Being Arthit & Kongpop. from...

By Kramdrof

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Arthit had always been successful at everything he put his mind to. A good student, successful head hazer... More

Chapter 1. Hot Tuesdays and Black Shorts
Chapter 2. Table for Two and "Vibes"
Chapter 3. Coffee Shop and Advice
Chapter 4. Sweet Dreams and Wilted Flowers
Chapter 5, White Sheets and Strawberry Love
Chapter 6, Poets and Pink Cheeks
Chapter 7, United
Chapter 8, Bus Rides and Bonfires
Chapter 9, Facebook and Fairies
Chapter 10, Beers and Tears
Chapter, 11. Post Scripts and Toast
Chapter, 12 Envelopes and Hopes
Chapter, 13, Pointed Toes and Bedhead
Chapter, 14, Bikes and Better Days
Chapter, 15, Decisions and Mud
Chapter, 16, Americana Black and Senses Blind
Chapter, 17, Guard Dogs and New Suits
Chapter 18, Cracking Knuckles and Honey
Chapter 19, Dinner Guests and Sneezes
Chapter 20, Sponge Baths and Presidents
Chapter 21, Motorcycles and Muscle Men
Chapter 23, Taxi Advice and King Size Beds
Chapter 24, Biggest Tip and Sportsmanship
Chapter 25, Guitars and Moons
Chapter 26, Friends and Lovers

Chapter 22, Pretty Pink and Hearts with Wings

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By Kramdrof



Kong was already awake when Arthit tucked himself in tighter,  closer to Kongpop's chest,  "Kongpop I'm cold."  

He pulled the cover over his shoulders and tucked it in around Arthit's neck.  

That wasn't what Arthit wanted.  He reached and pulled Kong's arm around his chest and held it with his hand.  

It only took a few minutes and Arthit was back sleeping again.  Kong's head was buzzing and he couldn't sleep,  he just adhered himself to Arthit's back and waited the further forty minutes until the alarm would sound.

Just seconds before it did,  he hit the button and cancelled,  kisses on the back of Arthit's neck were a much better way of waking him and starting his day.

They snuggled while Arthit gained his morning senses.  "P'Arthit,  I want to thank you again for everything.  For taking all my friends out to dinner after Tat's competition,  you're wonderful."

Kong was half sitting up resting his head on his palm and his elbow on the pillow.  Arthit rolled onto his back and looked at the smiling face that woke him.  "They're my friends too Kongpop,  "our" friends."

"I know P',  but you did it all for me."

Arthit lifted his head and kissed the side of Kong's neck.  Sometimes Arthit's words turned Kong's heart into butter,  "That's right Kongpop,  you know I would do anything for you."

He sat up,  "Can you believe Knot?  I was so shocked when he came right out and asked Nong'Tat on a date,  and he did it right in front of all of us."  

Kong reached with his free hand and petted Arthit's chest,  "I think he was taking pointers from you P',  P'Knot reminds me a lot of you."  

Arthit rubbed his eyes and looked at Kong,  "What do you mean?"

"I meant that once he decides on something,  he goes for it and, nothing gets in his way."

He bent and kissed Kong's forehead,  "Is that what I did with you Kongpop?  Did I go for it?" 



Arthit flipped the sheet off,  "I have to get ready for work."  Kong was stretched out,  his head still resting in his palm as he watched Arthit make naked from the bed and out the door.  He heard the shower turn on before he got up himself.  

Kongpop made the bed and placed the two knotted gears in the centre,  just below the pillow like he did every day.  Looking at them he sighed.  The gears were their reminder each day to never take each other for granted.  That's why Kong always thanked Arthit for everything good he did and,  he never failed to tell Arthit he loved him,  every day.

Wearing his bathrobe,  he made tea while he waited.  Today was Kong's first day of online studies,  no schedule,  no uniform,  heaven.

Being at home when Arthit left for work was a weird feeling.  Hugging and kissing him as he went out the door in his suit wasn't easy.  Arthit looked so handsome, he smelled so good,  Kong wanted to pull him back inside and hold him ensnared.


Dat and Mali whined together over lunch.  They missed Tat and were having a hard time imagining the whole school break without him.  They did though have company,  Kit and Lek,  the nerd herd,  as the girls affectionately called them,  sat right there at the same table.  The boys hung off of every word the girls said.

Somehow gushing about Tat and his near nakedness didn't seem appropriate with the boys at hand.   And, stranger, for some reason that wasn't the first thing on their minds.  

