Slave Bet | n.s [COMPLETED] #...

By keepingupwidnarry

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Frenemies Niall and Harry find themselves in a weird bet and neither of them is willing to back out ! A Narr... More

! Slave Bet !
Character Ask !
End Note


2.6K 92 5
By keepingupwidnarry

One Month Later - October 

Niall is sitting on his desk , far in the back of the class waiting for the professor to come. Its his first lecture of the day and he is excited as its his favorite subject but at the same time is missing Harry like crazy. Its been almost a month since his birthday and he doesn't remember how many times he told his mam about Harry's surprise. Harry is proving to be the best boyfriend ever, from the birthday surprise to all the little things he does for the blonde boy makes him fall more in love with him.

Yes he loves Harry , a year ago if someone had told him he would end up falling for the biggest jock in the school , he would have laughed on their face not before giving Harry his daily piece of mind. He giggles silently doodling his boyfriends name on the last page with lots of hearts his thoughts going to the one time Harry got him a cute blue skirt, because he likes wearing them.

Out of nowhere something slams into him making him let out a loud shriek almost dropping his book. He looks at the thing rather person slamming into him and gasps out "What the hell ?!"

He can't believe Harry is sitting beside him with a shit-eating grin on his beautiful face. He quickly , without being suspicious closes his book as he looks at his boyfriend. If he is not wrong Harry suppose to be attending his own class all the way at the other side of the school and not sitting here mere inches away from him "what are you doing here ? Don't you have a class with Zayn?!"

"happy one month babe" Harry exclaims instead intertwining his fingers with Niall's resting on his lap and pushes himself pecking Niall's lips softly.

Blush starts spreading through Niall's neck upto he face as he quickly looks beside them ,to see if anyone saw them. It is not as if he is ashamed of Harry or something , he can never be but he is very shy when it comes to PDA.

He looks back at Harry , who laughs at his big wide eyes and cute expression as he looks around them cheeks flaring. Harry claims he has never seen anyone so beautiful and shy . His grins widens as Niall greets him , clasping their hands together "Happy one month", but then drops his hand much to Harry's displeasure and asks "But why are you not with him?!"

Niall waits for his boyfriend to answer while keeping an eye at the door , his teacher might enter any moment. For all he knows Harry is supposed to be in his English class with Zayn and not here in Biology with him.

"Since it is our one month , I decided to spend my entire day with only you and that includes attending all the classes with you" Harry says softly, all soft excited eyes and wide grin that makes Niall's heart stutters.

This here is exactly the little thing Harry keeps doing for him for no reason at all.

"We have most of the classes together Haz and you don't even take this subject" he says nonetheless , as much as he loves Harry for this and his heart flutters at his lovely thought he doesn't want his boyfriend to skip any of his classes.

"What has that got to do with anything? Today is my one month with my bodyfriend and I want to spend every second with it , you got problem with that?"Harry asks cheekily not having any care in the world about his studies or classes, all he knows its their one month anniversary and it may seem shallow for some people, like celebrating one year makes more sense and is very important but for him everyday with Niall is a blessing and Niall being with him , putting up with him and loving him for one month is everything to him.

"Not at all" Niall smiles cutely and truthfully, if it is upto him he would have glued Harry to him so they won't be apart not even for a second. He then continues a little worried "But you will be missing on your course Hazzy"

"Aww .. that's one cute nickname you got their kitten"Harry whispers sliding close to him and rubs Niall's cheeks with his thumb softly ,yet cheekiness oozing out of his voice.

That doesn't go unnoticed by Niall as he pulls back a little , attempting to glare at him looking more like a kitten as he says "Don't count your stars yet Stella"

"Gosh you sound sexy kitten" Harry whispers stealing a kiss from Niall's inviting lips all the while rubbing his thumb at the back of Niall's palm.

"Soo what is the plan?" Harry asks wanting to know what Niall wants to do. They are going to celebrate and he has got no clue what to do . So , he decides to just do whatever Niall wants to do today.

"Nothing. I just , I thought what if we spent it in your flat ?" Niall shrugs asking . finally easing into Harry spending whole day with him. He knows he can't change his mind, once Harry decides on something it is hard to change his mind and right now he doesn't mind his decision at all.

"You don't want to go to restaurant or park or mall?"Harry asks a little surprised at Niall's suggestion to stay at home.

"No , lets have our own night, you know some movie , good food and all that" Niall says happily and then asks shyly wanting to know if Harry would like that " 's fine with you?"

"More than fine." Harry says agreeing immediately without any argument , anywhere is fine with him as far as he is with Niall. He then adds cheekily winking at Niall "God I can think of many things that we can do !"

"Can you now?" Niall asks raising an eyebrow at Harry's not so innocent suggestion.

"Mhmm..yeah" Harry says , his fingers trailing inside Niall's blue skirt , the one he bought for his kitten , at the same time teacher enters the class.

Goosebumps rake over Niall's skin and he quickly grabs Harry's wandering fingers , intertwining with his again stopping them from moving as he says "Down tiger , the teacher is here and by the way I too have somethings on my mind" , he whispers cheekily turning to the front now as the teacher begins his lecture.

"And what are they?!" Harry calls Niall's pulling by his arm as they start moving towards the canteen. Almost half day is gone by and he has been trying to get Niall to spit out his surprise but to no avail. The blonde wouldn't budge and hit him on the shoulder once for almost getting them thrown out of the class.

"Not telling you babe, 's a surprise" Niall grins smartly glancing at Harry as they enter the canteen.

