Becoming Beautiful

By divya210

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Remember that one girl that always does her homework, gets good grades, is in all honors classes, wears sweat... More

Becoming Beautiful
Chapter 1 He's back Daimon
Chapter 2 Was I just a tool to you?
Chapter 3 A little change never hurt anyone
Chapter 4 That's it I've had enough
Chapter 5 It hurts to be without him
Chapter 6 I need you
Chapter 7 Secrets Revealed
Chapter 8 I don't want to see him
Chapter 9 I'm the Tonelli Lawyer
Chapter 10 Sorry I'm late your honor
Chapter 11 What the Hell Ky!
Chapter 12 Nice Joke Sissy
Chapter 13 You're going to a party
Chapter 14 You have no Idea how much...
Chapter 15 I-I love you
Chapter 16 Will you be mine?
Chapter 17 I'm Sorry
Chapter 18 It was all a bet
Chapter 19 It's My Life!
Chapter 20 Please Don't tell
Chapter 21 I'm Broken
Chapter 22 Please Don't leave
Chapter 23 I can't do this
Chapter 24 Is Everything Okay?
Chapter 25 I'm a Freaking Bawse!!!!
Chapter 26 Stay Away From Her
Chapter 27 I'm a lifeless doll
Chapter 28 We'll be there Soon
Chapter 29 Too Much
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 It's me.. Your...Mom
Chapter 32 Should have let me pound him!
Chapter 34 Babygirl.. I'll always be here
Chapter 35 Will you.....?

Chapter 33 I don't even know my own heart

257 10 5
By divya210

*Chapter 33 I don't even know my own heart*

"What are you talking about Allie," He said.

"What's going on between Aria and you," I said.

"Nothing," he answered.

"Okay, fine, but let me tell you something. She likes you. Alot. I can see it. So don't mess it up Luca," I said. He looked at me wide eyes. "What? Did you think that I wouldn't notice? Of course I noticed. You can't hide this one from me."

I got off his lap and walked out. They saw me.

"I'm going to go shower and sleep. I'm tired," I laughed. They nodded. I walked to the room and into the bathroom. I removed my make up. I stripped and walked into the shower. I sang softly and took a nice hot shower. I washed my hair. I took a deep breath and let it out. I stood there in complete silence. My mind instantly wandered to Dom. Get out of my mind Nico. Why are you always on my mind?

I turned the shower off and put on a robe. I moisturized and put on shorts and a aero shirt. I put my old clothes in the hamper. I walked out and closed the door. I made the bed and suddenly a pair of arms wrap around my waist and hug me. I stiffen. I take a small deep breath. It's Dom.

"Don't say anything. Just let me speak tonight." he said.

"Dom. You're tired. Go take a shower and then we can talk." I said sternly. He sighed and let go of me. He walked into the bathroom. I laid down on the bed. What's gotten into Dom? Why is he acting so weird? Is he drunk? No what am I thinking...He can't be. He doesn't drink. Then, what's up with him. I look at the time. 12:00 pm. I heard the shower turn off. I close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I heard a sigh. The lights went off. I felt the bed dip. I stayed there staring at the ground, waiting for him to fall asleep.

*An Hour later*

I heard snoring. I slowly got out of bed, grabbed my phone and tiptoed out of the room. I closed the door behind me. I walked to the back door. I opened the door and unlocked it. I sat down with my feet in the pool. I unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts. I called Nolan. He picked up.

"Hey A."


"What's up."

"I'm confused."

"About what?"

"Is Blake with you,"


"Is he sleeping on the couch or resting his eyes,"

"Neither. He's in the kitchen cooking for Ethan, Jackson, Jax, and me."

"Could uh.. You 4 go outside without Blake and put me on speaker."

"Sure, Yea let me just go tell him and make something up."


I heard a bit of murmuring. Then I heard Blake say okay. A few minutes later I heard climbing and then a door close.

(N=Nolan, J=Jax, JS=Jackson, E= Ethan, A=Allie)

N: "Okay. Al. you're on speaker."

E: "What's up."

A: "I'm confused."

JS: "What about."

A: "Blake and Domenico. Both confuse me so much. It's like I don't know my heart anymore."

JS: "What are you going on about Al."

E: "Think about what you're saying."

A: "I know you guys are smirking. Just help me. I don't know what to do."

J: "Do you want us to come there."

A: "Yes please."

JS: "Okay then, We'll be there soon."

N: "Then we can help you set your heart straight."

A: "Don't tell Blake anything."

E: "We won't."

JS: "We better go before he comes up here."

ALL: "Bye Al."

A: "Bye Guys." I hung up and laid down. I looked at the stars.


I turned around and found Ricci.


"What are you doing it's 1 in the morning."

"Really. Wow."

"Come inside and get some rest."

"Fine," I said. I got up and picked up my phone. I walked inside. I sat down on the couch. I turned on the t.v and watched. Ricci sighed and sat down. We cuddled under the blanket. Before I knew it. I was drifting asleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up and shook Ricci up.

"Come on. Get ready. I'm hungryyy," I whinned. Ricci laughed. We walked to our rooms. I got ready. Dom was sleeping. I tiptoed out. I walked into the kitchen. Ricci walked in with his phone and 2 chargers. We charged our phones. He played some music and we got to cooking. It's 7 am. We were making, scrambled eggs with veggies, bacon, toast, salad, orange juice, blueberry pancakes and grilled cheese.

