Sorry, wrong number [Yoonmin...

By landlord_malec

181K 8.5K 2.4K

"Sorry, wrong number" said a familiar voice. /// Started: 2017/04/12 Finished: 2017/11/03 /// may, 31st, 2019... More



2.5K 125 49
By landlord_malec

something cute cause im not that heartless


It's been a week since Jimin talked to Hoseok. The black haired male didn't have a solution yet. He was still lying to Mark - that he is taking the pills regularly and that he will provide him with information about Yoongi's personal life.

Today was Tuesday, Jimin had to meet Mark tomorrow for something 'important'. Jimin had no clue what was the older talking about and was praying that it wasn't going to make things even more complicated.

But praying is never enough.

So Jimin decided that they'd be no harm to hang out with Yoongi. The older was making him forget all the problems he had and that's exactly what Jimin needed right now.

They were both sitting on Yoongi's bed. Earlier Jimin said he wanted to watch a movie so there were a lot of different DVD's around Yoongi's room. It took them half an hour to choose one of Taehyung's big collection. Yoongi was up to whatever Jimin wanted but that was the problem - the younger didn't know what he wanted.

They finally choose to watch one of Disney's old movies - Camp Rock.

Truthfully Yoongi hates Disney. But he likes Jimin so he didn't even complain after hearing the younger boy's choice.

Three hours later, they were now laying on the bed, Jimin's legs tangled with the older's, his head on Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi wasn't really paying attention to the movie, he preferred watching Jimin's reactions throughout their small movie marathon.

At one point they were so comfortable with each other's presence that Jimin started playing with Yoongi's right hand, while the left one was ruffling Jimin's black hair.

After the second movie finished Jimin got up stretching and untangled himself from the older who frowned.

"Where are you going now" Yoongi mumbled half asleep catching Jimin's right hand and pulling him back.

The younger chuckled and sat down next to Yoongi still holding his hand.

"Everytime we hang out all we do is watch television. Let's do something else now"

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.
"But you are the one who proposed this"

Jimin thought for a moment realizing the older was right but shook his head.

"However, get up and let's think of something else"

But instead of listening to him, Yoongi just pulled Jimin down and trapped him in a bear hug, not letting go even after the shorter threatened to bite him on the arm.

They stayed like this, Yoongi hugging tightly and Jimin rolling on the bed trying to release himself from the older's grip.

Soon Yoongi let go and Jimin pulled himself up in a sitting position, slightly breathless. He hit the blonde on the arm laughing.

"What was that for, idiot"

"I like bullying you" Yoongi simply stated and chuckled at Jimin who rolled his eyes playfully and stood up completely.

"Great, now you owe me a wish" Jimin said crossing his arms.

"Fine, what do you want?"

"Take me to an interesting place"

"I think your apartment is one hell of an interesting place. Let's go there." Yoongi said winking and laughed after Jimin send a flying pillow in his direction.

"Hilarious. But you are not getting away with this"

Yoongi thought for a moment but was interrupted by Jimin's growling stomach. He stood up from his place and walked to the shorter pecking his lips quickly.

"I'll take you to my favorite place next time. Now you have to eat something" the older said intertwining his hand with Jimin's.


"Why would someone decide to mash up chocolate and strawberry? That's so fucking weird" Yoongi was complaining but continued eating the ice cream in front of him. Only the chocolate part.

"The only weird thing here is you. Though I don't protest - I eat only the strawberry flavor. Chocolate is disgusting." Jimin said grabbing a spoonful of the pink ice cream.

"Excuse you? Everybody loves chocolate. I like strawberries but they should stay away from my ice cream"

"You haven't even tried it you may like it" Jimin said pushing his spoon towards Yoongi's mouth.

"Get this away from me I ain't tasting it" Yoongi pushed Jimin's hand away and grabbed a little from the chocolate flavor.

"What about vanilla? Do you like it?"

"It depends. What kind of vanilla are we talking about here?" Yoongi smirked and leaned forward.

Jimin just furrowed his eyebrows, clearly not understanding what was Yoongi talking about.

"The hell are you talking about, there is only one kind of vanilla" Jimin said still confused.

Yoongi sighed and shook his head talking to himself. "So god damn innocent"

"But what do you do when you eat only the chocolate part? What happens to the strawberry one?" Jimin asked, putting down his spoon and looking intensely at Yoongi.

"I throw it away" he simply said, a gasp escaping Jimin's mouth.

"Then what do you do with the chocolate after eating the strawberry flavor?" Yoongi asked also putting down his spoon.

"Ha, that's easy I give it to Hoseo-" Jimin immediately fell silent after realizing what he was about to say.

He coughed awkwardly, shifting in his position and looking everywhere but at the boy in front of him.
"I-I mean I used to. I'm throwing it away now too"

Yoongi got irritated after hearing Hoseok's name, remembering Jimin's story about him, but put on a small smile lifting Jimin's head up.

"Then how about every time we buy this kind of ice cream, we do this"

The blonde took his spoon, separating the two flavors, moving the pink part closer to Jimin and the rest to his side of the box.

"This way I won't throw the strawberry flavor and you'll eat it instead. You'll do the same with the chocolate part and everybody wins" Yoongi explained putting down his spoon and pointing his pinky towards Jimin.


Jimin took the older's pinky with his own, nodding his head enthusiastically. He looked like a little kid and smiled so brightly that his eyes were barely visible. That was Yoongi's favorite smile.



enough with the cuteness ^.^

i strongly recommend you to re-read the whole fanfic so you understand the events in the next (last) chapters


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