Six Inch Heels( Savage MC Boo...

By Redhead23x

171K 9K 407

****book two of Savage MC series***** "Go on sweetie, blow out the candles and make a wish. Now don't tell an... More

chapter one- Ladies, no regrets
chapter two-step into the fantasy
chapter three- keep going 'til you hit the spot
chapter four-Is it really 'bout your money
chapter five- sweating 'til my clothes come off
Chapter six- you just want attention
Chapter Seven- pretty women, whats up?
chapter eight- going down until your back muscles hurt
Chapter nine- keep your money, I got my own
chapter ten- all night long
chapter eleven- I can't stand how much I need you
Chapter thirteen- someday, maybe you'll see the light
Chapter fourteen- You can break everything I am
chapter fifteen- isn't there a superman to sweep me of my feet?
chapter sixteen-Did we shoot too high and spoil like wine?
chapter seventeen-in another life, I would be your girl
chapter eighteen- sometimes it hurts instead
Chapter nineteen-And I cannot get you out
chapter twenty-I see my future in your eyes
authors note
next book

Chapter Twelve-I'm gunna be my own best friend

6.4K 372 6
By Redhead23x

“So” I said standing up from the couch I was sitting on where i haf been reading a magazine for the hundredth time. Skipping over and planting myself into one of the empty seats I continued, “want to play a game, Bax?”.
Baxter, I learned was the name of the nicer prospect. At my words he lifted his eyes from his phone to look at me. A week  had passed of the same thing occurring. Each morning I’d get up to an empty compound that was surrounded with bikers that were of our own but also another chapter I didn’t recognise. Each day I'd wonder the place aimlessly bothering the men until eventually I’d get so fed up I’d  search for Switch. Every time without fail our encounter would end in us fighting about me being kept in the dark and him thinking he’s keeping everyone safe. After that I’d storm back to my room and lose myself in a movie or book until such time as I fell asleep. Of course I also ate a considerable amount, as you well know spare time is time to eat and unfortunately lately it seemed I had a lot of spare time.
Every night would consist of the same ritual that had started the night after I had gone to oblivion. While the first night Switch had slept in the chair, I was now waking to him along side me in the bed, more often than not we’d be wrapped around each other. That was what my last week had become.
“Nope.” Baxter popped the ‘p' before looking back at his phone. Leaning forward I tried my best impression of puppy dog eyes and watching his face he wasn’t effected at all.
“Come on, there’s nothing to do here. One game of pool even.” I begged and watched a sigh leave his lips. He was good looking, maybe twenty four and built in a lean, fit way. He definitely got followed by girls everywhere he went but something tells me he was oblivious to it.
“One game.” he gave in and I felt the smile of genuine delight break across my face. Hopping up I set the table up. Strolling over be told me to break.
“let’s make this interesting.” I offered mischievously and watched his expression change to caution instantly.
"Aine-" he started shaking his head at me but I spoke over him.
"If you win I make you brownies daily for however long I’m here, changing it up every day between caramel brownies and white chocolate ones and extra fudge” I rambled on watching his face. For a badass biker I’d learned fairly quickly he had a serious weakness when it came to chocolate desserts, especially brownies.
“And if you win?” he asked, half bought and I felt a thrill go through me. Keeping my cool I raised my chin.
“If I win, you tell me what you know, everything you know” I said daring him with my eyes. I watched him drop him head back to kook at the ceiling before heaving a huge sigh.
“Just can’t help yourself, can you?” came from behind me, turning I saw Switch leaning against the door frame shaking his head at me. He seemed amused.
I shrugged my shoulders, “never could” I grinned back. I watched him nod his head at Baxter to let him know he was off babysitting duty. Once it was just me and Switch in the room he made his way over to the couch I had occupied and sat.
“still not trusting me to handle the situation, no?” he asked no heat to his words, instead he was definitley amused.
“Oh trust between us was lost a long time ago” I said looking back at the pool table and breaking. I pocketed three balls before he spoke again.
"I never hurt you” he said quietly.
“No you didn’t. You just didn’t give me a choice and that hurt me.” I said back still not looking at him. This was our first time talking about that part of our lives.
“What do you-" he started but was cut off by Cut strolling into the room.
“Hey Cut” I stood up from aiming another shot and smiled over at him. He nodded his head at me, cracking a small smile before looking to Switch.
“I’m taking her to see Millie” Cut stated and the air of ease in the room was sucked out.
“No way” Switch answered.
“Yes. Nothing has happened in the last week and Millie needs her. Fiachra needed her so she’s coming for the night. We'll have her back tomorrow” Cut said shifting his shoulders as if to release tension in his upper back.
