behind the man - j.g - comple...

By yoongistetas

73.6K 1K 194

He's not like any other men. He's different. Very different. He strange and he doesn't spend much time with m... More

Epilogue Part 2
Final Epilogue
New Book!


1.7K 28 1
By yoongistetas


"Okay, she'll be fine. Just let her rest for a few days, and she has to eat 3 times a day for her own health, or else it'll happen what happened earlier but much more worse. And give her these pills after she has eaten. It'll make her feel better and probably make her sleep for a while." I heard say while I try opening my eyes.

"Thank you sir, I'll take good care of her." I heard another voice say.

I heard the door open and shut, and felt a light weight sitting across from me.

I opened my eyes, and see a blurry Jack infront of me.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks." I said smiling.

He smiled back and played with his fingers.

"I know I'm not a warm hearted kind of man, but you scared me and I was worried that I might've lose you." He said kinda stuttering.

"Well, thank you for worrying."

"So, the doctor said that you should have a couple days of resting. And he said that it seems that you don't eat well by noticing your yellow stains on your arms." He told.

I chuckled, and see the clock time. 3:00 pm.

"And now, I'm gonna take care of you from now on." Jack smiled warmly.

"Sam was worried too."

"Oh, really? Well tell him I'm fine and don't ever talk to me again." I told him bluntly.

"What happened with you two? Did you guys had history?"

"Well, we were in a relationship, but I had to break up with him just because of you."

"Me? What did I do?" He asked like if he was hurt.

"I'm sorry, I meant becasue I was gonna marry you. Didn't he tell you or talked about me?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Well, I guess he didn't want to be like other boys talking sweet about their girls to their homies. I mean, you would do that to me, or am I wrong?" I asked him looking into his eyes.

"Oh. Um, I mean..." He scratched the back of his neck and thought about it.

"Whatever. All I know is that I'll never find someone that'll love me in reality, cause I'm stuck with you now. Forever." I said looking the other way.

Jack didn't say anything, and just cleared his throat. He must've gotten mad or maybe offended, cause he started walking to the door.

"Wait." I stopped him.

He sighed before turning around.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud. I guess I was just not thinking right before offending you." I said.

"No, it's fine. Now, get some rest. I'll come back later to check on you." He said before walking away.

"Can you, stay with me? I just want someone to talk to. I know you're kinda busy, but I just..." I stopped and sighed whether it was a good idea or not to have him around me. He'll probably say no and be mad at me till the rest of the day.

"Sure. I guess I could take some time off work. I'll just call johnson to take my part. He's like my right arm." He took out his phone, and told him that he'll be spending some time with me.

Then hunged up, and sat next to me.



After talking and laughing along, the maid came in with a tray of food.

She set it on the counter, and left.

Jack got up and walked to the side of the tray, to take out the bowl filled with chicken soup and vegetables.

"C'mon, eat." He said sticking out the spoon for me.

I sat up, and took the bowl from him, but he denied in me taking it from his hands.

"Ah,ah,ah...I'm the one who said who's gonna take care of you, and now it's my responsibility to do everything for you."

"Oh, no its fine, really." I said embarrassed.

"Daisy..." He said in a threatening tone.

I sighed, and gave in.

He souped the spoon in and took it out with a spoonful fill with chicken and vegetables as I ate it.

I wiped myself with a napkin, and looked down and blushed from embarrassment.

I don't know why, but don't you get this weird feeling when you're eating and someone is just watching or staring at you while you eat? Doesn't it make you feel uncomfortable that you can't even eat right? Well, that's how I felt now.

Jack kept messing playfully with me around with my food and making smacking noise as I ate along. I almost spit the whole food out, but swallowed it fast to burst out laughing.

"Stop, I can't even eat right!" I said laughing.

"My bad. Just want to have some fun with my wife." He stared at me and soon cleared his throat when he said 'wife'.

"Sorry, that came out so awkward."

"It's alright." I continued eating.


After we finished, he placed the  finished chocolate cake plate down on the tray, and gave me my pills after eating.

I popped the pill, and swallowed it down along with water running.

"Thank you for this. Really appreciate it." I said.

"No problem. So, what do you wanna do now?" He asked.

"I don't know, whatever you want."

He thought for a sec, and took out his laptop going to a fashion clothing online where appeared today's fashion trend.

"Jack, what is this?" I asked confused.

"Shop. Pick whatever you want, since you don't have any clothes, buy whatever you want." He said.

"Oh no. I can't, jack. I'm just gonna spend your money away, and probably you need it anyways." I said shaking my head, and giving his laptop back to him.

"No, daisy. I have sufficient money on my bank account. Trust me, it's more than you think." He said turning the screen to me.

I looked at him with an 'are you sure?' look.


I scrolled down, and picked whatever looked pretty.

Jack sat beside me helping me pick out what's best for me.

We were both picking and choosing, that our faces were too close.

I could feel his breath hitting my neck.

"Oh, pick that one. That'll look good on you, especially since you have perfect curves and body." Jack said.

I was surprised that he said that, I looked at him.

Our faces were inches away. Our lips centimeters away from each other.

He swallowed a lump in his throat, and came closer to me.

Uh oh, is this really happening? Is this a dream? What do I do? If I back away, he would misunderstand. But If I let him, he'll be eager and risk to do it. And I really wanna feel his lips.

So I took choice #2.

I finally had my first, real kiss with him.

I never thought I would kiss him.

It felt so right, and soft.

What if I'm really falling in love with him?


Much love, Stephanie

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