Milk boy // Yoonmin

Od JiminieIsLuv

108K 5.9K 1.7K

"That's a lot of milk" In which a closed off and poor Jimin gets his life turned upside down after meeting t... Více

Min Yoongi
Milk boy
A Cold February Night
Knight In Shining Armor
Fine Dine
The Painting
Work Life
Good Talks
Overthinking Or Not?
The Confession
The Dream
First and Last
The Morning After
True Colours
Weekend Fun
Strawberry Date
The Hug
The Business Deal
Old Thoughts
9 Hours
!Thank you!


2.9K 165 31
Od JiminieIsLuv

The car ride home was silent—something Jimin had gotten used to at this point. Though this time, Jimin was the one keeping quiet, even as Yoongi attempted to small-talk.

He wanted to answer, wanted to engage in the conversation Yoongi was attempting to create, but he was too distracted. His mind constantly replayed the incident that had happened earlier in the day with Hoseok. Jimin was thinking through every scenario possible, trying to come up with an answer as to why Hoseok had done it. He had even thought about it so much that part of him was beginning to believe that it might've been his fault, just like Hoseok had said.

"Is something bothering you? You've been quiet since earlier..." Jimin could hear the caution in Yoongi's voice as he asked the question, and he hated himself for overthinking so much that it affected Yoongi.

"No," Jimin spoke, with no energy to make up a lie.

"I'm sorry if it's because of what happened in my office earlier. If you regret doing it or perhaps felt forced or obligated." Jimin snapped out of his daze, turning his head towards Yoongi in an instant. Yoongi's eyes were still on the road, but Jimin could tell the other man was moments away from breaking.

"No!" Jimin exclaimed, sad that Yoongi had even thought so. "I, in no way, regret it, nor did I feel forced! I wanted to, and I liked it!" Jimin reassured as he let his left hand rest on Yoongi's thigh, hoping the physical touch would help comfort the other man.

"Then why are you acting so weird?" Yoongi bit his lip nervously, and Jimin loathed himself for making Yoongi feel self-conscious about something that had actually been Jimin's idea.

"I'm just a bit tired after not sleeping last night, but I promise, that's all it is. So don't think it has anything to do with you, because it doesn't. If anything, you are the one who gets me through the day," Jimin squeezed Yoongi's thigh, hoping the desperation in his voice transferred to his touch. Of course, he was still lying, part of him still wanting to protect Hoseok. Jimin still could just be overreacting, and that's why he felt it might be a mistake to tell the truth. Because if Jimin really had misunderstood the situation, then he wouldn't want to throw Hoseok under the bus—if Hoseok had barely done anything wrong.

"I believe you," Yoongi smiled as he quickly glimpsed over at Jimin before looking back at the road. Jimin felt relieved and happy to have avoided a potential conflict that ultimately would've been his fault.

"But," Yoongi spoke, catching Jimin off-guard as he had already thought the conversation was over. "I still think we should sit down and have a talk when we get home. I think we need to work on communicating better." Jimin understood where Yoongi was coming from. He had, after all, made Yoongi worry by leaving without saying something.

"I think that would be good," Jimin smiled. He wanted to hear Yoongi's side of the situation as well—since part of him still pondered about why Yoongi had ignored him all day after the meeting.

Yoongi pulled up in the driveway to the house, parking it in his garage. Jimin jumped out, heading inside with Yoongi right on his heels. He didn't know when this talk would take place - when Yoongi had envisioned it? Would it be after dinner, perhaps even during? Jimin pushed his shoes off, kicking them to the side while Yoongi carefully placed his own shoes on the white wooden shoe rack. Luckily, Yoongi hadn't commented on Jimin being a bit messy, so he kept to his old habits, not giving where the shoes landed much thought.

"I thought, maybe we should talk after dinner?" Yoongi spoke as if he had read Jimin's mind. Jimin nodded in response, seeing no problem in waiting.

"Okay then, I'll go make dinner now. I'll come get you when it's done," Yoongi smiled, turning to walk towards the kitchen. Jimin wanted to help Yoongi with the cooking, but he also recognized that he was a terrible cook and that he would probably just be in the way.

"I can help," Jimin offered regardless. Yoongi turned back to look at Jimin, and he could tell Yoongi was considering Jimin's proposal.

