Kissed By The Baddest Bidder...

By Elli-Dawn

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Interview With The Bidders#1
The KBTBB Guys Using Tumblr
The Bidders Taking Care Of A Pet
Drunken Disaster- Soryu

Falling In Love With Baba

1K 15 4
By Elli-Dawn

“Hey Mia. Long time no see. I decided it was time we caught up. It sure has been a while.”

“It's so good to hear from you, Sera. I would love for you to come visit. When do you think you will have time?”

“As early as this weekend. Is that okay with you?”

“Sounds good. You can stay at the hotel for as long as you need. Eisuke won't mind.”

“Thanks. I will see you then. Take care.”

And thus ended the phone call between old friends. Mia was looking forward to catching up with her after so long. They last time Mia saw her she wasn't even dating Eisuke yet and now she had been with him for nearly a year.

Sera made the necessary preparations straight away and before she knew it the weekend had arrived.

“Mia.” Sera was smiling from ear to ear. Mia looked just as happy.

“You haven't changed at all, Sera.” Mia said, glancing at Sera from head to toe.

“And you've changed a lot. You look so much more mature now. It must be because you have a boyfriend.” Sera giggled and playfully nudged Mia in the ribs. “H-Hey. Stop that.” Mia said, blushing with embarrassment.

“How does it feel to be the girlfriend of the mighty Ichinomiya?” Sera teased Mia.

“Oh, shush you. I refuse to answer.”

“Haha. Fine fine.” Sera laughed. Mia narrowed her eyes, looking at Sera questioningly, “And when do you plan to get a boyfriend?”

Sera froze momentarily but the smile soon returned, “Beats me. Someday, I guess?”

“You just told me you couldn’t care less about relationships.” Mia sighed.

“If that's how you want to decipher it. I just haven't found the right one yet.”

“But who is the right one? If you are never satisfied with every man you meet you will end up single forever.” Mia said, looking pointedly at Sera.

But Sera didn't seem to care at all. “But I'll have you. Even when I am old and gray I can just live with you and Eisuke.” She laughed without a care in the world.

Mia didn't look too pleased with her comment. “We may be friends but I don't think Eisuke would agree to that.” After all, it would really put a damper on their...private times. Mia definitely did not want that. She could imagine the furious look on Eisuke's face, just thinking about it gave her the chills.

“Sera. Don't you think you are a bit too, I dunno, carefree?”

Sera looked at Mia with a blank expression before breaking out into a smile, “Maybe you are a bit too serious. Is this what happens when you fall in love? Haha, I think I'll be better off single.”

Mia sighed, shaking her head. Sera really was hopeless. But still, she was a good friend and Mia valued her dearly. “Don't you get along well with Baba, though?”

“Hmm. You mean that guy with the fedora?”

“That's him. You quite enjoyed your time together last time you were here. You wouldn't stop talking about him.” Mia said and Sera remained silent. Her whole demeanor suddenly changed. “Don't get the wrong idea. He's just a nice guy and I happened to get on well with him. Speaking of Baba. Is he around?”

Mia was at a loss, inwardly sighing. Why couldn't she just admit she was fond of Baba instead of so vehemently denying it.

“He is. In fact, he may have returned to the penthouse lounge by now.”

“Is that so.” Sera tried not to act too excited. “Maybe I should go pay him a visit.”

Though she was trying to hide it nothing escaped Mia’s watchful eye. Sera really was interested in Baba. Why was she going to such lengths to hide it? All Mia could think of was maybe Sera was scared to fall in love and instead continued to deny herself of the feeling.

“I don't mind. You go on ahead.” Mia encouraged her to go.

“Okay. I will.” Sera smiled and said she would be back later before heading out.

“Penthouse lounge. Hmm. That shouldn't be too far away since I am in the penthouse.” Sera eagerly made her way to the lounge and as luck would have it Baba was there, alone.

“Ack. He's alone. W-What should I do?” Sera started to panic but she couldn't back out now. “Mia would laugh at me if I ran away now.” She shook her head, “Wait. Why am I even worried? It's not like I have feelings for him. He's just a good friend... I haven't seen in a long time.”

“H-Hello.” Sera timidly came closer to Baba.

“Oh. Hey.” Baba cheerfully greeted her with a smile.
“Do you remember me?”

“How could I forget. You are Sera, Mia’s friend.”

“That's right.” Sera was in disbelief he remembered her. She felt a tightening sensation in her chest but decided to ignore that.

“It's been such a long time. You have grown even more beautiful since I saw you.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Sera said with a blank expression but Baba simply smiled. “I mean it. Your hair is longer, you are wearing a tad more makeup and you are even wearing lipstick this time.”

“Huh?” Sera was awestruck he'd notice such things. Just the fact he remembered what she looked like from so long ago was shocking. “I-I see.” Sera started to fumble about. Last thing she expected was a genuine compliment. Even Mia didn't notice the difference but here Baba was picking it up straight away.

