferson: Shawn Mendes' New Obsession"
Chapter 16 || "Face-To-Face"
Chapter 17 || "Can't Keep It In Your Pants"
Chapter 18 || "Pull On Your Hair And Call You Baby Girl"
Chapter 19 || "A Giant Mess Of Stupidity"
Chapter 20 || "So, Where's The Party At?"
Chapter 21 || "I Can't Believe Your Brother Knows I Call You Baby Girl"
Chapter 22 || "You And Julia Made Out Today?"
Chapter 23 || "Daddy. He Wants Me To Call Him Daddy"
Chapter 24 || "Are You Mad At Me Or Not?"
Chapter 25 || "He's Not My Boyfriend"
Chapter 26 || "You Down?"
Chapter 27 || "Skipped Class To Hook Up With Shawn Mendes"
Chapter 28 || "What Just Happened?"
Chapter 29 || "Are You Mad At Me?"
Chapter 30 || "Don't Touch Her"
Chapter 31 || "That's Not The TV Remote"
Chapter 32 || "Shawnmendes1"
Chapter 33 || "Send Me More Babygirl"
Chapter 34 || "More Than Just Hook-Up Buddies"
Chapter 35 || "Helaina's A Child Of God"
Chapter 36 || "Stress You Out"
Chapter 37 || "Never Have I Ever"
Chapter 38 || "Drink Up, Baby Girl"
Chapter 39 || "Get Naked With Me"
Chapter 40 || "Are You Guys Getting High?"
Chapter 41 || "You're So Faded"
Chapter 42|| "So Many Questions"
Chapter 43 || "Say My Name"
Chapter 44 || "Get In The Closet"
Chapter 45 || "We Need To Talk"
Chapter 46 || "Not To Be Dramatic"
Chapter 47 || "We're Done."
Chapter 48 || "No Time Like The Present"
Chapter 49 || "This Is My Girlfriend Helaina Jefferson"
Chapter 50 || "Hungry For You"
Chapter 52 || "What's That Supposed To Mean?"
Chapter 53 || "Sorry Mendes, Helaina's Mine Now"
Chapter 54 || "It's Yours, Baby Girl"
Chapter 55 || "She Needs To Know The Truth"
Chapter 56 || "No One's Home"
Chapter 57 || "Let Daddy Take Care Of You"
Chapter 58 || "Not Today, Satan"
Chapter 59 || "Too Good For Me"
Chapter 60 || "Platonic Friendship"
Chapter 61 || "First Love"
Chapter 62 || "Ben, Stop."
Chapter 63 || "Silence."
The End
The Sequel

Chapter 51 || "Can't You Just Sneak Out?"

19.9K 415 154
By shawns_illuminater

AN: this picture has nothing to do with this chapter lmao i saw it on the instagram explore page & i was like ok this lowkey fits the previous chapter so yeah anyways enjoy!

After Shawn and I let out our built-up sexual tension in the backseat of his car, he drives me back to his house so I can take my car home.

"Are you sure you have to go home?" Shawn asks, his car stopped in the driveway. I nod.

"My parents are already going to crucify me for being out practically all day, and if I don't get home soon, they might skin me alive too." I say. Shawn laughs, and I shake my head. "Oh you think it's a joke, but you have no idea how protective my dad can be."

"I'll text you." he says.

"Don't count on me replying. I'm probably getting my phone taken away as soon as I step inside. Maybe even before that." I say.

Shawn and I sit there for a few more seconds, taking in the silence of the car, before I unbuckle my seatbelt and pick my purse up off the floor. I open the car door and Shawn does as well, both of us stepping outside. Shawn walks with me to my car, and I pull my keys out of my purse and unlock the door. I turn to Shawn and smile at him.

"Your parents seem really nice." I say. "I'm glad I got to meet them."

"I'm glad too." he says. We stare at each other, and Shawn leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back and pull away after a few seconds.



I open the door and step inside, putting my bag down on the passengers seat. I put the keys in the ignition and Shawn closes the door for me. I look at him through the window and wave goodbye, buckling myself up. He waves back, taking a step away from the car. He turns and starts to walk up his front law, making his way to his front door. I put my foot on the gas and pull away, heading back home.

The closer I get to my neighbor, the more nervous I feel myself grow. By the time I put my blinker on to turn into my neighborhood, my heart's beating so fast that I'm surprised it doesn't pop out of my chest. I slow down and pull onto my street, my house coming into view. I count the houses as I pass them, coming closer to mine.

Five. Four.

I sigh, letting out a shaky breath.


I slow down drastically.


I mentally prepare myself for what's to come.


I turn the wheel and pull into my driveway, staring at the house. I look at the door, expecting to see it open and Dad come charging out with Mom right behind, screaming at me. Nothing happens.

