Connor/Murphy x Reader One Sh...

Galing kay LurchingLlama

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This is a book filled with Connor and Murphy MacManus x reader one shots, requests are currently closed. Some... Higit pa

Saint patricks day MurphyxReader
Tears. ConnorxReader
Date night. MurphyxReader
The sleeping problem. ConnorxReader
The drinking Incident. MurphyxReader
The snake. Murphy/connorxreader
Concussion ConnorxReader
Depression. MurphyxReader (For the most part)
First time. ConnorxReader
Haunted Amusement Park. MurphyxReader
The assignment ConnorxReader
The cold. Connor/MurphyxReader
The spider. MurphyxReader
Winter. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. Connor x reader part 1
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 2
Voices, figures and death. connorxreader part 3
Flirting. MurphyxReader
Trying something new. ConnorxReader
Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 4
McGuinty's. MurphyxReader
the mix up
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader)part 1
Adopted siblings (boys x reader) part 2
Adopted Siblings (Boys x Reader) Part 3
Adopted Siblings (boys x reader) part 4
Shit Happens (best friends. boysxreader)
Shots For Shots (MurphyxReader)

For Better Or For Worse MurphyxReader

992 15 1
Galing kay LurchingLlama

This was a request :)

"HE'LL COME FOR YOU! HE'LL FIND ME AND PUT YOUR ASSES IN JAIL!" You screech as you fight against the man's hold, biting his hand as he puts it over your mouth.
The last thing you felt was a searing pain in your head before blacking out.
So this makes sense, let's rewind the story a bit.
You had been working on a side job for your boss, Rickon Grey. Nothing dangerous, simply delivering a package to a man you were never told the name of. You didn't know what was in the box, you didn't care either. You needed the money. Desperately. It paid you $1,000 per delivery. That was a thousand dollars a week.
You had no idea just how deep a hole you had dug yourself until you were falling in it too far to get out.
Jean Grace, one of the women that came to the drops, decided to be a little bitch and step out of her line, making you talk back to her and ending you both in a practical fist fight. The two other men, Tony and Alfred, had split you both up, going your separate ways until next week.
Smecker, your Uncle who you had lived with until you were 21 after your father died and your mother abandoned you on his door step. He had always tought you not to mess with things that had nothing to do with you.. natrually you never listened.
Curiosity got the best of you when your boss refused to tell you what was in the package, so you opened it to see. You saw bags of white powder. Probably about a pound all together..
When, like an idiot, without thinking, you spoke up about it at the drop. They apparently didn't like your nosey ass which ended you in a world of trouble with them.
"Was none of your buissness, look what you're now making us have to do. Forcing yo to such barbaric behavior." Tony sighed, pulling out a gun.
"Noooo no no no! No there is another way." You say quickly.
"Like what?" Alfred challenges.
"Let me go, I don't tell." You say quickly, only then realising how much of a lier you sounded like, making both of them luagh.
"Your cute, sunshine." Tony chuckles, cocking the gun.
"No please! I promise I'll do anything." You say quickly once again and Jean speaks up after giving a over dramatic sigh.
"Throw her in the truck, we can do buissness there." She states and Tony smirks, putting away the gun.
"What business?" You quiestion uneasily.
"All sorts of buissness." Tony whispers to you, stepping so there was only a few inches apart from eachother, bringing a pocket knife's blade to your skin.
"All sorts of buissness. " He repeats, letting the blade cut the skin across your thigh, making you gasp and jump from the sudden pain.
He grabbed your harshly, making you scream random threats.


You groggily lift your head up, a headache clouding every sense you once had.
"Shit" You groan groggily.
you sat there in darkness for perhaps an hour before you heard a harsh banging on what you assumed to be a metal door before it swung open with force, slamming against the wall behind it.
"Up, bitch!" A males voice growled, slamming on the wall.
Obviously the dick didn't know you were already awake.
"I'm up you douche." You spat, holding back a groan.
The metal on metal didn't help your headache.
You felt someone grab you by your hair and pull you up harshly, making you yelp in pain and suprise before you felt the back of someone's hand collide with your cheek.
"SHIT!" You gasped before you could stop yourself.
They flicked on a bright light that blinded you, making you shield your eyes.
you could feel blood dripping from your lip.
"You back talk again, it'll be worse then that." He growled, taking the water he had been holding and dumping it on the ground infront of you, standing there with it upside down until it was fully empty before flicking the light off and leaving.
You felt your legs give out underneath you once you heard the door slams shut.
You held your lip, carefully applying pressure with two fingers to try and get the bleeding to stop.
you were never one to like the feel or smell of blood.
Finally it stopped bleeding. You wanted to clean it with water but you hadn't had a chance to look at the floor to see how clean it had been. However if it looked like it smelled, you would get a nasty infection putting it on your cut.
You hadn't gotten to sleep for any longer then an hour in what must have been 24 hours. Maybe more.
You would silently sit in the corner of the room, whispering under your breath as you counted the seconds, keeping track of the minutes on your fingers and the hours in your head.
you would do this until you found a semi pattern to their visits.
After a few days you had learned not to put up a fight. You had fifteen new cuts to show for your fights- if that's what you could call them.

