Chapter 7

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To Seto's and Yami's surprise Ruby won after he got sick of her taunting so she threw her fushion monster in the mix "You're in a good mood" Yami says looking at the girl who's enjoying a milkshake while watching Mokuba and Seto from a bench "I guess" she says. Before Yami can mention her memories Ishizu walks over "Pharaoh, you should let her live a peaceful life while she still can, darkness will soon approach again, you will know when the time is right" she says and adds "It's not the same darkness she once fought with the other, this darkness will consume all worlds if not stopped, but to stop it she will leave this place forever, along with the others" "But shouldn't she be prepared then?" Yami asks, but Ishizu shakes her head saying "She may have lost her memories, but she still has her instinct". "Ruby let's go" Seto says walking over and Ruby seems to be lost in thought about something "Ruby" Yami says and the girl looks at him "Yes?" she asks and Seto asks "You okay? You've been out of it a lot the past few days" "I'm just not sleeping well, I have nightmare, each night the same. There's no sun and there's a complete darkness in the sky and everywhere I look I see my friends on the ground, alive, but not moving" Ruby says pulling her knees to her chest "I can't sleep after that, so I end up staying awake the rest of the night" "It's just a dream" Yami says though he makes a mental note to ask the others about it. He arrives at the game shop and sees the four that got their memories back and he explains the situation "I see, so she has it too" Silver says leaning against the counter "It? Isn't it a normal nightmare?" Yugi asks after having switched "I would've been if we all weren't plagued by it" Sapphire says, she was wearing her casual modern outfit for a change "The worse the nightmare gets the closer it's coming, but we have to find out where it's coming from" Opal says "Ishizu mentioned you had to leave and you wouldn't be able to come back here" Yugi says and the four look at each other "The gate" Silver says and Sapphire sighs "It's true that if we destroy it we won't be able to come back" "Guess we won't have a choice" Opal says.

A week passed by and Silver knew they were cutting it close with Ruby's memories "If we restore them now it could be more trouble then we think" Yami says, the game shop had become a regular meeting place "I know, but she's the one keeping the sun as it is" Sapphire says and she says "That's it!" "What?" the other three asks so Sapphire says "This is happening because she became a human, but the darkness will only show itself when the sun isn't that bright anymore "One problem, she may be human, but she needs her powers or she won't survive the darkness, otherwise no one will" Yami says and he sighs "But not yet, it's too risky, the darkness may retreat if she were to restore the sun" Silver says.

Ruby walks in, or rather, limps into the game shop "Marik, got Seto" she says and Silver catches her, "He nearly got me as well" she says "Sapphire is on it" Silver says earning a confused look from the twins "What? She react to this version too" Silver says "No, she never had anyone" Opal says "Ugh, too much is happening for me to think straight" "She had, she just never had to protect him" Silver says and he looks at a panicked girl that wasn't going to calm down any time soon "Yami, please, we may be causing more trouble then needed but we need her, besides, it's too dark out for anyone to see, the darkness won't be able to go back if the twins protect the portal", Opal and Drake leave and Yami sighs "Alright" he says and his puzzle starts glowing as well as Ruby's necklace. "Back!" Sapphire says and she blinks sees Yugi where Yami was and Ruby on Silver's back "I'll go and lay her down" he says.

Yami wanders around and stops hearing a memory, an old from since Ruby sounds pretty young "Atem! I was looking all over for you!", he walks over and sees a young Ruby hugging what appears to be a boy looking like him "Ruby I told you not to call him by his name" Mahad says scolding the girl "Sorry, I was worried when the Pharaoh told me he wasn't seen all day" Ruby says rubbing the back of her head "I learned a new trick" she says and she suddenly turns into a cat "Awesome" Mahad says and the boy, Atem, picks up the cat "And you're gonna come with us now that dad doesn't know it's you" he says earning a grin from the cat and the two walk off.

Yami walks around again and he opens a door to see a shocking memory, Ruby on the throne in Egypt, he wondered what had happened.

Mana is walking towards Ruby with a sad look on her face "I'm sorry Ruby" she says and Ruby smiles sadly "It had to happen, it was a prophecy" she says standing up, the puzzle around her neck and she walks towards the girl "Mana, promise me if something were to happen to me you'd take my place" "You're practically immortal Ruby, but alright" Mana says.

After a few moments the memory switches to something else.

Ruby is sitting on a bench in Domino City park "What do I do now?" she asks and he head shoots up when someone walks to her "You look a little lost" the man says "I am, I'm new here and I don't know where to go" Ruby says and the man seems to think for a while "Come with me, how about we make a deal, you pick any game you want and if you beat me to it I will adopt you. I like smart children" he says and walks of, so Ruby follows him "Really?" she asks earning a nod "Oh what's your name?" the man asks and Ruby smiles brightly at him "My name's Ruby".

Yami smiles slightly and says "That must be the day she got adopted", he starts to walks around again until he comes upon a door labeled 'Door of memories' and he goes in only for a strong wind to nearly push him out again "Of course she has the most resistance of them all" he says and looks around "What are you doing here?" a voice asks and the wind clears "I'm here to restore her memories" Yami says and a giant bird lands in front of him "Why?" it asks, though Yami quickly decides it's a she "The world is darkening, we need her help" he says and adds "Tell me, how do you know her, young Pharaoh, you have 5 minutes to look through her memories to find out, but if you fail, you will be lost here forever". The bird disappears and Ruby appears "Hello Yami" she says and smiles "What are you looking for?" she asks and Yami says "The memory of when we first met" "Ah that one, it should be in the correct room" she says and says "I will tell the bird not to ask you for your name, she tends to do that" and she disappears again.

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