The Outsider And His Mate

By hepplef

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Abrielle(a- bree- EHL) a girl from New York. She meets someone who will change her life, a hot and nerdy were... More

A Little Backround
Chapter 1: Elwood, Kansas
Chapter 2: The Transition
Chapter 3: Oroton
Chapter 4: Blast From The Past(jk)
Chapter 5: Make New Friends
Chapter 6: A Big Mistake
Chapter 7: What's Wrong With Me!
Chapter 8: The Plan
Chapter 9: What Am I Doing Here
Chapter 10: Who Are You People?
Chapter 11: The Fun Begins
Chapter 12: Nora
Chapter 13: The Fate of These Two Mates
Chapter 14: Surprise X3
Chapter 15: Are you serious?
Chapter 16: Fuck My Life
Chapter 17:
Untitled Part 19
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25: The Wedding

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By hepplef

The Wedding was so long. The ceremony was amazing though. Everything was beautiful and exactly how I wanted it. It was so sparkly and I felt a little insecure in my dress from scars and other things.i did love my dress though. It was my mother's from when she married my dad.

Brody looked really handsome in on his tux and our baby girls led so cute as well. I ended up changing into a different dress that was much shorter and looked just as beautiful. Mia and Nora looked super hot in their similar navy blue dresses and their hair half up- half down.

Brody and I just left for our little honeymoon and the car ride has been surprisingly quiet. I think we are both really ready for this though.

"Hey, what are you thinking about over there?" Brody looks at me for a second before looking back at the road and grabbing my hand in his.

"Oh, just everything from today." I smile at him and squeeze his hand. He smiles back at me and pulls over into a gas station.

"Well, you'll have more to think about when we get to the hotel." He leans over and kisses me and then opens his door. "I'll be right back, I'm going to get gas and some snacks."

"Okay, make it quick though." He gets out and starts pumping gas in the tank. As he walks in to pay and get snacks I get a call from an unknown number.

"I will get our child."
"Dylan? Don't you dare touch my baby."
"I will do whatever the fuck I want to bitch. It's my kid too. You are off being happy with your fucking mate and left your kids all alone."
"Why now? It's been months. How did you even survive? Didn't Brody kill you?"
"He nearly did, I let him think he did. I just laid there for a while until they all left and then crawled my way to safety. A woman found me and then cleaned me up and helped me heal. I am at the house now actually. Have fun on your honeymoon. I'll be killing your family and pack."

"Brody!" I screamed running inside.

"What? What's wrong honey?"

"He's going to hurt them, kill them all. He's at the house right now. We have to go back! Oh god he's going to kill our babies!"

"Brie calm down. They have plenty of protection. I'll even call dad right now."

"Dad yeah, Dylan called Brie. He says he is there right now. He plans to kill all of you guys and hurt the girls... thank you."

"He says he sees Dylan and Zach and Jess's mate were staring him down. The girls are being taken to a safe room with Mia and my mom, some other women and the rest of my family went. The warriors will be there soon and Mia & Nora are going to go through the tunnels to bring the girls to us. We need to get to the end of the tunnel they should be there in half an hour."

"Oh my god, I can't believe he is doing this. Our babies!"

"I know honey, get in the car and I'll drive us there. It's only a 25 minute drive."

"No you need to sleep. If trouble comes you need to fight and you have been driving all night. You need sleep, you are tired. Give me the directions and I'll drive."

"Okay," He gives me all the directions and we get in the car quickly. I drive and he lays back the seat and falls asleep holding my right hand. I get to the little door in the ground in 15 minutes and just let him sleep. I might have sped but it would be worth the ticket. I need to protect my babies.


It's been 30 minutes since we got here and no sign of them. I am freaking out but I have not woken up Brody. I really hope they are okay. What if I just go in the tunnel to check real quick? It couldn't do harm right?

I let go of Brody's hand and open the car door but he grabs my wrist and sits up rubbing his eyes with his free hand.

"Where are you going?"