"I would like that," Yoongi settled, to which Jimin's mouth fell open—he had expected a no. Yoongi began walking again, and Jimin scurried after him like a puppy. This was exciting, this was new. Sure Jimin could fuck up the whole meal, this was something Yoongi knew, but he had welcomed Jimin regardless.

When they reached the kitchen, Yoongi directly went to the sink to wash his hands. Jimin patiently waited his turn and swooped in as soon as Yoongi had turned off the faucet.

"I was thinking of just making something simple today," Yoongi spoke, waiting for Jimin's opinion. Jimin found it fitting as he didn't want to cook something difficult considering his lack of skills.

"Sounds perfect," Jimin answered, turning off the faucet and shifting his body around, so he was once again facing Yoongi, who was putting on an apron.

"Here, use this," Yoongi said as he handed Jimin a second apron. Jimin lifted it over his head and let it fall down so that the front surface was covering the front of his body. He then struggled a bit as he took the waist drawstrings behind him and tied them in a bow around his waist.

"Is this okay?" Jimin asked, not having used an apron before. It should be simple, and he was pretty sure he had done it right, but he still wanted to be sure.

Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin, pulling the knot snug and tugging on the apron, ensuring that it fitted properly. "Perfect," Yoongi smiled, resting his hands on Jimin's waist.

"S-so what are we making?" Jimin stuttered, taking a step back. He could not be thinking about anything sexual right now, then his cooking for sure would be doomed. And quite frankly, the part where Yoongi had placed his hands on Jimin's waist made his mind go straight to the gutter. He would never admit this, but Jimin had a fantasy where Yoongi fucked him senseless on the kitchen counter, while they were both only wearing aprons.

"A bit shy?" Yoongi laughed, but he quickly let it go, knowing he would only embarrass Jimin further. "I thought since we have leftover rice and kimchi, then kimchi fried rice would be an easy dish," Yoongi shrugged, walking to the fridge and opening it, analyzing the contents.

"Sounds delicious," Jimin agreed, suddenly feeling his stomach ache with hunger. He hadn't thought about it until right this second, but his stomach had been growling since they got off from work.

"Great!" Yoongi clapped his hands together before pulling out the ingredients needed.

He pulled out the kimchi and rice, along with some sweet onions, garlic, beef, and some eggs. Jimin looked at all the ingredients, not knowing where to start. Luckily, Yoongi knew what he was doing, and he asked Jimin to chop the onions, garlic, and scallion, while he prepared the meat. Jimin didn't protest much as he knew he, at least, would be capable of chopping up the vegetables.

But the task turned out more difficult than Jimin had anticipated. His eyes stung as he chopped the onions - even though they were sweet onions, and they shouldn't be as painful to dice, he still found his eyes filled with pain and tears.

When Jimin finally finished chopping all the vegetables, he proudly handed Yoongi the cutting board with the diced ingredients. Yoongi thanked Jimin before mixing the vegetables with the kimchi, rice, and beef - all stirring in a pan. Jimin just watched as Yoongi finished the dish with some soy sauce, salt, and other spices he didn't know the name of.

"Do you wanna fry the eggs?" Yoongi asked as the dish was nearing its finish. Jimin thought about it. Would he be able to do that successfully? No. Jimin didn't believe so.

"I think it's best you do it," Jimin smiled apologetically. He really hadn't helped as much as he had wanted—in the end, this meal had basically been cooked by Yoongi alone.

"That's okay," Yoongi grabbed one of the eggs, cracking it into the pan. He repeated the motion with the remaining egg, making it seem easy. He waited three minutes, as the white part of the egg was set, then flipped both eggs and fried them for about two more minutes until the yolk was completely set to his liking. Jimin just watched in admiration, loving that Yoongi knew how to cook and chose to cook, despite being rich enough to have a private chef.

Jimin wanted to help just a bit more, so he found two bowls and set them beside Yoongi, who filled each with the hot food. When he was satisfied with the amount, he carefully placed an egg on the top of each bowl before gesturing to Jimin that he was done. Jimin understood the indication and carried the bowls into the dining room, where he set them down on the table.

Jimin sat down as Yoongi walked into the room, utensils and two glasses in hand. Jimin realized they didn't have anything to drink, so he quickly got back up, running to the kitchen where he grabbed a jug, which he filled with water. Speeding back to the dining room Jimin was cautious of not spilling even a drop on the floor, he guessed he had looked silly doing so as Yoongi let out a light chuckle at his arrival.

