Milk boy // Yoonmin

By JiminieIsLuv

110K 5.9K 1.7K

"That's a lot of milk" In which a closed off and poor Jimin gets his life turned upside down after meeting t... More

Min Yoongi
Milk boy
A Cold February Night
Knight In Shining Armor
Fine Dine
The Painting
Work Life
Good Talks
Overthinking Or Not?
The Confession
The Dream
First and Last
The Morning After
True Colours
Weekend Fun
Strawberry Date
The Business Deal
Old Thoughts
9 Hours
!Thank you!

The Hug

2.5K 159 26
By JiminieIsLuv

Jimin looked over at Taehyung, who was giving a very detailed description of what he'd seen to Jungkook and Namjoon.

"I was just about to go into Yoongi's office to ask about getting some days off, but then, right as I opened the door, I saw the two of them, Hoseok and Yoongi, in a very close embrace, just hugging in silence. I only peeked for a couple of seconds, but I could tell that they had already held on to each other for a while. The hug seemed so intimate, so I'm definitely putting my money on a secret relationship!" Taehyung grinned, unable to hide his excitement at the thought. Jungkook and Namjoon just kept piling question after question, speculation after speculation on top of each other, and Jimin couldn't take it.

"I don't think anything is going on between them," Jimin laughed nervously, trying to sound casual as he entered the conversation. He didn't know whether he was trying to convince the others or himself. He just knew he shouldn't doubt Yoongi--he should trust him.

"Go look for yourself, I bet they're still hugging," Taehyung shrugged, unfazed by Jimin's comment.

"I wanna see it too!" Namjoon stood up excitedly. Jimin let out a sigh, he didn't want to look because what if Taehyung was right? But now that Namjoon was going, he couldn't back down, that would seem suspicious, right?

"Alright, let's go," Jimin muttered unwillingly, and he realized part of him was scared to go look. He knew he trusted Yoongi, of course he did, but the thought of Hoseok and Yoongi hugging rubbed him the wrong way, mainly because of how Hoseok had been acting lately.

Namjoon and Jimin sneaked down the long corridor toward Yoongi's office. The door was still a bit open from when Taehyung had been there.

"I'll look first," Namjoon whispered, unable to contain his curiosity. Jimin felt himself rolling his eyes. This was stupid. But part of him knew he wanted to have a look as well.

Namjoon looked through the crack and immediately turned around with a big grin on his face.

"Oh my, they're swaying back and forth, still hugging," Namjoon whispered, trying to control the excitement in his voice.

"No way, let me have a look" Jimin quickly pushed Namjoon aside, positioning himself at the small crack, and there they stood. Just like Taehyung had said, just like Namjoon had said. The embrace seemed warm as they swayed lightly together. Hoseok's back was facing Jimin, so he could see Yoongi's face relaxing on the other man's shoulder, his eyes closed.

Jimin stared at them, not knowing what to be thinking. He knew he should stop looking and get back to work, but he found himself unable to rip his eyes away from the sight in front of him. Suddenly Yoongi opened his eyes, making eye contact with Jimin.

"Jimin?" Yoongi pulled away from Hoseok as he looked confused at Jimin. Jimin's brain shut down. He'd been caught lurking, panic took over, and his body's first response was to just quickly grab Namjoons arm, and run back to their department.

When they reached the department, they both hunched over trying to catch their breath.

"Why did you run?!" Namjoon complained as he ran his hand through his hair.

"They saw me," Jimin explained shortly, trying to process what had just happened and what to do next.

"Fuck," Namjoon breathed, and Jimin could see the other man's brain working out different excuses already.

"I don't think they saw you, so if we get in any trouble, I'll just take all the blame and say I was alone," Jimin promised, and his words seemed to calm Namjoon down.

"Thank you, Jimin," Namjoon smiled before walking back to his desk, though, on the way he managed to go past Taehyung, where he gave him a small slap at the back of the head.

"Hey! What was that for?!" Taehyung exclaimed, holding the back of his head where Nmajoon had hit him.