You felt like you were going to die. You hadn't gotten even 24 hours of sleep in a week and you couldn't think about anything but food and water. They fed your every other day, but only a couple pieces of bread and some peanuts. They gave you a cup of water once a day however.
"Get up." A man's voice growled from the door.
you slowly lifted yourself, trying not to fall over again.
you got to your feet and he soon told you to turn around.
You did and soon found him pressed against your back, making you feel rather disgusted. This wasn't the worst they had done though.
He grabbed your wrists and put them behind you, tying them quickly before pushing you towards the door. You were blinded by the light the halls gave off.
You were brought through different rooms until you reached a new one where he stopped you obruptly.
You looked around, the whole room spinning.
you weren't sure if this was a dream or not. Everything felt fake to you lately. Perhaps it was the situation, the lack of sleep, or the girl the kept you awake in your cell. She was the only one you could talk to. She was touchy though. It was hard to not affect her sometimes. You knew she wasn't real though, simply from the way she would disapear sometimes. You knew she was from the lack of sleep, but it was still nice to talk to someone.
"Go on, Say." A man says disinterestedly.
"It's Fay.." the man behind your says hesitintally.
"MOOVE IT!" The man yells infront of you, making you cringe.
He quickly rushed out, leaving you alone in the room with the new man.
"I heard you gave my men some trouble at your last drop." He speaks.
"I'm sorry I didn't mea-" you say quickly but he tells you to shut up.
"You are gonna go around and make it up to me and the men you fucked with." He states.
"Anything- just please let me go" You whimper.
"I won't be letting you go, but I'll maybe let you live. Depending on your- performance," He says.
"P-performance?" You quiestion.
"You are gonna do everything I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it. And same goes for them." He replies and you swallow harshly before nodding.
"Say!" He calls and the man from before grabs you.
"Take her to Tony." He says and he pushes you out of the room.
You kept yourself on your feet by some miracle until he stops at a room, pushing the door open and throwing you inside infront of him, making you accidentally stumble to your knees.
"Tony! Boss got you a treat, send her to Alfred when you're done." Fay says, leaving.
"Get up," Tony says, walking out of a doorway he had been standing in.
"He said I can do what I want?" He asks, stopping two inches infront of you, towering over you intimidatingly.
"Y-yes," you whisper.
you had never wished so much before that you had kept your mouth shut.
He smirked before grabbing your shirt and smashing his lips to yours before ripping the front of your shirt.
His hands groped up and down your body as you felt tears leave your eyes, falling down your face.
He broke the button of your jeans next, ripping your pants and underwear down before grabbing your hair and throwing you into his messy bed.