He chuckles at Harry as the jock is pouting as they get into the line for food . He takes his tray and turns around quickly planting a soft kiss on Harry's lips , not able to resist those sinful lips and Harry being oh so cute. Harry grins cheekily moving close to Niall as they move forward in line, he knows Niall's reluctance of PDA, the way he gets self-conscious and shy so it always warms his heart when Niall goes beside himself and shows affection to him in public.

They walk back to their bench, not really paying attention to the other boys already sitting.

"C'mon kitten I am asking you since first period. Tell meeee"Harry pleads as they both keep their trays and Niall slides into his seat chuckling slightly , as Harry reluctantly follows.

"Can't" he quips , having fun in teasing Harry.

"Hey what's going on why is Harry begging ?" Louis loud voice makes them look away from each other and infront. Niall laughs at his friend's words while Harry glares at the loud boy muttering a short "I am not"

"Oh he is" Niall quips , enjoying this situation very much because something about Harry curious , pouting and wanting to know so eagerly gets to his heart and makes him happy.

"Well that's because you won't tell me" Harry says , looking at Niall with a pout still not getting his answer . He really wants to know what Niall has planned for him or them .

"Tell him what?" Zayn asks while Louis nods taking a bite into his sandwich.

"The surprise he has planned for me" Harry says , before looking at Niall with a pout , trying to push his dimples out hoping Niall will tell him.

"Ohh" comes from all the boys who are amused by the scene playing in front of him , never in their lives they would have thought to see Harry pouting like a cute little kid – well except for Zayn , who has a record of giving in those pouts all the time.

"Tell me!" Louis shouts before Harry can react , excited to know what exactly it is about and wanting to tease Harry a litte.

"Sure Lou, but later" Niall nods agreeing much to Harry's surprise as his pout hardens .

"Hey ! This is not fair" he says making Louis wiggle his eyebrows and dance in his seat , already celebrating in his little plan of teasing Harry as all the other boys do nothing but laugh.


"I hate surprises Nialll, c'mon , its my house you know I will know what are you upto" Niall hears Harry as the jock enters his kitchen where Niall is on the phone.

He listens to the blonde saying "Ya , okay . I will call you back" before he keeps his mobile on the table turning to Harry.

"Who were you talking to ?" the jock asks , wrapping his long arms around Niall effectively pulling him into his arms.

"Harry , you surprised me with the date and it was so special. And also with many other things –" Niall says softly wrapping his arms around the jock's neck and immediately adds as he sees a smirk forming on Harry's lips "Don't take this the dirty way"

"I want to do something for you , let me have this? And anyways , if you will eventually know what I am upto then why are you even asking" Niall continues moving his palm on Harry's chest taking in his plains as Harry pulls him closer by his hips.

"C'mon kitten" Harry mumbles , his lips fluttering over Niall's making the blonde's breathe hitch as he pulls his bottom lips tugging at it slowly before leaving it making the bottom lip vibrate "Tell me"

"The kisses are not going to work" Niall smiles and taps Harry's lips continuing "and nor is the pout"

He stretches up on his toes pushing his lips on Harry's bringing him into a slow kiss. They move their lips for sometime ,getting lost into the kiss and before Harry knows what is happening Niall pushes him back effectively pulling himself from Harry's arms.

"Why don't you go to Liam's" Niall then suggests patting on Harry's chest.

"Why ? Is he okay , what about Zayn?" Harry asks , getting worried instantly. Liam is heavily pregnant and all the boys are on their heels instantly getting worked up if anyone says a peep about Liam.

"Easy their mister. Everything is fine , Liam just needs you for something" Niall laughs as he pushes Harry towards the door only for the jock to stop and turn around.

"I don't think so. He didn't call me" Harry says not wanting to leave Niall, he did plan on staying with him the whole. Niall on the other hand mentally answers 'ofcourse he didn't , I did' , before smiling up at him as he says "Well , he did call me. He was on the phone right now"

"If this is your trick of getting me out of the house then I am not going" Harry says , having an idea he is been mislead and sets his foot down.

Niall rolls his eyes at Harry's behavior , turning around to the fridge grabbing himself some water to drink as he says "Think what you want. But seriously Haz, Liam needs you. Its about something with Zayn , just go and help him"

"Okay. Zayn better not have fucked something up" Harry sighs , brushing his hair as he walks to the living room to grab his car keys and mobile.

"Don't swear in front of Liam, he will beat you" Niall calls out uncapping the bottle, he still remembers the way Liam shouted him for having an Irish mouth not two days ago and he doesn't want to ever be in the firing range of ever pregnant and hormonal Liam Payne.

"wont hurt me" Harry replies while walking towards the door for his shoes as Niall follows behind.

"bad ass. It will, Li has a nice left hook" Niall says slapping Harry's bum as the jock bents down to put on his shoes not able to resist those big soft hips .

"Okay, I will be sure not to utter shi- bad word in front of Liam . Now come here and give me a kiss..." Harry smiles , turning around after finishing wearing the shoes. He waits for Niall who goes on his toes and pulls him into a kiss immediately.

They moan at the touch , not wanting to leave each other yet but reluctantly pull away and Niall says "Bye" smiling at Harry who smiles before opening the door and going out.

Closing the door Niall hurries back to the kitchen counter nerves kicking in. He quickly picks up his phone and clicks on the contact. Biting his lip as he waits for the call to connect , nervously tapping on the table.

He breathes as the call connects before speaking into the receiver "Hello , Louis ...come at my place in five. I need help"



Oh I loved writing this chapter so much  ! It is the cheekiest one I have ever written!

Also , I have now 516 lovelies !!! I love all of you so much XX 

thoughts on Harry's eagerness?

thoughts on Niall's surprise ?

thoughts on the chapter ?

have a nice day lovelies 


Ri x

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