George Weasley X Reader (Harr...

By robin_robin02

507K 14.5K 21.2K

Mysterious letters from a mysterious person? The devilish twins and their antics over the years? And who best... More

Fishing for trouble
The Temper of a Kitten
The Burrow
Love Potion #9
Exactly as Planned
The cuter of the two
Horseshoe eye
Dorm Trouble
Big Mess
Sick Day
Sick Day pt.2
Snow day
Rainbow Robes
Sweet Like Roses
Harmless part 2/2
Ashes and Bones
Twin Kittens
New Friend!?
Holding Hands
Fires and Stars.
Golden Snowflakes of Doom
Noon on Thursday
How it all ends

Harmless Part 1/2

12.7K 385 422
By robin_robin02

George's P.O.V.

I dashed down the hallway with careful anticipation. My first target was a 3rd year Hufflepuff girl. She was walking alone down the hall, her red hair blazing like a lantern. I dashed up to her, my fingers playing with the roses anxiously. 

"Hey there, this rose is nothing compared to your beauty, but I wanted you to have it," I quickly spluttered, handing her a rose. I dashed onwards, ignoring her pleas for me to wait. The thorns of the other two roses dug into my alms, sweat rolling down my forehead. 

It's only part of the plan. It's only part of the plan. It's only part of the plan. 

I clutched the other two roses in my hand in anticipation. The hallways were like a maze as I sought my next victim. She was skipping down the hall, her peculiar ways clearing the area for her. My feet stumbled over themselves as I ran towards her, my momentum carrying me into her. We landed on the floor in a heap, and I quickly got to my feet, apologizing. One of the roses had fallen out of my hand and onto the ground next to her head. I bolted for the nearest exit, my ears keen on anything behind me. 

"How pretty! I think I'll keep it." The strange Ravenclaw girl marveled at the flower. I glanced behind me, catching her faint smile. 

I paused next to a classroom to catch my breath. A Slytherin 1st year opened the door and quietly walked out. He eyed me warily out fo the corner of her eye. 

"You're not in this class. What are you doing here?" He asked, his hand hovering over her wand. 

I moved on my own, my body already prepared to initiate the plan. I strolled up to her, tucking the last rose behind his ear. "Oh, just waiting for you. A fancy-ass like you needs something magnificent to brighten their day." 

"My father will hear about this!" He yanked the flower out from behind his ear, threatening me as I ran.  I grimaced, wondering how much my reputation would suffer from this endeavor. 

I ducked into a secret passage, grabbing some extra ink and a paintbrush. 

Y.N. P.O.V.

I aimlessly wandered the garden. My mission was to find anything useful. My job was to create a disruption, distract the teachers, disappear, and re-appear in Dumbledore's office to help the boys. 

My feet aimlessly kicked at the ground; my gaze turned upwards. My thoughts were sparse, like passing clouds on a sunny, blue day. Who was the boy? If he was the messenger, who was the sender? Why was he running out of time? 

I clutched the letter, quickly shoving it into my pocket. I looked down at the rose, carefully held in my other hand, and placed it in my pocket too. 

My feet grazed and bumped into something massive, almost causing me to trip.  Looking down quickly to keep my balance, I stepped over the large object and turned around to face it. It was a giant watermelon, just sitting in the grass. I gazed at it suspiciously, poking it carefully with my foot. I waited in anticipation, nerves ready for it to spring at me. 

The watermelon continued to sit there, silent as ever. I carefully kicked it this time, jumping back in case it came to life and retaliated. A nervous sweat had broken over my face as I looked at this watermelon. 

Shaking my head, I smiled to myself. What was I thinking? This was a harmless watermelon. I'd been hanging out with the twins too long. Vegetables were no longer safe after spending a few years with them.  

As if on impulse, I drew my wand, and shrunk the watermelon. Picking it up, I hastily shoved it into my pocket and continued to walk forward. Perhaps I could bribe Dumbledore with the watermelon? I kept alert for any movement from the watermelon in my pocket, my eyes scanning the edge of the forest. The melon bounced a little bit as my gaze landed on the secluded log cabin. I decided to walk there, keeping my limbs away from the pocket containing the fruit. 

I paused as a Thestral darted out of the forest. Several more followed it, shaking their heads. A light bulb seemed to go off in my mind, and a wicked grin spread across my face. I approached the Thestrals carefully, pulling the watermelon out of my pocket. It shook and bounced in my hand, as I struggled to keep ahold of it. I now had the Thestrals attentions as I contained the tiny watermelon. 

My spell wore off in an instant, and the watermelon crashed to the ground. At its original size, tiny legs popped out of the bottom, carrying the watermelon forwards. WIth movements as quick as lightning, the watermelon ran in the opposite direction of the Thestrals. The winged horses stomped their hooves as I quickly scrambled onto one. They charged after the watermelon in an instant. My grip was deadly tight on the Thestral as it darted forward, all 5 of them attempting to get the watermelon. 

This watermelon was enchanted, given legs for the sport of hunting. It's divine smell attracted the horses as it ran, the watermelon merely trying to survive. 

The Thestral I was riding let out a carnal roar at the watermelon. I winced at the volume of the boom, duly noticing a shadow fall overhead. I risked a glance upwards, hundreds more Thestrals overhead catching my eye. 