When he had finished with you he pushed you out down the hall, telling you to go a hall down and to the tenth door.
You were forced to walk down the halls completely nude, crying as silently as you could.
Not many people roamed the halls, only one girl who simply rolled her eyes as she walked by.
You could tell this was Jean.
You made it to the door and looked around, about to try and make a run for it however until Fay happened to walk down the hall towards you and you quickly knocked on the door.
Alfred treated you no better then Tony had done.
After the day of being pushed around from multiple males to another like a ragdoll, you sat in your cell in a corner crying.
You felt weaker then before and disgusting, not to mention they hadn't bothered to give you knew cloths- or any cloths for that matter.
You had passed out from exhaustion and hunger perhaps half an hour later, waking up only to the loud crash of the door flying open once more.
"Food. Water." Fay says, walking in and dropping the food to the ground as it just barley stayed on the plate, setting the water down next to it.
You didn't move yourself. You stayed in the corner with your knees up covering yourself as much as you could.
However this didn't discourage him from shutting the door and pulling you up, pressing you to the wall.
"Don't tell and I think we could work something up." He whispered in your ear, his hands going from your breasts to your hips.
You whimpered, not wanting to go through the same torture again.
"You gonna be a good girl?" He questioned and you used all your strength to push him back. However he didn't go far, and he was much stonhee then you.
While you didn't need the demonstration of this, he gave it to you anyways, delivered in a nice strong slap followed by him taking off his belt and whipping you with it until you were on the ground sobbing.
you hadn't even realised the door had opened until voices came.
"GET YER FUCKIN' ASS ON THE GROUND!" A man shouted with a feel of authority about him.
While you could barely see through your tears, you kept yourself as silent as you could.
Two black outlines, one moving with haste up to Fay before taking something to his head, making his body drop to the ground after a small 'pop' like noise.
The other one stopped the guy when he pointed what you soon realised to be a gun at you.
"Connor hold up, she ain't one of 'em" the man whispered to the other and he quickly lowered his gun.
"Ya alright, lass?" The other one askes, carefully kneeling infront of you, making you muster all the strength you could to move away from him
It was so dark in the corner you were in still you couldn't see the man's face, and you were honestly surprised he had known you were, A, there, and B, a womem.
you tried to speak but all the came out was a choked sob as a wave of pain wipped your body.
"Murph, get 'er up, we aren't leavin' her here." Connor says and you quickly choke out a, "Please-Please don't take me- ".
"Connor you make sure no one's comin'." Murphy says and, with a small huff, he went out, an occasional 'bang' could be heard.
"Can I get ya in the light?" He asks and you shake your head, however instantly regretting it when your surroundings start to spin.
"We gotta get ya outta here, lass." He says quickly but gently.
"Do ya got a name?" He asks.
"Y-y/n," you stutter out after a second of debate.
"I'm Murphy, my brother out in tha hall's Connor," He says.
"Look we ain't got that much time," He says, glancing around.
You push yourself to a sturdy upright position, covering yourself even though it was still dark.
"Are ya able to run?" Murphy asks and you stay silent.
You couldn't, but you weren't gonna give him that answer.
"That's a no I take. I can help ya-" He starts, gently putting his hand on your arm, sending a wave of anxiety to course through your veins, making you fly away from his touch as you let out an alarmed yell.
"sorry- Did I hurt ya?" He asks with what you could tell to be genuine concern.
It was a mix of pain from where he had touched and part fear simply becuease of your day you had been having and the things you were forced through.
"Murph we don't got much time! Let's go!" Connor calls urgently through the door.
"Motherfuckkeerrssss!" You heard him yell, gun shots hollering as he pulled the trigger repeatedly.
"Y/n, can you run?" He asks.
"If ya can't, I gotta carry ya, it ain't a problem for me but ya don't seem ta like the contact." He says.
you had been silently crying this whole time.
You felt like you were gonna pass out.
"I-i think I can walk" You say, choking back a sob and he simply nods.
You tried to get yourself up but only fell back down.
You knew you must have been bleeding in a few spots. You definitally felt the blood.
He offered you help a few times before doing it against your will, apologizing perfusley as he did so. When he let go of you, you ended up falling down on accidint, feeling rather light headed once again. And, too drowsy to speak up or say anything, he ended up lifting you bridal style. Even though his hands were covered by leather gloves and his arms a soft long shirt, you were still uncomfertable and scared to be in their presense, and honestly wanted to not be near them. Being buck ass nude didn't help either.
As soon as they got unto the light he instantly set you down and pulled off his shirt, helping you quickly slip it on.
"I- I can walk." You whimper.
You honestly wanted to run away. You didn't feel safe with anyone right now.
"Ya sure?" He asks and you nod slightly. He helps you steady on your feet.
"We gotta fuckin' go!" Connor shouts to you both, shooting two men that came from another hall.
" I need ya to work with us, alright? We're gettin' ya out of here." He states and you nod.
He softly takes your hand, wrapping it around his shoulder for support as you three continued to run down the halls.
you felt yourself lose your grip on him as you blacked out only ten steps down the hall however.


