Milk boy // Yoonmin

By JiminieIsLuv

110K 5.9K 1.7K

"That's a lot of milk" In which a closed off and poor Jimin gets his life turned upside down after meeting t... More

Min Yoongi
Milk boy
A Cold February Night
Knight In Shining Armor
Fine Dine
The Painting
Work Life
Good Talks
Overthinking Or Not?
The Confession
The Dream
First and Last
The Morning After
True Colours
Weekend Fun
Strawberry Date
The Hug
The Business Deal
Old Thoughts
9 Hours
!Thank you!


3.1K 182 46
By JiminieIsLuv


Jimin was sitting in a chair looking at Yoongi, who sat opposite him. They had gone to Yoongi's office, short after Yoongi had overheard Jimin and Hoseok's conversation. Yoongi gazed at Jimin, who tried not to make eye contact. Jimin was mortified that Yoongi had overheard his secret dream.

"Jimin," Yoongi spoke, his voice calm and steady. Jimin looked up, finally meeting the other man's eyes. He felt vulnerable as Yoongi stared into his soul.

"Yoongi, it's not what you think," Jimin tried, but Yoongi's expression didn't change. Jimin couldn't tell if Yoongi was angry, happy, or anything in-between.

"Jimin, I am not mad at you, if that's what you think," Yoongi's face softened, and Jimin felt the lump in his throat dissipate. However, Jimin still felt nervous, not knowing what Yoongi was going to say next, and as always, Jimin's anxiety led to a painful ramble.

"I know it's wrong to dream such disrespectful dreams, especially since we're not even in a relationship yet... Not that we will be in a relationship, because it's totally understandable if you wouldn't want to be in one. Not to say that I don't want that, because I do, but not in a desperate way. Like I wouldn't force you. Obviously, I know you have boundaries, and I totally understand if you're not ready to be my boyfriend. Wow okay, that sounds weird... Boyfriend. Not in a bad way, like it's not that I don't want to be called your boyfriend, but like I respect that you probably wouldn't want to be my boyfriend, even though you like me. Not that I think you're obsessed with me, maybe you like me less romantically? What am I even saying? Anyways, I'm just trying to say that I will be totally fine with whatever, maybe not whatever, but definitely most things. Not to say I would reject--"

"Park Jimin, will you be my boyfriend" Yoongi interrupted Jimin, who had been digging himself into a deep hole by now.

Jimin.exe stopped working

Jimin had no words left, contrary to two seconds ago when he had spilled his guts.

"What?" Jimin asked, completely in disbelief.

"You are clearly wondering what we are, so let me tell you," a smile crept upon Yoongi's lips, "boyfriends," he established once and for all. Jimin wanted to cry, wanted to laugh, every emotion coursing through his body.

"Boyfriends," Jimin mumbled the word to himself. It felt good to say, especially as it meant he and Yoongi were officially together. Did this mean he could kiss Yoongi? Or was that too fast? They had already kissed once, but it had been fast and impulsive, without Jimin being ready.

"What's are you thinking about?" Yoongi asked, wondering. He could tell Jimin's head was spinning with thoughts.

"Many things... But mostly, I'm just curious about if I can kiss you now," Jimin blurted out. Jimin's hands quickly covered his mouth as if that would make what he just said disappear.

"Well, it's gonna be hard for me to kiss you when your hands are in front of your mouth," Yoongi smirked, getting up from his chair and walking around his desk. When Yoongi reached Jimin, he lowered his head slightly, searching Jimin's eyes for consent.

Without a second thought, Jimin felt himself nod in approval.

And with permission, Yoongi connected their lips. Jimin's heart began beating louder, and he feared Yoongi would hear it.

The kiss was gentle, their lips barely touching, Jimin could feel his desire for the other man grow, and instinctively he pressed in, wanting to feel more of Yoongi. Jimin could feel Yoongi being surprised by Jimin's sudden move, but he quickly went along with it.

Jimin could feel Yoongi's warm hands as they traveled to the lower part of his back, pushing them closer together. Jimin let out a small gasp at their bodies being so close, and Yoongi took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Jimin's mouth.

Jimin had never kissed anyone before, but he felt it come naturally as he licked up into Yoongi's mouth, wanting to taste every part of the other man. Jimin felt like they melted together as one, and he knew that he could never get enough of Yoongi--he wanted to be closer. Jimin let his fingers grip Yoongi's hair gently, pulling him closer. movement

In one swift motion, Yoongi flipped them around, pushing Jimin backward until the back of Jimin's thighs hit Yoongi's desk. Forced to lean against it, Jimin, eventually, sat down on it. Yoongi's hands rested on Jimin's thighs, slightly pulling them apart and making his way between Jimin's legs.