What they did do,  was tease each other relentlessly about the others' latest distraction.  Dat learned that Kit was excellent with the complicated math they were learning at the cram school and he promised to help her with anything she needed.  Mali's nerd was exactly the same,  studying came as easy as breathing for him and, he told her he had a method that always worked.  He'd show her anytime she wanted.

They all admitted that they missed Tat,  "At least you guys get to see him at night when he comes home."   Mali and Dat had a habit of whining in unison. 

Lek covered his mouth and laughed, "Maybe we won't see him so often now either."  He was hinting that now Tat and P'Knot were dating,  "Tat might not come home as often."

When the girls first told Kit and Lek about P'Knot asking Tat out,  they were sure that the boys would be shocked.  Mali was the one who started revealing first,  "You guys really missed something the other night when you were hiding under that palm tree in the lobby."

It was true,  they had watched every move the circle of friends made when they met Tat after the competition,  but they couldn't hear anything and certainly wouldn't have guessed that Knot asked Tat for a date.

It was the dead opposite,  just like they weren't surprised about the amazing body Tat was hiding,  they weren't surprised to hear that Tat was dating a man.

Dat had to know,  "Did you guys suspect something already,  has Tat ever told you that he liked P'Knot?"

Both boys shook their heads together and spoke at the same time,  "Nope."

"Then why aren't you shocked now that you know this?"

Lek leant over the table and spoke under his breath at the other three.  "Because there are twenty drawings of P'Knot on Tat's wall right under my bunk." 

"What,  Tat draws?"

"Oy!"  They both chimed in again,  "Oh yes,  Tat can draw anything,  you should see,  they look just like P'Knot,  so good they almost look like photographs,  I don't know how he does it."

"Hmph!"  Mali shook her head,  "is there anything he's not good at?"

"How come we didn't see them when we came to the dorm?"  Dat sounded suspicious.

Kit turned and smiled at Lek,  "Because he's only been drawing them for the last few months,  right after he dropped P'Knots class."

It was Dat and Mali who turned to each other now,  Dat's smile was huge,  "You mean during the time when he was trying to forget about P'Knot?"  It wasn't a question that needed an answer. 


Kong ate some leftover rice and grilled shrimp that Arthit had made.  He sat and ate his lunch on the balcony and looked across the street to the building where Arthit worked.

It was still odd to be eating alone,  no Knot or Praepalin,  no May and Aim.  But as time passed, he realised just how used to their company he'd become.  He'd heard from Praepalin on a regular basis,  she joked that she'd call him every day and as the weeks of cramming flew by,  she did.  

Knot's schedule for the summer was very different,  he had spent a good portion of it preparing for the coming year of teaching,  he would also cram to a certain extent in that he would be preparing an extensive portfolio for the Faculty Advisory Board, the second year would serve as his internship and earn him an Associate Professor degree.  

There was though,  for Knot, one very big problem.  He had fallen head over heels for a student.  There is no other way to describe it,  Knot was beguiled and bewitched,  seduced and smitten,  he had Tat on the brain,  twenty-four hours a day.  

From his smile in the morning when they met for coffee,  to the afternoon when Knot would wait outside the cram school,  he would always have an extra bike helmet at hand for Tat.  He could drive them to dinner or to Tat's dorm,  whatever,  Knot didn't care,  as long as he got to see Tat.  His face was plastered with a permanent smile.

Kongpop knew all about it,  he and Tat texted back and forth on a regular basis.  The younger man was infinitely thankful to Kong for his efforts in bringing himself and Knot together.  Tat had come to trust Kong with anything and everything,  there was nothing he felt he couldn't talk to or ask Kong about.  

Kongpop knew every detail of Tat and Knot's first date,  it had happened the following weekend after the bodybuilding event.  It was way too much to put in a text so he and Kong talked on the phone.  

Tat was over the moon.  Kong could almost see his dreamy eyes as he spoke to the young man.  Tat's voice was all lyrical.  

"P'Kong,  Knot told me to call him by his name and only his name,"  He giggled like a little girl,  "Knot says he loves the way I say his name.  I know it sounds silly but I just can't help it,  when he says stuff like that to me,  I feel all funny."

There's a good chance that Tat could feel Kong smile through the phone too,  in Kong's thoughts,  there was nothing silly about it.  Arthit very seldom used the Nong when speaking to him and,  unlike many of his friends,  Arthit never just called him Kong,  but always used the full name,  Kongpop.  He loved it.  

"Knot told me that he was in a precarious situation with the school,  he said,"  

"I really love this teaching job, but I can't lose you."  

Tat's voice was cracking and squeaky as he described the scene,  "He had his elbows on the counter of the restaurant,  he was holding my face in his hands.  Isn't that the nicest thing you've ever heard P'Kong?  Isn't it?"