"We have been sitting here for half an hour. It has been 45 minutes since that phone call and my babies aren't here. I am going to find them. I'll be right back."

"No, you can't go down there!"

"Why not?"

"We hold bad people down there. I don't want you to get lost and run into them."

"You let out our babies go in there!" I yell at him angered. "Unbelievable, our poor defenseless children."

"I know but it's safer than the pack house right now. I'll go down and sniff them out. You stay here in case they make it back before me.if they do just drive and get all of you out of here."

"Brody, you know I can't leave you. You are my mate."

"You can and you will if need be. I love you." He plants his lips on mine and gives me a long hard kiss. My eyes close and I lean in more but before I know it he is gone and I am alone.


The girls are in the back with Nora and Mia is in the front passenger seat and we are driving on the highway towards the hotel. We've been driving for over an hour an I hope to God Brody is okay. Mia and Nora have been exchanging glances about me obviously worried.

"Guys, I'm fine I promise. My first priority is my kids and then my mate. I need to get all of you to the hotel and then I will go find Brody."

"Brie, I don't think you should go looking for him your state." Nora spoke quietly.

"What?! I need to go look for him! He is my mate for heavens sake. I can't live without him. Oh god what if he is hurt!"

"He's not hurt, if he was you'd feel it. Where he is hurt and you'd feel the pain."

"Brie pull over, I think I should take over driving."

"Mia I'm fine, I can drive. I just need you guys to stop talking!" Char and Dani then both start crying.

"Brie pull over!"

"Whatever." I pull the car to the side of the highway and switch Mia seats. She starts driving and I have Nora hand me Dani. I feed her and calm her down as Nora tries to calm down Char.

"I gave her some snacks and some medicine to help her sleep."

"Thank you." I bounce Dani and hold my pinky in her mouth for her to suck on like a pacifier. She slowly falls asleep and curls up in my arms.

"Brody? Where are You? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine honey. Im just at your old school."
"Dylan... You have Brody I'm guessing?"
"Wow, I always knew you were smart."
"What do you want?"
"My child-"
"Not happening, I'll be there in an hour."
"I was counting on it."
"You should be deeply regretting your actions."


"The line went dead."

"What happened?"

"He has Brody and he is at my old school. The one I went to before I dropped out when I met him."

"Oh god, we have to go get him."

"No, you guys will stay here with the girls. I already contacted grandma and grandpa Bustamante. They will meet you guys here soon since they were in town. Both of you get in the hotel and take good care of my girls. If I don't come back make sure they get taken care of."

"Brie you will come back amd so will Brody."

"I love you both." We all get out of the car and hug. I hand off Dani to Mia and Nora gets Char. A guy comes out and gets all the bags. They got a few bags that were already packed for when the girls were going to come. I hand Mia my card so they can buy stuff as needed.

I hop back in the car and drive off quickly. Half way to New York I start crying as I feel a pain in my abdomen near my liver. It doesn't go away so I drive faster through the rain and traffic. Soon enough I get to the building and run through and already open door.

I run through the halls heading for the gym. When I reach the gym I see Brody across the room with a blood stain slowly growing on his shirt. My first instinct is to run to him but I stop myself when I see the sliver daggers pointed at him and strings attached to the triggers. Knowing that if I step into the room I'll probably trigger all the crossbows to go off and release the daggers I stop.

"Such a predicament. Can't get to your love without possibly killing him instantly."

"You jackass! I hate you so much! You know you will never get my baby Girl! I'll kill you before you get near her!"

"What are you going to do? Huh, your little mate is stuck here with you. Your kids are free gain to my little witch friend. She should be there right now."


Mia's POV

We have been waiting at the hotel for an hour or two with Nora and Brody's grandparents. Nothing much has happened and the girls have been asleep. We have all been freaking out about Brody and Brie but I know they will make it, they are srong.

Out of nowhere the door slams open and the grandparents and Nora fall to the ground. I see some skinny white girl with blond hair walk in and flick her wrist at me. Then she looks confused.

