The Skylark's Snowflake (Hiba...

By Bluemoon609

61.8K 1.3K 329

This the continuation of the book The Snow Guardian (Hibari x Oc). I don't own KHR, only my characters. More

Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Ouran High School Host Club
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Kyokai In Wonderland
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 179
Chapter 180~
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190

Chapter 178

407 7 2
By Bluemoon609


Chapter 178


As Kyokai was in the living room reading her book, she looked up at the slam of the door. She got up to see Kyoya removing his shoes "welcome back" she smiled "I'm home" he nodded "I brought you something" he lifted up a medium sized box "hm ?" She frowned and took it to open it "Taiyaki !" She gasped "my mother told me to give this to you as an early graduation gift from her" he explained "thank you !" She hugged him.

They sat across each other in the living room, he watched her nibble on the Taiyaki with pink cheeks. She soon finished it and extended her arms toward him, he gave her another piece from the box. She took a bite and her eyes sparkled at the taste, he guessed this flavor was vanilla custard. His mother made strawberry jam and chocolate flavor as well, but he guessed custard was her favorite.

He gave her another one after she was done then covered his smile with his hand as he leaned against the kotatsu, her expressions were the cutest he thought "I can't stop feeding her" he thought "how fascinating" he mumbled against his palm "hm ?" She blinked at him, he shook his head "nothing" he reached to place her hair behind her ear.

She flinched when he leaned in to lick the custard off the corner of her mouth and cheek "your so messy" he mattered and pulled her to sit between his legs, she winced as he kissed the bridge of her nose. She said nothing and snuggled against his chest, she frowned and glanced at the box "it's empty" she pouted "I'll tell Oka-san to make you more" he patted her head "really !?" She looked up at him "thank you, Kyo !" She hugged him and he hugged back "let's go to bed, I'm tired" he mattered, she smiled and nodded.

At night, Kyokai woke up from a bad dream and sat up in surprise. She glanced next to her at Kyoya and sighed in relief as he was still sleeping, she clenched on her chest which started to hurt "I forgot" she thought in shock and slipped off the bed carefully "where is it ?" She went to the bathroom looking in the cabin, she pulled out a syringe and a small bottle with dark blue liquid.

Kyoya got startled awake when he heard a loud noise, he got up to where he heard it. His eyes widen when he saw Kyokai on the floor with pills and bottles around her, syringe shakily held in her hand "Kyokai, what are you doing ?" She got startled and looked at him with wide teary eyes "I-I forgot ! I forgot ! I'm sorry I forgot !" She sobbed "I have to take it !"  She closed her eyes shut. She flinched when he grabbed her wrist with the syringe, pulling her to his chest "wait ! No !" He extended her exposed arm in front of him to press the tip of the syringe against her skin "stop it !" She yelled "shut up and stay still" he growled.

He had to use both of his arms and legs to stop her struggled, he used half of his strength to keep her still. Her eyes widen and she gasped as he finally applied the liquid inside, her struggling stopped after a few seconds and rested back against his chest. He sighed heavily and dropped the syringe, both panting and sweating "I'm s-sorry" she breathed out "Kyokai, what is that thing ?" He asked and noticed she was barely speaking "go to sleep" he pushed her bangs to kiss her forehead before carrying her to bed.

He came back to the bathroom to clean everything on the floor, he frowned when he picked up a bottle with pills inside. A note sticking on it as a reminder to take it once a day, he clenched on it before continuing cleaning. In the bedroom, he watched Kyokai breathing steadily before grabbing her phone "password" he mattered "0505" he pressed and it opened "stupid snowflake using my birthday as her password" he mattered and opened the contacts information, pressing on a certain number.

Sato Jun got startled wake with a smack of a pillow by his wife, he sat up in surprise "what ?" He asked "your phone's annoying" she mattered drowsily "sorry" he whispered and picked up his phone after wearing his glasses "hm ?" He stared at the ID caller "yes Kyokai-sama ?" He answered "glasses" he popped a vein at the voice "Hibari" he mattered and pinched the bridge of his nose "what is it that you need ?" He asked "come to my house, we have some talking to do" Kyoya said then hanged up, Sato stared at his phone confusingly.

