
By RockofAges

361K 17.1K 4K

Eli isn't your typical girl and this isn't your typical love story. She just wants someone to love her and a... More

Nineteen 1/2
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine


9.5K 441 235
By RockofAges


Another weekend with no plans. I guess I only had myself to blame, I was antisocial and preferred being alone but days like this I wish I had somebody. It was Saturday morning and Tiffany was packing and getting ready to head out with Matt for the rest of the weekend so that meant I would have the place all to myself again.

When I heard a knock at the front door I went to check it and indeed it was Matt here to pick her up. I called out to Tiffany telling her Matt was here before opening the door for him. Tomorrow was their anniversary so they had plans to spend the whole weekend together as if that was something new.

"Ready," Tiffany announced walking into the living room with an overnight bag which Matt took from her as soon as she got near him.

"You should go out yourself, have some fun," Tiffany suggested, "You want to tag along?"

I chuckled and shook my head at that, "Thanks but no thanks. You two have fun."

I dapped Matt up and hugged Tiffany bye and once they were gone I sighed because I was back in solitude. It seemed like I was always alone and majority of the time I preferred my space but there were days like today when I just felt lonely. Tiffany and Matt were booed up and I'm sure Luke and Geo were doing the same. Other than them I had no one I could kick it with or spend time with. Days like this I would pop up on Trell and Missy but I couldn't even do that anymore.

I got up and walked over to the window. It was a decent day outside and I didn't want to stay cooped up inside so I decided to do some shopping. It had just turned fall and it was time for me to switch up my wardrobe and I it was about time I spoiled myself.

I headed to my room and showered before throwing on some sweats and a matching hoodie along with a hat. On my feet I decided to keep it simple and throw on some Nikes and placed my shades on my face and I was good to go.

I grabbed my backpack and keys and locked up deciding today would be a cool day to catch the train since I hadn't in awhile. I already knew traffic was going to be crazy and finding a place to park would be next to impossible and if I had to many bags to carry I could always catch a cab or an uber.

I headed to the nearest subway entrance and didn't have to wait long to catch my train. I found an empty seat in the corner and sat down and pulled out my phone. No messages from nobody but it wasn't a surprise, my phone was always dry.

Once I got to SoHo I got off the train and once I got to the street I didn't know where to start so I just started walking. I headed into DKNY and started to browse ignoring the thirsty ass saleslady asking me if I needed any help. Being young and black I had my fair share of bull shit and like any other day I wasn't for it. Once I was done in there I continued on to other stores. I usually set a budget from myself but today I was spoiling myself.

Walking into G-star Raw I browsed the whole store seeing a lot of shit that caught my eye. I wasn't checking out a few hoodies something told me to look up. I spotted a tall, dark skin nigga and almost mistook him for a model or an employee until I recognized him as Chance. I hadn't seen since two weeks ago and sure as hell wasn't about to walk up to him and say hi. Even at the club when I was working I didn't see him, only in passing. Just as I went to look away he turned his head and we locked eyes. I turned my attention back to the hoodie I was checking out. I couldn't see him but I could sense him as he made his way over to me.


I looked up only to see him towering over me looking like a model. He was rocking a navy blue designer pullover sweater, beige slacks and casual leather shoes. He was different, dressed different, talked different, even walked different.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much just browsing. Stocking up on some warmer clothes. Is it always this cold up here?"

"It's only October. This is child's play, you haven't felt nothing yet."

He smiled, which I almost mimicked but I caught myself. I turned my head and looked back down at the hoodies I was looking over.

"You have good taste," he complimented as I picked up one in red.

He started chuckling so I frowned missing the joke, "What's so funny?"

I watched as he went through his shopping bag and pulled out the same hoodie I had just picked up down to the color. Seeing that I dropped the hoodie I was holding back onto the display table.

"Why'd you put it back," he chuckled, "What's the probability of us being around each other and both rocking it at the same time?"

"To much of a probability for me. You hang around the boys so you know what they're like."

