The Last War : Floukru Hainof...

By Dystopian_fanfics

37K 1.1K 398

A sea mechanic fanfic and re write of the 100. Includes *Clexa mentions. The last war. A final battle for th... More

Abbys choice
Nightblood part 2
Hurt me?
What is done is done
The end
The future
Long time
A new threat
My love
Continue or not?
Trust me
Seperate ways
reunions and regrets
from the ashes they rise
The anomaly
War has begun
The protector
The queen of the ashes
The sacred place
A reunion to remember
It was fate

Time standing still

1.6K 55 26
By Dystopian_fanfics

It had been 2 days in total since the crew saved Ravens life , 2 days since Luna survived the crash wreck and 2 days since the nightblood was complete.
Abby had been busy ensuring Everyone was on the list for Nightblood and they had enough. While Murphy and the remainder of the crew that saved Raven where injected with Nightblood secretly. Luna didn't like this.
Luna didn't like that the people were unaware of this but Clarke had urged them to do it for there own safety.

Luna however distanced herself these last days. The radiation was meant to come a day ago , and the crew was a day late injecting everyone in nightblood.
Luna came to visit Raven by her side mainly at night but went before anyone could catch her or speak to her.
Clarke noticed this , she also was concerned with the fight for the bunker and getting her people the right way to live because they really were running out of time , in her eyes they had no time left , there was a prediction and the signs where there but it had yet to occur which bought them more time.

"Clarke Raven is still not awake ?" Abby said updating her daughter.
Clarke didn't know what to say ,she still had time to wait but she couldn't bring it to her that she would be responsible for Ravens death if she didn't wake.
"And Luna?" Clarke asked .
Abby shook her head.
"No sign" she replied.
"Any news on the conclave?" Clarke asks. This makes her mum frown.
"It's happening isn't it ?" Clarke asks .
Abby starts to nod.
"Tomorrow .. The 13 th clans will fight till death , it will also be when everyone is fully injected with nightblood if we can get around "
Clarke looked at her mum confused. She was never told of this , in fact she was never told of who was fighting for skaikru , the only person she could really imagine fighting would be O.
"Who's fighting!" Clarke asks.
"Octavia " Abby immediately replies .
"Anyone else we know of?" Clarke asks , it was her instinct to see competition octavia faced after all she was fighting for skaikru right of the bunker if the nightblood didn't work. "Mum, can you get me the list from Gai on who is fighting so we can ensure Octavia will be fine"
Abby nodded and smiled
She tried to hold back the concerns.
"She will be fine , Bellamy has trust"
It was nightfall , most of the people on Clarkes list where injected with nightblood but many still were worried on the effects which lead to more arguing over the bunker.
Clarke still was unsure on if everyone would really be fine after the radiation but it was two late to even think about it.

Luna had made her way in to the lab and walked slowly over to Ravens body.
If she could take her away now she would.
If she could rip the wires from her and free her she would .
Luna had broken into the lab a few times unnoticed now , in fact Luna had managed to steal a few things that might become valuable but not for her only for Ravens sake.
Luna knew if Raven didn't wake , the rest would leave her without even thinking about giving her nightblood but Luna had other plans . She wasn't going to leave Raven to die when she had overcome so much and saved her life.
Luna sat down next to Raven and brushed her hair out of her face.
" hmmmm" Luna started humming to Raven a familiar song she had learn as a little girl.
"Hush now ..little one , the tide will not take you away , your dreams will fill your mind as the tide brings you back to me ...hush now it's alright ...."
"Luna" a voice was heard.
Luna stopped in panic and looked behind her in anger.
Abby stood behind with a checklist.
Luna was about to leave before Abby spoke up.
"How long ? " she asked
" the last days" Luna said . Abby nodded.
Abby walked closer with the list.
"Your name in the conclave tomorrow " Abby brought up . "You did not think to tell us that you would be fighting , to tell Raven ?" The thought of Ravens name shocked her emotions , fuelled her with anger towards Abby.