After an hour, Kyoya opened the front door to let Sato in "what is it so important to talk about around this late hour ?" They sat across each other on the floor "this" Kyoya placed the medicine bottle on the kotatsu "why is Kyokai taking it ?" He glared "there is also this" he placed a bottle with the blue liquid "I know you know what these are, and I want to know why are you give my Kyokai these drugs" he said and Sato sighed heavily "she didn't tell you ?" He asked and Kyoya raised a brow "as I told you before about Kyokai-sama's kidnap, she's been treated in the hospital for weeks. Her mental health started to affect and she would have these panic attacks any time of the day" explained "unless if she goes on with her life taking those pills"

"As you also know that your older brother was my upper classmate, he had the task to watch over Kyokai-sama. He was the one to bring those pills and liquid. The pills calms her nerves, she would take it once a day her whole life, CEDEF would make sure to provide more pills before the bottle runs out. As for the liquid, that is also once I day but highly strong to control her Snow Flames. Kyokai-sama suffered nonstop nightmares ever since the incident she started to get out of control that she tried to kill herself her sleep" Kyoya's eyes widen.

Kyoya did recall seeing scars disappearing and reappearing once in a while, he didn't know it was this kind of cause "then.." He said "why didn't I know about this ?" He glared "she might have been taking them in the bathroom where she hid it, perhaps while you are not around" Sato said "or perhaps she did not want you to worry" he added "although, Kyokai-sama doesn't really know what it does. She thought it was only medication for her nerves which is half true. She also tend to forget to take it sometimes"

Sato only watched the young man in front of him clench his fists "it doesn't matter how she takes it, correct ?" Kyoya said "as long as she takes it, yes, it doesn't matter how" Sato nodded "stinking CEDEF and that old herbivore" Kyoya mattered angrily.

The next morning, Kyokai woke up and found the spot next to her empty. She freshened up in the bathroom then went to the kitchen to see Kyoya preparing breakfast, she went to hug him from behind "good morning" she smiled drowsily "morning" he mattered and she frowned "something wrong, Kyoya ?" She asked and he shook his head "nothing" he turned to cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead "go sit and eat breakfast" he patted her head and she nodded before sitting down at the table. Without her noticing, he crumbling the pill from the bottle and dropped it in her tea. He stirred the spoon then handed her the mug "thank you" she smiled and inhaled the smell.

Tomorrow was third year's graduation, Kyokai and Ryohei were really excited about it "Yosh !! Another Extreme year had passed !!" Ryohei said "another, annoying, and strange year" Kyokai's brow twitched "did you call Xanxus ?" Kotoya asked "I called the whole Varia along with Dad" she said "I called my parents and Kyoko !" Ryohei laughed "where's Kyoya ?" Kotoya glanced around "he's at his parents house" Kyokai said "again ?" Ryohei said "Tadaima" they heard the door close, Kyokai got out of the living room to see Kyoya removing his shoes "Okaeri" she smiled "I missed you" she hugged him "hn same" he patted her head "what's wrong ?" She looked up at him.

He didn't answer and walked passed her "want to eat something ?" She said "no" he said, she frowned "oh Kyo, don't forget, our graduation is tomorrow" she smiled "your graduation ?" He glanced at her while rubbing his neck "my third year graduation ? I gave you the invitation" she crossed her arms "you did ?" He frowned "Kyo ! It's right in front of you" She pointed at the table "ah right, forgot" he waved his hand.

Her eyes sadden as he walked ahead "I'll go take a nap" he said "a-ah" she nodded and watched the door close behind him "you alright, sis ?" Kotoya said "Kyo..." Kyokai looked down "don't worry, he must have been tired today" he patted her head "h-hm" she nodded "I really want him to come" she said and went to the living room. Kyokai had stayed the whole day alone after Kotoya and Ryohei left, still upset that Kyoya didn't come out of the room since then. After she ate dinner and washed the dishes, she sat in the living room watching tv. Kyoya was still awake in the bedroom, speaking through the phone "can't you just reschedule it to next week ?" He said then sighed heavily "I can't"

He groaned and hanged up, he glanced at the time to see it already midnight. He got up to the living room to see Kyokai sleeping on the couch "Kai.." He knelt and poked her cheek, she frowned and rubbed her cheek, he smiled "cute" he thought then closed the tv. He carefully picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He placed her on the bed, laid down, then covered them. He closed the lights then faced her, she frowned and slowly opened her eyes, then it went wide "Yo" he smirked "K-Kyo !" She sat up in surprise "no" he pulled her back down "sorry" he said, she blushed "I haven't been hanging out with you for a while"

He noticed her eyes looking away "i-it's alright, you were busy with collage" she mumbled "your here right now makes me happy" she hugged him, burying her face on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her head "what time is your graduation ?" He asked. Her eyes widen as she looked at him, his ears went red while looking away "y-your coming !?" She said, he nodded "I'm glad !" She hugged him and got on top of him "are you really going to come !?" She smiled "I'm coming" he sighed "I'm so excited !" She laughed "alright, go to sleep now" he rested her head on his chest "I can't, I'm fully awake now" she kicked her legs then rested her chin on her hands "because your coming to see me graduate" she smiled brightly.