So the tale goes like this.  It was a Saturday and they agreed to meet just outside Knot's dorm building.  When Tat came around the corner,  Knot was, with the bike running and his helmet already strapped,  waiting.  An instant flash of electricity passed through every nerve in his body.  Tat had no doubt,  half of it was coming directly from Knot.

The roadside family barbeque spot was thirty minutes outside the city.  They rode side by side,  the very different bikes,  the two very similar young men,  both feeling the same thing,  delirious to be on their first date together.

Tat wanted to make Knot feel better,  he could see in his eyes that this problem he was relating was really troubling him.  Tat thought it was odd that the teacher-student relationship issue had never crossed his mind.  But, Knot had clearly been thinking about it and, even though he wouldn't want to mar their first ride and dinner,  he felt Tat should know that there was a potential for trouble if the news got out that he was dating a student.

Tat told Kong how he reached and put his own hands over Knot's,  and,  how his face was still being held,  "P'Knot,  I don't want you to risk anything on my behalf,  I can wait.  I will wait if that's what it takes.  I still have three more years of school though,  I,"

Knot's face lit brightly with a smile,   "But "I," can't Tat,  I can't wait."

Fifty shades of red would be a good title for the scene.  Tat described how he choked as his eyes fell to the countertop,  he couldn't look at Knot,  Knot was just too cute.    Apparently, Knot was turning his face side to side,  "So you really can wait that long before you kiss me?"  Knot stuck out his bottom lip,  "That's a long time to wait for a kiss,  I don't think I can do it."



As Kong listened to the story,  Tat was telling it like it was happening to him all over again.  "That's when he kissed me P'Kong,  right there in the restaurant.  My first kiss P.'" 

Hearing the excitement in the boys' voice,  what was Kong supposed to say?  The whole thing was so sweet,  he felt like he might have a spontaneous nosebleed.  

"Nong'Tat,  I'm very happy for you,  I can tell that Knot really cares for you,  you're a very lucky lad."

But you seem to have forgotten the point of the story."  Kongpop made a little chuckle of his own,  "What did Knot say he's going to do,  you know,  about the teacher and student thing?"

Tat let out a long sigh,  "Oh,  that,  Knot said he would figure it out and told me not to worry,  he doesn't want me to think about anything but school,  and him of course."  Tat chuckled again,  "Him."

Surely,  Kongpop imagined,  there was another devilish smile careening across the face of the unseen boy.

Kongpop thought it but didn't say it,  "Really,  all that and I don't even get the answer to the juicy question."


The whole first date story was weeks ago and still, Kong hadn't heard another word on the worrisome part of the subject.  Kong would learn soon that Knot had a plan and unknown to him,  he and Arthit would play a small part in it.


He wondered if the nervous thing would ever go away.  For some reason, the red jacket felt tight,  he tugged at it and adjusted it one more time before he stepped through the doors and took his place on the stage.  Arthit had spoken quietly into his ear before he did.  "I love you Kongpop."

After Kong walked out,  they listened to him as he spoke to the juniors,  you could hear a pin-drop.  Arthit peeked out through the door,  every student on the gymnasium floor had their eyes glued to him.  

Arthit put his arm around Nong'Tat,  "We're going to go out first Nong and once I've said my part,  you come out and join us,  ok?"  Arthit shook him a little,  "You're going to be fine,  better than that,  you're going to be great."

As Arthit readied himself by the door,  Knot put his hands on Tat's shoulders,  leaning down to his ear,  he said words to Tat that at this point had not been said.  "I love you, Tat."



Tat is looking more mature in his second year of University.

Arthit pulled his nose from the crack in the door,  he turned quickly to the senior Hazers,  "Ok guys,  we're up."

Tat stood square and heavy like a mailbox.  Knot had just told him that he loved him and then walked out the door like it was nothing.  The more Tat played the words over in his mind,  the surer he became that he might take flight.  His heart felt like it had wings and they were going to lift him off the ground and sail him over the heads of the juniors waiting to meet their Head Hazer.    His only regret,  that he didn't have the wherewithal to tell Knot that he loved him back.

After being introduced by Arthit and Kongpop,  who then left the stage and made room for his own Hazer team,  Tat gave his speech.  The words flowed from him like clear water,  they came out perfect and in the way he'd rehearsed with Knot.  

When he and his team returned to the lounge where the seniors were waiting,  there was only one person in his eyes.  He did fly,  his feet were lifted off the ground when Knot hugged him with a force that would crush an oil drum.  He wasn't about to waste this opportunity while being spun around in Knot's arms,  he whispered back,  "I'm so in love with you Knot."


