Sorry, wrong number [Yoonmin...

By landlord_malec

181K 8.5K 2.4K

"Sorry, wrong number" said a familiar voice. /// Started: 2017/04/12 Finished: 2017/11/03 /// may, 31st, 2019... More



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By landlord_malec

Jimin got home from his small meeting with Mark and the first thing he did was to put his pills on hus nightstand.

He even took out two and was ready to take them when a certain someone popped in his mind. Ever since he 'met' Yoongi his life got happier and funnier even though that wasn't the point.

He thought about his talk with his hyung and after a couple of seconds fighting with himself whether he should drink the pills or not, he put them back in the small bottle and grabbed his phone.

jimin: hey

shorty: when the fuck did you rename me again

jimin: listen

shorty: what is it

jimin: wanna hang out?

shorty: sure, your place or mine?

jimin: mine, ill be there in 20

shorty: got it

shorty: but jimin?

jimin: yea?

shorty: is everything okay you seem... odd

jimin: oh lol im okay just sleepy

shorty: u sure?

jimin: absolutely

shorty: that's a long word for you, maybe i should come to your apartment you're ill

jimin: im perfectly fine see ya in 20 xx

shorty: what does xx mean tf

shorty: hey why am i still with this false nickname come here

shorty: bring ice cream

shorty: jimin


jimin: im not bringing ice cream

shorty: im not unlocking the door

jimin: im already here, let me in

shorty: make me

jimin: ugh why dont you trust me


jimin: here asshole

shorty: omg

jimin: ?? what

shorty: idk you are just really beautiful

jimin: thats because i bring you ice cream

shorty: no no you are really beautiful even without bringing me ice cream

shorty: if i had to choose over you and eating ice cream until i die

shorty: id choose you

jimin: woah

jimin: ice cream is the only sweet thing you like to eat

jimin: im honored

jimin: and im also infront of your door from like 5 minutes do you want to eat your ice cream like a soup?



Two hours later the ice cream was gone, Yoongi and Jimin ate all of it in the blink of an eye. The moment Jimin walked in Yoongi's apartment, the older sensed that something was wrong. Jimin wasn't flirty nor excited while texting and he was too quiet around Yoongi which was unusual for him.

That's why Yoongi decided to cheer up the black haired male - he started talking about some of Jimin's favorite movies and afterwards video games. The younger boy's eyes immediately lit up in excitement hearing the names and he rambled about them for the next 40 minutes or so.

"How are you feeling now ?" Yoongi asked sitting with crossed legs on his bed and opposite of Jimin who did the same.

The black haired smiled sheepishly and nodded his head.
"You are good at cheering up people. Thanks, I needed it"

"You are welcome" Yoongi said simply leaning forward to grab one of Jimin's hands.

"I know you probably don't want to but... I really want to help you with whatever is bothering you so..please tell me. You looked very confused and lost when you came. What is it?" the older asked a worried expression on his face and eyes frantically searching for Jimin's.

Jimin just laughed drily and bit his lip before answering.
"You can say I'm lost at some point. Sadly it's something I really can't share with you."

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. What happened to the shy Jimin and why was he now so dull and...sad?

"What do you mean why can't you tell me? Jimin is something bothering you? Or maybe someone? Fuck i swear if it's this asshole again i-"

"What should I do if I feel like someone I really trust lies to me? And what if I feel, deep down, that they want to...harm me? But like not physically more like.. ugh forget it I'm not good with words-" Jimin started shaking his head and this time Yoongi interrupt him and grabbed both of his hands to stop moving.

"All you need to do is trust your intuition. If you have even the slightest doubt in someone then you have to do everything to protect yourself and go as far as possible from this person so they don't hurt you." Yoongi explained giving Jimin a reassuring smile at the end.

"But all my life this person's been there for me even more than my own parents. And now I feel like it's all been a lie and I can't and don't want to imagine if I'm right. What if he uses my trust in him to harm me? But then again why would he..." Jimin got to this point where he was saying out loid his thoughts and didn't even know that until Yoongi hugged him tightly out of a sudden.

"Listen Jimin" the older started and scooted closer to the black haired so he could wrap himself around the smaller boy.

"I don't know your relationship with that person you're speaking of but they sound like the bigger brother or sister we all need at some point. I don't really know how to help you but I'll tell you this again - trust yourself. And believe me - you wouldn't doubt somebody in the first place if they haven't done something to make you feel uneasy. Do you understand?" Jimin nodded his head wrapping his hands loosely around Yoongi's waist and trying to remember all the things the older told him, his eyes starting to water from everything that happened today.

"But do you know what is really scary?" Yoongi asked and Jimin shook his head. "When you put more trust in somebody else than yourself - that's when you know that this person is either the most important one in your life or you're fucked up which you'll realize when it's already late and hurt." Yoongi chuckled sadly.

"Are you in this kind of situation with somebody?" Jimin asked carefully part of him wanting the older to say yes, the other part praying he'll say no.

Yoongi chuckled nodding his head a few times a small smile finding its way on his lips.

"Yeah, I'm bear hugging him right now" the older said quietly and a few tears rolled down Jimin's cheek as he shut down his eyes.

He didn't want Yoongi to trust him. Jimin didn't want to hurt him. But that's exactly what was happening - Jimin was hurting Yoongi from the exact beginning of their relationship and now it was too late for Jimin to fix what he has done.


shit I forgot



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