He slightly blushed while staring in shock, before looking away "hey, can I have a kiss ?" She asked, he blushed "no" he glared "ehhhh~ ? Why not ?" She frowned "your annoying" he growled "your just embarrassed" she laughed "your cute" he cupped her cheeks, making her pout "we'll make out tomorrow as your graduation present" he qsmirked "how mean !" She glared "but I want it now" she sighed heavily "why ? Can't wait ?" He smirked "your the one to talk" she glared at him "we haven't...been spending time together lately" she mumbled "sorry" he chuckled and laid her down next to her "how about this ?" He said, she looked at him confused "let me take you somewhere after your graduation" he smirked, she smiled and hugged him "that will make me happy" she said.

"How can you not even know how to use a camera ?" Kotoya said the next day as he, Kyokai, Nuno, Xavier, and Varia sat in the limo "shut up, brat ! I know how to use this !" Squalo yelled "how do you turn this on ?" He mumbled to Lussuria, Kotoya sweat dropped. Kyokai frowned while looking at her phone "what's wrong, Xhay ? You seem to be bothered with something" Nuno said "I wonder if Kyoya is really coming" she mumbled "I'm sure he will come ! Don't worry" Kotoya laughed "he will come, dear" Xavier smiled "he won't come" Xanxus said and got a smack on the head by Xavier "why you- !" Kotoya glared at him, Kyokai shook her head "he will come ! He promised" she thought.

They soon reached the school, it held a bigger graduation than in middle school "well, we're going" Kotoya grabbed Kyokai's hand and dragged her with him while they went to take their seats "Ryohei !!!" They waved "oh ! The weird twins !" Ryohei waved back "don't call us that !" They glared, he laughed "our second graduation with Kyokai-chan~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ" Ikuto jumped on Kyokai "Kai-chan !!" He landed on his face because Kyoko and Haru hugged Kyokai, making her move aside. Kyokai stared as everyone talking about the graduation and was collage, which reminded her "Kyokai ?" She looked at Kotoya "it's about to start" he said, she glanced behind at at the gates "hm" she nodded and took his hand that he offered.

Kyokai took her school degree after Kotoya, since he was older. She rushed down to meet Xavier, who was sitting on the wheelchair "I'm proud of you, princess" he laughed and she kissed the top of his head "thank you, papa" she smiled. After the principle announced the graduators of Namimori High, students got up and cheered. Each went to celebrate with their friends of family "wohoo ! Finally out of this miserable school life !" Souji raised his arms "you know we got collage, right ?" Tsubaki blinked "I'm trying to celebrate here, Tsubaki" he sweat dropped "great job, brats" Xanxus patted his younger siblings' heads "thank you !" They smiled up at him.

All the previous seniors and juniors came to congratulate the seniors, even the Ikuhara group arrived. Kyokai glanced around through the crowd to look for a certain someone, she found Kyoya waiting for her at the gates "Kyoya !!" She ran ahead and jumped into his arms "you came" she smiled "I promised didn't I ?" He said and frowned when she hit his chest "where were you !?" She glared "I was here the whole time" he said "what ? Why didn't you come to talk to me then !?" She said, he sighed heavily and looked away "there was too much crowd around you" he rubbed his neck. He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and smirked "Kyoyaho.." She glared, he chuckled.

She blinked when he grabbed her hand and started dragging her "let's go" he walked ahead "w-wait ! Where are we going !?" She said "didn't I say we'll go out after graduation ?" He glanced at her "b-but.." She said "it's okay, Kai-chan" she looked at Kotoya "you go, I'll tell Oyaji" he smiled, she smiled back "get on" Kyoya said and got on the motorcycle, she got behind him "ne Kyo, where are we going ?" She asked and he started driving "you'll see" he said. She smiled "Kyoya really came" she thought "I'm happy" she rested her head on his back "Hwaaa~ !!" She threw her arms in the air while leaning back "feels really good" she hugged him again "hn" he only nodded.