"How am I suppose to tell her ! HOW !! She's asleep , she can't hear me , she might even wake up and not even know I'm dead tomorrow or she might not wake up , because that's your plan right Leave her to die ! And you know what I don't and I can't live with her being this way because of me ! SHE SAVED MY LIFE ABBY , I could of took the hit , I could of protected her longer but I didn't , I didn't get there in time and now ,now I'm facing the guilt and so if I die tomorrow atleast it would kill the guilt and atleast I would die in battle" With that Luna pushed past Abby.
"But if I survive You LOT BETTER WATCH OUT , because if I had my way you don't deserve to live except for Raven and I will do anything to protect her if I am the winner and as for your octavia , your sending her to her own death"
"So LUNA IS FIGHTING AT DAWN" Clarke repeated. She had just heard what Abby had experienced and was in utter panic. Why was Luna acting like this?
It was even to late to try and find her and talk it out , If Luna won everyone would die .
Clarke had to be sure that Luna didn't win .
She also had attempted to strike a deal with Roan in which he declined because of her attitude towards him.
Octavia needed to win.
Not just because of the bunker but because there was a low supply of nightblood , and the clans were literally fighting for it , in which It was decided to clan that won would have it.
Clarke was one step ahead as most of her crew where already injected with it , all but Raven and Octavia and some others .
"Octavia ?" Clarke questioned the whole group.
"Is more than ready " Bellamy began.
The conclave Started with sounds of drums and entrances from the fighters. Octavia confidently walking out while Luna death staring the crowd shouting.
When it was time to fight the chaos erupted. Starting with a few warriors being beaten down and killed.
Clarke retreated which meant she couldn't see who was being killed at this moment.
Jaha had made his way to Clarke urgently.
"We need to take the bunker" he whispered next to her not looking at her to make it obvious.
Clarke sighed.
"We can't ... We really can't " Clarke replies.
"If your not coming with us then I'm afraid you can stay out and perish" Jaha said "and your people without a leader , your mum without a daughter"
Clarke had grown frustrated , in fact Jaha had a point she needed to do this for her people.
"FINE , so when " Clarke says more concerned.
Jaha took her by the hand but Clarke flinched back.
"We slip away now , get the others and bring them there " with that Clarke agreed to Jahas terms and ran off to find the others while Kane watched over Octavias progress.

Octavia hid , it wasn't because she was scared well she was terrified but she needed to take cover after all most of the Warriors wanted to take her out , she seemed weak but she only knew she had the strength in her to fight.
Trikrus warrior was viciously fighting as she took a lunge at him , she was just about to finish him off until Roan did the job for her. Llian accompanied her but she had lost him on the way to an arrow from ice nation.

Just as she was about to go on , Octavia heard someone behind her.
"I take it your scared" the manly voice said.
It was Roan.
"When I met you , you were so weak , so scared.. And now your in the death match ..give me one reason why I can't just kill you straight away and end skaikru " he said Inching closer.
Octavia gulped.
The bells rang along with screams.

Meanwhile Luna was busy collecting her small trophies as she called them as she slaughtered the next warrior almost easily.
She huffed in annoyance , she had been searching for the sky girl , she needed to rid of her and Roan.
Luna looked up at the sky , it was darkening not the kind of night colour but the colour of despair .
"Youuu are" the body of the warrior spoke as he crawled towards her. Luna was almost certain she had killed him , she let him lunge at her from the ground before hitting him around the head and knocking him clean.
Luna wiped the sweat of her forward , Raven wouldn't of liked seeing her like this.
She was doing this for her though , Skaikru didn't care about anyone but themself , Luna planned to take the bunker for her and Raven , and whatever is left of Floukru but if Raven died she would die aswell.
"So" Roan said " any last words"
Octavia nodded.
"Out there right now is the ultimate threat of this conclave , Luna , not only has she experiences a conclave and come second but she is brutally killing the last warriors and this means if we were to easier our chance we need to work together to bring her down"

Roan shook his head.
"Think about how easier it would be , killing her and then killing me .." Octavia worded. Roan stopped .
"Now you put it like that .."
The sound of thunder and pouring of rain stopped them mid convo. Luna crept behind them walking in the rain holding her tags.
"It stings" Roan shouted. It was acid rain.
"And isn't it the King of azgeda " Luna blurted out.
Luna took a sharp look at Octavia before she ran off.
Octavia wasn't a coward , she just needed to get shelter.

"Come to your death , coward " Roan spoke before they both engaged in battle.

Raven was in clear blue water , floating on a boat. This time she wasn't drowning she was moving towards a light .
She saw a few people all dressed like Luna , was she with Flourku ?
Had she dreamed everything ?
Was this another fit?
Suddenly it began Raining as she neared the light. She was scared , scared to leave the peaceful shore unaware what was happening until she fell into it.
Raven gasped for breath as she awoke and was startled.
She rubbed her head and eyes before coming to terms with her situation.
She was connected to wires , in the lab?
Whatever that happened she couldn't remember.
She slowly sat herself up and took out the wires before flinching.
As she sat up she noticed A piece of old card on the side with some sort of writing.
Take this nightt blood , it is for your own good to survive , the radiation is on to us . I'll be back soon or I may perish but this is your survival

