Special To Me ¦ Shokugeki No...

By GalaxyStars29

74.7K 2.1K 321

"Don't you get it? I chose you. I fucking chose you over everything else because you're special to me. I chos... More

C1. Exams
C2. Dorm
C3. Welcome Party
C4. Shokugeki
C5. Meat Master
C6. Hellish Training Camp
C7. First Assignment
C8. Megumi's Expulsion
C9. Shokugeki with the Alumni
C10. Breakfast Buffet
C11. Car Ride
C12. Karaage Wars
C13. Competitors
C14. Announcement
C15. Difference
C16. Challengers
C17. Leave
C18. To Italy
C19. The Return
C20. A Long Night
C21. Surprising News
C22. Meeting the Brother
C23. Officially Dismissed
C24. Back Home
C25. Dinner Conversations and News
C26. Surprise Visit
C27. Escapes and Confessions
Christmas A/N MUST READ
S1. Surprises on Valentines Day
S3. Graduation Day
S4. Summer
S5. Her Birthday
S6. His Birthday
S7. Christmas
S8. New Years

S2. Dinner on White Day

1K 28 1
By GalaxyStars29

What a day, thought a certain male named Yukihira Souma as he walked back to his dorm lazily.

He just finished making a appetizer for class around half an hour ago, and now all he wants to do is lay on his bed and take a nap and worry about his problems later.

The vibration of his phone made him stop in his tracks, and he looked at the screen to see who's calling him, expecting his girlfriend. But instead, all he saw was an unknown number calling him.

Answering the call, Souma places the phone near his ear, resuming to walk back to his dorm.

"Hello?" The voice from the other line greets, a rather boyish voice that Souma could almost recognize.

"Uh, hello?" Souma bluntly greets back as well.

"Good, I got your number right, Souma-nii."

The title called to him made Souma fully recognize who this person is.

"Ah. Hey, kid," Souma greets again, but with a hint of happiness in his tone, "What made you call me? How'd you even get my number?"

"Got it from Ayano. But that's not important right now, listen--"

"Saito, why are you on the phone?" This time, the owner of the other voice is a voice Souma immediately recognizes without much thinking.

"It's nothing," Saito waves it off, "Just a classmate. Go away."

"... Whatever."

Few seconds of silence, Saito spoke again.

"Sorry about that, Souma-nii. Anyway, as I was saying, do you know that two weeks from now, there's a special date that my girlfriend is looking forward to?"

"I don't know...?"

"Yes, that's why I'm telling you this. Ayano doesn't know because she isn't that much of a calendar person, but in two weeks it's White Day."

Now Souma was starting to get where the kid was getting to.

"Do you have a plan for my sister?"

".. Well, I was planning on planning next week--"

"A week of preparation isn't enough!" Exclaimed Saito, "My sister deserves so much better than just a box of chocolates. You better give her something that she's of worth."

Is that a threat? Souma sweat drops, looking up when he feels a rain drop on his forehead.

"Ayano made an effort in making you a whole load of chocolate last month. She only prepared that within less than a week. From experience, you should start preparing now," Saito continues to advice to the older.

"Sure, let's brainstorm for a plan.." Souma trails off as he now enters the dorm, closing the gates and doors behind him as he went inside.


Finally, the day of where Souma's surprise for Ayano had come.

Yes, it's finally White Day.

"Yukihira Souma! Are you an idiot? We have to practice for graduation!!" Arato Hisako exclaims after the redhead, clipboard at hand as she follows him in the hallways.

Souma just chuckles, grinning. "We're only gonna be second years. No big deal," he shrugs his shoulders as he goes down the stairs, "Plus we've practiced it more times than I can count. We got this."

"We practiced only three times, and graduation day is next month!" Hisako continues to shout at the male, wanting for him to get it through his thick skull that practice is very important for them.

"It's next month, we have plenty of time," Souma waved it off, and the two arrived at the first floor of the building.

Before Hisako could even continue any further on getting Souma's attention, she was stopped by a very cheerful student who blocked her way.

"I'm afraid that I'll have to stop you myself, miss assistant."

Nakiri Alice proudly stood in front of the pink haired female, arms crossed with a face that made Hisako immediately give up, knowing she had no chance in defeating Alice.

"Yukihira-kun for sure is going to visit his girlfriend," mused Alice, "So let's all give him the time he needs for her. You know that Yukihira-kun is impossible."

Now, with Souma, he mentally thanked the white haired Nakiri for covering for him. He didn't have time to stay still idly and chat with his friends when he has to do something for his girlfriend!

At the dorm, there's a mysterious black limousine at the front, and Souma knew that this was his ride.

