His Princess

By baileybear301

641K 9.6K 5.2K

Joker. The King of Gotham. The craziest man the world has ever known. The man needs someone new. Someone i... More

His Princess
Thank You Guys!!!


16.9K 342 187
By baileybear301



As fast as you can!

They can't catch you when the Joker's your man.

It's not right. Somethings wrong. Billie can feel it. Her alarm went off about half an hour ago and still nothing. It's just as silent as it is every other morning at three. She's still under her bed. Waiting. Just waiting.

The first sound goes off at 4. A loud pop and a gun shot. Billie get's excited when the door opens but frowns when it's not Joker. She has no clue who this person is, but he has to be with Joker. "Billie, I'm gonna need you to come with me. I'm helping J out by doing this so please make this easy on me". She slowly slides out and stands, walking to the man with slow steps. "You're gonna take me to him"? "I am. Now I'm gonna need you to put this mask on. There's a lot of gas out there and you shouldn't be breathing in any of it".

She accepts the mouth piece and slides it on, her hands shaking. "You're late". "I know that. This is a discussion for later. Now C'mere. I'm gonna need you to hang onto me, I'm a hell of a lot faster and stronger and I can't let you fall behind". With a small nod of understanding, she lets him pick her up and start running.

Now, Billie isn't as scared as she was when she first heard the plan. No. She's twice as scared. Even more so when the man mutters, "Oh shit". He hides off to the side and hikes Billie up higher. "Billie. I know you're scared right now. I can hear it and I can see it. But I need you to do me a favor. Okay? I need you to close your eyes and sing".

As he runs out to the next hall, she does just that. But, she's not an idiot. Guards are shooting at him and he's shooting back. She had truly thought they'd get through this casualty free, but here they are. Bullets flying off the walls, making home inside the chest of some men. It makes her sad, but these men are also disgusting pigs that deserve what's coming to them. Even if that means being paralyzed for the rest of their lives.

"I don't hear you. Keep singing Billie". She does just that. Belting out lyrics to the song that was playing the night she gave everything to Joker. That one song that will always be imbedded in her mind and bring back such a good feeling. It nearly makes her forget that she's surrounded by thick clouds of gas and the harsh flying of bullets. She's lost in her mind for the time being and nothing else matters. All she can think of is getting out of this place and seeing Joker. It's all she wants. Just to see him. 

"We're close. Don't stop singing. The door's about ten feet away".

Ten feet too far. When the next bullet flies, it grazes Billie's right calve and elicits the loudest scream of pain anyone has ever heard. The owner of the bullet is of course shot down but that doesn't ease Billie's pain. "Where did he hit you? Where's it hurting"? "My leg. Holy sh-shit it's burning". She squeezes her eye's shut and sighs when they're finally out of the asylum and in the cold, frigid air. "We're meeting him somewhere nearby. Just whatever you do, don't look down at your leg. Okay"? "Why? Is it still there? DID HE SHOOT MY LEG OFF"?! "Billie. Calm down. Your leg is still there. No one shot it off. He tried to shoot a tracker into you and we need to get it out and give you a shot for the infection that the small thing holds". "I thought it grazed me". "There's half of a tracker in there. It broke off. Now, I'm not gonna lie. It's gonna hurt to take it out and you're gonna wish it was shot off. You might even want to punch me. Don't".

He sits her on the trunk of an abandoned Audi and lifts her leg. "Do not look at your leg, keep looking up".  He can see the small bit of silver and sighs, sliding it out as gently as he can manage. The thing about these trackers is that they aren't small like a rice grain. No, they're the size of a blade and hurt like hell going in and out. But once they're in, they attach to what ever is there and sticks. Billie's lucky it didn't go any deeper. "Okay. It's out. Just hold on a minute longer". He takes one of the shots he was supplied with beforehand and slides the needle into Billie's skin, a cringe coming to his face at the sound of her pain. "All done. Let's go". He discards the shot on the ground and picks Billie back up, running to the alley where he promised to meet up.

It's a shock when the alley is empty. Just snow and a bunch of discarded trash cans. "I thought he was gonna be here". "Me too. Just give it a second". It's the swoop of a cape that makes everything fall into place. "Oh shit. We gotta go. I bet he's near by". He runs down the alley, stopping when he sees Joker leaning against the wall as if he's been waiting for hours.

He looks amazing.

"Daddy"? She wiggles from the mans grasp and limps to Joker as fast as she can manage, meeting him half way. "I missed you so much, Daddy". He brings her onto his hips and holds her to his body, breathing in the scent that is his Billie. "I missed you a lot more than I have ever missed anything". He kisses her head, then her cheek and takes off her gas mask, finally kissing her quivering lips. He missed this. "You wanna go home"? "Please". There's another swooping sound and the other man there is annoyed.