"The fuck? This is impossible, it should have been easier to knock you out than 3 werewolves. Your just a stupid little human."

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"I am Marzella a very old and powerful witch. Not like you'll remember after I knock you out. I mean you're just a stupid human."

"That's where you're wrong Marzella." My mom walks in the door.

"Ah, Alona Castillo you finally showed up. They've been looking for you." My mom tenses at her name and the mention of 'them'.

"Mom who is she talking about?"

"Mia, stay away from her just get in the room with the baby and lock the doors. If she gets in I want you to close your eyes and focus on her getting hurt. Somehow, just hurt enough for you to escape with the baby."

"Mom this doesn't make sense."

"Just go!" I turn and sprint into the room locking it and I start to barricade it. Dani wakes up and starts crying which wakes up Char who starts freaking out to. I can hear my mom and the woman, Marzella, yelling back and forth but I can't tell what about because of the crying.

Then, everything goes silent and only seconds later do I hear a body hit the floor. Holding Dani I walk closer to the door and have Char stay on the bed while I try to strap in Dani to the carrier. Footsteps walking to the door is the only sound in the whole place. Footsteps and then banging, the banging gets faster and harder before stopping completely. I back away to Char and pick her to carry her on my hip but as I get to the bed I hear the handle jiggle. I look over and the lock is unlocking on its own. I quickly grab Char and run into the big bathroom. I lock that one and back away setting both the girls in the tub in case this calls for a hand to han fight. Getting the girls asleep and covered in towels I text Zach a quick I love you and help. He doesn't get the chance to respond before the other door is broken down.

There stands Marzella, her clothes a little messed up and her face in an evil grimace. I clothes my eyes as she takes slow steps towards me looking a little drained and tired.

"Doing what your mommy said won't help. I am stronger than you will ever be." I pop open an eye to see how close she is and she just laughs at me. I close my eyes again and concentrate on what my mom said instead of what she is saying.

"Your mom isn't what you think she is. She is a witch, she left the coven when she met your father. She was never the best anyway, I was. I don't care if she was going to be coven leader because the second she left I had the spot. She should have never left for that stupid human though. She obviously would have been better off with out him."

"I mean you did come from that relationship and don't think she doesn't probably regret it. I mean he died not long after you were born and your brother left when he was 18."

"Mia! Repeat after me." I hear my mom shout from another room. "Prvky slunce, prvky dne, prosím, přijít tímto způsobem. Síly od noci a dne, kdy tě volám, zavolám na tebe, abys mě ochránil! Tak to je!Vyzývám ducha Marie Stalisové, aby tuto ženu chytila ​​ve vnitřním pekle."(all of this is Czech so yeah. I got it translated on Google. It's a real protection spell and then a little extra but I added in separately.)

"Prvky slunce, prvky dne, prosím, přijít tímto způsobem. Síly od noci a dne, kdy tě volám, zavolám na tebe, abys mě ochránil! Tak to je! Vyzývám ducha Marie Stalisové, aby tuto ženu chytila ​​ve vnitřním pekle" I repeat, I have no clue what it means but obviously it means something because Marzella's face dropped. She actually looked frightened.

"Repeat it 3 times Mia." I start to do it the second time but Marzella freaks out and runs into me knocking the wind out. "Mia! You need to repeat it 3 times or she will be able to hurt you."

"Mom, I thought this was to protect the girls and I." I wail out as I push Marzella off. I punch her in the face and elbow her in the back.

"You are my priority, protect yourself so you can then protect the girls. I can't stay awake much longer so do as I say!"

"Fine," I say it 3 times as Marzella struggles to get back up after my small attack. Once I have said it the 3 times she starts choking and walks to me struggling to grasp for air. She manages to get her hands around my neck and squeeze. I grab her wrist and start yanking her wrist away but her skin burns where mine touches her.

"What the fuck?"

................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................ ....................................

"I will protect my family no matter what you say or do Dylan. You can't have either of my babies!"