"No need to stress," Yoongi grinned, which made Jimin slow his pace as he poured water into his glass, then into Yoongi's.

Too busy wolfing down their food, there was no time for talking. Jimin didn't care, he enjoyed eating in peace, and maybe he also didn't really worry about it as he knew they were going to talk later.

Jimin finished the last bite, sitting back in his chair and holding his stomach. He had eaten more than his stomach was capable of, but for some reason, it had tasted better tonight than usual. Jimin thought maybe the reason for that, was that they had made it together—well, sort of together, Jimin had at least been in the kitchen—and he thought about how he wanted to cook together more often in the future.

"Thanks for dinner. It was amazing as always," Jimin breathed out deeply, hoping some extra room would magically appear in his overfilled stomach.

"Glad you liked it, and thank you for helping," Yoongi rested his elbows on the table, gazing over at Jimin.

"Pfffft. I barely did anything," Jimin waved a hand in front of his face, knowing Yoongi's words had made him blush.

"You did more than enough, and I appreciate that," Yoongi sounded content, and Jimin couldn't rip his eyes away from the other man as he stood up, carrying out the used dishes.

"Always so damn smooth," Jimin muttered to himself before standing up as well, carrying out the things Yoongi had left behind. They cleaned up together—which actually wasn't such a demanding task considering Yoongi had a dishwasher.

After finishing up, Yoongi went upstairs, to which Jimin just followed him. The other man hadn't said anything, but Jimin assumed they were going to have the conversation now. He followed Yoongi into his room, where Yoongi sat down on the edge of the bed. Jimin hesitated as he looked at the bed where, mere nights ago, Yoongi had taken his virginity.

Yoongi patted the spot on the bed beside him, and Jimin's feet began moving towards the other man, even though he wasn't ready to do so. Nevertheless, Jimin made his way over and sat down next to Yoongi.

"Now, I don't want this talk to feel like an interrogation or make you uncomfortable in any way possible," Yoongi spoke, taking Jimin's hands in his. "I just think we should clear up the slight miscommunication we had yesterday. Then, hopefully, we can move forward with a better understanding," Yoongi lightly squeezed Jimin's hands, which comforted him. He liked the way Yoongi wanted to handle things and this didn't feel like an attack but rather a mature conversation, which Jimin wanted to indulge in.

"I'd like that," Jimin nodded, squeezing Yoongi's hand back.

"I'll just start by explaining my side," Yoongi took the helm, which Jimin didn't mind as he was itching to hear Yoongi's thoughts.

"I will not lie to you. After the meeting, despite it going okay, I was disappointed. I had a lot of thoughts, and I didn't want to risk saying something I would regret or didn't mean, so I ended up saying nothing. I know that staying silent also wasn't a good option, and for that, I apologize. I want you to know that I hold no animosity, and as I reflected on the situation and realized that you are new in this field, I acknowledged you might make mistakes, and I'm okay with that. In fact, I already knew that when I hired you. In the end, what I want to say is, I like you just as much, if not even more. I hold no grudges, nor do I think of your work ethic or capability any different," Yoongi's shoulders relaxed as he finished talking. Jimin wanted to hug him so tightly he couldn't breathe, but he also knew that Yoongi had poured his soul out to him, and now Jimin needed to do the same.

"Thank you for being so kind," Jimin choked out, fighting the tears that threatened to leave his eyes. "For me, I know that I had selfishly cut myself some slack because you, the CEO, is my boyfriend. But I recognize that it just isn't acceptable to do so, even if that's the case. I took advantage of my position, and for that, I apologize. I want to do better—I will do better. When you gave me the cold shoulder, I regressed back to my old ways, where running away and pitying myself was my number one thing to do. That was not okay. Staying out all night, not contacting you, was both dangerous and immature, I realize that. Moving forward, I'll do my best to use my voice when I'm having doubts or negative thoughts instead of running away." Jimin meant everything that left his mouth, and he vowed to keep every word. This was his promise to Yoongi, his promise to do better.

Yoongi smiled softly, his eyes full of reassurance. Jimin wanted to hug Yoongi, but the other man got him in advance, pulling Jimin into a tight hug. He quickly returned the hug, embracing as much of Yoongi as possible.

Yoongi muttered something into the crook of Jimin's neck, which he couldn't decipher.

"Hm?" Jimin hummed, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the tender moment.