"So your worried about what they're going to say? I'm surprised."

"What are you surprised about?"

"Surprised that you care what anyone has to say about you."

I felt like he was challenging me and being one to never back down I picked up the hoodie and place it in my arms and moved on to see what else I could find noticing that he was following behind me.

"What you doing after this," he asked.

"Why," I frowned turning around to look at him causing him to chuckle likely at my facial expression.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to spend some time with me."

I shook my head shutting him down, "I'm good."

"I got a chance to hang out with Matt and the boys, talk to them and get to know them and now I'm trying to do the same with you."

I looked at him and I'm sure my face said it all. I don't know he thought this was but he was tripping. The boys all thought he was cool as hell, they hung out and that was great but I didn't see a point with hanging around him.

"There ain't nothing you need to know other than what I'm sure you already do."

"You act like I'm asking you out on a date. You can't just kick it with me for a little bit? Will it kill you to be friendly for a few hours?"

I've never been friendly and didn't know how to be. It wasn't in my nature to smile and be nice to people. I wasn't a people person. Let the boys tell it I wasn't even friendly to their goofy asses.

"I'm not friendly... so if you still want to kick it with me then do so at your own risk."

I was about to turn him down but it was like I could hear Tiffany and Missy in my head telling me to be nicer and pictured Trell shaking his head at me with that deep scowl on his face every time I did something he didn't approve of.

He looked surprised by my sudden turn around but didn't comment on it. I shopped and he did the same. We talked occasionally, well he was doing most of the talking.

Once I was done in the store we headed to the register together and I paid first and instead of waiting around for him to pay I stood by the front door and waited for him while I browsed my phone.

"I thought you would have dipped on me," he said once he caught up to me.

"I thought about it," I answered truthfully heading to the door but for whatever reason he sped up and held it open for me. The shit was awkward and made me feel weird but I mumbled a thanks. For the next thirty minutes we walked into random stores, not talking much but every time I turned around he wasn't far away.

One thing I did take note of was he had good taste and even though he dressed like a square he had style and swag. He was groomed, fresh shape up and well spoken, it was a big difference from the guys I came across on a daily basis. I hated when guys sprayed themselves down with cologne but whatever he was wearing smelled good as hell. Plus I could tell he was clean by his hands and nails and skin. His hands weren't ashy and neither were his lips. I noted this because you'd be surprised at the way guys walked around these days.

"You hungry," he asked when we left G-Shock store after I copped a few new watches.

"Not really," I lied. I only had a bowl of Lucky Charms this morning and I was starving but I didn't want him thinking we were about to sit down and bond over a meal like some sort of date or some shit.

"I seen this pizza around the corner, my treat."

"I can't go in there with all these bags."

The same bags which he volunteered to carry more than once like I couldn't carry them myself.

"My car is just around the corner you can put your bags in my car while we eat and when were done you can come back and get them out."

The mention of pizza made my stomach growl and I wasn't about to drag these bags inside with me. Plus he had been cool thus far and so I didn't mind sitting down and eating with him just as long as he didn't get the wrong idea although I doubt he did. Everywhere we went it was hard for me not to notice all the females checking him out. All kind of females from all types of backgrounds and some of them were beautiful. Several approached him but I wasn't mad, we weren't together.

"Fine. Lead the way."

I followed him to his car and nodded in approval at the midnight blue Audi A7.

"This your car," I asked wondering if it was really his or a rental.

"It's mine. You like?"

"I do. I thought you'd riding in a Maserati, Aston Martin or some fancy shit like that."

"I'm not one for theatrics," he said earning a stamp of approval from me because I knew what he meant and I respected that. I handed over my bags and he put them in his car and then popped the locks after he put in his. We started walking towards the pizza spot and spotted a couple coming out of the store in front of us. The female sporting red hair, I hoped that it wasn't her but I had a feeling it was and when she looked up and we locked eyes my suspicions were confirmed. Red.