Jimin wanted to be more intimate, so he wrapped his legs around Yoongi's waist, causing Yoongi to move in as close as possible. Jimin felt out of breath, and he slowly pulled back, wanting to catch his breath. Yoongi's hands found their way to Jimin's cheeks, cubbing them as he planted a soft kiss on Jimin's lips before pulling back as well.

They rested their foreheads on each other, Jimin's eyes closed as he tried catching his breath and stilling his heart. Jimin could hear Yoongi panting as well, and Jimin liked the sound--the sound he had caused.

A knock on the door made both of them jump in surprise, and with panic, they looked each other in the eye. Jimin quickly jumped down from the desk as Yoongi made his way back to his office chair. They both hurriedly tried fixing their messy hair and catching their breaths before Yoongi called for the person to enter.

Hoseok's head popped inside the office, and Jimin tried giving as calm of a smile as he could.

"Did you run a marathon?" Hoseok laughed, opening the door completely.

"No," they both said at the same time, which earned them a suspicious look.

"Okaaay?" Hoseok narrowed his eyes, and Jimin feared that the gossip bloodhound in Hoseok would figure out what had been going on in the office mere seconds ago.

"Well, I just wanted to ask about the meeting tomorrow," Hoseok stated, his eyes still looking for clues of what they were hiding.

"Oh, right," Yoongi said as if it reminded him of something.

"Jimin, as my secretary, I trust you already have this meeting booked and planned to perfection, " Yoongi spoke. His voice had become a bit deeper, and he was back to his CEO facade.

"Of course," Jimin nodded shortly, his whole body stiff.

"Wow, you are very competent, Jimin-ah," Hoseok's voice almost sounded taunting which confused Jimin, who had always seen Hoseok as a ball of positivity. What was this sudden backhanded compliment? "But still not as competent as the CEO's former secretary. She had much more experience. I wonder if our boss ever regrets firing her for no reason," Hoseok snickered. And Jimin didn't understand the changed atmosphere that appeared around Hoseok. Jimin also did not get what Hoseok was saying, as Yoongi had told Jimin something completely different. Yoongi said his secretary quit, and that's why he needed Jimin.

"Jung Hoseok, kindly stay professional. If you have no more work related to say, please return to your workstation." Yoongi sounded cold as his eyes glared at the other man, whose cocky smile slowly faded as he walked out of the office, closing the door behind him.

"Jimin, don't be angry," Yoongi started, his face washed over with worry. "I know I lied and--"

"I don't care, just don't lie to me again. Either way, I probably would've said yes even if you had been honest," Jimin admitted. And he would be lying if he said he didn't feel special, that Yoongi would go to such lengths for him, but at the same time, he also felt for the innocent woman who had lost her job because of him.

Yoongi let out a relieved breath, and Jimin could tell that it had been bothering Yoongi that he had lied.

"I'll go back to the others now. Just so they don't suspect anything," Jimin said, giving a Yoongi a short bow before turning towards the door. But as he was about to open it, Jimin felt Yoongi's arms snake around his body, embracing him in a back hug.

Yoongi's warmth made Jimin feel relaxed and safe, and he wished he could just stay in Yoongi's arms forever.

"I'm going to miss you," Yoongi softly spoke into the crook of Jimin's neck, sending chills down his spine.

"It's only a couple of hours," Jimin negotiated. Perhaps he was trying to convince himself as well.

"You're right," Yoongi sighed, letting go of Jimin. Jimin already felt cold where Yoongi had held him, but he had to get back to work. He had to leave, even if his body screamed for him to stay.

Jimin knew he had to get out now, or else he would never be able to leave, so without looking back, he walked out and closed the door behind him. He pressed his back up against the closed door, his fingers brushing over his lips, remembering how soft Yoongi's lips had felt on his.

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked as he passed by.

Jimin hadn't even noticed the other man approach him, and he quickly straightened himself up.

"Nothing!" Jimin exclaimed, trying not to be suspicious. Knowing Namjoon was too clever to believe Jimin's blatant lie, Jimin started speed-walking away from the encounter, hoping Namjoon would just let it go--he did.

As Jimin reached his department, he could tell his cheeks were flushed with embarrassment from being caught lacking by Namjoon. Trying to play it cool. Jimin casually sat down at his desk and tried to make himself look busy, hoping no one would bother him. It worked, no one else asked any further questions, and Jimin had survived another day at work.

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