Yoongi repeated himself, but Jimin still couldn't tell what the words were. He felt bad for asking Yoongi to repeat, but he also didn't want to just dismiss what Yoongi had said.

"Sorry, what?" Jimin asked. Perhaps it wasn't even something important, and Jimin should've just let it go, but they had just talked about better communication, so he felt no shame in asking Yoongi to repeat. And he would also be lying if he said he wasn't curious about what else Yoongi had to say.

Yoongi drew back from the hug, keeping his hands on Jimin's shoulders as he gazed deeply into Jimin's eyes.

"I said, I love you."


Jimin felt his face heat up as his heart started pounding in his chest. Yoongi had told him he loved him. The biggest love confessions of them all.

"I love you too," Jimin spoke with no hesitation. He didn't need to think about it. He really didn't need to because he already knew. Perhaps he had even known for a while now that he loved Yoongi. Not just the shallow words of love, but a deep, passionate and true form of love, which Jimin was sure no one else had ever felt.

Jimin didn't know what the next step should be, and he hoped Yoongi would just take the lead. He did. Yoongi pulled Jimin back into the hug, this time even tighter, even closer. Jimin didn't know what he had expected, but the hug seemed most fitting after all. A kiss or even sex wouldn't create the same intimate feeling that Jimin felt in his chest at this moment, that much he knew.

After a minute or so, they broke apart again, Jimin feeling a bit cold as his body parted from Yoongi's. They sat in silence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was more as if they were both savoring the moment, enjoying each other's presence.

Yoongi fell back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling as he lay flat on his back. Jimin didn't know what to do—should he leave now? It had gotten late after all, and Yoongi did seem a bit tired. Was it time for Jimin to head back to his own room?

After some more silence, Jimin decided he should head to bed as well, seeing Yoongi was beginning to doze off beside him. As he stood up, ready to leave, he felt a hand wrap around his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. Jimin turned back around, looking down at Yoongi, who had sat back up.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi asked, rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

"I was just gonna go back to my room and get some sleep," Jimin smiled, happy that Yoongi had stopped him. Jimin hoped they would say goodnight, maybe even share a small goodnight kiss.

"I think you should sleep in my room," Yoongi's voice was a bit groggy, but Jimin heard him loud and clear. "Permanently," He finished, and Jimin felt joy rush through his body at the word. He had been so unsure of Yoongi's boundaries and whether they should sleep separately, but now, Yoongi had taken the leap by making the suggestion first.

"Permanently?" Jimin repeated the word back to Yoongi, uncertain of its true meaning.

"Always, forever. I think you know what I mean," Yoongi laughed, pulling Jimin's wrist, causing Jimin to stumble down, landing on top of the other man.

Jimin turned his head to the side, knowing his face had turned beet red.

"I'd like that," he admitted, still not courageous enough to face Yoongi.

"Good," Yoongi sounded before pressing a light peck on Jimin's cheek.

It was official. They now shared a room, a bed—Jimin couldn't quite wrap his head around it yet—but it was official.


The next morning arrived sooner than Jimin would've liked. He felt he had only just closed his eyes as the alarm filled the room with its hideous noise. Sleeping in Yoongi's bed was something Jimin had already found himself getting used to. He liked the fact that he wasn't sleeping alone, and he liked it even more, that the person sleeping next to him was Yoongi, of all people. Jimin sat up, stretching his body as much as possible. Yoongi moved beside him—his puffy eyes stayed closed as he continued to sleep.

"Get up, Yoongi," Jimin yawned, lightly slapping Yoongi's arm.

"Just five more minutes," Yoongi groaned, turning around so his back was facing Jimin. Jimin let out a sigh in defeat, he wasn't even going to try getting Yoongi out of bed. Instead, he focused on himself as he crawled out of bed and into the bathroom. While brushing his teeth, a very sluggish Yoongi appeared behind him in the mirror, embracing him in a back hug. Jimin enjoyed the touch momentarily before signaling for Yoongi to start getting ready as well. And he did.

After getting clothed, Jimin headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Despite Jimin being the first one up, Yoongi once again had beaten him to the kitchen—it was the stupid hair routine part that Jimin fell behind in. Yoongi had mastered the technique while Jimin clumsily fought his hair every morning.

"Jimin, how nice of you to finally join me," Yoongi teased, and Jimin just sent back an eye roll.

"One day, I'll get the hang of how to style my hair as fast as you do. When that happens, only God can help you," Jimin retorted, trying to sound confident in his possible future skills.

