The One That Stood Out ( A Cody Simpson Love Story)

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  • Dedicated to Arvil Lavigne

Hey guys sorry if anythings different I accidentally deleted it and so I had to add it again -.- 

The One That Stood Out ( A Cody Simpson Love Story)

Destiny Jones - 13 Dark hair and Blue eyes. Lives in a Mobile Home Park. Very poor. Dad was murdered. Very, very skinny. 

Cody- You know him, if you don't you got P.R.O.B.L.E.M.S. 

Kathrine Jones- Destiny's mom. Black hair hazle eyes. 

I was with my mom walking down town to get to the market to get some food with this 20 dollar bill we found, when I saw this really pretty sliver necklace that said 'Dreams Never End' in really pretty writting. I looked at the tag. $5,000. I sighed. I would never have it or anything else pretty for that matter. I looked down at my holey shoe and counted walking. 

*That Night* 

I heard a knocking on the door so I got up and went to it. I opened it and I didn't see anybody. I looked down and I saw a box. I bent down and opened it carefully. Inside was that necklace I saw down town. I opened my mouth in surprise while taking it out of the box. It shined in the moon light dirt path. 

I went back inside locking the door behind me.  I walked over to where mom was sleeping. I triped on my to-big pants. 

"owwww...." I moaned as my head hit the bed. I stood up and fell right back down. Then everything was black. 

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