The smile that was previously on her face fell as she looked at me not caring one look that she was making it obvious that we knew each other. She looked between me and Chance, crazy eyes darting back and forth and I could see the wheels spinning in her head. The funny thing was she was with what I assumed was her man by the way he had his arm wrapped all around her waist. She was standing there with puppy dog eyes looking all innocent when deep down I knew she was crazy.

Ignoring her I walked around her and her man and refused to look back but I could feel her watching me. Damn, I hope she didn't start up with that dumb shit again. Beating me to the door Chance held it open for him and I could only imagine what he thought that was back there.

The hostess led us to our seats and it's where we sat in silence. I'm sure Chance had questions and was wondering what was that back there and I was debating on filling him in. On one hand he didn't need to know nothing but for some reason I felt like I needed to explain.

"I know what your thinking," I spoke once we were done ordering.

"Do you," he asked taking a sip of his water.

"At least I think I do."

I watched as he sat his water down before speaking, "You know her?"

"Knew her or of her. I'm not a lesbian and just because I'm a tom boy and I dress how I dress doesn't automatically make me a lesbian," I explained.

"I never said it did."

"I know you didn't but you didn't have to. It's what most people assume when they see me and that girl back there was one of them. I don't even know her name but the first time I saw her was the club one night while I was working. All of a sudden after that I started bumping into her everywhere I went, to much to be a coincidence."

"She was stalking you?"

I could see and hear the shock but I was just as shocked to, especially since I hadn't even spoke to the girl before.

"I know it sounds crazy and it is crazy cause I don't even know her. All I can guess is she developed some type of crush on me because every weekend she would be at the club. Then she would pop up on me while I was out or I would run into her on the train, just random places. It became too much when she would show up at Vanity and just sit in the waiting area. Like I said she would never say anything, just stare at me."


"Yeah. I had to have a talk with her one day. Told her I knew that she was following me around which she denied. I told her to stop or else the next time I saw her I wouldn't be so nice. Long story short I haven't seen her since I had that conversation with about her six months ago."

"Until today."

"Until today," I nodded, "People think a lot of stupid shit. I don't want to be a man which I've been accused of a few times and I'm not a butch. I have dresses, heels and skirts in my closet. I've worn makeup before and I will again when the occasion calls for it. I'm not trying to seek approval from anyone. People have even accused me of acting and dressing like this to get close to men. They thought for the longest that I was sleeping with either Matt, Luke or Geo and they were rumors I was messing around with all three of them."

"It's just hate. Hate from man that can't have you and hate from females that can't compete with you. We've all been there and I can't stand a gossip. My grandma always used to tell my sister if they'll gossip to you then they'll gossip about you."

"I like that," I admitted, "And she's right. I've had people who I thought were down for me only to be the ones talking shit but I'm over it. I'm confident, I love being a woman and the way I dress doesn't make me any less of one."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me, I get it. So growing up you used to play with action figures and toy cars?"

I laughed, "I hated dolls, hated barbies, hated pink and ponies and all that girly shit. Me and the some other boys always used to pretend to be power rangers. Power Rangers were life back when I was a kid."

"Power Rangers... so were you the pink or yellow one?"

I knew he was messing with me.

"Don't fuck with me, I always always the red one, the leader."

"And the boys you played with just let you boss them around?"

"You think I gave them a choice?"

He laughed, it was deep and I found myself smiling at me before I even knew what I was doing. I rarely ever smiled, so much so that I people telling me that I needed to smile more.

"On second thought no," he laughed and I smiled taking a sip of my sprite.

"So you own Vanity. I"m impressed, I haven't been in but from what I can tell business is good."

"It is, I can't complain plus it keeps me busy. What about you, how do you like New York so far, running the club?"

"New York is different but I'm getting used to the way things work around here and running the club as been a bit of challenge but I'm learning."

The waitress came and delivered our food and once she was gone we resumed our conversation, this time I asked him a question.

"Do you miss being down south, your family?"

"Yes. City life is cool but I miss the solitude, the ranch."

My eyes bucked out, "The ranch?"