*9:00 am*

Everyone started walking in. Ricci and I set the table and brought the food out. We sat down and started eating. Then Aria, Dom, and Taylor walked in. They sat down and started eating. I ate a bit of eggs and pancakes. I get my plate and get up. I go to the sink and I start doing the dishes. I felt eyes looking at me. I ignored it and finished the dishes as they came. While I did the dishes; Ricci cleaned the kitchen, and the table. After all the kitchen, dishes and table were clean. I walked to the living room.

"Hey, Ricci. I'm going to go for a walk on the beach," I said.

"I'll come with," He smiled. I nodded. I changed my fuzzy slippers into flip flops. I walked to the pool where everyone was hanging out. I looked at Luca and them.

"Ricci and I are going for a walk on the beach. We'll be back at 6," I smiled. They nodded. I linked arms with Ricci and we walked onto the beach. I looked down the beach and watched the family's laugh and play. I looked up at Ricci. He was watching the ocean.

"I know you want to tell me something. So just say it," He said.

"Dom or Blake. I'm so confused. One, I've only just started to know and the other I've known since I was little. On the other hand both are still just as mysterious. I'm confused Ricci," I Said.

"Listen to your heart sis. What does your heart want? Who do you feel at home with," Ricci said. I looked at the sky.

"I don't know," I said.

"Well, take some time and figure it out. Just don't lead two guys on. Don't make them think that they have a chance when in reality only one does. Figure it out before things get bad," Ricci said,

"I'm trying," I said.

"I know you are. Well I'm going home. You coming?" He asked.

"No. I'm going for a walk around in the town," I said. He nodded, kissed my cheek and headed back. I kept walking till I got to downtown. The lights are so pretty. I wandered and started walking down an ally. I heard footsteps. I stopped and turned. Nothing, huh..That's weird. I kept walking. I felt a couple people grabbed my shoulder and covered my mouth. They pinned me to the ground and held me in place. I saw three guys tower over me. One with beach blonde hair, black hair and Brown hair. Their grip on my arms and legs tightened. I struggled to get them off me. Which resulted in their grip tightened around my arm. I felt a cool breeze on my thighs. I saw my leggings next to me. The next guy took my shirt off. I cried. I tried to scream for help but their hands covered my mouth. What happened next? I think you know, and in case you don't. I got raped 3 times. The three boys got up and left. I put my clothes on and got up. It hurts. I cried. I stumble pad and limped back the way I started. I cried because of how much it hurt. They probably will think I'm a slut now. They won't want anything to do with me. I walked up to the house, still in tears. I rang the doorbell. I waited a few minutes. The door opened. It was Nolan. I fell down crying. He caught me and picked me up bridal style.

"What happened?!!" He shouted. I simply sobbed into his Chest. He closed the door and walked me inside. We walked to my room. Everyone worried and asking what happened. I just cried. Luca came and sat down.

"We can't help you if you don't tell us," He said. I looked at him.

"I-It h-hurts," I cried.

"What hurts," he asked,

"M-my w-whole body hurts and it feels sore," I sobbed. They looked at me in shock.

"Baby girl calm down and explain," Mikey said handing me water. I drank the water. I took slow breaths.

"I got raped 3 times. They held me down and wouldn't get go," I cried. Luca got up and stormed out. The others followed. Leaving me with Ricci, Nolan, Dom, Blake, Jack, and Ethan. I cried out loudly in pain.

"Let's get you cleaned up," Ricci said. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He helped me take a bath, put clothes on and carried me back to the bed. I laid down and cried. Nolan, Ricci, Blake, Jack, and Ethan took turns telling me it's going to be okay and then left. They turned the lights off. Dom changed and laid down on the bed next to me. He slowly pulled me closer and hugged me. He kissed my forehead.

"Baby girl, I'm here for you. Cry it all out. I don't care about your past, present or future. All I care about is you. Even though this happened and even though you've been through a lot. To me you are and always will be perfect. You hear me. What happened to you then and now doesn't define you. All that matters now is that you're here safe and in my arms. You're perfect to me. I know that I couldn't Be there to save you and I'm sorry Baby. Forgive me," He said. I looked at him and hugged him back. I slowly drifted away. I heard him mutter something but didn't catch what he said.

*The Next Morning*

I jumped out of bed and looked at my thighs. I got up and walked two steps and fell to the ground in pain. I quietly sobbed as I remembered the events. My body is so sore.

"Al?" Dom asked getting up. I looked at him. He gout out and hurried to me.

"Baby girl, Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head no. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He put me on the counter, then he helped me get ready. He pulled my hair into a bun. He put me down.

"Can you walk baby girl?" He asked. I tried but fell. I broke out into sobs. He picked me up and walked out of the room into the living. He put me on the sofa.

"I'll be back," he said. I nodded. I pulled my knees closer to me and sobbed into my lap. I looked up and saw Dom. His eyes softened and he sat down next to me. I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me closer to his chest. I didn't move, instead I only cried.



Soooo. Did ya likeeee ittttt?


Diidddd yaaaa...

Welp I hope you did. We worked hard on it!!!

We are trying to update more frequently. If we miss an update we will be sure to let you know but for now we are working at a goal of maybe 1 chapter update every week or an update every 2 weeks.

Next Update should be: SOON; maybe even in July, but to know for sure. Join my discord. The link is in conversations under my profile. :D Joinnn.

Other than that!! You know the drill.





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