Love Games (Slow Updates)


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Sexual Shorties To Tickle Your Desire .//Rated R// Mature Content (Read At Your Own Risk !) //Comment +Vote More

Stay Here...Please ?
Summer Camp
I Still Want You
Ain't Looking For No Love Thing
Best Friends Brother
Through The Window
Hot Love
The Kiss
What A Break Up !
Bodyguard 2
His Stalker
I Want You To Myself
The Things I Would Do To That Man .
Give Me You
Hard Work
The Spontaneous Cold
Just Gimme Some!
My Knight
Secret Sensuality
Be Mine
Dirty Doze
I Never Knew ...
Talk To Me
Im Bored, Baby?
Lets Play Dominator!
Bestfriends Or Not?

In Love

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Have you ever dealt with a feeling for a while? Like an overbearing bug that you can't seem to express? Is it because you can't tell it? But why ... will it hurt the feelings of another? Or is that you are just too afraid of being hurt. Keep that in your thoughts while you hear my story.

" Stop it Tyrian ...please" he tackled me to the floor as I giggled my life away. But as I tumbled I felt my sanitary pad shift in my underwear! My body shot up from the floor and launched his body into my wardrobe; standing up to find that it was still perfectly intact without even having to look. However I quickly checked the floor for spillage of any sort.. and after realising there was none I sighed hugely with relief. 

That would have been embarrassing!

Oh! I hate when I feel like I'm going on my period. Like just come on already!

Then I focused my attention back on to Tyrian. Once I caught sight of his crippled body against my hard wooden wardrobe, I noticed the confused look on his face. Well... he had a right to be confused from the way I catapulted him off me.

" Umm ok," he said when he finally spoke. I rushed over to him and helped him up. Once he was upright I sat cross-legged in front of him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you ... it was just ...-" I tried to think of something to say " -you were tickling me to know how I get"

Good save? I just hope he bought it.

" Hey, I'm not hurt but next time you do that, it's only gonna get worse " he pretended to tickle me again, pushing his hands forward towards me. I chuckled and got up running away.
I shouted up to him as I jogged down the hall

" I'm going to get a drink "I knew he would instantly get this sudden hunger if I went to the kitchen  . "don't worry I'll bring you snacks" I shouted before he could give his shopping list of snacks for me to bring.

When I got into the kitchen I noticed a familiar figure. It was wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans.

"Hey Tyrus"

He stopped what he was doing and spun round allowing me to notice the signature gold Jesus piece around his next and long braids framing that beautiful smile.

"Hey Kia " he walked towards me and gripped me into a tight hug. I hugged back tighter (if possible) however this apparently signified to him to lift onto the counter.

" I just thought I would drop by before my game ." He stood between my legs.

Yes, he is that guy!

Tyrus is Tyrian's brother and the three of us live in this apartment/ condo. It's really nice here as we have an amazing view and the place is quite spacious for the price we pay each month . However, you can just imagine what it's like to live with 2 young men who are always hyperactive and annoying. I mean I love them but sometimes because I'm the only girl since my best friend left, it's hard to express things e.g when I'm on my period or I'm just not in the mood to play, as I am easily overpowered by the both of them.

However I've probably never told anyone but my mum this but ... I'm in love with Tyrus .

Like smitten!

He's just perfect and sadly I have no chance with him. The reason for this: he doesn't date girls like me. Girls who aren't pretty, cool and popular. You see I'm the girl who is past slim thick more like curvy solid size 14-16. I wouldn't say I'm fat or overweight but I'm definitely not skinny or got a great figure. I'm quite tall and have long hair to match, which is my own for once, and it's jet black. But as you can see I don't want to be rejected especially by him because I don't know if he feels the same; which would completely jeopardise our amazingly close friendship . 

" Oh OK, I hope it goes good  " I smiled

He leaned down perching his elbows on my thighs sighing " Yeah, hopefully. Jason and Micah are back and you know how much we need them on the team ."I nodded understanding him fully. Like I always did.... so surely he would understand my feelings for him. And maybe right now is the perfect time to tell him . Plus my mum told me that I desperately needed to tell him before I get hurt.

I'm going for it !

"Hey I need to talk to you about something" I tried to get his full focus which wasn't hard. He looked up and moved back off of me.

ooh I don't know if this is a good idea

"Mm-hm what's up mama. Shoot" he spoke focusing only on me and his phone spinning on its side on the counter.

Uhhhhhhh how do I say it? I should have thought this through more...

" Umm I don't know how to say this so imma say it fast and I hope you catch it. All I want you to say is that we can talk about it later , nothing else . Ok?"
I grabbed his hands but quickly let go. Clasping my own in my lap .

" ok're scaring me, what is it"

I took a deep breath and under 2 seconds I spoke " I've never loved someone as much as I love you right now, I have been feeling like this for a long time now and I just didn't wanna say anything until I knew for sure that my feelings were accurate. I was worried that if I told you that I would get rejected because you didn't like me back. Uggh finally" my eyes pressed close and I sighed aloud in relief. However, when I opened my eyes and saw his expression, it was just as I expected. Pricelessly disappointed.

