The One That Stood Out ( A Co...

By SmileAlways143CS

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The One That Stood Out ( A Cody Simpson Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: I Will Be
Chapter 3
Chapter 4:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9: Dot Dot Dot...
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: Cody's age :D
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18: The Girl Next Door....
Chapter 19: The date.
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24: Diffrent Point Of Veiws
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30!!! :D
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33: The Quake (not the otmeal people :) )
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36:

Chapter 20!! :D

587 9 0
By SmileAlways143CS

Chapter 20!! :D

I went down stairs to go to the Cafe and Ali and Cody were there waiting for me. They were starring at me. 

"What? Is there something wrong with my hair?" I said putting my hands to my hair. 

"No, your hair's fine." Ali said.

"Then what?"

"We still don't think you should go on the date." Cody said. 

"Well, to bad for you. I'm going anyways." 

"Fine." Cody said.

"But don't say we didn't warn you." Ali sang while walking away Cody following.

I opened the door to the Cafe and saw Ben already there waiting for me. I smiled and went over to him. 

"Hello. How's the Beautiful Destiny?" He said in a Britsh accent as I sat down. 

"Hi, I am wonderful. You?" I said smiling.

"I'm just fine."

After the Cafe we went to the park for a walk. We weren't talking, you know just a moment of slince to enjoy nature, when Ben said:



"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked, but said yes. :) 

The rest of the date went well. I think saying yes was one of the best things I ever did. 

When I got home, Cody and Ali were standing in the same spot. I just ignored them and went to my room. 

I was lying on my bed re-reading the Hunger Games, when my phone buzzed. 

Ben: How's my beautiful girlyfriend?

Me: :) Wonderful, how's my handsome boiefriend?

Ben: Awesometastic. 

Me: :) 

We talked until I had to go eat dinner. 


I was sitting in my room doodling and listening to music when Ali came into my room and shouted, "SPILLLLL!!!" 

I told her about the date and she still didn't seem to like him. She left. In about twenty minutes, I heard someone that sounded like Cody shouting "WHAT?!?!" which was weird.....

The next day I had school -.- I hate Mondays -.- I got dressed in a maroon shirt with tiny sprakly hearts that made a big heart and said love in black letters at the bottom and white skinny jeans and black boots that went just below my knee. I had my hair in a side pony tail.

I had math class first, which was as boring as usual. Then History, where I actually learned a few things. Then Sicence, where I learned all this stuff in 2nd grade. Then I had, my favortie class, Lunch :) 

I sat at my usual table where no one else ever sits. Ben and a guy and a girl came over to me. 

"Hey Destiny!!" Ben said and sat down next to me, the others sat across form me. "This is Alice," He said pointing to a girl with black hair and bright blue eyes, she was pretty skinny too. "And this is Greg." He said pointing to a boy with brown hair and eyes. He was realllllyyyy tall. 

"Hi." I said and waved my hand. 

"WHAZZAH?!?!" Greg yelled. I had a feeling Greg was one of those people who were ALWAYS hyper. Alice just smiled. 

All of us ended up being a group of friends. I got home and was doing my math homework and listening to music when Tom came into my room. 


"YES TOM?!?!!?" I shouted back. (A/N Again, I like to pretend he's littler then he is. (: )

"Will you take me to get Ice cream?!?!"

"Sure hang on." 

I went down stairs and he followed. I found Angie in the kitchen. 

"Hey can I take Tom to get Ice cream?"

"Sure." She said with a smile. 

I odered the Ice cream and sat down with Tom. Just then Ben came in with Alice and Greg. They saw me and Alice and Ben came over while Greg odered their Ice cream. 

"How's the Beautiful Destiny?" Ben asked and kissed my cheek. 

"Who are they?" Tom asked. 

"This is my Boyfriend, Ben." I said, "And this is my friend Alice." I said pointing to her. She smiled.

"Hi. What's your name?" She asked Tom.


Tom fell asleep on the way home while I was carrying him. Ben offered to carry him but I said no thanks. I enjoy holding him. When we got home Ben kissed me for the first time. 

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