“it’s true Switch. We're like sitting ducks here. I need to see them too, they’re family” I said softly trying to reason.
“I don’t like it" Switch stated.
“Yeah, well, sometimes shit happens we don’t like...right?” Cut said bitterness in his voice. I frowned at his words wondering what he was talking about.
“Come on, Aine. Go pack” Cut said not taking his eyes off Switch. Slowly I put down the cue before exiting the room quickly, relief filling me at the thought of seeing Fiachra and Millie again.
“I never thought you would leave me.” Switchs voice came from behind me but I didn’t turn from throwing stuff into a back pack.
“What?” I asked only half listening as my mind mentally went through a check list of what I needed with me.
“All those years ago, if I had known you would leave me...” he stated further. Turning to look at him I took in the fact that Switch seemed to be fighting an internal battle with himself.
“Worked out for the better” I said shrugging my shoulder pretending I didn’t feel those words. Turning to face him I swung my bag over my shoulder before smiling softly at him as I moved to pass him. He reached out and grabbed my arm, preventing me from going any further.
“I’m sorry ” he whispered and I frowned slightly, feeling like he wasn’t talking about the past.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said before leaving him standing in the room. Walking out of the compound I shouted bye to Baxter and the other men around the place before getting into the car with Cut.
“Thanks for rescuing me” I joked as I put my seatbelt on. He pulled the car out the drive and started toward his and Millies home.
“How are you recovering?” he asked. His focus on the road.
“Getting there” I nodded. My bruises had faded to a yellowish colour and slowly but surely it was getting easier to move around the place. I only every got a twinge of pain if I moved too quickly.
“Fiachra is missing you” he commented causing a smile to spread across my face.
“I’m missing him. We never spend a huge amount of time apart, as you know, we end up getting antsy the load of us do” I laughed referring to myself, Fiachra and Millie. He nodded in agreement, chuckling softly himself.
“Millie had been eating the ear off me for the last week. She’s worried about you” he said and I smiled once again.
"Understandable, I was always the once getting in trouble when- woah- Jesus-" I admonished as a car overtaking us pulled sharply in front of us, causing Cut to slam on the breaks, before pulling into the side of the road before us. Cut pulled our car up close behind it before jumping from the car. I followed suit.
"What the fuck?"
He didnt even make it to the driver door before it opened up to let a tall, extremely built Italian looking man exited the car and raised a gun to Cuts head.
I stopped in my tracks.
"Don't move." The man rumbled in a deep voice.
"Oh my god" I whispered in terror. We were on a dirt country road, only few cars would travel down it at a time. We were alone.
"What the fuck?" Cut snapped raising his hands. A second later another car pulled up in a skidded halt behind us. Three more italian men exited the car,two heading Cuts way and the other starting toward me. Frantically I turned to run but didn't get far before I was grabbed from behind. Screaming in fear I began to struggle. I could see Cut being held down by two men while the man with the gun kept it trailed on Cut.
"She's coming with us. Quit while you're ahead or I'll put a bullet in you and then what will poor Millie and Fiachra do without you?" The man with the gun commented loudly. My entire body lock into place as Cut became statue still on the floor.
"Fucking dickhead" he roared but didn't move. "You'll all pay for this!" He continued to scream. I came back to myself as the man carrying me shoved me into the back car and followed behind me.
"Take it up with your Boss" I heard the man with the gun laugh as Cut continued to curse and swear profoundly. I couldn't think my body was in hyper drive but instead of feeling like I could do anything I felt like even the slightest movement took unimaginable effort. A gun being placed to my head caused ice to race down my spine. 
"Please god..." I whispered watching as one of the two men came back to the car and got into the drivers side, locking all the doors behind him.
As we drove past I saw Cut still pinned to the ground but now he was struggling. The man with the gun had put his gun away and was watching us leave.
Suddenly a phone was all I could see in gront of my face.
"Answer it" was rumbled at me.
I hadn't even heard it ringing. With shaking hands I took the phone and put it to my ear. Tears slid slowly down my cheeks to splash onto my top leaving darkened stains everywhere across my chest, making their presence known. 
"Hello?" I whispered into the phone beyond fear. When a response came I felt those tears that had been silent now make themselves known through ugly sobs that ripped from my chest so keen on getting out I thought they might just rip me apart.
Dear Lord, this couldn't be happening.
Thoughts? Love to know where everyone's head is at.

In the description of the book I promised you three things.

Prepare yourself.


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