"I don't want one or the other. I want both, Char because she is mine and has my mom's witch blood and Dani because she is a special little girl. When her wolf comes in we'll just see how special."

"What is wrong with you Dylan? You want to harm little innocent children?"

"They won't be innocent. My mom's witch blood let's me see into the future by touching someone."

"When I touched you around the time of your birthday I saw you getting pregnant with a special child and the baby was special from the beginning. She formed her special traits in the womb. All the rituals and things you guys did while Brie was pregnant just added on to her potential power."

"How do you know all that?"

"They started coming in flashes, almost like day dreams after your birthday. Later they escalated and started taking over all my thoughts. Those two are so special that they could either save all supernatural creatures when the time comes or get them wiped out forever along with humans."

"Brie, don't listen to him. He is just trying to buy time."

"Brody I think he is telling the truth."

"Babe, please don't listen to him. Help me and we can leave and go protect our babies."

"Brody I need to hear this."

"You're choosing your ex over me? Your mate, husband, life partner, the one you are supposed to be honeymooning with."

"I'm not choosing him over  you. I can't even help you without possibly injuring you further. That wouldn't help anyone because it would hurt me too."

"Please find a way to get me out of here."

"Brody, shut up!" "I am trying to distract him and find a way to get to you but you need to also figure out how to get the restraints off while I distract him." I mindlink Brody so he knows what I'm doing.

"Go on Dylan, how are my girls special? What makes them so special?"

"They both have a special magic in them. My baby with you will always do good but your baby with Brody will do bad things if influenced that way."

"Not possible, she could never hurt anyone."

"But she will, if you aren't careful with her."

"Why are you helping me?"

"I want to protect my baby from your other dangerous one. I also want to save her from my parents. My dad wants her dead so my mom can't sacrifice her to get more power. If you didn't know my mom is actually my step mom. My birth mom has always been kept from me. She tried to hurt me as a baby."

"Brie, he's not lying about that. I just don't know if he really wants to protect our babies."

"I want my child safe. I just don't want her getting hurt by my mom or your child with Brody or anyone else. I'm looking out for my daughter. I take it my child is a girl from the way you spoke earlier."

"Yes, your daughter. She will never know you as her father though."

"I'm fine with that. The less ties she has to me the better. I want her safe forever. My witch friend is actually trying to take your youngest so she can make her bad. My dad hired her to kill my baby. She is taking yours to turn her bad as payment."

"You're fucking letting this psycho witch steal my baby and kill the other one! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" I grip the top of the door frame and swing my legs over the wire. I drop down on the floor just a few feet from Dylan and start running for him.

He turns around and starts running away but holds a remote towards the bows and gets ready to press the small button. I run after him and tackle him to the ground, the remote flying out of reach. Dylan flips me off of him and starts standing up and moving towards it but I trip and I jump over him towards the remote. He grabs my ankle and pulls me to the floor, climbing over me and almost reaches the remote but....


Zach's POV

I finally get to the hotel not long after Nora said something through the pack link about something not feeling right about the situation. Only a few moments before getting here Mia sent me a text about needing help and what sounded like a goodbye. I get up to the room that was saved for the lovely couple and cautiously walk through the front door that is wide open. I slowly and quietly look around and see the unconscious bodies of Nora and her grandparents.

"Prvky slunce, prvky dne, prosím, přijít tímto způsobem. Síly od noci a dne, kdy tě volám, zavolám na tebe, abys mě ochránil! Tak to je! Vyzývám ducha Marie Stalisové, aby tuto ženu chytila ​​ve vnitřním pekle" I hear coming from another room. I walk through to what looks like a bed room and see Mia's mom lying in the door way badly injured but my main focus is my mate and the heirs to my Alpha. I walk into the bathroom and see Mia with her veins black and Brody's girls holding hands as Char places a hand facing toward the unknown woman.

"What the fuck?"

"Zach get out! Take the girls with you!"

"No, you are my mate. I will stay and fight her with you!"

"I as your mate say that if you want pups you will get the girls out of here and make them your main priority right now." Mia yells at me as the woman seems to be held frozen in her spot.