"Ohhhh, I'm so scared," Yoongi laughed, clearly not believing Jimin's claim.

"Let's just get to work," Jimin shook his head, trying to hide his smile. Yoongi nodded, grabbing his coffee and car keys, before passing Jimin and heading outside.

Contrary to most mornings, this one was light, and they joked the whole car ride. The talk yesterday had opened up a new part of their relationship, and Jimin no longer felt like he needed to hold back. He could be himself with Yoongi. He could be the unfiltered version that he didn't show anyone—and Yoongi could do the same. There was no judgment between them, only love.

As they made their way inside the company, they couldn't stop laughing. Jimin had made a very bad attempt at a joke, and Yoongi wouldn't stop teasing him about it. Laughing loudly, floating on a pink cloud, it seemed the both of them had completely forgotten about the fact that they had entered the company. Neither thought about how they needed to put on their employer and employee act.

"What's so funny?" A voice spoke, pulling both of them back to reality.

Yoongi's face hardened while Jimin's body tensed up. Jimin looked ahead of them to see who the person that had seen them laughing together was. Part of him breathed out relieved as he realized the person had been Hoseok, but he quickly tensed up again as he remembered yesterday's events.

"Why are you guys so tense now? Why were you laughing so much?" Hoseok had his usual bright smile spread across his lips, and his words had not even a hint of malice or suspicion. This was the Hoseok Jimin knew—or the one Jimin thought he knew.

"It's nothing of importance. Anyways, if you two will just excuse me, I'll head to my office now," Yoongi's voice had deepened, and all traces of emotion had left his tone.

Jimin watched as Yoongi walked past Hoseok and into his office, giving Jimin a small—secret—wave before entering. Jimin looked back a Hoseok, who was no longer smiling.

"Did you sleep well?" Jimin tried, hoping everything would be back to normal.

"Are you close with the CEO?" Hoseok had completely ignored Jimin's question as he stared at Jimin, eyes full of hostility.

"N-no," Jimin mentally smacked himself for stuttering, knowing Hoseok wouldn't believe him now.

"You suck at lying," Hoseok folded his arms. Jimin couldn't understand why Hoseok had changed so drastically. Jimin hadn't done anything, right?

"Have I done something to anger you?" Jimin trod carefully, scared of what Hoseok might do. After all, Jimin knew Hoseok was capable of at least pushing him.

"Why does Yoongi like you so much? You suck at your job," Hoseok had once again ignored Jimin's question. Jimin didn't understand the sudden interest in his and Yoongi's relationship. And why was Hoseok suddenly calling Yoongi by his first name?

"Why do you think the CEO likes me? He treats me the same as anyone," Jimin lied, trying to seem oblivious to Hoseok's accusations.

"You idiot, I saw you two hugging yesterday," Hoseok laughed sarcastically, knowing he had just hit checkmate. Jimin had no good reply, but now he knew that the figure he had seen had been real.

"I was feeling down. The CEO comforted me," Jimin knew it was a stretch, but he hoped maybe it could make sense, and Hoseok wouldn't think much more of it.

"I'll remember that," Hoseok said, raising his brows, and Jimin feared what that meant.

"But Hoseok," Jimin started, not giving up on his previous question. "Why are you mad at me?" Jimin repeated, truly wanting his friend back. Because the truth was, Jimin would forgive Hoseok in a heartbeat—that's how much Jimin had come to value the other man's friendship.

"Just stop being so clingy with Yoongi. It makes you look desperate," Hoseok spat before walking away.

As Jimin stood in the hall alone, Hoseok's words lingering in the air, something clicked. Jimin might be a bit slow at times, sure, but he wasn't stupid—Hoseok was jealous. Jealous of the relationship Jimin had with Yoongi. He didn't think the root of Hoseok's jealousy was because Hoseok was in love with Yoongi, that would just be absurd—but Jimin was almost certain Hoseok felt either left out or overlooked.

Now Jimin knew what he had to do. To get his and Hoseok's friendship back to normal, all he had to do was just pay a little more attention to Hoseok and a little less attention to Yoongi. He also thought he would tell Yoongi to praise Hoseok a bit more, just to lighten the mood in general. With more praise and attention from the CEO, Hoseok was bound to become his happy self again - Jimin was sure of it.

And Jimin was willing to do this because he had realised he needed Hoseok's friendship more than he initially had thought.

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