"That's for starting all this," Namjoon shrugged as he sat down in his chair. Taehyung didn't have a good response so he just pouted, and went back to his work.

Jimin went over to his own desk as well, and as he sat down, he heard the low vibration of his phone. He picked it up from his desk and quickly felt his stomach drop. It was a text from Yoongi.

Just as Jimin was about to read it, a figure walked into the department. Hoseok was back, and he had a greasy smile on his lips as his eyes burned into Jimin's. Jimin was in disbelief. Had Hoseok done this just to get under his skin? Would Hoseok really go out of his way this much just to get to him? Jimin shook his head and looked back up at Hoseok, who had now sat back down at his desk.

Jimin had to fight every urge in his body to keep his eyes focused on his computer. He wanted to look at Hoseok, wanted to glare at him, wanted to know what was going on inside his head. But he also knew that that that was what Hoseok wanted, and Jimin wasn't going to just give in so easily. The best thing he could do right now was to just ignore him. And so Jimin picked his phone back up and read the message Yoongi had sent.

The message was exactly what Jimin had expected, Yoongi asking if he was okay. What a stupid question, Jimin thought. He didn't want to start a fight, but he also felt Yoongi was acting clueless. In all fairness, Yoongi knew nothing of the harassment Hoseok had exposed Jimin to lately, but still, why were they hugging for what seemed to be an eternity?

Yoongi had certainly never hugged Jimin, his boyfriend, for that long, so what was he doing hugging an employee? Was he overreacting? Most definitely. Did he care? Most definitely not. Jimin quickly typed a response telling Yoongi that he was fine, hoping his passive-aggressiveness could be read between the lines.

Yoongi did not. His answer was a short 'Okay' followed by a smiley, which pissed Jimin off even more. Could Yoongi really not figure out himself that Jimin was anything but fine? Jimin threw his phone back on the desk and leaned back in his chair. He couldn't focus on doing his tasks now. His mind was occupied by the image of Hoseok and Yoongi hugging.

He needed to get some air, and so he stood up and walked out, all the way up until he reached the roof. The sun was shining, keeping him warm as small gusts of cold wind blew through his clothes, sending chills down his spine. The air felt crisp as he took deep breaths, filling his lungs. He closed his eyes, just enjoying how quiet it was this high up. It was freeing. No more thoughts of what was happening beneath him. No more thoughts of how itm in the end, perhaps was his own fault. Just focusing on the fact that the outside air felt better than anything right now as it welcomed him.

Jimin opened his eyes again, loving the view of the city from above. No one could touch him up here. He knew he couldn't keep his feelings bottled up, he needed to confront Yoongi and be honest. They had talked so much about communication, and Jimin didn't want to ruin everything they'd built. He'd be lying if he said part of him didn't want to just go back to his own ways and just ignore the problem until it blew up and shattered everything around him. But most of all, part of him also wanted to continue on this path of bettering himself, not only for Yoongi's sake but for his own as well.

Alone with his thoughts, Jimin concluded that he was going to be honest with Yoongi after work today. He deserved to get his doubts answered, and Yoongi deserved to hear Jimin's true feelings on the matter. Jimin even considered telling Yoongi the truth about what had been going on with Hoseok, but he wasn't sure yet whether he was going to say it or not. Jimin took one last deep breath, letting the fresh air cleanse the last bit of negative thoughts, before heading back down again.

The rest of the day, Jimin focused on work only, saving his thoughts for later. And as closing time came around, he realized everyone had already gone home. Jimin packed up his things and headed toward Yoongi's office. His heart beat faster with every step, and his palms got sweatier as he saw the door to Yoongi's office in the distance. This was it. Jimin was going to be open and honest with Yoongi. Or so he thought.

Yoongi's door suddenly opened and out walked Hoseok followed by Yoongi. Jimin stopped dead in his tracks, confused by what was unfolding in front of his eyes. They walked out together, and all Jimin could do was follow behind them, hoping Yoongi would notice him sooner or later.

But what followed was a pain Jimin had never felt before.

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