She watched the sunset and sighed, hugging his waist tighter. They soon reached their destination as it got dark, he told her to close her eyes while covering them with his hand. He held her hand with his free one as he walked her up the their usual hill where a lot of things happened "what are you going to show me this time, Kyoya ?" She smiled "stand here and keep your eyes closed" he removed his hand and she nodded, she felt his hands drop from her shoulders "hold this" he placed something in her hands, she felt some kind of wrapper "open your eyes and smile" she opened her eyes to see him holding a camera, a bouquet of yellow flowers in her arms "what's with that ?" She laughed and he snapped the picture with the camera, making sure the background was fully visible with her in the center.

She frowned as he placed the camera aside and held her shoulder, turning her to face what was behind her. Her eyes widen and her eyes dropped the bouquet to cover her gapping mouth, tears started forming in her eyes. Lights wrapped around the huge tree branches, what she saw was printed pictures hanging, almost covering the whole tree. In closer look, those pictures held special memories between them, he had been taking random pictures of her with the camera he borrowed from Kazumi.

He held her shoulders from behind "do you like it ?" He asked "hm" she nodded and faced him "I love it" she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, she mattered how much she loves him against his lips each time they pull back to catch their breath. They broke the kiss and rested their foreheads against each other, keeping the eye contact and distance between them close "I love your gift" she smiled "I'm glad you loved it" he whispered and cupped her cheeks "I need to tell you something important" he said and she frowned "g-go ahead" she smiled.

They sat on the grass with their hands entwined "so what do you want to talk about ?" She asked, he looked down and squeezed her hand "Kyokai..." He said "yes, Kyo ?" She looked at him "about collage.." He said "oh right ? I already enrolled in one, they still didn't give me an answer" she said and nervously played with her bang "but I-" she got cut off "listen to me" he said without looking at her "I'm moving away" she paused "w-what do you mean ?" She frowned "I'm moving to France" he said, her eyes widen.

She looked at him shocked "w-why ?" She said "I'm taking over the company that my father owns, it held in France. I need to move there for the company's sake" he explained "I-I see" she looked away and clenched on the bench "I-I need to leave to France for that, so you enrolled collage there" she said shakily then bit her lip "f-for h-how long ?" She choked out "until I graduate out of collage" she gulped.

He held her hand tightly and she held his back "I'm sorry" he mumbled and she sobbed, then started to cry, covering her eyes. Without looking, he rested her head on his shoulder "Kyo !" He was surprised when she moved to sit across him between his legs "promise me you will come back !" She yelled, tears couldn't stop rolling down. He cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears "the promise I won't possibly break" he said "then please don't break up with me !" She held his hands "I won't" he shook his head "when ?" She looked down "when will you leave ?" She sniffed, he rested his forehead on hers "next week" he said, her eyes widen "but...!" She looked at him shocked "we don't have much time !" She said "I know, I'm sorry" he said "all these time with Onii-san, was to discuss about going to France !?" She started crying again "yes" he said.

She looked down and shook her head "it's okay !" She looked up at him "we'll talk everyday, text, and video chat !" She said "and if there is a mission to go to France, I'll make sure I'll take that mission" she forced a smile "Kai.." He said "i-it's going to be okay" her smile slowly dropped as her shoulders shook "KYOOOYAAA !!" She hugged him, crying on his chest. He embraced her tightly, burying his face in her neck.

"I hate you !! I hate you !!" She cried and hit his chest "you promised you won't leave me ! And your doing this !? You stupid promise breaker !" She yelled, he caught her wrist and glared at her teary eyes. She calmed down as he kissed her eyelash and wiped her tears "I'm sorry" he mattered "I know" she hugged him "Kai.." He gritted his teeth, clenching on her hair "I don't want to leave you, leaving you is the last thing I want to do" he said "K-Kyo.." She clenched on his back "I love you, more than anything" he whispered "I love you too" she smiled "I'll wait for you" she whispered.

Time passed by with many shared kisses, Kyoya finally closed his last suitcase "are you all done ?" Kyokai asked "ah" he stood up and pulled her to him by her waist "hmm, Kyo~" she rubbed her face on his chest "I don't want you to leave" she mumbled. He sighed and picked her up, wrapping her legs around him. He laid down on the bed with her on top of him "yeah yeah, I'll miss you too" he mattered. She pecked his lips "do you have to leave ?" She whispered, he stared at her "yes" he whispered back "I'll miss you" she said "I'll miss you more" he said "I'll make a promise" she said, he frowned "when you come back, I'll become more girly" she said, he chuckled "what's so funny ?" She glared "nothing, it's just sounds a little challenging" he said.