“Hey. Want to go out for a drink? It's on me.”

Sera was brought back to reality by Baba's suggestion. She looked up, still in disbelief, “S-Sure. Sounds fun.”

Sera did her best to smile while feeling rather conflicted inside. Where did her confidence go? And just after she was telling Mia she had no interest in relationships, now she could hardly form a sentence with a man. A stark contrast to her earlier attitude.

“So? How have you been?” Baba asked while sipping on some fine wine.


“Is that so? I don't believe you.” Baba said, his smile nowhere to be seen.

His tone surprised Sera. “Am I that easy to read?”

“Not really. But you have been dropping hints every now and again that something is bothering you.”

Sera was quiet for a moment before sighing, her eyes falling to her glass, “You’re right. I...was in a relationship not too long ago but the man who I loved cheated on me and then dumped me.” Sera explained with a hurtful expression.

It angered Baba to hear that. “That man was an idiot to cheat on you. It was his loss.”

“Yeah... “ Sera sighed sadly, “I really loved him. ...Or so I thought. It really hurt. I never told Mia about it.”

“Because you didn't want to worry her?”

Sera looked up, faintly smiling, “Yeah. I thought it was my fault and I should deal with it alone.”

It hurt Baba just listening to her.

“How silly.”

“What?” Sera looked surprised.

“How is it your fault? He cheated on you. Never think you are to blame.”

“Baba…” Sera was shocked by his tone and had gone speechless.

“You deserve someone who respects you and will treat you right. Never accept any less than that.”

“You are right. I guess I still have a lot of growing up to do.” Though it was difficult, Sera smiled for Baba.

“You don't have to do it alone. Mia and even I are here if you need us.”

Sera was touched by his kindness. Was this love she felt? No. She couldn't allow herself to fall in love and buried that feeling in her heart. The last thing Sera wanted was to ruin her friendship.

Sera had told Mia she was drinking with Baba and Mia told her to spend as long as she wants with him. Sera ended up idly chatting away with Baba for quite some time. They got so caught up in their conversation and enjoying one another's company they didn't realize how much alcohol they had consumed.

“Haha. Oh Baba.”

They had both gotten horribly drunk and were now tangled in each other's arms, alone in a hotel room.
“You smell so good.” Baba’s husky voice tickled her ear as his tongue slid over her neck.

“Mmm. Kiss me.” Sera pleaded and Baba did as she asked, kissing her deeply with an urgent need.

Slowly, they peeled one another's clothes off until there was nothing left to separate them. They fell onto the bed in a heap.

“Baba… I want you. Please…!” Sera desperately pleaded with him to make love to her. With her actions driven by the alcohol and perhaps by her hidden desire, she had completely lost her control in her lust for him.

“I want you just as much.” He moaned as his tongue trailed over her bare skin that was hot to the touch. Baba wasted no time in giving her exactly what she wanted.

“Ungh. Baba… Touch me...more…”

Baba’s hands explored every inch of her body. Sera cried out in pleasure over and over. It felt so good.

Their lovemaking went on long into the night until finally both fell asleep.

The next morning.

Sera woke up with a splitting headache. “Where am I?” She groggily looked around and nearly fell off the bed when she saw Baba naked and asleep, besides her. “Ahhhh!”

Baba, startled by her scream, woke up. “Hmm. What's wrong?” He yawned and sat up. It didn’t take him long to understand the situation, seeing the panic on Sara's face and the state they were in.
“It would seem we may have gotten carried away last night.” Baba softly laughed, scratching his head.

Sera didn't look amused in the least. “How did we let this happen?” Sera could feel tears well up in her eyes. This would be the end of their friendship she thought.

“Hey. Don't worry. So we've seen each other naked and...intimately gotten to know one another. Doesn't mean we have to be enemies now.” Baba said in a calm voice, smiling as he tried to soothe her worries.


“Of course. I could never hate you.”

“Thank you.” Sera softly whispered, though still deeply troubled. “There is no way I can tell Mia this.” Sera mumbled, burying her face in the blanket as she regretted what happened.

“I promise to keep it just between us.”

Afterwards, Sera returned to the penthouse to see Mia and said she had to go now. She was sorry she couldn't stay any longer. Baba was sad to see her go so soon as it seemed he had developed feelings for her, something he thought he would never feel again.

“You won't stay here?” Baba asked as Sera left the hotel.

“Baba.” Sera looked at him sadly before turning away, “Sorry. I can't.”

“Do you have anything to return to? Won't you just continue to worry and hurt all alone?”

Sera looked at the ground and smiled in self loathing, “Maybe so. But that is for me to worry about. Thank you for your concern but I must go.” Sera looked up at him one last time and mustered up a smile though her lips twitched. “Good bye, Baba.”