"CONNOR!" Murphy shouted in suprise as you quickly dropped. He caught you just before you hit the ground.
"FUCKIN' SHIT!" Connor cursed, running over so they both had an arm, carrying you out as they continued to shoot people who came through the door.
They finally made it out, laying you in the backseat before driving off, starting to wish they had allowed Rocco to come when he requested.
They barged through the door of the place they had been staying at with Rocco and laying you down.
"Roc, get disinfectant and bandages." Murphy shouts so Rocco could hear them even though they couldn't see him.
"What the fuck happened? Who the fuck is she?" Rocco asked, popping his head through the door.
"Disinfectant! Bandages! Now!" Murphy repeated a bit louder this time.
Rocco entered the room a minute later with the supplies Murphy had asked for.
They had put a blanket so it covered you up in this time.
They didn't see anything that needed immediate attention so they decided they would let you rest for now, then let you get in a bath or something.
"Ya didn't happen to take cloths from yer girlfriend before we left her house, did ya?" Connor asked in a sincere yet mocking tone.
"Fuck you. No, I didn't." Rocco retorted, making both Connor and Murphy luagh a bit


You grogily opened your eyes, the pain you had once felt now numb for the time being.
"'Ay, she's up." Murphy called to the others.
He got up from the couch he had been resting on, moving over to you.
"How ya feelin'?" He asks you.
"U-uh," you stutter.
you only now started recalling the events that had played out merly hours before. You could feel yourself starting to shake, making all the scratches and cuts on your body inflame almost.
"'Ey now, clam down." Murphy said quickly, taking a hand and placing it on your shoulder.
"How is she?" Connor asks, walking in with Rocco trailing behind him.
"Not sure. Alive." Murphy says with a shrug before looking back at you.
"Calm down, lass." Connor speaks to you.
you wouldn't have given him any 'best comforter' awards for right then.
"Do ya need somethin'?" Murphy asks you softly, helping you sit up a bit.
"I-uh-um" You stutter, your breathing uneven as tears welled in your eyes from stress.
"We thought you could get a shower while we got some food. That sound good?" Murphy cuts in, knowing you weren't going anywhere with what though were stuttering out.
You simply nod slightly, forcing away a sob.
"Alright, let's get ya up." Murphy says, helping you stand to your feet.
You wobbled for a moment before gaining some form of steadiness.
He held your hand for support all the way to the bathroom, turning on the water for you.
"I take it you got'it from here?" Murphy concludes and you nod slightly.
"T-thanks.." you stutter, wiping away tears.
He gives you a small smile before leaving down the hall, shutting the door behind him.
You carefully take the shirt he had given you off your body, slipping into the warm water, watching as it washed away a week's guck.
The warm water stung against your cuts, but the feeling eventually left.
It took you about ten minutes to wash up, however it would've taken you less if you didn't feel so weak and unsteady.
Once you shut off the water and started drying off you heard a knock on the wobbly door.
you quickly wrapped the towel around you, hiding behind the shower curtain aswell.
"Mhm?" You call out, eyeing the door with worry.
"Forgot to bring ya some cloths- it'll all be too big but figured it was better then not havin' anyhtin'," Murphy said once he had opened the door, looking at the floor as he put the cloths in a messy pile on the closest counter to him before quickly leaving.
You walked over to the cloths and slipped on the shirt first, then the five sizes too big jeans. They were practically falling off you- okay, as soon as you put them on they slid right back off.
you held them tightly before walking out.
"Thank you." You murmur once you found them all in the kitchen.
"Murph ya didn't give her anythin' to hold 'er jeans up with?" Connor scolded, undoing his belt and slipping it off before handing it to you.
you quietly thanked him before slipping it around the jeans.
It wasn't a comfertable fit, but like he said, it was better then nothing, and atleast with the belt they didn't fall right back off.
"We'll find ya some cloths, unless ya think yer good to go back where ya came from, but I don't think that's a good idea right now." Murphy says and you nod.
Just then, Rocco came back holding boxes of pizzas and in the other hand he held bottles of beer.
He set them on the dinner table and they told you to eat what you wished, grabbing their own slices and popping the caps of beers.
It was silent for merely seconds before they started conversastion.
Some was directed towards you until it got onto just random topics. You loosened up a bit when they continued joking and luaghing. You found them to be a bit nuts though. Who killed over fifteen people and then the very same night luaghs their asses off like nothing ever happened?
You ate about seven peices of the pizza, taking drinks of water as you went.
This was definitally what you needed.
They asked you how you had ended up there, you gave them a simple summary and were happy when they didn't ask about it any more.
