Yu-Gi-Oh! The Phoenix Goddess...

By BoPol2

33K 607 23

While Yugi and the gang are trying to restore the Pharaoh's memories a new person joins their group, Ruby Kai... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 17.5
Chapter 18
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Author's note
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 15.5

129 1 0
By BoPol2

"And how exactly are we hiding safely here?" Sakura asks finding her three friends lounging in the throne room of the Pharaoh's palace "Hiding in plain sight" Ruby says with a grin plopping down on the throne seconds before Mahad walks in followed by the Pharaoh "Have you tried the baths?" Ruby asks and Sapphire says "Heard they're absolutely awesome", the two glance at the four and Mahad says "My king I'll be preparing to leave then" "Alright" Yami says and he walks to Ruby who crosses her arms "That's my seat" he says and Ruby asks "You're ignoring my warnings?" "I can't tell him" Yami says so Ruby moves from her spot and she sighs "Good point, anyway Silver kicked us out, quite literally" she says causing Sakura to start giggling "Really Ruby, only you would sit down on the throne, then talk about those things like it's the weather" she says and Yami deadpans "She's always like this around me" "Cause we're childhood friends" Ruby says and she adds "But if you want me to start calling you Pharaoh too then just say so" "Sorry, a lot has happened since you left again for a few days" Yami says and he ruffles Ruby's already messy hair "Just don't let Shimon see you with that hair" he adds and Ruby gives him a grin.

She opens the doors to the bath that evening and sees Isis, Sakura and Summer "Sapphire is lecturing Seth" Isis says as Ruby walks over "And I just finished lecturing Yami" she says sitting down and putting her feet in the water "Why are you four here anyway?" Isis asks so Sakura says "Silver thinks it's too dangerous for us to fight in the upcoming war, one good hit with dark fire and Ruby's out, Jack will go all out leaving me and Summer out and Sapphire has to be able to concentrate" "That stupid idiot!" Sapphire says entering the room and she mimics Seth's voice "I'm more then capable to protect the Pharaoh on my own, you four aren't necessary" "In other words, he thinks Ruby's not good at doing her job" Summer says earning a nod "Then he can go with the Pharaoh on that trip through town" Ruby says laying on her back "Lots of people who want to kill him" she adds "He wouldn't cancel it". Sakura thinks for a while and asks "Does Seth know you can turn into a cat?" "He doesn't" Ruby says and Summer pulls her in the water "What was that for?" Ruby asks putting her hair in a ponytail "You need to relax" Summer says earning an unamused look "Wish you could take off that crown though" Sakura says, but Sapphire says "Bad idea". When the Pharaoh comes in two hours later Ruby is the only one left "You can come in" Ruby says leaning on the side with her arms waiting for her clothes to dry, or at least her dress "Summer dragger you in I see" Yami says and Ruby nods "I heard that you're not going tomorrow" he says earning a groan from the goddess "Seth thinks he's perfectly capable of protecting you on his own" she says with an annoyed sigh and she pulls herself out of the water when Yami hands her the now dry dress "Why do you wear a dress under your dress?" he asks so Ruby says "Most of our outfits are water proof, it tends to rain or snow when the winter or fall god gets pissed. Surprised you never noticed though", they leave the room and find Seth looking everywhere "You know Seth, if anything happens to the Pharaoh I will seriously hurt you" Ruby says trying to dry her hair with a towel instead of magic "I banned them from using magic" Yami says taking the towel from Ruby "And you should take her threats serious" he adds and he starts drying Ruby's hair "How do people do that, most of the gods have to use a towel, but those with magic that even resembles warmth never do that, like me, I use fire" she says and she sighs "There" Yami says handing the towel back "Mahad hasn't returned" Seth says causing Ruby to facepalm "I told you so" she says, this is the line for Seth and he says "And why do you act so casual around him, he's the Pharaoh!" "And your cousin and my childhood friend!" Ruby snaps, finally having enough of Seth "And I can do whatever I want, the only one who is allowed to complain if he wants to is Yami, not you!" "Stop it both of you!" Yami yells causing both to stop and look at him "It's actually nice to have her treat me normally and she is currently the queen of gods, my childhood friend and my protector" "Your last warning Seth, if anything happens to him then you're dead and up for everyone as a warning what will happen if the Pharaoh is harmed", she walks of and says "Good night you two" "Good night" Yami says with a sweatdrop and he starts walking to his room.

The next day in the afternoon Ruby is brushing some horses when she hears a commotion "That bloody idiot!" she hears Sapphire say so she goes to check, cause that never means anything good "Pharaoh" Isis says as Ruby runs over "I'm alright" he says but Ruby catches him "This isn't how I would describe it" she says and Isis sighs "It seems Seth wasn't aware that so many people wanted him dead and he send the Pharaoh back to safety "And he got injured" Ruby comments picking him up, she already had a bad night due to nightmares so she honestly was too tired to deal with this "I'll heal him" she adds. When Sapphire enters Yami's room later she smiles slightly "At least finish healing him before you fall asleep" she mumbles carefully moving Ruby aside "Sapphire, it's happening soon isn's it?" Ruby asks quietly earning a nod "Your job will end, for a while" Sapphire says, but Ruby shakes her head "No, I have to take his place on the throne" she whispers and Sapphire sighs "You have a choice" "I don't, it happened, we can't change the future" Ruby says sitting up, or trying too since she can't move her arm "Old habits die hard" she mumbles making herself more comfortable "Same with you though" Sapphire jokes, but sees Ruby already dozing off again.

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