"God damn it. How many time do you have to come down and ruin everything you? Is it just a personal hobby of yours"? "Deadshot, this has nothing to do with you". Said man turns and faces The Bat, his head shaking. "You just don't know when to give up". "Like I said, this doesn't concern you". "Listen to him Floyd. Go home". Deadshot gives him another glance before walking away with a scowl and his middle finger held proudly in the air.

"Daddy. Don't let him take me away again". "I won't. No one's getting to you". There's a scoff and Billie's head turns to see the man she's come to loathe. "Do you really think he loves you Billie"? "Detective Douche. Get out of here". "He's right Billie. This man can't love". "He can't be loved either". "It isn't for him". "He doesn't know how". "He's an idea". "An illusion". "He'll never love you cause he can't. He doesn't know how. You're safer coming with us". "Be smart Billie. I know you want to see Sebastian again".

Billie slides off of Joker's hip and stands behind him, only the right side of her visible as she tucks his gun into the back of her waistband. She sighs and walks forward, moving out of Joker's grasp when he tries to stop her. He smiles at the sight of shining bits of purple and gold peaking out of her waistband. "I'll come, but you've got to drop your weapons and kick them towards me. You can't hurt him. Okay"? "Deal". "Fine".

Once weapons are kicked across the pavement, she points the gun at the two. "Did you really think I would come with you? You both disgust me. You're inconsiderate and only look for a way to seem like a hero. But you're both nothing. He does love me. He can love. You know that. You know that nothings blown up in the time I've been with him. No banks were shot up. Nothing was stolen. He's done nothing wrong". "He stole a kid". She aims the gun at the detective and cocks it. "Don't call me a kid". She takes the shot and misses, only grazing his sleeve a bit. "I'm not a kid". "Billie, put the gun down". "Do you really think I'd listen to you? You took me away from him you sick bastard. Do you know what it's like in that place? The food? The smells? The guards? I thought you were supposed to help people. But right now, you're the villain. You're just doing his for yourself". "Billie-". "No. Don't say anything. Just let us go. That's all you have to do". "I can't-". "Try. Lower your ego for a day and just leave us alone. Let us walk away". "Billie-". "Don't you get it? I'm happy with him. We're not bothering anyone. I just want to go home. I've been shot at and I'm exhausted. I just want to go to sleep instead of standing here in sweats and a pair of socks. You owe me that much".

She steps back, walking back all the while keeping the gun aimed at the two. "Let's go home daddy". She takes his hand and runs (limps) out of the alley. In the midst of running, Joker brings her onto his hip and holds her steady as the steps on the roof get closer. Joker keeps running and he can see his purple lambo. But of course....

A batarang is thrown full speed from behind and thankfully flies past them. "What a pain in the ass". Joker turns and sets Billie beside him, pushing his keys into her hand and taking his gun back. "Go get in the car". "I'm not leaving you". "Billie. Go. Get. In. The car". "Usually I would listen but if I get in, you're getting in with me and we're going home. Other wise, I'm staying here with you". He lifts a brow at her and sighs. "I don't like this defiance". "Punish me when we get home".

Billie stays put beside him and glares. "What is it you want"? "I have to bring you in Billie. You don't understand". "Who wants me"? "I can't tell you that". "Then get away from me. I'm sick and tired of being taken, against my will mind you and being forced into places I don't want to be. I don't want to do this anymore. So either you do the smart thing and let us go home without following us or planting a tracker, or we fight. Is that what you want to do? Do you want to fight me? Would you fight a "kid"? Would you swing at me"? "I won't hurt you. Just come with me". "I said no".

Joker lets her hand go. Drops it to hang lifelessly in the cold. He never does that. "Daddy what are you doing"? "Just want to reason with him". He turns to The Bat and starts walking. Slow steps but hard ones nonetheless. "Oh Bat. Don't you get it? You lost. This is a battle you aren't gonna win. She's mine. She's the light of my life and the fire in my loins. She's my girl. You aren't gonna take that away from me".

In the midst of his speech, Billie notes the sound of steps. Slow and precise steps. They're so close, it's a wonder no one else hears them.


 Billie doesn't know how it happens. She doesn't even know what it is or where it comes from. As she steps in front of Joker, a blue light shines from her hands and everything is pushing back. 

In the moment, it's beautiful. The lights flashing and creating a sparkle. But even still. It's coming from her. Her hands. She's a metahuman. A fucking metahuman. It's her light.

She turns with a bloody nose and looks at Joker, her eyes dazed and confused. It's clear that she's amazed. But with the way she's swaying, he knows there's seconds before she drops.


Just like that she drops. Falling into the snow with a soft thud, snowflakes rising up as her body sinks into the cold ice.

Deep down, he knew this was coming. Of course she wasted her energy on him. What a surprise.

He lifts her effortlessly and walks to the car, sighing at the lifelessness of her. "What will I do with you? My reckless little princess".

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