"So- what do you guys do.?" You ask hesitintally once the luaghter died down.
"We take out the bad ones." Rocco states.
"I see.." you say with a nod.
"Do you guys work with the police? " You question, already assuming you knew the answer.
They shook their heads and you sighed.
you would feel guilty telling your uncle, but you would feel bad of you didnt.
You suddenly gasped, making Rocco jump slightlt.
Only then did it hit you, you were sitting around the table with the three gentlemen he had told you about. They had given him quite the headache for a little now.
"Everythin' alright, lass?" Connor asks, glancing around the room to make sure Yphe wasn't missing anything.
"I just- um... Nothing..." you lie. You didn't want to get yourself jn to trouble by saying anything about it.
"Fucking spit it out." Rocco pipes out, earning a whack on the back of his head from Murphy who sat next to him.
"I just- you guys know someone by the name Paul Smecker?" You question hesitintally and you see Murphy glance at his brother, exchanging a look with him before speaking.
"Yeah. Detective. He's good. Why?"
"Uh- well- I um- sorta- know him... and he just aphasia said kinda a lot about you all..." you murmur the last part, waiting for all hell to break loose.
Nothing happened though. Silence took over the room.
"Ya know if he's go plans for us?" Connor finally asks.
"Nothing that he told me about- I mean he doesn't like tell me everything about his work- but uh--yep...." you say awkwardly, shifting in your seat.
"Ya gonna tell him everyhtin'?" Murphy asks.
"Not if you need me not to." You tell him quickly and he nods.
"Much appreciated." Connor jokes, lightening the atmosphere a bit. "Ya can sleep here tonight, take my bed, we'll get eveythin' sorted out tomorrow," thiis made you bite your lip.
"No- I coukdnt possibly do that." You reply.
They had done enough for you already.
"Take the bed, ya need it." He replies more sternly, leaving no room for srgument.
you quietly thanked him as he led you to the room that had two beds, both unmade and messy.
"Where are you sleeping?" You ask him, turning to look at him.
"I'll kick Roc off the couch," He smiled boyishly.
"I don't wanna disrupt evey-" you stop yourself however when you gave you a look you knew was him not wanting to discuss it again.
you chew on you lip nervously before Murphy pops in, plopping down on the other bed with a relieved sigh, shutting his eyes formamseocnd.
Connor leaves the room soon enough before Murphy lays on his side to look at you.
"Ya gonna kill us in our sleep?" He jokes and you shake uou head but smile slightly.
"You care if I take my shirt off for the night?" He quiestions and once again you merely shake your head.
He moved up, untying his boots and kicking them off before slipping off his shirt, tossing himself into he bed once again.
He turned out the light once you were settled in the bed. He said you could take the jeans off it was bothering you but you insisted you were fine. He didn't taut much of a fight into it.
you didn't fall asleep for a few hours, too worried about what might happen.
The light of the moon crept through the window, framing Murphy's body perfectly, giving you perfect light to see his tired restful face.
His hair fell infront of his eyes, his rosary still around his neck while the cross rested by his face. He had undone and taken off his belt and you assumed he generally didn't sleep with jeans on either, however you mentally thanked him for his thoughtfulness on the manner.
You occasionally would glance at him before your gaze turned back to the window. Eventually when you turned to look at him you felt too tired to turn once again, falling asleep moments later after hours of tossing and turning.
When you woke the next day, you walked into the livingroom to see Murphy and Connor quietly talking at the dinner table. However there wasn't a single luagh to be shared. Their tones were more serious then usual.
you couldn't hear them however, their backs where turned.
you stayed out of view of a moment, unsure if you should interrupt or not.
Connor got up from his chair and went to the fridge, and that's when you stepped into view. Connor happened to notice you before tapping Murphy on the shoulder, making him turn around and look at you, a smile gracing his lips.
"Sleep well?" He quiestioned and you noded.
"Yes. Thank you." You say, returning the smile.
"Ya hungry?" Connor asks.
"I could eat," you admit with a nod.
"Take what ya want, ain't much but it's food," He replies, tossing his head in the direction of the fridge.
"Thanks..," you murmur, walking over to the fridge. It mostly consisted of beer and left over pizza.
you grabbed a slice of the cheese pizza and sat down near them as they talked about plans for the day.
After Rocco had gotten up, he had left to go to something you hadn't been paying much attention to, leaving just the twins and you at the house.
They had offered for you to stay and hang out which you agreed to, they were super sweet and fun to be around so why not?
You had all been talking on the couch when the phone rang and Connor hopped up to answer it, going into another room so you two wouldn't be interupted.