The redheaded male goes in the dorm first, gathering his belongings, then telling Fumio he had to leave.

"Fumio-san, I'll be going now," bid the male, grinning to himself because of happiness.

"Mm," hummed the caretaker, "Tell her my regards, and that she should come visit us again from time to time."

"Sure thing," and with that Souma left the dorm, and into the black limousine.

Inside the limousine is the usual things that are there, but what or who seems to be there isn't much of a surprise either for Souma.

"Souma-nii, you ready?"

"Nervous. But ready."

So they journeyed to the place where they needed to go to, which is the Hirashima household.

It took quite awhile, but Souma and Saito were hitting it off well, talking as if they've been friends since before.

They chatted about many things, but it was mostly Souma asking about Saito, wanting to know more about the younger.

Reaching their destination, Saito beams a smile at Souma, having a super close resemblance of Ayano's bright smile. "We're here, Souma-nii," he says, getting out of the car.

Taking a breath, Souma follows as well.

They walked to the front doors without any escorts due to Saito's request of wanting to be independent.

The younger opens the doors casually, beckoning for the older to follow after him.

Excusing himself, Souma tails after Saito.

They go to the living room, wherein two other figures are seen talking to each other.

"Mom, Dad," Saito calls the attention of his parents, and his first attempt is successful when the adults turned their way.

"We have a visitor?" Koutarou muses a bit, eyebrows raised at his only son, mentally asking what is this all suppose to mean.

"A visitor?" Echoed Aiko, sitting up a bit more straight.

Clearing his throat, Souma takes action. "Yes, good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hirashima," he greeted just as he rehearsed in his head, "My name is Yukihira Souma and I'm Ayano's boyfriend."

"Ah, what a handsome young man," cooed Aiko, chuckling to herself. "Anyway, it is delightful to meet Ayano's lover. Come sit," she gestures to the couches that he is allowed to sit on.

Souma doesn't decline, nodding his head.

"So what brings you here?" Koutarou asks again, being sure to be careful around the younger male.

"I'm here to ask permission to do something here for Ayano.." Souma slowly began, looking at the adults as he explained what he practiced with Saito earlier.

As Souma told his plan to the adults, they both took it very seriously since it did involve their one and only daughter. Aiko, especially, felt touch for his efforts. And Koutarou, he can see that Souma is really striving to win them over as well.


Night time, finally, wherein the moon lit the dark sky with it's billions upon billions of stars.

And just in time, Ayano came home as well. From the request of her parents, she didn't eat dinner so that they'll have a family dinner at home. Unbeknownst to her, family meant another thing already.

Krista approaches the only Hirashima daughter, eyeing her up and down to see if her outfit is suited for the dinner. Fortunately, it is; the black jacket looked good above the white blouse that hugged her torso, and the black colored skirt just ended right mid thigh, and her flats was just right as well.

"Good evening, Mistress," smiled the blonde brightly, "Dinner is already served," as she says that, she held a white bandana or cloth that seemed all too familiar to Ayano, but she didn't say anything about it.

Oh how right she was about it, though.

"But your parents instructed me to have you blind folded until the dining area," showing it clear to the other female, Krista begins to say, "But don't worry, I'll be here to guide you."

Before Ayano could even protest, the white cloth was placed around her eyes. She felt scared, the tiniest bit, but she sucked it in and plastered a small smile on her face. She didn't want to look weak, of course.

Krista gently guided, more like pushed, Ayano to the dining room. A giddy smile on her face. She knows about the surprise, she's the very reason as to why Saito told Souma about White Day. Even though she couldn't exactly spend the day alone with Saito, them being together is fine for her.

When they've arrived, Krista gives Ayano's arms a gentle squeeze, before letting go. The feeling of being blinded and not having any contact with anyone or anything made Ayano gulp, though she stayed strong and stood tall. The urge to just pull the cloth is great, but she fought back and held herself back.

Saito and their parents watched in amusement at the scene.

Souma, meanwhile, quietly approached his girlfriend. His face held no emotion, for now, as he stood in front of her while doing as much less movements as possible. Then, he drew a breath, the light scent of her perfume making goosebumps appear, it excited him, somehow. His callused hands made way behind her head, and he gently but swiftly unties the knot.

The bandana, his bandana, fell on the floor. For now, Souma didn't bother to pick it up, too lost in the pair of eyes that stared directly at him, unblinkingly.

As the light slowly returned, she gaining her sight back, she sharply inhales when the face of her boyfriend came to view. Oh hell, were the first words that popped into her head at the sight of him, drinking in his appearance. They may have seen each other during video calls, but they don't compare to the real thing, at all.

