Life is a mixture

By HazarAlaabed

682 39 44

Life is a mixture of happiness and sadness, good and bad, success and failing, love and hatred, strength and... More

To be new
Friends and Honesty
School Friends
Hi my friend's friends
Relationships !
An expert from my story: "Desire first, then a will"
An expert from my story, " Desire first, then a will"
An expert from my story, "Desire first then a will"
An expert from my story, "Desire first then a will"
The IDEA of the NEW chapter
Be honest with your goals
Watch and learn
Helping others out
Skills (1)
Break OR Rest
AFFECTED ( Society' environment: traditions and culture )


19 1 1
By HazarAlaabed

( Am so sorry for publishing this late again and I understand that I have done this several times, but things happened and I dealt with them in the wrong way, I should have organized my time better, and am not considering this as an excuse, I truly and believe and aware of that it's my fault and I am the one responsible, so I hope and I will try much harder and organized my time better so I could publish an article every week)      

Welcome to part two of the article Relationship from the "What We Should Fight To Pass" chapter, this part will be about three types of relationships that we build, each of them connect to the other no matter how unimportant one of them to the other seem. We should find BALANCE, LOVE, APPRECIATION, and LOGIC between the three. It's rare to find someone who desires the three, since some people can handle one or two of them together only, but it's still POSSIBLE if we knew how and dealt with the three with what it deserves of our care and time.


By WORSHIP, I mean your relationship with ALLAH ( God) that you only build and find DESPITE what religious you believe in, it's built first in the heart by what you think and believe truly, then it takes place in your actions and words. Fist step is to think and wonder about this world we live in, who created it with all it's details, wonders, and HOW, plus who created us from the beginning   ( who created the first human that all humans come from ) and who......etc, then find the answer, which is a immeasurable magnificent unbelievable power that (no human could have)  only a god posses. Next step is to believe that there's a god who created this world and us, and who probably is watching us, so since a god posses such power who haven't erased or destroyed all humans and made them suffer every moment of their life ( out of mercy ), and who of course doesn't use that kind of power randomly and created this world and all it's livings and non with extreme intelligence, wisdom, and care,  surely could help us humans in our life that contains the bad and good things and moments that we face  struggle with, so you try to ask for help or guidance in certain situations knowing that he could  . Third step is to feel and believe by heart and mind that god exists, created everything, posses that power, and who we must be grateful and thankful for creating each one of us with all the details of our bodies systems and their functions, our minds, and  feelings. Forth step, you start with actions that you hope would show how grateful you honestly are and how much you believe in him (by asking him for help whenever you are in  terrible or needy situations). Last step, is to continue believing by heart and mind of him even after you don't see or notice any signs of his help or guidance, plus  to not prefer committing wrong actions to others or to yourself secretively or in public since you believe that he's always watching you without stop. Of course Allah will award you and help you out but in the situations he believe is best to help for your BENEFIT . However, the BEST for you mustn't always be the easiest nor the hardest, plus Allah who created everything will be more wise than us that's why we sometimes think that when he doesn't help us out, he doesn't care he can't, even though  it's because he knows and can help us out at anytime but he chooses the best times to do so. This kind of relationship mustn't be FORCED on anyone, because it's what starts inside a person, so if anyone no matter who really forced you into WORSHIP, it won't work at all, since the WORSHIP wasn't built in heart by a convinced mind specially that it's a relationship between a person and Allah. Do you or anyone expect to make someone feel and believe all that to worship by force and power either to order that person to do so or hurt him physically or personally if not ? That's a definite NO, even if that person did what you ordered literary or not, a WORSHIP won't form inside until that person decide and desire to do so. About what you do while you are in WORSHIP, it's what you think and believe honestly is the right thing to do for this relationship AFTER you search and hear about the right and wrong actions in WORSHIP that you must do or not, and of course don't search in one reference look for many, and for every action read about the reason of doing or not doing it, but after everything it's up to you to decide what to do or believe since ALLAH gave us the will to choose and a mind to think so we must be CAREFUL when we decide, it's up to you, and it's on you. Of course what keep us going in this relationship are love, care, and appreciation toward ALLAH while committing choices and actions. In life, if you look closer and carefully around inside you and what surrounds you, you will notice and feel Allah's mercy and love to humans( his creatures), and so you must know that Allah won't agree or love from us to destroy or deeply hurt ourselves, that means he won't agree if you stopped working or committing other life processes just to worship and pray all your life ignoring your needs , if that so he wouldn't put inside of us those needs, if ALLAH really wanted from us to pray or worship him all day, he would order physically all humans to do so the rest of their lives,he can, but no he didn't and haven't. About success and goals in this kind of relationship, you should worship and work on your goals. If you really want to worship Allah and thank him, then do right actions and avoid to do what's wrong. You really can do BOTH, specially that working or succeeding on   goals that affect positively more than negatively  in a right way without harming innocents isn't a really bad action logically but rather a very good action that might benefit you and others around you positively, otherwise what's the use of mind that Allah created us with if he wanted us to worship him ONLY.  About worship and other relationships, it's okay if you or anyone form and build other relationships while worshiping, but since you desire and hope to please him, don't let those kind of relationships affect your WORSHIP negatively by committing wrong actions which you believe and think that won't please Allah. In any relationship, there are right ways ( to form and build any relationship) that ALLAH agree with and wrong ways  that he doesn't accept or like you to commit,so you should choose and follow what's you see right honestly in any relationship you desire to make while you are in a relationship with ALLAH.