Somewhere in the distance, a music box started playing. Its tune was fast, giving the scene an increasingly intense look. My heart quickened, and I closed my eyes. The army of Thestrals descended out of the sky. Headed almost directly towards us, I let out an ear-splitting laugh. My danger reflexes were messed up after years with the twins. 

Fred's P.O.V.

I grappled with and turned the music box in a hurry. Now that it was working, I couldn't get it to stop. 

A creepy laugh caught my attention as I smacked the music box in frustration. It suddenly shut off, and the sound of blowing wind increased. I looked out the window, surprised to see Y/n flying by. She was seemingly riding the wind. 

I waved enthusiastically to her as she flew past, grinning at her. She didn't catch my eye. Instead, she ducked and grasped tightly to the wind. I tore my gaze away from her and onto the music box. It had started up again, ruining the quiet and making the atmosphere more intense. 

I shrugged as I tucked it under my arm with the other useful muggle objects. I hurried through the hallways, catching a few suspicious looks from passing students. I passively wondered if George had given the bombs to the girls. Mose girls wouldn't suspect a smoke bomb in the disguise of a rose, right? I adjusted the objects in my arms as I ran, trying not to drop any. 

Students parted like the red sea when they saw me coming. By now, George and I had gained a reputation that would clear hallways. Students vaulted over each other in an attempt to move out of the way, creating a clear corridor. 

I bounded into McGonigal's classroom, earning a glare from her. She was stopped mid-sentence by my rude entry. I hastily tossed the stuffed animal cat at her, yelling, "IT LOOKS LIKE YOUR CAT FORM SO I WANT YOU TO HAVE IT!"

I exited swiftly, the closing door cutting off the sound of the giggles that followed. The explosion that followed was not entirely muffled, a resounding "FOCUS NEVILLE" echoing down the hallway. 

I breathed a huff of relief, knowing that the bomb hadn't gone off too soon. The cat was destined to explode in 10 minuted. I hurried towards the room for divination. Barely opening up the door, I tossed the dreamcatcher into the room. It bounced several times before landing solidly on the hardwood. 

My next stop was Myrtle's bathroom. "You're not supposed to be in here!" She whined at me. I blinked rapidly, looking at her. 

"So you're OK with snogging Snape in here, but I can't place his stuffed dragon on the counter for a moment?" I placed the stuffed dragon on the counter, slowly stepping away from Myrtle. 

"Will he come looking for it?" She tilted her head to the side, floating in the middle of the room. "I don't suppose I'd mind the company." 

I nodded rapidly, grinning. "Yeah, he'll come for it. Just, uh, keep an eye on it for him." I walked out fo the room, my arms feeling significantly lighter. With only the music box left, I decided to wind it up. 

Walking down the hallway became 1000% more dramatic as the music played. At a fast tempo, the enchanted box made my trek seem like an epic journey. I Paused next to the muggle studies room, deciding to steal a band drum temporarily. 

I strapped it to my chest, tucking the music box into my pocket. In a steady rhythm, I played the drum. Each beat matched my footsteps as I wandered the halls. I marched my way outside, creating a powerful racquet. I watched in amusement as Y/n rode the wind, her face terrified and having fun at the same time. 

"DA-BOOM! DA-BOOM! DA-BOOM! DA-BOOM!" Multiple of our bombs exploded inside the school. I glanced at the building for a moment, pondering. "Weren't there supposed to be six bombs?" I asked myself. 

"All teachers outside immediately. We have a code black. I repeat, we have a code black." A loud voice echoed through the entire school. 

"DA-BOOM!" Another bomb went off. I looked at Y/n. She was doing an excellent job of distracting. The teachers were racing outside and pointing into the sky. Y/n was terrified, her face and knuckles white. What kind of a distraction was that?

I quickly placed the instruments on the grass, pulling the music box out of my pocket. I immediately used a spell to summon my broom. Hopping on it, and hurrying into the air, I raced toward Y/n. I bumped into the air, bouncing off it. It seemed to be hard in places, not letting me ride through. I weaved and dodged invisible walls, trying to reach Y/n. They came and went in surges, making it nearly impossible to reach the girl. I could understand why she was terrified; I was too.  I couldn't see why she was scared until I got into the air. 

I got within arm's reach of her and extended my arm to her. Her arm extended to mine, in the act of desperation. Something hard bumped into me, sending me spiraling downwards. I watched Y/n also plummet, her eyes wide with shock. 

"DA-BOOM!" The last bomb went off. Red and orange flames exploded from the window of a tower. I glared at it. 

"Now is not the time for dramatic effects! This is life or death! Why didn't that bomb go off earlier!?" I yelled into the air around me. My broom stopped, feet above the grass. DIzzy and nauseous, I fell off the broom, looking dramatically towards the exploded window. "Ugh. Stupid bomb."

Teachers pointed their wands into the sky, shooting spells. Invisible beasts fell to the ground, craters appearing where they fell. Students filed out of the school, coughing madly. Some clutched their threats. Others hung firmly to their friends for support. Girls cried into boys' chests, the gentlemen giving the ladies their jackets. Pandamonium and chaos were everywhere.  Green smoke continued to cascade onto the ground. Our bombs had worked. Y/n's distraction was a success. It wasn't supposed to be like this. 

I glanced sideways at Y/n. She was on the grass, splayed out. I stood up, wobbly, to check on her. Her arms were bent at funny angles; her neck turned at a 90-degree angle. Her leg was curved unnaturally. Her skin was pale as death. 

This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to be how it turned out. No one was supposed to get hurt. 

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