"What were you guys doing working at a fucking meat packing factory? You can speak so many different language, you guys have great looks, you're fit, so what was it?" You ask in astonishment. You had made him talk in all the different languages he knew with amazement.
"What's looks got to do with it?" Murphy quiestions with an amused smirk on his face.
"Of course that's the thing you zero in on," you laugh. "I just mean that if you have good looks, you seem to be more likely to succeed in life. And you do, have good looks- that is...," you add the last part a bit more awkwardly as you look to the floor.
"Then what were you doin' gettin' cuaght in the middle of that shit? Had no better options?" He questions and you look at him with a raised eyebrow.
Did he just call me pretty? You think to yourself.
"Why do you go around killing people?" You challenge and he gives a ghost of a smile.
"Sorry- Murph?" Connor's voice grabs both of your attention. "That was Roc, we got a serious problem." 
Murphy hops up, holding up a finger to you in the gesture of 'one sec' before walking into a different room with his brother walking next to him.
You awkwardly sit alone on the couch until a moment or so later when they both walk out.
"Sorry, lass but somethin's come up and we are gonna have to step out. Would ya be good to meetin' somewhere in a few hours?" Murphy asks and you simply nod.
You all agreed on McGinty's becuease when you asked where exactly you were after noticing you honestly didn't know, you found out that they lived down the street from McGinty's, and your house was also only like a ten minutes walk from there.
However, you had plans to go to your uncles house instead, seeing as it was safer for the time being.
Once you got to the house you let yourself in with the spare key he kept under the mat at the front door, heading to the old bedroom you used to always sleep in as a child.
He hadn't ever changed it.
you laid down on the bed for only a moment before going out to go get a drink.
You sat at the dinner table, glancing at the clock to see it read 1:31PM. That's what made him walking through the front door such a surpise.
"Pual?" You quiestioned in concern when you saw him and he smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back and charge into him, hugging him tightly.
He wrapped his arms around you, saying, "What's this about?" With pleasent suprise.
You generally weren't this excited to see him.
"It's been- a rough week." You say vaguely.
"Not too much trouble, I hope," He replies, releasing you from his hold.
You stay silent for a second before asking, "What are you doing here so early? You generally don't get home until like 7."
"Stopped here for a late lunch, had some shit I needed to do. What about you? Never said you were coming," He asks.
"Just thought I'd drop by- hadn't been here lately." You lie- mostly.
He gives you a skeptical look but doesn't ask further questions.
"So- I met these boys..," you start awkwardly. This gave you his full attention.
"Did they do something to you?" He asks protectively.
"Nothing bad, no they were really sweet- really talented too. They could speak like 7 different languages," you say, wondering if that would give him a hint as to who they were.
He had told you about them. Saying how they could speak multiple languages, he had told you they worked for a meat packing factory, and they were twins.
"How'd you meet them?" He questions.
"They ran across my path, we hung out for a day. Gonna meet them in a little bit," you reply.
"Y/n- are these the men I told you about?" He asks.
"Perhaps" You say, popping the last p.
"You be careful, you understand?" He says and you nod. "Shit- I got work take care of, you stay as long as you want though, alright?" You nod and kiss his cheek before he walks to his office that was the last room in the hall. He never let you in until you were eighteen.
You head out about a hour and a half later, heading to your house to grab shower and change cloths.
you picked out a comfertable black low cut tank top, dark blue jeans, and your comfertable boots that you had to tie in the front. You loved these boots, but you rarely got to wear them since you worked at a more fancy reasturaunt and, being a waitress, you had to look nice. That was another thing you had forgotten to think about. With all the madness going on, you realised you no longer had a job, and might still be in trouble.
You groan before hopping up, leaving the house with a small knife in your pocket. It was all you really had and it was better then nothing.
You head down the street, crossing the road and walking in McGinty's.
you take a seat at the bar, politely declining when Doc asks you what you want.
You were definitely not going back to your job, even if he was willing to let you keep it, and you knew you shouldn't be wasting money on over expensive drinks when it would be cheaper to buy a bottle of alchol at the store.
You sat there picking at the wood of the bar, boredly waiting for the boys to show. You were starting to wonder if they were truly coming or not.
After a hour or so, you heard the bell to the bar ring out once again but this time two men walked on either side on you.
"Hope you weren't waitin' too long," Murphy says, standing on your left as Connor orders drink.
"Only an hour, I had free time so I cam early," you say with a shrug.