He laughed, "Yeah. Trell didn't tell you I grew up on a ranch?"

"No," I frowned, "So you used to milk cows and ride horses?"

"Every summer. Me and my grandfather were close. Every weekend I used to be at the ranch helping him out and during summers I used to stay out there with him. My siblings liked it but I loved it. When he died two years back he left the place to me and it's where I stay."

"Sorry about your grandfather."

If they were close like how I was close to Vinny then I know he had to take it hard.

"Don't be. He lived life to the fullest, married, had eleven kids, lots of grandchildren, great grandchildren."

"Eleven kids," I almost chocked on sprite.

"All by my grandmother. She died about five years back."

"Eleven kids," I couldn't believe it.

"I have a big family. Have you ever been down south?"

"Miami for my 17th birthday other than that the only time I travel out of state is when I go into New Jersey."

"Well the next time I take a trip back to Georgia you should come with me."

I didn't come in here to essentially get to know him better and open up to him but I couldn't help it. He was so easy to talk to and I wasn't a talker so I was surprised myself.

"I don't have time to travel. Too much stuff on my plate."

Not really but he didn't know that. The truth was I didn't want to turn down his offer out right but there was no way I was about to head out of town with him. Even though a vacation was probably just what I needed.

"More reason for you to come to with me or even Cali. I haven't been in a minute, I'm sure you would love Cali. I can show you around, palm trees, sunshine, plus Cali has the best bud."

"Say's who?"

"Just take my word for it."

"I don't know you so I'm not about to just take your word for it."

"Then don't. I got some back at my crib actually. I get it specially delivered you can test it out yourself."

I'm sure he didn't have ulterior motives or at least I didn't think he did, either way there was no way I was going to his crib. Cool or not I wasn't about to go over to his place.

"Thanks but no thanks."

I had enough food and was about ready to cut this short. I had already spent about three hours with him and was surprised at how easy he was to talk to. He wasn't so bad after all.

I pulled out my phone to call myself an uber. When I got off the phone I looked at him.

"If you needed a ride I could have gave you one."

"I wouldn't want you going out your way," I told him taking off my backpack to pull out my wallet so I could pay.

"You can keep your money, I got this."

I frowned at him, "This ain't no date."

I motioned for the waiter to come over so we could get the check squared away. He smiled while he pulled out his wallet, he paid his portion and I paid mine. Once we were done I stood up and we headed for the door. This time I beat him to it and opened the door up for him. I saw him smirk like he thought something was funny but I paid him no attention.

We headed for his car and once there I and took my bags from him. He leaned against his car and I stood in front of him.

"You sure you don't want a ride?"

"My uber should be here any minute now...but thanks."

He nodded his head and we just stared at each other. I didn't know what else to say to him, I wanted to treat him like one of the guys because that's what he was but something was holding me back.

"So... maybe we can do this again?"

He eased into the question, he was smooth and the last thing I wanted or needed was him trying to push up on me. I didn't mind hanging out with him but I didn't want to get the wrong idea.

"Maybe," I shrugged getting the text that my Uber driver pulled up in an all black GMC Yukon, "Maybe not. See you around."

I headed over to the truck never looking back. I opened up the door and put my bags in first.

"Eli," the driver questioned.

"That's me."

Once I was in I couldn't help myself from looking out the window just as Chance climbed into his car. 


It was Sunday afternoon and I had nothing better to do so when Luke told me him and the boys were chilling at his G-Ma's house I headed on over. I was at Vanity so when Tiffany was done with her last client of the day she hopped in my car with me and we headed on over leaving Bri to close down the shop.

"Baby," Tiffany spotted Matt and hurried over to where he sat and plopped down in his lap.

"Here we go," I grimaced at them as they started making out like they hadn't seen each other in years.

"I like your hoodie," Luke complimented me.


Geo blew out smoke and smirked, "Chance had the same one on last time I seen him."