He grew taller, again, that's the first thing she's noticed. His red and spiky hair stayed the same, but somehow right now it's in a length that was arguably either longer or shorter. His eyes were the same, the same bright golden colored eyes that bore into her. Everything seems the same, but it isn't. He's still Souma, but in another view of the sort.

It wasn't just Souma who changed. Ayano changed as well, whether he liked to admit it or not. He wanted to laugh at how she was still short, but now shorter because he's grown taller. Her hair grew, definitely, the ends now going a bit past her shoulder blades. She somehow became more lady like, with the light touch of make up on her face, not noticeable much to those who don't look closely.

Their moment was interrupted by Koutarou, who clears his throat. "That's enough staring, I believe," he caught their attention with this, him eyeing both carefully.

Souma takes a step back, nodding his head. It was as if he was casted a spell upon, not able to focus properly.

Clearing her throat, Ayano nodded as well. She looked down on her shoes, but then noticed the bandana on the floor. She took the initiative to pick it up, and held her hands out without looking at Souma. "Would you like this back on?" She asks, voice almost shy and timid.

"Uh.." Scratching the skin behind his neck, Souma pondered on the question. "You can keep it," he says, a a boyish grin on his face, "For now, though."

".  Alright," folding it properly, Ayano kept a firm grip on the bandana. She made sure to not let it go,

Saito rolls his eyes at their actions. His sister seems to always melt away with her boyfriend around, shy and not the old blank faced Ayano. He liked that she's more cheerful now, it's just that seeing her in the opposite state of her either annoyed him or amused him.

"Dinner is ready," he reminded the two once more, gesturing towards the table that's filled with more food than the usual.

Perking up, Souma nodded. He looped his arm with Ayano, and guided her towards her seat of the table. The female thought of how he's much more kind than usual, since he even pulled out her chair for her and let her sit down before doing so on his own.

The parents and Saito sat on their seats as well, and everyone thanked their food before eating.

All this is a bit odd to Ayano. Everyone is so nonchalant about everything, what kind of joke are they playing?

".. What's the occasion?" Breaking the silence, Ayano then asks everyone in the room, her eyebrow lifted in question.

All of them looked at each other, then Aiko beams a smile at her daughter. "My, you really take after me," she laughs at this, looking at her husband.

"Your mother never really knew about dates like these, either," Koutarou chuckles as well, "Always forgot unless she marked it herself," he hums at the memory.

"Sorry, I don't follow," Ayano now had both eyebrows raised, probably more confused than she was before. It was like they spoke another language, having Ayano not comprehend what are they saying at all.

Souma takes the opportunity to tap his girlfriend's shoulder, grabbing her attention towards him as the parents were occupied with themselves. He faced her with a gleeful grin, "Happy White Day, Aya."

Oh. Now it dawned to her. She may not know which event is when, but she knows what the events or holidays mean. A light hue dusted her cheeks, and she smiles. "Ah, I see," she now understands, and her smile fades when reality hit home. "You didn't have to do all this--"

"I didn't," he agreed with a nod, "But I wanted to," he tells her the truth, but only half of it. It wasn't his first plan, but he'll reveal that to her later.

Their dinner went well, fortunately. Souma got along well with Ayano's family, getting on their good side and winning them over with his lively personality.

When everything was finally over, just as Ayano was about to lead Souma out of the door reluctantly, Aiko stopped them.

"It's late," she began, gesturing towards the clock on the wall, "And it's not the best of time to be going home, even though you're a male, Souma-kun."

Ayano didn't even notice that they were already so comfortable and trusting to him. They didn't refer to him with his last name, but already are first name basis with him. Also, Souma didn't just call her Mrs. anymore.

"What are you suggesting?" Pressed on Ayano, discreetly gulping at the thoughts that ran wild in her mind.

"It wouldn't hurt if he stays the night, no?" With that usual innocent like face of hers, Souma wouldn't really doubt her. Though Ayano had suspicious thoughts about it. "I'm sure he would be fine sharing a room with you?" As she brings up this question, her gaze averts to her daughter knowingly.

".. I-I--"

"If you and Mr. Hirashima are fine with it, I don't think I have the right to decline," he bowed gratefully, lips in a thin line as he says so.

"Of course!" Chimed Aiko brightly, "Ayano usually keeps extra blankets in her room, so I don't see any trouble coming your way at all," despite her age, she really knew how to tease her daughter in a good way.

"Yes, thank you," Souma bowed once more, really showing his happiness and thankfulness to the woman in front of him.

"Alright, we'll be going now," cutting in, Ayano gave her mother a nod, before she dragged Souma up the stairs to go to her room that they'll be sharing for the night.