Their half lidded eyes stared at each other as they kissed. He suddenly pulled back and paused, just staring at her, not moving a single muscle. He still couldn't believe that he's going to leave her all behind. He laid down on top of her and hugged her waist, burying his face in her neck. She stroked his hair and sighed heavily "did you take your pills ?" He asked and she nodded "I'll leave a note in the bathroom to remind you to take it" he said "okay" she mumbled.

He was now laying down on his stomach with her next to him on her phone, he put his arm on her waist. She sat up and rested her back against the headboard. Knowing that he's already tired and lazy, she placed his arm around her hips for him. He closed his eyes and buried his face on her waist "it says here that the weather in France will be extremely cold, did you bring something warm to wear ?" She asked "I got everything under control" he mattered against her waist "look.." She showed him her phone, he opened one eye "it says there will be a storm in Paris next week" she pointed.

"Kyokai, I saw the news. This is just people bluffing" he said "is that so ?" She sat back and scrolled on her phone "but you don't know if it will going to happen or not" she shrugged "will you stop worrying ? I know what I'm doing" he smiled at her "i-is it wrong if I got worried !?" She blushed and glared at him "no, it's cute" he smirked "it's not !" She blushed and collapsed on the bed.

They frowned when they felt something on the bed, they looked up at the sound of barking "Aki !" Kyokai smiled as Aki walked toward her and laid down between them "where have you been ?" She smiled. She closed the lights and laid down, he put his arm around her "so when are you going to leave ?" She asked "don't know, maybe afternoon" he mattered "you really are leaving, huh ?" She said "don't worry, I'll be back" he said "don't worry, you say ?" She said and hugged him, he wrapped his arms around her head and waist "Oyasumi" he yawned and buried his face in her hair. Aki walked to lay down behind him, so he can get under Kyokai's hand. She patted him a bit to drive him to sleep and stared at nothing before closing her eyes and snuggled against her boyfriend "Oyasuminasai"

=Time Skip=

The next morning, Kyokai woke up with a stroke on her hair. She winced and opened her eyes to see him awake, he kissed her forehead "morning, my snowflake" he whispered and she smiled "good morning" she mumbled and hugged his waist, he rested his chin on her head "Kyoya will leave to France today" she thought "I wonder how things will be without this idiot around" she thought as her eyes sadden "I don't want him to leave"

He stroked her hair as she kissed his neck "what time is it ?" He rubbed his eye and yawned, glancing behind him "don't worry.." She pulled his head toward her "we still have time" she whispered, he smirked as she got on top of him "there's a view I'm going to miss" he held her hips, she shook her head sighing and bent down to kiss his neck, he smirked and put his arms around her waist.

She frowned while nibbling his ear "your getting hard" she whispered "I have one last favor before I leave" he said "what is it ?" She mattered drowsily "no" she glared at him "do it quickly" he said "in the morning ?" She sighed heavily "the best way to start my day" he said, she huffed "fine" she got under the covers between his legs, he smirked and shifted to get comfortable.

After hours, everyone gathered at the airport to see Kyoya leaving to France, being informed by Dino "so Hibari-san is actually leaving.." Tsuna said "I'm kind of worried about Kai-chan.." Kotoya said "that's right ! What will happen to Kai-chan if he's gone !?" Haru said worried "now now Zumi-chan" Kisume tried to calm down Kazumi "I can't !! Kyo-kun is leaving to France ! And Kai-chan will be lonely !" Kazumi cried.

"You can visit him during your missions with Varia" Kisume frowned "but that mission is way ahead ! He's leaving now !" Kazumi yelled "come on, Kazumi. He'll be fine" Dino patted her head then wiped her tears "h-hm, your right" she sniffed "where is Hibari anyway ?" Yamamoto said "I'll search for him to the Extreme !" Ryohei said "OOOOIII-" Ryohei yelled but Gokudera smacked him.

"There they are" Chrome pointed, where Kyoya and Kyokai walking toward them, Aki walking with them with a leash "are you sure you got everything ?" Kyokai asked "yes, everything" Kyoya sighed heavily "do you want anything before you leave ?" She hugged his arm "Offu !" He furiously cupped her cheeks with one hand "I need to you to stay quiet" he glared, they blinked "shoot, your cute" he kissed her head.