His chest heaved up and down while he paused and puzzle pieced his way back to sanity. He was not leaning on me anymore, nowhere near me actually, in fact, he had retreated to the fridge door to find comfort in something... I guess that wasn't me. Suddenly his facial expression scrunched tighter, his eyebrows now furrowed tighter as if digging deeper into a hole of confusion. With pure hesitation, his arms folded against his chest and he raised his head to stare right at me.

I knew this face well, very well indeed. It could be described, only through its own speech /voice, as: 'what the hell. Ok, let me work this out because I am confused, very confused. Just give me a minute and don't say anything . Ok I give up'

From that I knew not to say anything, well I couldn't help it. I wanted to explain, now that it was out in the  open

"Tyrus, I ...." I tried

He closed his eyes "and you are only telling me this now ... well before my game ?" He was using his hands a lot. I didn't like it

" Tyrus I just needed to tell you while it could come out. If not now then when ?" I pleaded for him to understand. I was starting to tear up. He pressed his elbows to the fridge so his palms could mask his face.

" any day baby girl, any day but today. I have a big game today, wow"I dipped my head in shame . 

"I'm sorry" I mumbled. This is exactly what I thought would happen .

Upon seeing my action when he turned from his position . He slipped his fingertips under my chin , lifting it so I looked at him and nowhere else.

"Hey ... don't be sorry , you can't help how you feel, I understand . How about we speak about it after the game and this time you can talk a little slower" I couldn't understand what he was feeling now but it wasn't exactly bad. However, I didn't wanna get my hopes up.

" ok," I said plainly.

" cool, so imma head out to my game now, but like I said .... yh " he hugged my body and turned around heading off to the front door. I heard him shout out to his brother and once Tyrian responded " good luck" he opened the door and left, shutting it abruptly.

That was intense!

Then I remembered how I only came to get a drink and Tyrian's snacks! So quickly, dragged a bag of chips, starburst out of the cupboard and yanking a large bottle of blue Gatorade from the fridge; I dashed down the hall to a Tyrian who was playing happily on the Xbox in MY room.

He turned to me looking at me madly "What took you so long? " I stared at him blankly .

This is a long story!

*#*#*#*#*#Hours Later #*#*#*#*#*
Boom! Went the front door

Tyrus was home

" Yoooo" he shouted from the middle of the house. I rushed out my room and noticed Tyrian also walking quite quickly towards the bellowing voice. <>

When we approached him he was standing there sweating like a crazy person, " you good bro" he asked his brother who was still breathing heavily. 

" hey never mind that , how did it go? Did you win ?" I brushed my bushy black hair off my face .

Tyrus' face turned into a smirk and he held up the winner's jersey from behind his back.
" We won the championship !" He giggled. Both me and Tyrian launched into him in a big hug . He was sweaty as hell but we were so proud of him and his team especially because no one expected them to win or even get into the championships this year with the absence of one of their star players, Micheal Figueroa.

"Stay here a minute, remember we need to talk" we had released from the hug but as I went to walk off he grabbed my arm lightly.

" ok" I leaned back out and watched as he trotted off to his room down the hall. It was only about 10mins after that Tyrus came out to the living room, in a pair of joggers and no shirt. He walked around to where I was sitting and sat on the footstool we had in the middle of the seating area. He placed his feet across from mine, with full focus on me as his hand swatted back and forth beside him.

Obviously he was hot .
However I think he is in both ways .

My opals analysed the way his stiff muscles flexed as he relaxed his incredibly vulgar body. I could see how his veins popped as he thought on which of his words was supposed to go first. Finally he looked up, hopefully knowing what to say now. Because I definitely was not going to start. "As you can see I don't really know where to start so I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you all day and that I didn't mean to upset you before. It was just a shock" my eyes shot up guiltily.

I do admit it was partly my fault

" I mean I appreciate it but yeah you were a bit harsh" I don't what I did but he began to hyperventilate. And I was scared, very scared. Although the strong tingling between my legs remained.

Hey, I know you are judging but a girl can feel what she feel.

He stood up and stared at me
"I literally just explained that it kinda sounds like a dig Kia, with a sprinkle of the blame too. " he clenched his body as his level of frustration heightened.

" ok I'm sorry I just expected something else . That you would like me back or something ."
I raised my voice a bit while glancing at the glorious sight of him standing over me. I squinted my eyes to hide from the unreasonable and completely age-rated 25 thoughts running through my mind.

Once again, my eyes couldn't help but travel teasingly down his body, but this time revealing what had not been discovered the last time I indulged. I never noticed the strength in his stance, like the way he stood tall and proud even though his personality didn't match that. That was the thing about Tyrus, well the thing I loved about him, that he had this cocky, confident and handsome outlook but the real, inner Tyrus was kind, humble, soft and loving. And I am sure he saw the lust fuelled dribble escape the corner of my mouth as I imagined all the things he was capable of and all his amazing qualities. Thinking of this I instantly jumped out of my daze and looked away, trying not to make it any more awkward than it already was.