"What will ya have, lass?" Connor asks you.
"Oh, I don't need anything," you reply.
"'Course ya do! Pick a drink, it's on the house," Murphy chimes in, making you chuckle.
"Um- I guess a beer?" You more ask then anything and Connor makes the order.
You all sip on your beers and only now did you have time to examine Murphy's face.
he had a knew cut on his cheek, also something dark brown that looked like blood on the side of his face near his hair line.
"You look like shit," you comment, making him look over at you with a confused look.
This only let you see a cut on his forhead.
You glanced over at Connor. He didn't seem to have any cuts however.
"The fucks that supposed to mean?" He gives a breathy laugh.
"What did you do? What's up with the marks and blood on your face?" You reply and you watch as his hand instantly goes to the mark where the dried blood was.
"Nothin'," He says vaguely and you give him skeptical look, but don't ask anymore qeustions. You knew he wasn't gonna say anything if he didn't want to.
You glance over to see Connor downing the rest of his beer before saying, "be back in a sec."
Murphy downs his beer next before looking at you, saying, "can I show ya somethin'?" You nodded,. It was now your turn to down the rest of your's. You were thankful you only had a few sips left.
He stands up, extending his hand and you take it, walking over to Connor and telling him your two were gonna step out to where he simply nodded, slapping him on the back before continuing to talk with a man.
Murphy took you outside, heading down the street.
"Murphy where are we going?" You ask uncomfertably.
you had never been one for surprises and the recent events weren't helping this.
"You'll see in a few, Lass. Don't worry," He says with a mischievous smile, only making you more uneasy.
When you guys stop, you look to find yourself in the front of a pound.
you eye him skeptically, waiting for him to explain.
"Ya went through some serious shit, you need to hold a puppy," He says, giving your a serious look, making you smile and chuckle slightly as he pulls you in.
A women to be what you assumed in her mid 30s greeted you both, asking if you were looking for any specific kind of animal or looking to adopt.
Murphy grabbed you the cutest puppy they had and you a wanted to cry when you held it.
It was a lump in your arms, a small black lab that was practically already asleep when you held it. You wanted to keep it so badly.
"I could kiss you right now." You say, petting it softly on the head.
"Well, if ya insist," He jokes, making you look up with a confused look before a grin spread across your lips.
You hang out with the puppy for about ten minutes. This helped a lot of the stress to go away. You weren't sure why though.
Once you guys left, you walked down the streets not really going anywhere inparticular.
you felt his hand gently graze you's as you walked and you see him glance down at you, almost as though asking for permission. You lightly grip him hand in response and you can see him smile slightly as he looks striaght ahead.
You drag him to a park, siting on a swing as he stands behind you, loosely pushing you as you guys talk. You had accidentally let slip about your job problem.
"Yer always welcome to crash with us if ya need," He offers and you smile.
"Thanks, Murph," you reply as he slows the swing until it's fully stopped  and he steps so he is infront of you.
He kneeled so he was just a bit shorter then you as you sat on the swing, still gripping the chains.
He slowly lifted his face so his lips met yours. You couldn't help but lean into it, meeting him in the middle.
Your hand went to his chest while his hands went to either side of your face, deepening the kiss.
He moved so he was leaning over you and he moved inbetween your legs, moving his hands to your thighs, tightening them to his hips before standing up while you hooked your ankles.
You break the kiss to breath, resting your head on his chest.
After a second you pick your head up again and he puts a finger under your chin, lifting your face to look up at him before kissing you once again, this time less hesitint.
you let your legs unwrap from his hips as his hands go to support you until you let yourself put your feet on the ground. This made you atleast another four inches shorter then him.
"Can I go buy ya a drink?" He grins, breaking the kiss.
"Oh Mr. McManus, you flatter me" You say with a dreamy sigh, making him chuckle.
you move around him and jump on his back, taking him off guard slightly but he cuaght himself quickly, bringing his hands to support your legs.
"To McGinty's, my good sir!" You say majestically, making him murmur your sentance in question before moving.
You hung out at the bar for about an hour before heading to their place where you crashed on the couch with Murphy after trying to win a war of who could stay there the longest. Turns out you won becuease he fell off sometime in the night.
While you hated the way you met, you were happy you had. And you were also happy you felt safe with them. You were worried what your uncle would think though, you knew he would find out their jobs eventually though... but for now, it would work.

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