I cautiously turn off the car and unbuckle my seatbelt. I grab my purse and toss my keys and phone inside, open the car door, and step outside. I lock the door and quietly shut it behind me, slowly heading up the driveway to the house. I twist the knob to see the front door is already unlocked. I step inside and look around. The house is quiet and there's no sign of anyone besides the distant sound of TV playing from somewhere upstairs. I creep up the stairs and once I get to the second floor, I look around for any sign of life before making a bee-line for my door. I throw my door open to see Mom and Dad sitting on my bed.

"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Mom asks, a serious look on her face.

"I was with Julia." I say quickly. "I know that doesn't make it any better, but I promise I was just at her house all day. We were watching TV the whole time."

"We'll be in touch with Julia to make sure her story matches yours." Mom says.

"Hand over your phone." Dad says. I nod, opening my purse and shutting my phone off. "Helaina, now!"

"I'm turning it off." I say. I look at the black screen and place it in the palm of his hand. "There."

"We'll be discussing how long your punishment lasts tomorrow." Dad says.

"Until further notice, you are not allowed to hang out with your friends except for in school. You will go to and from school every day, and nowhere else. Your tutoring sessions will take place either at school or in our house when either your father or I are home." Mom says, laying out my punishment. "We're very disappointed in your Helaina."

Mom and Dad stand up, heading out of of my room. Dad leaves the room, but Mom turns around and says to me, "Ava is going to bring your dinner up. You can eat in here. When you're done, come downstairs and do the dishes."

Mom turns back around and shuts the door behind her gently. I sit down on my bed and sigh, putting my head in my hands. I can't even be upset or angry with this punishment; my parents are being reasonable for being so upset. I've never acted this way before, and I'm sure they're not adjusting well to the fact that their daughter is growing up.

There's a knock on the door, and it opens. I look up to see Ava walking in, a plate filled with food in one hand and a cup in another. She heads over to me and wordlessly hands me my dinner.

"What, no snarky remark today?" I ask her.

"I don't need one. You're already in huge trouble with Mom and Dad, and that's all I need." she responds. I roll my eyes.

"Why are you so mean to me all the time?" I ask. "I'm your only sister; aren't we supposed to be best friends?"

"You're always mean to me." Ava says.

"What? That's such a lie!" I yell.

"Well, at least you used to be. You and Luke used to tease me all the time, and I got sick of it. So now it's my payback time." she says.

"That's so ridiculous. You're gonna grow up and realize one day that you have no good memories with Luke and I." I say.

"Whatever." Ava says, leaving the room. She slams the door behind her and I sigh.

I stand up and grab my TV remote, pointing it at the TV to turn it on. I sit back down and grab my plate, putting it on my lap. I look down to see a hamburger and sliced fruit on the plate. I pick up the hamburger and take a bite out of it, turning the volume on the TV up louder.


An hour and a half later, I've finished eating my dinner and emptied out the contents of my cup into my stomach. I've finished doing the dishes per Mom's request and am back up in my room, watching more TV. I'm lounging under the covers, my hair up in a bun with just oversized t-shirt on, when I hear something outside my window. I ignore it at first, but then I hear it again. I grab my remote and mute the TV, listening for it again. After a few seconds, the sound returns. I stand up, heading over to my window. I look outside, but I don't see anything from the reflection of my room against the window. I open the window and look outside. At first, I don't see anything, but once my eyes adjust, I see a figure moving. My heart nearly jumps out of my chest in fear, and I'm about to run away and scream for my parents, when I realize the figure is Shawn.

"What are you doing?" I whisper, afraid my parents will see me.

"Come to a party with me." he says.

"Are you out of your mind? I'm grounded. Do you think my parents will let me leave to go to a party with you?" I ask.

"Then sneak out." Shawn says, and I laugh.

"Wow, you really have lost your mind." I say.

"Helaina, I'm being serious!" he says. "I want to see you."

"You literally saw me all day yesterday and today." I say.

"Please baby." he begs, and the whine in his voice sends a visible shiver down my spine.

"They'll know if I sneak out. It's still early." I say.

"The party doesn't start until ten and it runs all night. If I come get you a little before eleven, can't you just sneak out?" Shawn asks, and I bite my lip as I think.

"Fine, but if I get caught, I'm going with the story that you tried to kidnap me." I say, and even from all the way up here, I can see Shawn's face light up as he laughs.

"See you at 10:45." Shawn says, and he disappears into the night.

I close the window and sit back down on my bed, staring at my TV, wondering why the hell I keep agreeing to things that will just get me in trouble. What is it about Shawn that brings out the best in me, but also brings out the worst at the same time?

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