As they both climbed the stairs, hand in hand, Ayano exhales in relief. Her mother really may be a hit pushy at times, it's like she isn't sick at all!

A chuckle erupted from Souma's throat, and he squeezes Ayano's hand firmly. "Don't get too happy about this," he says to maybe lighten up the mood.

"Another comment about that then you'll be sleeping in the guest room," pouted she, not turning her head to face him because she knew that he would be able to see through her much more quickly.

"Okay, okay," said Souma, "Just don't rush. I want to spend some more time with you," at his line, she rolls her eyes.

Then they've arrived, Ayano excusing herself to change into a much more homey and warm outfit.

"But I like you in a skirt," genuine, Souma mentions, nonchalantly sitting on the bed he once laid on.

"It's much more warmer," she avoided literally responding to the comment, knowing her cheeks are already painted red for sure.

"With me by your side, I'm sure it'll be warm," as he said that, he didn't really have any other meaning behind it. He really meant that he'd have his arms around her, the blankets over them to cover their bodies that were pressed together to feel the warmth of one another that they had longed for.

Hiding a shy smile, Ayano said a, "Shut up," before scurrying inside the bathroom to change. She changed into a simply extra large shirt and pj pants to keep her legs warm.

When she went out, her eyes landed on Souma's back that faced her. He wore a pair of joggers this time, but with the same black long sleeved top he's been wearing all night for their dinner.

As Ayano neared towards the bed, she let's out a squeak when she's being pulled by the wrist and waist. Her body falls on the bed, and arms are quick to wrap around her as well.

"S-Souma..?!" As her face landed flatly on his torso, blush rose to her cheeks once more. It's only sometimes when they get intimate with each, especially because of the long distance, so being this close to him really made her fluster. Her heart raced in nervousness, though there's excitement, of what's to come next.

"Pipe down.." He shushed her, voice unusually low and quiet. He's acting like a koala, like a baby who never wants to separate from it's mother and loved ones.

Gulping, Ayano soon melts into his embrace. She finds herself hugging back, enjoying his presence and the smell of cologne that radiated from his body.

"So what's all this about White Day?" Eventually popping up the question, she mustered the courage to ask him.

"Because of what you did in Valentines, I just felt that I needed to do something for you," he licked his lips, sucking in a breath, "My plan was simply, to just bring you some food and then leave. But your brother seems to want me to go and take it up a notch, so I really had no choice but to follow anyway."

She smiles, "Thank you for your efforts. I was really surprised earlier," she mentions to him.

Souma pulls away slightly, showing her a mischievous grin. "Do I get something in return for putting so much effort? I made everything for dinner," he feigns innocence, but she saw through that quickly.

"Psh," she scoffs with an eye roll, "You wish," she couldn't help but grin back slightly as well.

The two of them stayed in each other's arms as they talked and talked until they felt tired. Souma kept on mentioning about the happenings at Tootsuki, while Ayano told stories about her restaurant. They both listened to each other intently, making sure not to miss a word from the other.

"Souma, it's time to sleep," when Ayano had the decency to check the time, she felt sad that they had to end the night, but knew that this was coming anyway.

The redhead pouts, still playful. "I'm not sleepy yet," he protests, placing his chin on top of her head to maybe persuade her.

"You must," Ayano instructed, her head on his collarbones. She let's out a sigh, knowing that Souma still wanted to stay up with her. "You've been here since the afternoon and cooked a lot of meals for tonight," she tells him, "So you need rest. You still have to go back to the dorm."

".. But it's Saturday tomorrow," he continues to reason, still pouting. He enjoyed every second of staying in that position, especially because he got to be this close to her.

"And I don't want to hold you back, okay?" She sighs again, "You're graduating already. Know your priorities."

Souma finally gives in, knowing that she's right about Tootsuki. He presses his lips to her forehead, smiling down at her. "Fine, you win," he surrenders, "But I'm expecting lots of calls and messages from you."

She agrees, having no problem. "Yes, fine. Now let's sleep."

Ayano flips to her other side, feeling much more comfortable that way. Though Souma is just craving to have his arms around her body, to have her close to him until he has to leave.

He nears his lips to her ear, making sure to keep his voice low. "Happy White Day, princess," he greeted, pulling back to lay his head on the soft pillows.

Ayano doesn't hide her smile. She hums her thanks, closing her eyes so that her dreams would consume her for tonight.



Tbh got a bit carried away writing this.. 😅 tho i think its worth it?

Anyway, hope this special isn't too boring or whatever. I really love writing moments like these with the pair, so hopefully it isnt bad.

Btw how's it? I accept feedback!!

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this to whoever you want it to share with!

Until the next chapter! (∩_∩)

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