Exactly two weeks before the first day of school,  Arthit was seated at the computer desk in his office when David knocked.  He entered and handed Arthit an envelope.  

The office door was still open,  he leant down and spoke quietly to Arthit,  "P'Kongpop just brought this and said that you definitely want to see it."  

Arthit raised his eyebrows questioning David,  who returned a shrug and his own lifted brow.  "Is Kongpop still out there David?"

"No P,' He said he had to go."  David shrugged again.

It was an application for a posted job that had proved difficult to fill.  David and Arthit had been interviewing for weeks.  It had to be just the right person,  the job required that the applicant speaks both Thai and English well,  and,  it also required an ability to stand in front of large crowds of new and old employees,  visiting executives and when necessary,  paying customers.

Lean Facilitator

CanTech is looking for a Lean Facilitator to educate the company on Lean development practices. Develop future facilitators. Facilitation & Implementation of LEAN. Responsible for facilitation of Lean across the organisation, helping form and inform new and existing value streams, promote accountability and transparency across all levels of the organisation. Responsible for multiple initiatives, consistently implementing Lean practices including event facilitation, workshop facilitation, coaching, training, process documentation and analysis. Works with entire value stream to explore opportunities, understand the current state, and implement future state vision. Teach and train the organisation using the BEST Process. Develops teaching material, prepares visual illustrations, and trains team members on BEST. Delivers key Lean coaching and is able to "train the trainer" to all levels of the organisation on Lean concepts, tools and methodologies.

David had turned and was on his way out,  "Nong,  please stay for a moment."  As Arthit's eyes passed over the applicant's resume,  Arthit reached and handed the envelope back.  "David would you please call this man, tell him he's hired and,  that he can start as soon as he likes.

Without any question at all as to Arthit's judgement,  David returned to his desk and called,  "Excuse me,  may I speak with a Mr Knot Ittikorn?"


When Knot set Tat's feet back on the ground,  "Tat,  come to Arthit and Kong's place as soon as you're done school,  Ok?  I'll meet you there."  

Knot and Arthit waved goodbye to all the remaining Hazers as they left the lounge.  The junior Hazers always paid attention to Arthit when he spoke,  this time it was just smiles and his telling them how proud he was of them all,  their first Hazer meeting was over and, they'd done it with a flair.  

As he watched Knot leave with Arthit,  Tat's face looked sad,  but Kong spoke quickly,  "Don't be sad Tat,  you're coming to my place right?  Kong saw himself in the boy again,  that was the exact face he used to make whenever Arthit would walk away from him.

"Ah,  yes P'  I'll be there."


Arthit and Kongpop stood looking over the balcony,  they saw Knot's bike pull into the underground garage.  Knowing that he'd be coming up at any minute,  Arthit took advantage and kissed Kong,  his lips felt hot and tasted sweet as Kong shared the tongue filled kiss.  

"P,"  You're acting like you might be anxious for our guests to leave and they haven't even arrived yet."  

Arthit blushed a pretty pink,  "Kongpop,  you know me so well."  

The smack on Kong's bum and the knock on the door came at the same time.  When Knot walked in he looked like a little kid,  ready to burst at the seams with impatience.

He almost knocked them over with his double grab and hug,  "You guy's,  I'm so excited,  what do you think Tat will say?"

He looked at his friends,  "I know you guys might think I'm rushing things with Tat,  but I want you to know that I'm not.  We spent a lot of time together back when he used to help me at work and now we've spent the whole school break together and we've really gotten to know each other."  Knot held up his hands,  "Don't get the wrong idea!" 

The day David called him and confirmed he had the job,  Knot went to the University and handed in his resignation.  It was still two weeks before school would start and there was only a skeleton staff on hand,  the Dean wouldn't know about it until he himself returned on the first day back at school.

Knot had been going to work across the street for over a week now.  It was tricky hiding it from Tat but he'd managed it.  Earlier today when he and Arthit attended the opening day and the first Hazing meeting,  they returned to work,  now,  Knot surprise for Tat was just minutes away.

Once he'd let go of the pair,  Arthit spoke,  "I think that we should,"  Kongpop finished his sentence,  "Go out on the balcony and watch for Tat?"

He was five minutes late,  Knot started to panic,  "I wonder if he's alright,  maybe he can't get his bike to start."  Knot was pacing in front of the wall of glass looking at his phone for missed messages.

"No,  there he is."  Kong was pointing down to the ground and the engine of Tat's bike could be heard even seventeen floors up.  