"Say, how many years will you be gone ?" She asked "hn depends on the collage, I say four to six years" they stopped walking as they faced each other "eh !? that's so long" she looked down. He chuckled and lift up her chin "be patient" he said "your the one to talk" she mumbled, he ruffled her hair and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Aki barked and tried to claim on his leg, Kyoya knelt to pet him "protect Kyokai for me, will you ?" He said and Aki barked in response "don't forget, he needs to leave to Italy next April" he stood up "I know" Kyokai sighed heavily.

"Oi Hibari !" They looked up "you have got to be kidding me" Kyoya's eye twitched "we came to say an Extreme goodbye !" Ryohei smiled "who called you all here ?" Kyoya said then death glared at Dino "Ahehehe" Dino nervously laughed "have a nice trip, Kyoya !" Kotoya said "have a safe trip/Good luck !/we hope you come back !" They said "hn, I don't need all this" Kyoya looked away "Hibari, you Bastard !!" Kotoya, Ryohei, and Gokudera yelled.

"My little Kyo-kun !!" Kazumi cried and ran to hug Kyoya tightly "I'm going to miss you, little brother !" She rubbed her cheek against his, Kyoya sighed heavily "Kazumi, you promised you won't cry" Dino said "I can't stop, Dino !!" Kazumi hugged him, he nervously sweated "K-Kazumi !" He noticed Kyoya's murderous glare over her shoulder "take care, little bro" Kisume ruffled Kyoya's hair "don't do that" Kyoya fixed his hair "did you say farewell to Oka-san and Otou-san ?" Kisume asked "visited them on my way here" Kyoya explained "how are they dealing it with ? Never mind that, how's Oka-san dealing with it ?" Kisume sweat dropped "worse than Kazumi" Kyoya mattered.

Kyoya and Kyokai got squashed in the middle as Ryohei and Kotoya hugged them, their eyes widen at how close their lips were "Hibari ! We're going to Extremely miss you !" Ryohei anime cried "thanks Kyoya, I'll be taking Kai-chan back" Kotoya smirked "why you-" Kyoya was about to hit him with his tonfa, but Kyokai stopped him "I'm kidding, have a nice trip" Kotoya smirked, Kyoya smirked back. They gasped as they punched each other really hard "I hate you" they glared while holding their jaws "hn ?" Kyoya blinked as Kyokai kissed his cheek "don't get injured before leaving, idiot" she said "alright" he pinched her cheek.

Their eyes widen when they heard the announcement about the flight to France "Kyo-san" Kusakabe said "you go ahead" Kyoya told him, Kusakabe nodded and bowed to everyone his goodbye before leaving "let's go" Kisume smiled and they walked to the gate. They watched Kyoya walk to the gate that was about to close, everyone left after that. Kyokai stopped walking and clenched her fists "Kyo, wait !" She called, he looked at her. He dropped his suitcase when she ran into his arms to hug him, his eyes widen in shock "I'll miss you" she smiled, he buried his face on her hair "me too" he kissed her head.

He pulled back lift up her hand "keep this" he slipped his ring through her finger "your relationship ring" she mumbled "take care of it until I come back" he kissed her red cheek "hm ! I will" she nodded "I'll see you later" she smiled. He smiled back and kissed her lips, she cupped his cheeks and kissed back. He rested his forehead on hers, entwining their hands together "don't hunt other bunnies behind my back" she whispered and poked his nose, he shook his head "I won't" he said "I'm leaving" he whispered against her lips, she smiled. He picked up his suitcase and walked away, their entwined hands slowly let go, and their fingers slipped.

Kyokai quickly rubbed her eyes with her arms and smiled "take care, Kyoya !" She called and saw him wave over his shoulder. She frowned when her phone rang, she pulled out and answered "I love you, Kyokai" her eyes widen as her cheeks turned pink, Kyoya hanged up after saying that "Kyoya, you idiot !" He smirked at her yell.

After finding his seat at first class, he placed his luggage and sat down on his seat next to Kusakabe. He pulled out his phone to put it on plane mode, but froze at the sight of his phone's background, a picture of him with Kyokai that they took at the park in winter. Both close to each other to get warm in the snow, where she kissed his cheek while holding his shoulder. He remembered her putting the phone background herself, saying to match with hers. Kyoya looked through the camera roll and rubbed his thumb against the screen where she was smiling brightly. He chuckled and closed his phone, he rested his chin on this palm and stared outside the window "wait for me.." He thought "Kyokai"

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