“Wait-!” Baba tried to stop her but Sera ran away as fast as her legs could take her and even though Baba gave chase she was lost in the crowd.

Sera ran and ran as tears flooded her eyes. It was too late to turn back now. All she had left was an emptiness that would continue to consume her. Sera believed she didn't deserve to find love or be loved. She was broken and alone.

Sera caught the next train and returned home. Though every day only brought more pain, more sadness, it was wearing her down.

Several weeks had passed since that fateful night. Sera could only think about Baba and how sad he looked when she left. He really cared for her and she turned him away. Sera regretted what she had done but it was too late now. She was too weak to go back and see him and hear how he really felt. Sera planned to never see him again.

However, she never expected what happened next.
“Pregnant…?” Sera felt her world grow dark as she received the news. She was carrying Baba’s child. Just when she decided she would never see him again this happens. Now Sera had to decide what she would do. Hide the fact she was pregnant from Mia and never let Baba know or stop messing around and deliver the news of her pregnancy to him.

“I can't raise a child on my own… And they deserve to know their father. I have to see him.” After giving it some serious thought, Sera made the preparations to return to the hotel.

“I can't believe I am back here…” Sera sighed, rubbing her stomach, “And this time I come with a child in my belly.”



Sera jumped upon hearing a familiar voice. She turned around. Baba was standing just a few feet away. He looked like he had seen a ghost.


“You came back.” Baba carefully walked up to her, his eyes never leaving hers. “I didn't think I'd ever see you again.”

“You are not the only one.”

“Then why are you here?” Baba’s eyes fell to the hands on Sera’s belly. “Are you...pregnant?”

Sera cringed hearing him say that. She turned away with a pained expression, “It would seem so.”

“Wha? Baba?” Sera was surprised to see Baba grab her wrist suddenly.

“I can't let you leave this time. You are pregnant with my child after all. Not only that…”

“Baba?” Sera wondered what he was going to say. He went quiet before finishing his sentence.

“I couldn't stop thinking about you after you left.” Baba said, looking more serious than ever. “I never should have let you go.”

Sera felt her chest squeeze hearing how pained he was after she had ran away. How she started regretting her actions more than ever. “I'm sorry… I was scared and ashamed.” Sera said, her face overcome with grief. “I never meant to cause trouble for you.”

“You didn’t cause me trouble.”

“What?” Sera was stunned to see how strongly he denied it.

“I came to realize that… I love you, Sera.”

Sera almost fell backwards in shock. She was not expecting to hear a love confession, not after she decided to deny herself from such feelings.

“I came back because It was only right you knew about your child. I never expected you to tell me you loved me.” Sera looked away, troubled.

“You feel the same way don't you?”

“Huh.” Sera turned back to look at him, surprised. “I don't have the time for such feelings.” Sera continued to deny herself of those feelings, even though she knew deep down she did indeed love him very much.

Baba sighed and with his hand still holding her wrist he dragged her into his room in the hotel away from prying eyes.

“Stop running away.” Baba said as soon as they stood inside his room.


Baba shot her a sharp look, “Do you know how much it hurts me to see you suffer like this? Please. Won't you accept my feelings for you?”

Sera remained silent. How was she to answer?

“Hah. You really are stubborn. I'll just have to get your body to answer instead.”

“Wait.” Sera started to back away but Baba had cornered her against the wall. “Ungh. Baba… Stop.”

Baba grabbed her wrists and inched closer, “I don't want to do this but I don't see any other way.” Baba’s lips grazed her neck, they ran along her skin until finding her lips.

“Mmm...stop…” Sera continued to plead amongst her moans but it didn't take long for her to give in to his actions.

“See. Your body knows what your heart wants.”

“Baba…” Sera was panting heavily, sweat trailing down her face, “Hngh. It seems I can't win against you.” She started to laugh. “You are the only person who has ever seen the real me. are the only one who has ever cared about me this deeply.”


Sera looked at Baba and smiled softly, “Even knowing I was pregnant, knowing what kind of person I can be, you still didn't give up on me.” Tears started to fall as she still smiled, “I was scared… Terrified. I told myself I would never love again but…” Her eyes crinkled as she smiled at him affectionately, “I think with you I can believe in love again. I trust you, Baba.”

“Sera…” Baba was moved by her trust in him. He let her go and pulled her into an embrace, “I promise. I won't ever cheat on you. I know I have a reputation as a playboy but you don't have to worry. Nothing I do will ever break your heart or hurt you.

“I know. I believe in you.”

“Thank you. Let's raise this child together, as a family. In the future I will take you as my wife and then you will really be mine.”

Sera smiled happily, finally at peace. “I look forward to that day. I love you, Baba.”

Baba was so happy to hear those words. “Let's always be happy, together. I love you so much, Sera.” He said, kissing her hair affectionately.

“I wouldn't have it any other way.” Sera finally found the happiness she longed for. The place she belonged was right here by Baba’s side.

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