Knot almost ran for the door,  he was peering out the peep lens and when the elevator door opened Knot already had the doorknob in his hand.

He'd seen Arthit and Kong do it,  his timing was perfect,  Tat was floored when the door opened just as he reached to knock.

It was probably the fact that Knot had said he loved him,  or,  maybe just that the first day back at school and the initial Hazer meeting had been a Grand Slam,  but,  Tat remained oblivious.

Knot seemed overly excited,  Tat could only assume it was for the same reasons.  He did start to wonder if something was up,  but only after he noticed how Arthit and Kong were sort of quiet.  They seemed to stand back and watch everything Knot said to him and vice-versa.

"I wanted to say thank you again P'Arthit,  I know that you had to take time off work to come to my meeting today.  You were the talk of the school after you left."  

"It was my pleasure."  Arthit rubbed Tat's head,  "I know that there are more juniors attending this year than there has ever been in the history of the University,  you have your work cut out for you Nong."  

Kongpop joined in the messing of his hair,  "Aren't you glad that P'Arthit added the two extra members to your team?"  You will need all the help you can get with that many students."

With all the adoration,  Tat's cheeks were pink,  it was a reflection of Arthit's face when Kong teases him.  

"Knot,"  Tat turned his attention to the large man beside him who's eyes never left his face and who's smile he never tired of.  "How was your first day?  Your first classes don't start until Thursday, right?"

With one hand on each of his shoulders,  Knot turned him, face to face.  "I have to talk to you about that Tat."

Suddenly, Knot's face looked serious and both Arthit and Kongpop appeared so too.  

Tat wasn't sure what to think.

Saved by the bell,  which was Arthit's giggle and shove to Knot's shoulder.  "Knot quit teasing him,  just show him."

Kong started to smile,  Knot started to smile.  Tat breathed a sigh,  he was relieved and he didn't even know why.

Knot's hand slid down his arm from his shoulder.  He took Tat by the hand.  "Follow me."

Arthit and Kongpop followed behind them and into the elevator.  None of them was speaking as Tat stood looking up into their faces.  He kept twisting his head back and around hoping someone would speak.  Only smiles.

It stopped on the fourteenth floor and when they stepped out,  Knot pulled Tat along in the opposite direction of Arthit's apartment above.  They walked to the very end of the hall and when they reached the last door,  this one on the opposite side of the hall to Arthit's,  Knot reached in his pocket and handed Tat a key.

There were no directions necessary,  Tat put the key in the door and opened it.  He recognised Knot's belongings immediately.  There in the corner was Knot's guitar.  The shelves were full of Knot's academic awards.  

His mouth might have been hanging open a little,  as he walked around in a circle before turning back and looking at the three men still standing just inside the door.  He looked confused.  "Knot this is your place?  When did you move here?"

"Ah,  Arthit helped me move just a bit each night for the last week or so."

Still confused and with his head cocked to the side.  "You're going to live here and travel to school each day?"

When he learned everything,  Tat was upset at first.  He was really embarrassed that he cried in front of Arthit and Kongpop,  but when he realised that Knot had resigned his teaching position,  the tears fell.  "You won't be there for my whole Hazer year after all."  Tat was sobbing and when he said it his eyes fell from Knot's to his feet.

Knot grabbed him and pulled him into his chest.  "Tat,  I'm still teaching and doing what I love,  but not at the school, and, I get paid far better too."  Knot took one hand and pushed his hair back from his forehead and held it there while he kissed it.  "This is so much better Tat,  just think,  you can come here whenever you like,  you can study here on the weekends,  and the best part Tat,  I can call you my boyfriend and kiss you whenever I want."  

Knot started to tickle him and kiss his ear and neck.  Tat squirmed in the hold,  which only made it worse,  Knot switched sides and was now kissing his other ear.  When Tat's face was gleaming a smile again,  Arthit and Kong joined in the big teary-eyed man hug.

"This calls for a celebratory drink!"  Knot raised his arms and spoke to the three who still had their arms wrapped around him.

He went to the fridge and pulled out four beers.  Arthit and Kong took theirs and popped them open immediately.  He handed one to Tat,  as he opened his own.  

Tat had a funny look on his face,  "Aw, Knot I feel bad,  I would love to toast your new job and stuff but I drove my bike and I never drink when I ride."

Arthit and Kong were standing ready to make cheer.  Knot reached and pulled on the tab of Tat's beer,  the sound of the compressed air was hissing out as he did.  At the same time he bent and spoke a whisper into Tat's ear,  "You'll be perfectly sober and able to drive in the morning."


to be continued  ...

FanFic by Kramdrof,  all rights reserved,  June 2017

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