That's the reason why I didn't want to buy it in the first place. I ignored his comment and held out my hand so he could pass me the blunt. This had been a busy two weeks, it was homecoming season so Vanity was busier than usual. I was there to make sure everything ran smoothly and acted as security. Some of the mothers of the girls were showing out and there was almost a fight which I had to break up before it got out of control. On top of that I had side gigs all week long, one was at a college pep rally and a few homecoming parties.

I was exhausted so a blunt was just what I needed. I kicked back and closed my eyes feeling better already and then I heard the door open and heavy footsteps. I opened up one eye and spotted Chance as he walked in and Matt walked out the house on his phone. 

I sighed, the boys didn't tell me he was coming through, not that it was a problem but still I would have liked to know. I sat up and took another puff as everyone greeted him, everyone except for me. He could have sat next to Luke, or Matt and Tiff but instead he crossed the room and took a seat next to me.

I ignored him as he leaned into me making me lean back on instinct, "You can't speak?"

I took another puff and blew smoke out the corner of my mouth, "Sup?"

He caught me off guard when he plucked the blunt I was smoking on from in between my fingers. I watched as he put it to his lips and took a pull before blowing out smoke and handing it back to me.

"Looks good on you," he motioned his head to the hoodie I was rocking with some distressed jeans and Jordans.

"Thanks," I put the blunt back to my lips trying to ignore the fact that he was staring at me. He was doing the most, sitting all close to me and shit and making me uncomfortable. I didn't like people crowding my space and the boys knew that so I should have known one of them would have noticed it and called it out.

"Ya'll two looking real close over there. What ya'll talking about," Geo asked drawing all eyes to me and Chance.

"None of your business so mind it," I snapped.

"Damn, I can't ask a question?"

I rolled my eyes at him and leaned away from Chance since he made no move away from him.

"So what's up. You got a crush on our girl," Geo asked making me want to slap the mess out of him, "Cause as her ex-"

"Nigga try the fuck again," I cut him off.

"Why you-" Geo started but the next words out of Chance's mouth shocked the hell out of my as well as everyone else in the room.

"I think she's beautiful."

My head whipped in Chances' direction and by the look on his face I couldn't tell if he was serious but it seemed that way. I could hear Geo and Luke chuckling in the background and wondered what they hell was going on. As long as I lived no one had ever called me beautiful, never. Cute was the best compliment I ever have gotten from a guy. Nigga's complimented me on my outfits and shoes, it was never about my looks.

"Beautiful," Luke looking like he was holding the urge to crack up.

"My best friend is beautiful," Tiffany cosigned, "One of a kind so fuck ya'll and Geo you stay pushing up on her so don't try to show out now."

"Beautiful nah...handsome yes," Geo cracked.

"I ain't mad...shoot your shot nigga," Luke laughed.

"All I wanna know if who gonna wear the paints in ya'll relationship," Geo laughed, "Cause I can't see Eli taking orders from nobody."

This was too much attention they were putting on me, the kind of attention I wasn't used to. I got up and walked to the bathroom where I locked myself in hoping by the time I got out that the conversation was over. I took my hat off and started playing with my hair when someone barged into the bathroom.

"Really Tiff?"

"Shut up," she held up her hand, "You've been keeping secrets?"


"I saw he way he was looking at you. You two have been hanging out at work?"

"Not at all. Last weekend we went out_"

"What," she yelled in my ear.

"Calm down, it wasn't like that. Last Saturday I was out shopping and I ran into him. He insisted on tagging along with me."

She grinned, "He's sexy."

I shrugged my shoulder, "He's alright."

"Bull shit. I don't care how hard you act you can't deny the fact that he is fine."

"He ain't my type and I'm sure I'm not his."

"He said out there that your beautiful."

"Please," I rolled my eyes, "He only said that to make the boys laugh and he succeeded."

"No...I think he was serious."

"Well either way it doesn't matter and all of you are reading too far into this for my taste. "

"Fine," she held her hands up and I moved past her to leave the bathroom, "But...you two would make a cute some pretty chocolate babies."