Love relationship is the combination bond of deep feelings and care with true decision to trust and be honest found between two humans that have a true desire to live together and are willing to live, face, and survive all the problems and obstacles put on their way together from the moment the bond formed. This kind of relationship starts with feelings but needs the mind too to continue, for example, if your love started coming late to home or wherever you two decide to meet up or go out for several times ,enough for you to notice that your love is busy and doesn't talk or go out with you as before for a LONG period of time, you feel worried and maybe get upset on that. Next, thoughts start popping up in your mind about if the reason is preferring to spend some time with friends or other people more than you, upset on something you did that annoyed, getting bored around you, or even starting to love someone else more than you     ( these are only thoughts caused by feelings we all have, not supposed to be judgments or facts until they are considered like that in the mind or acted out or according to    ). So you change or stop what your love is doing by two ways. Either you focus on how you FEEL about it despite the true reason ( not the thoughts), and so you explain and tell your love about how you are annoyed, upset, sad, lonely,....etc , and ask to save some time for you two to spend time together as before ( to stop whatever your love is doing no matter what it is ). That way will lead your love to understand how you feel and do as you asked no matter what bad consequences it will cause on your love, or be angry on you because of asking that without knowing the reasons or even ordering what to do. OR you ask about the reason without explaining how you feel specifically, and so think of a solution or a way to help. If the reason was meeting old friends or making new friends, you should encourage but ask to make some time for both of you to talk at least ( without preventing the reason or the action) . If the reason was something to do with work, try to think of a solution to help, if you couldn't, you should understand the reason and try to be patient until the reason disappears. However if the reason was committing wrong, bad, or dangerous (without cation) actions  , you should advice and try convincing to stop; not because of how you feel, but because it's not right thing to do . This way leads to help, encourage, or advice your love and so solving the situations after knowing the reason instead of asking to stop whatever he/she is doing out of how you feel no matter how IMPORTANT not because the situation is solved. About being honest, as I mentioned before, in the "Friends and Honesty" article, about being honest in ACTIONS first before words with friends, it's also so important to be honest with your love too. Honesty incorporates, beingyourself , not exaggerating your actions or words, not lying about your opinions, feelings, and what you like or dislike, and not pretending to be or do things you disagree with or hate. Honesty in words isn't revealing all your secrets; it's to speak the truth whenever wherever you are asked to  or hiding the truth without lying about it. Why not be honest? If you wanted a true happy long relationship specially with your love that you will share your life with. Lying and pretending aren't the solutions to any problems but the CAUSES of them. True love depends on TRUE actions and words. In my point of view, you reach the Deep Love relationship level  when you and your love encourage, motivate, cheer, and help each other to achieve true desired goals of each one of you DESPITE all the places and times you would have visited or spent together instead, it's for you two to be FREE to achieve and succeed with each other around to smile and cheer each other, to raise and shine hand in hand together (not necessarily to have and achieve the same goals in each one of you), all that will should be out of your DEEP TRUE LOVE to each other. If your true goal is to LOVE and SUCCEED, it would be hard specially if there's no one to encourage but yourself not even your love, but it's POSSIBLE with your heart ( that holds the powerful DESIRE and WILL to achieve your goal) and your mind ( your tool to think and dig your way through obstacles to SUCCESS ). When you fall in love with the right person for you ( that truly loves you), I genuinely understand all the amazing time you two spend and how you two feel, but what I can't understand is why you would FORGET, IGNORE, and UNDERESTIMATE your other RELATIONSHIPS like family, friends, worship, and ( the other relationships I will  explain ) ??? Why do you do that after everything they ( friends and family) have done to you (before you dived in the love relationship) like being there whenever you needed or wanted them, felt happy for you in your happy times even when you found your love, and they...........( what I mentioned about the family and friend relationship in article "Relationship !" part one) then you DELETE them from your heart and life just because you are in a TRUE /DEEP LOVE relationship ? PLUS, who told you that you can't have all if you are so WORRIED ( even after everything) that you would LOSE your love if you even start paying other relationships ATTENTION ? If you really did that, REWIND, REMEMBER, REFEEL ( YES, that's a word I created in your case to feel again  ) everything that you have done to them and they have done to you, all the memories of you and them shared together, and all the deep true feelings and thoughts that occurred to you around them.

PS. Look's like, I can't continue with the 5) since it's getting too long, specially that this article consists of 2000 words and something ( longer than any article I have written down) 

SORRY, but I really felt that I have to write down every word mentioned so..

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