Hook's Daughter

By litwithliz

267K 8.1K 615

What would Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time's daughter be like? What would her life be like on the Jolly Ro... More

Magic... its not the best
A land without magic but not fairytales
Trust the Creepy Stalker who is actually Pinnochio?
Granny's B&B
The curse
Fairytales are confusing
Mr Gold's Pawn shop
The curse is real
Emma Swan
Meeting Emma
You're Very Persuasive
The Search
Looking for Henry
Finding Henry
Clock Tower
Kicked out
John Doe
the Search
David Nolan
A Job
The Price of Gold
Mary Margaret's Dilemma
All cleared up
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Lost Hearts
Emma Unemployed
The Fire
Gold's Arrest
Missing Person
Miner's Day Fair
Ruby's Rage
Have a Heart
Hat Trick
A/N please read!!
A/N and Contest!
Moving In
Very Persuasive?
Emma Believes
The Quest
Apples, Fairytales, and Dragons
The Savior
Enchanted Forest
Contest Winners!!
Reunited not so Happily
Giant's Lair
Continuing On
Back to Storybrooke
Jolly Roger
Abandoned Again
Back to the Same Old
No, Not Again
Road trip
Authors Note
Catching Up
Authors Note
Truth and Lies
Get Rid of Magic
Not a Coincidence
Bloody Brilliant
Told You So
Its Good to be Back
Apple A Day
Keeps the Savior Away
Pan's Plan
Gaining Help
A/N & Happy New Year!!
Leaving Neverland
{100th chapter!} Home
Home Sweet Home
Another Curse
Road Pirates
Oh Goodness
Magic Bad
Island Quest
Back to the Jolly Roger
Welcome to New York
Dream Catcher
Used to it
Time is Wasting
Quiet Minds
Alone in the World
Lost At Sea
Locked Away
New One
The Butcher
Alive but Frozen
Ice Cream Truck
Fake Mirror
Out of Control
Another Curse
Bloody Ridiculous
Heroes and Villains
Everyone Deserves a Happy Ending


772 12 4
By litwithliz

Mary Margaret, Regina, Emma, Hook, Belle, and I rush outside of Granny's, people shouting outside. The sound of a woman shrieking pierces the air. I stare wide eyed at the huge, black monster on top of the library. It basically looked like a humongous bat, with bright red eyes. The black was so deep it looked like an abyss, and the wingspan was half a football field. As the creature growled it whipped its tail around menacingly.
Suddenly, the creature flies straight up off of the library and then straight down the street towards the crowds of dumb struck watchers. We all duck as it flies low towards us, roaring. Once it flies past, we hide behind a wall.
"Did that thing come out of the hat?" asks Regina. "I thought the spell was only supposed to release the fairies."
"Well, maybe it is some kind of fairy," Mary Margaret suggests.
"Why don't we just put it back in the hat and figure out the rest later?" Emma says.
"Because we can't," Belle sighs. "Once something's freed, it can never be retrapped."
"Great. So our best defense against magical beasts follows the same rules as chicken pox," Emma says, clearly frustrated.
"Surely the savior and Evil Queen can defeat a simple hell beast," Hook says.
"Can we drop the 'E' word already?" Regina scowls at him and then nods at Emma and they walk out in the middle of the street. Once the black creature spins around to face them, they use their magic and shoot it towards the creature. The creature growls and shrieks as the magic hits it, and quickly retreats in the opposite direction.
"Well, that was easy," Emma says.
"Don't get excited," Regina replies. "We only stunned it. And a blast like that should've destroyed it."
"I was just getting used to thing being relaxing around here," I say.
Emma turns around, "Belle--"
"I'll see if I can find anything about this thing in the library," Belle finishes for her.
"Thanks," Emma says. "And, Mary Margaret--"
"I'll get everyone to safety," Mary Margaret replies.
"Wow, you guys really have this down," Emma says.
"Well, this isn't our first monster bash," reminds Hook. Emma smiles.
"Now that that's settled," Regina says to Emma, "what say you and I figure out a way to clip this bat's wings before it comes back?"

Funny thing about Storybrooke. No matter what, it goes on. Even if it is being destroyed by a giant one minute, everyone is fine the next. Even if the owner kills herself in an act of bravery, the ice cream shop stays open. Henry and I were at the latter when Emma called him. She wanted to make sure he was safe because her and Regina had a plan to rid Storybrooke of the monster that we learned was called a chernabog. Mind you, their plan was absolutely mental. Regina and Emma were headed to the town line in only Emma's small yellow bug to try and lure the beast to fly over the town line. Since the outside world lacked magic, they believed it would not survive the transition.
Luckily, they were right. They came back into town with only a couple bruises, and two extra guests. One had light brown hair, dark skin, and wore leather that did not look normal. The other had black and white hair cut split down the middle, and wore a fur coat that hid her slim figure except for the fact she wore bright red boots that hugged her skin up to the thigh. I heard Emma talking about them. Mary Margaret and David seemed to hate the idea of them being in town. Regina seemed skeptical, but less than Mary Margaret and David.
At Granny's, Henry sat at the bar talking to Granny and trying to tell me a story in his book. I was listening enough to where I could nod when appropriate to pretend I was paying attention, but after the word tower I didn't hear anything else. Hook and Emma were in a corner booth talking about something I could not hear, but I'm sure it was the new strangers in town. The bell on the door rang as someone entered. A stranger I had never seen before. He had dark reddish-brown hair and was wearing black jeans and a dark blue  faded shirt that had little holes in it. He walked up to the counter and ordered quickly. Granny started making his order. When she handed it to him, she apologized for it having taken a few minutes, and I noticed how kind he was at assuring her it was no trouble at all, that he had nowhere to go anyways. He tipped her generously, complimented her, and started walking out. When he opened the door, he looked back, saw me, nodded, and left. Henry was watching me.
"Who's that?" he asks.
"No idea," I say. "But we can't know everyone in this town, right?"
"Yeah, right," he says. "Wanna walk with me to the mayor's office? I'm meeting with mom so we can try and find the author."
"Yeah, no problem. Let's go."
Henry waves bye to Granny as we walk out. We walk down Main Street and towards the mayor's office. One bench is occupied by the same guy that came into Granny's. As we walk by, he looks up at me again, wishes us a good day.
"Are you sure you don't know him?" Henry asks once we're out of earshot.
"I feel like I'd remember," I say. "I'm surprised you don't recognize him from your book."
"Hm, I'll check and see," Henry says. I tell Henry to call me if they need any help, and he goes into Regina's office, and I start walking back to my apartment.

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