I rolled my eyes and left the bathroom with her right behind me. The boys were talking shit, typical. Then Chance started to speak and his words made me stop in my tracks causing Tiffany to bump into me from behind.

"Just because she's a tomboy doesn't mean she's any less sexy," Chance defended me.

"Eli is cute I admit but I like woman and want my woman to look like a woman. Heels, long hair, lipstick, all that," I heard Luke say.

"I can appreciate a women without all that extra. Real hair, real nails, real eyelashes, real everything. Looks can only get so far with me and the last thing I want is someone who's high maintenance or materialistic."

"So what you saying, you would date a chick like Eli," Geo asked.

"Like I said I think she's beautiful and there's nothing sexier than a woman who's comfortable in her own skin. Who looks just as good in sweats as she does all done up. Someone I can talk to and have a deep conversation with. Adventurous, a woman who isn't afraid to sweat out her makeup or edges or get her hair wet or will actually eat in front of me instead of worrying about being cute."

The boys had a good laugh at his last statement but I was conflicted by all of what I just heard. For some reason I found myself getting angry and didn't know why. I came over to hang out but fuck this, I was out. I stormed through the living room past the boys and Matt just as he was coming in the house.

"Where you going, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I moved past him and out the door. I headed towards my car and a few seconds later I heard Chance calling after me. I had nothing to say to him or anyone else. I reached my car and just as I reached out to open the door I felt him grab my arm.

"Don't touch me," I spun around. 

"My bad," he held up his hands.

"What do you want," I asked.

"I'm sorry about that back there."

"It's what they do best, talk shit. I'm used to it."

I didn't like that I gave off the impression that what they said got to me. It wasn't Luke and Geo I was upset at. I was immune to them talking shit about me because as much as they dished it out I dished it right back.

"But I meant what I said," he told me.

"About what," I asked wondering if he knew that I caught all that shit he said.

"About you being beautiful."

Him calling me beautiful didn't sit right with me, maybe cause I wasn't used to it. I just didn't see how he or anyone else could call me beautiful.

"There's nothing beautiful about me so you need to chill."


I don't' know if he was expecting me to swoon, start blushing and acting like an idiot all behind one compliment but if he did he had the wrong one.

"You heard me. I don't know what your up to-"

"I'm not up to anything."

"Maybe your not but I don't need you complimenting me or speaking up for me."

"So I can't compliment you?"

"Not like you were doing in there no."

"They asked me a question and I answered it honestly. You can't get mad at me for that."

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. He had a point but I didn't care. The average person it didn't make any sense but they wouldn't understand. Hell I didn't understand why I was so upset myself. He stared at me not saying anything, just staring and I had the strong urge to look away but I wasn't the type to back down from from or nobody else.

"You don't have to be like this with me."

"Like what," I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Mean for one."

"You ain't special. I'm mean to everybody."

"I get that but at the end of the day I'm your boss so were going to be spending time together."

"Your not my nothing so let's get that shit straight," I said shutting him down. I was my own boss, not even Trell called himself my boss when he was running the club and I was DJ'ing at the club. I would be damned if he came trying to run me.

"I'm not?"

He took a step in my direction closing the distance between us. I was starting to think that maybe he was really about that life. This was a whole new side of him, a side I had to push a few buttons for him to release. I looked him up and down, if he thought he was intimidating me or going to scare me straight then he thought wrong.

He was taller than me by a good foot but that didn't matter to me. My brother taught me to always look a person in the eyes when I was talking to them. Looking down or avoiding eye contact showed you were weak or the person intimidated you and I wasn't no weak bitch.

"Your not."

I felt like we were having some kind of staring contest. We looked each other square in the eyes, he wasn't blinking or backing down and neither was I. Suddenly he smiled out of nowhere making me frown when he started grinning. It was as if he was plotting or had something up his sleeve.

"Drive Safe," he took a step back and I felt like I could breath once again. He walked backwards and then turned around and headed towards the house while I stood there feeling like I got myself into some shit. 

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