" I never said I didn't like you . What I didn't like was your timing ." For some reason that made me smile.

" ok well I'm sorry" I smirked back at him. Him saying that had bumped up my little stank face I put on before. He noticed the smirk on my face and smiled at me 

" see that's the face I wanna see. No more pouting you big baby" he yanked me by my waist from the chair and lifted me to stand on the footstool he was sitting on previously, presenting me as if I was a newly bought present. Looking down on him I noticed the way his eyes sparkled in the midst of his brown jewel-like orbs.

" well now that is sorted, press them big ass lips on mine," he said blatantly.

" what" I questioned, almost blown away. He smiled back at me and held my waist. Due to his height, I was only like a couple of inches taller than him . However, when he went to go grab my neck and pull it to him , there was no longer a height difference just the feeling of his sweet lips on my neck.

" where did all this come from" I somehow found the words to speak. I was so confused on to where this sudden outburst came from . One minute ago he looked like he was gonna murder me. He sunk his teeth gently into the softest part of skin on my neck, generating a quite vicious moan from myself and most definitely, deep indents in my neck . He began to swirl his tongue on the most breeze-christened part of my nape when my desperate sounding moan once again escaped my lips. He heard it and ventured to latch his lips on tightly to the area and suctioning the skin up into his mouth. This only made the choir of sounds from me get worse. But before I could delve into his pleasurable actions I pushed him back a little. Something was bugging me.

He looked at me confused while his lips burned a fiery red. I played with a misplaced braid resting on his forehead and moved it out of the way, trying to get it behind his ears. Even though I hadn't explained why I stopped him, he didn't speak, it was like he understood .

" i know you probably thought that was what I wanted but.... wait I did like it .. it's just that I want us to actually make a commitment or even just have the understanding that we ain't just fucking". and to my surprise, he nodded 

" I get it but why would I act like this if I was just fucking, I want a forever with you if that's what you want too . I always thought you knew but , I like you a lot."

I gasped, covering my face with my palms .

Did he really just say that ?!

" How was I supposed to know that?"
I chuckled, in disbelief but my hands still covered my face to hide the massive grin under them .

" because I dropped subtle hints all the time Kiá! , I lift you onto counters and stare into your eyes, I never talk about other girls , I always call you first if I'm in need , I always choose to stay with you rather than go out and the main one of all time , I AM PHYSICALLY JEALOUS OF EVERY BOYFRIEND OR MALE FRIEND YOU HAVE HAD" He raised his voice.

This made me think. I never really saw that as him liking me I just thought we were really close.

I was ready now.

Instead this time of him taking the lead , I wrapped my arms around his necks and plunged my face into his. My lips jumped at his in excitement and pure love for him. He quickly grabbed one of my legs and put it to his waist so he could lift me up. I lifted the other and wrapped that around him too but before I knew it I was against the wall and he had me held there as he made love to my lips. Once again his smooth plump lips made their way down my neck tenderly as if searching for treasure. But there was one moment where his mouth sucked on a certain crook in my neck and my body jumped back with a loud moan to match. And in the most seductive way, not even flinching from his position he said "found it " With so much determination. His voice was as smooth as butter and melted me into his arms. I was weak at the knees even though he was holding me up and I didn't know what to do.

He then attacked my sweet spot again with more aggression while pressing me harder against the wall. The space between us had disintegrated however that wasn't the biggest of our problems. It's as if moans intoxicated him as because I felt a large object rubbing against my pussy. My arms and legs were wrapped around him so my poor kitty was unprotected by my thighs, leaving a space for that anaconda imprint. As he gifted massive purple hickeys on my neck he slowly and lightly ground into me. I gripped his hair and sighed in his ear violently. He could tell I was enjoying it.

" you feel that baby ?" He smudged his lips up to my ear and breathed heated air into it. 

" yes," I smiled, my head hanging loosely. 

" you are my dream girl, you know that? " he whispered in my ear as he dropped me and turned me against the wall. His strong arms pressed me against the cold painted walls, making my nipples harden under my loose t-shirt. 

"I don't think I am Ty" I winced as I felt his erection poke my cheeks. I was trapped between him and the wall ... and I loved it. However, upon hearing my words, he bit into my neck almost like he was drawing blood. The ecstasy I felt from his actions lifted me higher into my pleasurable mind space, causing me to arch my back and push my body against his. However, I knew this as far as he would go. I knew, from what he told me, that if he eventually found his perfect girl or dream girl he would wait a while before he had sex with her, just to be sure if she was the one. Because she, according to him, was his 'wifey' and he wanted everything to be perfect.

" yes you are and that's why we have to stop. I want you so bad but I have to control myself ." He stopped kissing my neck slowly and looked up at me.

" I want you too but I want to be your dream girl and if that means waiting, that's what I have to do" I nodded caressing his shoulders as he put me down.

" however that don't mean I can't play with that sexy ass figure. That's all mine now" he gripped my ass cheek making me wince.

" Ty" he squeezed harder letting a sore moan leave my mouth. 

"I'm so in love with you" and with that, he scooped me up and headed upstairs to wherever.

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