Ravens eyes widened , not only did Luna write in English for her but she has remembered the last events , the ship and the crash and her falling .
They must of saved my life Raven thought.
Raven lifted up the nightblood , she trusted Luna .
She took her time before injecting herself with it.
"The rain is on us and you are dying" Luna spat at Roan.
Roan almost knocked her over before dangling her over the fountain as the Rain got heavier he was struggling to see.
"I will die for Azgeda and you will die for no one as a coward" Roan said as his blade was close to her skin.
"I WILL DIE FOR WHATEVER HUMANITY IS LEFT" Luna said as she kicked Roan in the stomach flipping him in the fountain.
"And you .. You will die a warrior my friend but not a winner nor a looser " Luna spoke before dunking him under the water.
** Raven had knew the rain had come but she also knew of an Event that was happening. Something that didn't seem right , alarms ,bells , smoke all around as she stares from a distance in the space suit .
Luna gathered she needed to be protected if she were to run for shelter and find out where the rest of her crew had gone to and most importantly if Luna had survived.
Roan did not get back up after some time before Luna proudly took his tags and walked into Octavias direction.
"Oh come out .." Luna said "it would make it so much easier to see the prey"
Luna inched closer .
" the girl under the floorboards , a coward I see just like her Lover Lincoln". Octavia was in clear view and clenched her fists.

"See I know that hurt you , would you like to know what it feels like to have lost more than one person that means to you because I'm sure as hell that you still aren't over Lincolns death" Luna spat.
"Holding back your anger I see" Luna said.
**Raven had managed to make it so far before bumping into Clarke ,Bellamy and Abby .
"Raven?" They all questioned.
"There's no time , come with us" ABBY said
Raven resisted.
"What's happening ?? " she asks.
Clarke looks unsure.
"The conclave .. Octavia , Roan .. Luna are still fighting for the bunker we found " With that Luna started to go.
"Wait" Clarke said.
"I'm not leaving Luna , Bellamy how could you leave O? She's your sister ?" Raven said .
"Im not , I'm coming with you because your hurt and need someone" Bellamy said before receiving stares from both of them.
Before anyone could object Abby made sure Clarke was in safety.
" Octavia I will find you " Luna said before stumbling towards another corner.
Octvavia was behind her at this point and sneakily crept.
Luna had sensed this and turnt around which lead to Octavia pushing her into the corner , Luna got up and faced Octavia.
"I think I call this a fair match for skaikru you are tough ..shame your fighting for them" Luna says .
Octavia tried to hurl towards Luna before she got pushed back up into the wall.
" , I fight for no one " Octavia said.
Luna smiled sarcastically.
"Then we both fight for the same thing"
Luna said as Octavia somehow slipped out the grip and stabbed her in the arm.
Luna screeched but anger filled her
" see the difference between me and you is people like you don't deserve to survive .." Octavia said.
Luna engaged in a spar with Octavia until she was immediately in contact with another person.
In front of her she saw Octavia torn away by a guy.
"Luna" Raven said.
Luna turnt around to face Raven, she was in pain.

"Luna.. What ...was you thinking ?" Raven said in realisation. Luna was covered in blood and so close to victory , she had become different like her old ways has overcome her.
" I ..I ..why are you here .. You weren't suppose to see me like this" Luna muttered before falling back.
Raven helped her.
"Bellamy .. We need to go before the rain gets worse" Raven said.
Octavia just stood there confused as Bellamy sighed.
"They won't let this go ,unless they have a winner of the conclave .." Bellamy said.
Octavia coughed before wiping her face.
"We need to fake a death .. If I have to I wi..."
"No " Bellamy objected.
"Luna can you fake a death and run away from the conclave a second time" Octavia asked.
"And have nothing to do with skaikru anymore .. Yeah I could" Raven felt disheartened Luna had changed and she didn't like this new her In fact she wondered why this was happening to her.
"Good , I will harm you but not to the point of dying , a small wound which can be fixed as Indra taught me , you will be able to tolerate the pain .. I will come back just as you sneak off is that ok " Octavia added . She had not intended for this to happen but not that the whole world was at destruction she had no choice . She was angry but she needed to be a peace to save everyone.
"Yes but I want one thing in return" Luna said still stern.
Octavia nodded in acceptance.
"I want Raven" Luna said .
"I choose to have no other business with skaikru " Raven looked at Luna confused.
Octavia sliced her chest before accompanying her brother.
She was hurt , yet she knew Luna was protecting her. Luna got up almost like nothing had happened.

"Very well" Bellamy said.

"And your treating me as if I'm an object " Raven said towards all of them
"Well thanks to you my chances of surviving are very slim no.."

"There's no time Raven" Bellamy said helping his sister out.
"You two need to go"
Luna made an effort to grab Ravens hand.
It isn't the same Raven thought.
Raven let go and stood there as Bellamy made an Escape with Octavia.
"Raven .." Luna said unsure.
Luna knew Raven had a chance of surviving after all the mark on her arm signified she had injected herself with nightblood.
"Raven come on" Luna said in more annoyance and frustration.
Raven just stood there in shock.
"I'm picking you up" Luna warned in frustration but Raven backed away.
"I can walk" she said before following Luna.

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