"Mia I can't leave you to fight her alone."

"You will if you want this pup to live."

"What?!" She's pregnant?! Since when? How did she figure out? When did she figure out? Wait why am I not asking her?"

"Yes, now take the girls and get out. I need to concentrate." She says starting to struggle. I grab the girls and set them in the closet where they can't see anything along with a pillow and blanket. I run back into the room that Mia is in and start taking off my clothes.

"That's not nice, put them back on you'll make me lose focus."

"Will you just wait a second?" I step back and transform into my wolf. As I finish the transformation and charge at the woman that seems to be attacking my mate. I bite her and rip at her skin with my claws. No more than 2 minutes after starting to rip at her she starts convulsing and then stops and pukes blood before collapsing and setting on fire. She burns up quickly and leaves no trace behind. I quickly change back and comfort my mate as she starts to freak out and then cry and then freak out again.

"The babies!"

"Are fine, they are in the closet. Are you okay Mia?"

"No, my mom's a witch.... I'm a witch.... I'm pregnant! What the fuck is even going on anymore? Oh fuck, is Nora okay? She could have the baby any minute and she doesn't need this stress but she offered to come help."

"I'll go check on her. Can you get the girls?"

"Yeah, I can do that. I'll be okay enough for that. Oh god, my mom. She needs help call the doctor for the closest pack."

"I will do that, and I'll make sure grandma and grandpa Bustamante are okay as well."

"Thank you so much Zach, you have no clue how much this means to me."

"You need to get the girls and rest. I don't want anything happening to the baby. Oh and we are not done talking about that."

"I figured." I walk out of the room as she goes to the closet. I pick up her mom and set her on a bed in a different bedroom. I then carefully pick up Nora and set her in a recliner. I then help the grandparents off the floor as they wake up.

"Not the first time we have been knocked out by a witch."

"Well, it's good you guys are okay. I know that Mr. Bustamante was a doctor before becoming Alpha, would you take a look at Mia's mom while our OBGYN comes to look at Nora?"

"Yes, not saying I could do much help but I'll take a look. Go ahead and call for the other pack's doctor."

"Thank you," I dial the closest packs Beta and speak with them, they arrive within 20 minutes and start looking at Mia's mom. I walk to the other room and hold Mia right as she is crying and holding the girls while they fall asleep.


2 months later

"Babe, do you have everything for school?"

"Yes Brie I'll be fine. Are the girls ready for me to drop them off at daycare?"

"Yes dada, we weady."

"There's my girl. Let's get you in the car."

"I'll have Dani ready in a moment, she needs to be cleaned up."

"Alright, thank you." I give Brody a kiss and walk into the kitchen. I greet Lexy and get Dani out of her high chair and wipe her off. Then I put her dress on and carry her out to the car and setting her in her car seat before buckling her.

"I'll see you after school. Get some rest today. We have a date tonight that you need to be fully rested for." Brody winks at me as he wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses me for a minute before getting in the car. As he pulls away I hear an all too familiar voice.

"You guys are so cute. Can we finish up Teen Wolf while you rest? The series is now over and we need to watch the last couple episodes."

"Yes Mia, of course, what else would I do all day?"

"Learn pack stuff like we are supposed to be doing." After a moment I bust up with her.

"I think we could use a break. I mean you are pregnant and I'm tired from the girls being up all night."

"Yeah," We watched the rest of Teen Wolf and almost died when Stydia was cannon. Then we took a nap in my room and ate a big snack when we woke up. Everything is alright.... at least until the girls find out they are special.


Sorry guys, I failed this last chapter. There will be wedding details revealed in second book. I tried to make it as long as possible but you know. Anyway sorry for being MIA for the summer I've been dealing with a lot of personal stuff and haven't been mentally up to writing. I am trying to get my inspiration and spirit back.

Thank you so much for reading! I will have an Epilogue and it will be a couple years into the future.

Vote, Comment, Share if you want!

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